
remember to send some money their way to help ease the burden
already did my part
bless you all

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mudslime filth deserve all they get

dude is a psycho.

I can be sorry for what happened to them but I ain't sending money. They're a whole ocean away from me.

not gonna accept this racist shit anymore
dont bother responding to me with the n word, s word, or c word either because i have them and variations of them autofiltered


Based PewDiePie making sure he doesn't get associated with the /pol/tard faggotry

>4+Yea Forums pol is actually celebrating this
>not ironically, but actually celebrating that one of them became a mass murder
Fuck, not even Yea Forums was this crazy

Yea Forums /pol/ celebrated too. Both /pol/s are edgelord heaven.

>S word
Shit? That's not offensive.


nigger child

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What benefit does donating give to the victims families? Is these days is losing a loved one in a mass shooting like a cruel lottery? You might have lost a member of your family, but some anonymous swede gave you $200

nigger nigger nigger

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kek no thanks, already working in a sick remix of the video for all you edgelords

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It's not even edgelord. It's legit psychos and terrorists. No idea why Hiro allows this shit. It's like he wants to be blamed for a massive terrorist attack in the US eventually and try to get out of an indictment by pretending he cannot speak English

lol how

muslims commit terrorism for hundreds of years and no one bats an eye
one man finally is brave enough to stand up and suddenly he's the villain?

Money for the funeral, for starters. Those can be mighty expensive.

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you kids got off on the wrong thread from reddit or something? you pussies are the kind of bitches to get bullied by your sisters or girlfriends. i hope your weak genes die out for the betterment of my people

Fuck this thread it isn't vidya. Post female game characters in glasses squinting seductively.

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fuck off newfag


What a terrible post.

Meh, the actual psychos and terrorists are probably like 5%, which, don't get me wrong, that's still thousands of mentally ill people.

But the majority is just edgelords, I'm pretty sure. Or people wanting to read the trainwreck.

literally thistheres a Yea Forums thread up literally right now with people calling him a hero.
and Yea Forums is just Yea Forums 2.0, so you know these fucktards love it


Reminder that Spoony nearly killed 2 people while running from the cops.

>implying alt-right incels ever breed


trump = prez

Muslim funerals are done much quicker than western funerals and much, much cheaper.


go back to /pol/

Are you upset that you're so stupid you cant comprehend anything? that's supposed to happen. cause i'm superior everyone shits themselves once i start laying down facts.

people need to wake the fuck up.

>s word


Why did pewds do it?

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>le Yea Forums is for le based and redpilled legion
ok, this is epic, I rate this post a 9/11 xD

Funerals, therapy, hospital bills for survivors, maybe a head of household/breadwinner was killed,etc etc


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Have you ever bought an expensive game after a breakup and played only that for two weeks straight to ease the pain?
It's kind of like that.

Why does no one care like this when it's Muslims killing non-muslims?

>Yea Forums is going to die because we got infested with crazies during the election

FUCK this stupid election. Jesus christ to think I was against moot banning /pol/

Why do you worship shitskins?



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how the fuck did he get away with it

fuck off to resetera, loser

Yes, we need to send pewdiepie money, he's been through things no one should ever have to go through.
Thoughts and prayers for pewdiepie.

when was the last time a muslim went in to a public place in a peaceful western country and gunned down 50 people.
i'll wait.

Im not even racist just cannot stand mudslime cunts that worship a pedo they have a choice in life and they choose go be part of the last religion invented. They all need be wiped off the earth. That woman begging for her help before her brains got scattered then ran over was easily the best bit

here is your reply user, here is the free attention you crave so much. I, an internet stranger read your post that you wasted your time making and decided to do the same, aren't we both so so sad.

kek, new battlefield looks good

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The crazies were obviously here before. See: The faGGotry. We harbored them for years. The Fappening probably had a big part, too.

Is pol kill? I don't see it on the main page.

The only thing I worship is myself, you commie.

go back to r*ddit if you want a highly moderated anti white safespace

5%? wow has the 9gag and reddit invasion been that bad? christ.... if i was so stupid i didnt give a shit about my life i'd seek you out and make a movie. hahahhaahhaaah hahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahaahahahaah hahahahaha hahahahaha i had a great time watching that

You're not supposed to ask those questions, user.

Based Paladin brothers.

5% is too much. Hiro is going to get fucked once some /pol/tard does shit like this in the US. Actually, numerous ones have tried in the past 2 years, they just get caught by the FBI. See: The faggots planning a mosque attack in NY who got busted

dude no one likes you, no one likes /pol/ besides other /pol/tards and they are not that many compared to normies, you will never be acepted.

The people in this thread who are making jokes about this are seriously fucked up.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Terrorist attacks on Westerners are WRONG, terrorist attacks on Muslims are WRONG.

Holy shit

answer my question

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This. Only trannies will disagree

fuck off

>not wanting to exterminate people = worshipping them
Huh, never knew that

Shout out to my boy Nick Gur

No, I haven't. I recently went through a break up of a 5 year realtionship. I bought Titanfall 2 for like £4. That was about as much as I spent on my gaming before resuming my normal life.

Hiro is too incompetent to do anything about it, even if something gets squarely blamed on /pol/. Wonder if moot would have done anything by now.

People do care. Check the news any time a big terrorist attack happens.

Bataclan you dumb nigger

i wonder why

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Why does r*ddit want an anti white safespace?

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invading another country is wrong

We should donate to transfolx instead of bigoted muslims.


Legit question: How do people like you actually rationalize you are morally just, normal, and not fucked in the head in anyway and all the people calling you mentally ill for celebrating terrorism are actually the wrong ones?

Like, I'm not that fucked in the head so I don't know how that works.

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Dude get the fuck off Yea Forums and go right back to Rebbit. Yea Forums has always embraced gallows humor. Yea Forums always had high score threads, Yea Forums always had high score threads.

I agree with you but I think the election shit brought the most so I used that as the example

Shut up you stupid faggot. I bet I was here before you were. Even if I was reddit I would still be here just to spite faggots like you.


This may be shocking to you, but it is possible to either dislike or be indifferent to someone and not wish them dead.

To late, the shooters manifesto was him spouting a bunch of memes like a faggot which included "subscribe to pewdiepie"
He also shouted it during the shooting itself

No one honestly believes arabs are human.

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That country allowed them to come there. They didn't invade anything.

Why do people pretend to mourn the loss of people they don't know and don't give a shit about it? None of you would have cared if you learned those 51 muslims died in a boating accident, but because it's a shooting you recognize that you're "supposed" to be shocked, so you're shocked.

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Imagine beeing this much of a pussy.

being an incel yourself seems to cause you a lot of anger.

Please have sex.

Why do you want the wholesale slaughter of children yet think you are somehow not a psychopath lower than the lowest filth on Earth? At least admit you are a monster

you will never be accepted

Truly a tragedy....that the second mosque barely got hit.

Times change bitch

>if you're against massacres of innocent civilians (of any kind) than you must worship Muslims!
Sorry I don't support terrorists on either end.
Nice strawman.

C u n n y

No the media cover it up and leftists downplay it and even blame the victims.

If you're not constantly in a state of wishing death upon everyone, not only those different to you, but those close to you, everyone in your community, near, far and beyond - I think you're a fucking psycho desu.

10000 times you fucking moron im even from that seed myself and i can see how bad it is cause muslims are radicalized caucasians . if indians were this radical they'd be dangerous too

Every fucking month you div

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the people don't want them there

I really hope this leads to 8gag and Yea Forums getting deleted and all the other sites getting dropped by their hosts.

If the breadwinner of the household was gone then the family is suddenly hit with a ton of expenses related to the funeral, and a huge cut to their income. Transitioning to a new life as a single parent isn’t easy.

One white western life is worth millions of muzzie lives.

He knows what he's posting is edgy and he wants attention.

>muh anti white
cringe and persecution complex pilled



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Pulse nightclub
San Bernardino, California