
>Do double Damage
>Defense is doubled
Which would you pick?

Attached: redorblue.png (108x128, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Awakening#Obtaining_Colored_Tunics_Without_Visiting_the_Color_Dungeon_.28Including_Extra_.22Damage_Sprite_Tunic.22.29

Anyone who picks blue is a cuck


>Fights take half as long
>Don't get hit as hard

Gee I fucking wonder. Only scrubs choose blue.

Attached: 1544734687590.png (256x192, 2K)

But there is already the level 2 sword

Blue allows you to tank more damage for dps, you'd die before killing boss with red

A+B+start+select to exit the dungeon

Double Damage since I have confidence in my dodging abilities.

In Link's Awakening, your Lvl 2 sowrd does the exact same red tunic and no enemy in-game has that many HP. That and the boomerang kills everything in one hit anyway.

Blue tunic is the objective choice in that case.

Endurance wins marathons
Endurance decides boxing matches
Endurance allowed the Greek runner from the battle of Marathon to deliver his message
Try doing any of these things while being "OONGER BOONGER ME HIT HARD"

And they stack, that's why Red is optimal

just stop getting hit scrub

Actually in tloz alttp.. The red is the strongest

Attached: vrtf.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Guess what your opponents DON'T have?

Red looks cooler, so I'd probably pick that unless the game is really hard or it's a multiplayer game and I play a tank character.

Agreed. All militaries on Earth should stop investing in nuclear defensive options, and just invest in more warheads.

Really doesn't matter. The game is already stupid easy without them. Just pick the one that you think looks cooler.

>doesn't even post a picture from lttp

Blue, I like tanking my way through everything I can.
>lmao just don't get hit
why bother dodging at all if you're fucking invincible

wow what a high iq analogy that totally relates to 1 on 1 fights in video games.

I never understood why in ALTTP, the defense upgrade didn't even effect most damage sources, and pretty much every informational source fails to notice this.
I'm not going crazy, right? Enemies that dealt an exact half-heart of damage would continue to do that, no matter what mail you had on.
Meanwhile, enemies that do more would indeed do less damage, with Red Mail making them sometimes even do LESS than half a heart, meaning it's not like half is the minimum damage you can take. And bees, which always did less than half, would proceed to do EVEN LESS with defense upgrades.
What the fuck was up with this shit? Nobody's ever talked about this or pointed it out, anywhere I've seen.

Attached: Cat_panic.png (500x459, 297K)

>game where hits can't be dodged
>game where getting hit only happens if you're not good enough

Who said anything about one-on-one fights?

Red always. Double damage is always more useful than defense because you will hit enemies much more often than you yourself will be injured. Not only that but you kill enemies fast enough they might not even get a chance to attack.

>game where hits can't be dodged
Such as?

Turn based RPGs

RPGs where hit and dodge mechanics are abstractions rather than something directly controlled by the player.

Green. The only thing I didn't like about color dungeon is you couldn't go back to the original outfit ever again. Hopefully the remake fixes that.

Attached: 0a43bced2714266ba9ce80eed1bfcf3d.jpg (438x483, 152K)

Turn based JRPGs and game's like Ys where even if you're a god you'll get hit occasionally by shoddy hit detection.

I don't believe you.

Who says the remake will even have it?

Ok, gotcha. I actually primarily play JRPGs, so I almost always prefer defense.

I promise this is a real thing, it's bothered me for my entire life, there's no way I've been making this up in my head for 15+ years

It's really not hard to play safe and go get hearts when needed. Red for sure.

Why is the green tunic so important to you?

Good point. I had actually forgotten the color dungeon was a DX extra.

>Who says the remake will even have it?
That would be amazingly shitty of Nintendo to remove DX elements. I could see them going either way.

It's not, it's this weird glitch that bothers me
Again, this is talking about ALTTP, not LA or ALBW

I picked blue

Surely if this is true you can provide a video showing this in action.

The photo side-quest was invented solely to plug the Game Boy Printer, and the Color Dungeon to plug the Game Boy Color itself. I imagine the photos will be removed and the Color Dungeon will get replaced with something else.

I hit enemies much more than I get hit, so I'd choose Red.

How retarded do you have to be to pick blue?

The printer being the motive didn't nullify that it was a cute addition. I could see them working in some kind of photo sidequest/points of interest photolog again. Having a special tunic you can unlock is a no-brainer for additional content too.

Do bosses not count as enemies?

I don't know shit about video editing and creating, and I'd be willing to learn if it were necessary to reliably document this problem, but for a more short term solution, see if you can test it by yourself.
Test it on the generic soldier enemies with swords. If things truly do work the way I remember they do, it should go like this.
The regular green and blue soldiers always do half a heart of damage on contact. Red ones(they carry tridents instead of swords IIRC) do an entire heart of damage.
Once you have the blue mail, you will continue to take half a heart of damage from the green and blue ones, but now you'll also take the same amount from the red ones, because that damage they dealt has been halved.
But it's when you get the Red Mail that shit gets stupid, and you can see the problem. The green and blue soldiers still do half a heart of damage, but now red ones do a quarter. ALTTP has no visual cue for a quarter of a heart, you just know it because it takes two hits for your heart to go down a half.

A retard who likes the color blue, obviously.

Level 2 Sword + Red Tunic + Piece of Power = Dead boss in two fucking hits.

Plus the Boomerang doesn't kill any bosses except the last form of the Final Nightmare.

Red, obviously.

>Not getting this instead
>Being a poorfag

Attached: 1525665152523.png (481x600, 315K)

Honestly though, what were they thinking when
>They added this shit to the game and balanced it in the most amazingly braindead, idiotic way possible
>They didn't add a single armor set in BotW that looked as cool as this

Attached: costanza.png (500x375, 299K)

None, I don't want to make the game any easier


I wanted to pick red to get fights done quicker, but autism made me choose blue because red tunics in Zelda usually meant taking 25% damage, with blue usually meaning 50% damage, so if I chose red I'd eventually forget the damage boost and think I had a massive defense boost instead, which would probably lead to much more reckless play.

They thought "Holy shit we have a lot of rupee chests in this game, what the fuck are players supposed to spend it all on?"

Games are at their core a waste of time, so doing more damage let's you beat all that trash faster.

Nigger, you might just be losing your mind. If this were true, smarter people than you would've found this in the actual code of the game by now. If there isn't proof of this on YouTube, chances are you're mistaken.

So they just end up spending all of it on GETTING the armor, and then there's almost none left to USE the armor

None of you faggot zoomers actually played the game. Stop trying to be relevant if you dont know what you're talking about. Red also makes you faster. Its clearly the better option.

ZSNES sounds like the perfect emulator to test this in
Even though it's actually a SNES9x core in ZMZ

Attached: Image1.png (512x448, 12K)

People in the ALLTP Randomizer >discord are backing me up that this is a real thing in the game, whether it's a bug or not, so I dunno what to tell you other than that you might just be an un-attentive nigger
This is the place where people would know shit about the game

Attached: CQXBbn2UsAA0duD.jpg (583x583, 25K)

ZSNES has top-tier aesthetic. I wish I could just make the entirety of the Windows UI look like this.

Attached: Super-Smash-Bros-Ultimate-34-788x443.jpg (788x443, 69K)

Retard. If actual speedrunning communities who literally know the code of the game haven't found this, then you're full of shit.

And are they telling you right now that this isn't a thing?


Attached: 1521186353089.jpg (1314x740, 568K)

videogames arent real life you noob theres different mechanics

Red if you want to be better rewarded for playing well.
Blue for if you want to be able to make more mistakes.

That's literally the choice here. Neither is better than the other if there isnt any scoring system or rewards for beating a boss faster.

Purple Tunic: 50% increase in attack and defense.

Rando players tend to also be speedrunners. Also, rando players tend to know the game inside and out, because a successful run depends on the knowledge of the game. Whereas a speedrunner only needs to know what is pertinent to their route, and nothing more.

This was a thing in Minish Cap, it was pretty cool. It's too bad that the tunics in that game were only temporary buffs, I don't really know why they made it like that.

>taken damage is doubled

I realized how it worked while playing randomizer with entirely randomized damage values because with green tunic there would be enemies that'd deal 1.5 hearts on one hit, but if they hit me again, it'd deal 2 instead, which is what made me realize it.
Lets use 3 hearts as an example, you would normal think this is 6 units of health, but its actually not that at all, I don't have the ability to actually search through the code and stuff, but I can assume that it is 12 or more units of health, probably something more like 60 units, things are normally balanced so that you see the exact damage you are taking with simple full and half hearts that are displayed, but once you get blue mail or red mail, it makes the number uneven with the display, so the game has to try its best to show an accurate display of your health.

I made an image to try and describe what I think is happening in the background of the game, basically the display would make it seem like you take no damage after being hit for the first time, because the damage would be under the threshold that would normally make the game change the display.
An interesting quirk of this is that the game checks for if the display is full to allow you to shoot sword beams, so you technically don't have to be at full health to shoot sword beams.

Attached: Untitled.png (1274x782, 43K)

If you never get hit blue does literally nothing at all. You can clear the game this way. Every time you hit something red does something. You cannot clear the game without hitting things.

All blue niggers seem to assume that I've ever been hit even a single time in any video game I played. I am untouchable so blue would do the equivalent of nothing for me. Blue niggers are all admitting they are bad at video games.

Based attentive user
>An interesting quirk of this is that the game checks for if the display is full to allow you to shoot sword beams, so you technically don't have to be at full health to shoot sword beams.
This is another nice fact that anons are probably also gonna start pretending isn't real

red is faster

blue only helps if you get hit a lot.


Attached: The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (U) [!]_00000.png (1284x1349, 79K)

Attached: 13.png (60x60, 5K)

Name me one good reason why anyone would go for the defensive option when you can go all out in offense

Attached: 1519675460899.png (781x553, 738K)

15+ years of memories of replaying the game on multiple different platforms and reproducing the same results every time do not lie to me.
Denialfags are BTFO once again.

Attached: smugtae.jpg (1200x1027, 160K)

Not true. There's a simple (but tedious) glitch that allows you to pick a Tunic color of your choice, including not just green and the Color Dungeon ones but also a dummied out option that gives you the damage palette and double attack power (but without the inherent Piece of Power style launching blows that the red Tunic has).'s_Awakening#Obtaining_Colored_Tunics_Without_Visiting_the_Color_Dungeon_.28Including_Extra_.22Damage_Sprite_Tunic.22.29

If you have the patience, you can cheese the game and have a bonus tunic of your choice from the very start.

Nigger, people have literally dissected the very code of the game to make the routes that they have. There is absolutely no way that you found something new in this game. Kill yourself for even trying.

When I was younger, I picked blue because I was bad at the game, but red cheeses the game too much with pushing enemies to the side of the screen with just one hit.

And they've already explained how it works, too.
Enemies have a different damage table for every armor upgrade, and there are therefore inconsistencies between a lot of them.
You've failed to prove the people who actually know shit wrong, so you can move on.

>but without the inherent Piece of Power style launching blows that the red Tunic has
I don't recall it having that power.

The guy is right, the proof is right here in this thread.
I doubt its something new, I'm sure people who dug through the game's code have found this out long ago. Its a really minor thing and doesn't affect speedruns in any way, so it'd makes sense for it to be an obscure piece of info in general though.

See, Bluefags miss out on all the fun shit

>double def
>take half damage
>double attack
>kill enemy twice as fast, also take half the damage by extension
Big think.

You don't seem to understand how powerful the red tunic + maxed sword made you. All bosses that didn't have gimmicks died in moments and LA was balanced around having neither power-up anyway so taking the same amount of damage that you always did in the first place isn't even a hindrance.

When I was a kid, I thought the sound effect and shooting enemies into the wall where they exploded was the coolest shit, but my favorite color was blue.
This was the hardest decision for me as a child.

So he's literally just retarded and doesn't understand how fractions work? Is that why he's the only person complaining about this?

Green and Purple

Attached: Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof (Japan) [En by Aeon Genesis v1.03].001.png (256x224, 19K)

Its not really that, if you look at you'll see that some enemies are just unaffected by the blue and red mail and deal the same damage, which is what he was mainly getting at.

>x 2 power with the Shell Sword
>x 2 with the Red or Glitch Tunic
>x 2 with a Piece of Power
>x 2 using a Spin Slash
>a potential of doing fucking 16 damage with one stroke
Man, LADX spoiled us.

Knowing that your health is limited and the number of enemies you have to fight is limitless, blue is strictly the better option, strategy-wise, unless you're some fanatically skilled autist who cleared all three Dark Souls and Bloodborne wielding a torch while naked without getting hit once.

So in short- red for Yea Forums, blue for everyone else.

This. It's a really easy thing to notice, and once again Yea Forums just proves they pretend to know more than they actually do and go into defense mode when their knowledge is challenged.

Attached: mug.jpg (960x960, 58K)

Red Tunic and Piece of Power don't stack.
Same with Blue Tunic and Guardian Acorn.

This is fucking Zelda, not Dark Souls. Enemies don't have any AI, they just wander around.

>endurance is the same as damage resistance
It's not

Game looks neato. Is it good?


>me smart because me like defense

Thanks Doc

>Enemies don't have any AI, they just wander around
>then I make a derogatory dark souls comparison
>everyone laughs

>Link is invisible in half of the pictures
I'm convinced.

>He doesn't know about the i-frame blink

Huh. Well, that’s that.

>he doesn't understand that this makes his
proof' worthless if we can't see the color of his tunic

>putting on armor to boost damage and not defense being more effecient
a sign of any bad game

Both of them trivialize the game, so take your pick. Whenever I've had friends play LA blind, I've always told them to skip the color dungeon (or at least just the tunic reward) because the tunics make an already easy game a damn faceroll.

Attached: 1296290060125.jpg (365x408, 34K)

>defense being more effecient
Go on.

If you're so adamant the image is wrong, make one yourself that proves that it's wrong

Attached: smile.png (500x500, 220K)

I thought the piece of power wore off as soon as you entered a dungeon?

Nigger, just post a single video showing this in action. You can edit specific frames of screenshots like you just did. Just show a fucking video of it happening, and you can prove all of us retards wrong.

Nope. The music stops, but you'll still be under it's effects until the timer runs out.
But the chances of reaching the boss before it wears off are slim.

I didn't make the image, I'm not gonna spoonfeed the anons who are just admitting that they haven't and won't play the game

Less damage taken = Less healing needed
Less healing needed = Less money spent on potions/Less time taken going back and healing
It's more efficient, user

One needs no defense from a dead enemy.

awakening is one of the best zeldas

i'm still mad the remake is shitting on how it looks

Attached: lel.jpg (341x201, 36K)

He didn't make the image, I did.
If you want a video so bad, do it yourself. Back up your own claim.

Attached: ac smile.jpg (275x326, 50K)

So-so, game is arcadey Zelda with wacky text and guns, don't go in expecting puzzles because there are none. Dungeons are just rooms with enemies and the occasional treasure box with upgrades or items that count towards your score, you are ranked at the end of each dungeon depending on how well you did or how fast you were. Good music though.

Power Ring. Mama didn't raise no Bitch.

Not getting hit = most efficient

git gud

>Dungeons are just rooms with enemies and the occasional treasure box
Aw. I mean I guess that makes it more like Zelda 1, but I'm still disappoint.
I guess it makes for a good counter to Marvelous, another game that resembles Link to the Past that is mostly puzzles instead.

It's not spoonfeeding, you stupid faggot. You don't even have proof unless it is happening in real time.

>unicorns are real, you can't prove they aren't
This is you.

Playing the game makes it happen in real time. The game already is proof.
The entire point of this discourse is that it's something only people who have played the game would know, so the people who adamantly disbelieve it are just proving that they don't know the game, and won't play it to be proved wrong.

>dinosaurs never existed, all fossil records are fakes
And this is you. So I guess we can just agree to disagree, but you'll always be wrong, because you couldn't start up an emulator and see for yourself.

Anyone can show a series of screenshots. I can show three screenshots in which Mew is discovered under the truck. If you don't have video evidence, you have nothing. You're utterly retarded for even trying.

If you're too lazy to go through the effort of finding out, how can you reasonably expect someone else to go through even more effort just for you, especially when they've already done more than you're willing to?

You faggots are fucking retarded, just accept that you're wrong. What kind of fucking autism do you have to have that makes you continue arguing regardless of how much you are proved wrong?
Here's someone else who also knows their shit on this game, unlike you, go ahead and read up.
Read section 2 and section 4.

yeah this is where you pretend you clear dungeons flawlessly on anonymous messageboards

Now post a single video showing this at work. I'll wait.

Red, its difficult to even get hit in Zelda


You'll be waiting a long time then, because no one is going to spoonfeed you. I'm certainly not.
Here's a thought, maybe go ask /wsr/ if they'll do it for you. You lazy fuck.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

I don't need to be spoonfed, you stupid fuck. You just asserted something that flies in the face of all commonly held knowledge. Now show that shit in a fucking video, or you're a retard. It's that fucking simple.

Attached: 1531062944827.jpg (2560x1594, 364K)

>Fuck bitches, get money

Based, that game was the best
Never finished it though

I didn't assert anything, I tested another user's assertion. And he turned out to be right.

>waah waah show me a video
>I don't know how to read, words scare me!
This is you right now. Proof has been posted, you can shut the fuck up.

I like blue more than red so unless I really really need a damage boost I'll pick blue just for the color scheme.

I'll take the one in the pic because I'll get both buffs.

>anime poster
>is a brainlet

Attached: 1536382765636.jpg (540x540, 71K)

>a series of screenshots is proof
Well shit, I guess OJ didn't murder his wife because the glove didn't fit. Absolute fucking morons.

Okay y'know what? Fine.
You win, you big crybaby. I'll get you a video.
Just give me a couple minutes to get it up.

The screenshots aren't the proof, the game itself is.
The person who made the screenshots played the game themself to test it, and found it to be true.
The people who won't believe the screenshots are refusing to test it themselves because they do not want to be proved wrong.
This is what we are explaining.

No, THIS is proof, you fucking mongoloid.
How many times do I have to post this?
Is that enough for you, you whiny bitch? Are you too fucking lazy to highlight something and go to a different page?
Here, I'll even fucking post the important parts in an image for you, that is, unless you're too retarded to fucking view images too.

Attached: Untitled.png (846x1016, 70K)

I look forward to it.

>being a bitch and picking armor when atk boost is way more exploitable with good skill

>Endurance decides boxing matches
>I'm sure to win because I don't tired as fa-
>*gets hit in the chin and KO'd*

That's pretty useless advice if there is more than one enemy. Defense is better when you can no-sell all attacks.

First post is the best post

For a Zelda game attack

In a potentially more complicated game if there were intimidation systems defense because being able to tank an axe to the face will cause many to shit themselves.

too bad those powerups were temporary, always annoyed me when i was younger that the changes couldnt be permanent like in LA

>not finishing the easiest and shortest 2D zelda

Attached: VIDEO PROOF.gif (256x224, 202K)

You literally just took the screenshots and made a gif out of them, you stupid faggot. That isn't actual footage. The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Maybe you should read the actual proof that has been given to you by people who are knowledgeable on the game and did their research.

Make an actual video or admit that you are wrong. You can't possibly think that anyone is stupid enough to think that connecting screenshots into an animated gif is proof.

The sound of a joke going right over someone's head.

No one needs to make a video, its not our problem that you're too retarded to fucking read. You are the one who is wrong here, and you can either admit it or continue making an ass of yourself as we all continue to laugh.
I spoonfed you all you need to read right here this is more than enough proof, its someone who did their research, dug into the game's code, and posted all sorts of information about it.

Except you're literally too stupid to understand how evidence works.

Attached: 1523502947523.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

all those examples you listed are examples of stamina, not defense you fucking faggot

Just admit that you haven't played the game. You've already proved it, after all. The fact that you haven't made any effort whatsoever to fact check or back up your own claims tells all of us that you have no access to the game, and even if you downloaded a rom and emulator right now to start playing, you'd have no idea how to get through the game and go about proving yourself.

Attached: HOLY SHIT STOP.jpg (147x140, 5K)

No, you stupid faggot. You made a claim, now prove it with video. Your retarded nigger brain thinks you're beating me, but the reality is that you haven't proved shit. Kill yourself.

By now he could have downloaded a cheat capable emulator and rom several hundred times over and checked this out himself.
He's just fucking lazy.

>n-no it has to be a video, or else my single digit iq can't handle it!
Again, not our problem. You're a stupid idiot, and you're too far in denial to even test shit yourself, because you know you'll be proved wrong.
You're the one making claims against known facts for the game, you're the one that needs to back up your claim.

>someone makes a claim
>i call it bullshit
Now use your IQ to take it from there. Protip: he hasn't substantiated his claim.

Some scattered thoughts after playing through the intro and first dungeon:

-It is very, very obviously cribbing from Link to the Past. Everything from the UI to the pillar torches in dungeons and the logo on the floor before boss rooms. I have no inherent problem with this because LttP is a good game.
-The game feels very good. Movement has the same sort of weight and speed as LttP, with the addition of shoulder buttons to lock strafe direction to make the gun combat work.
-The story is wordy to a fault. After the opening Crawl in LttP you can be in the first dungeon within a minute; in this game there's like an extra ten minutes of cutscenes that aren't interesting and could probably be condensed down to half the time without much trouble.
-The dungeons are indeed weird, if the first one is representative. No puzzles are one thing but there's also nothing to find in them besides treasures that increase your score. There's no real reason not to just beeline to the boss to conserve your resources.
-I am like 80% sure that a contributing factor in this game not being localized is that one of the main generic enemies has Mr. Popo Syndrome

I'll probably keep playing because the game does feel really good on a basic level but the dungeon thing is really lame.

Attached: Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof (J) [T+Eng1.03_AGTP]002.png (256x224, 15K)

No, you're the one making the claim now. The dude talked about the red and blue mail not reducing damage on certain enemies, which is true, it has been backed up by someone testing it, and by another person digging up info on the game, enemies follow several damage tables, and on certain enemies, the tables are consistent with damage, instead of being reduced.
You're the one making the claim now that this is all false, you need to post proof yourself.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

No, his assertion is that the game is bugged, and the damage values are wrong. You're literally too stupid to even understand what we're talking about right now. Put a bullet into your own stupid brain.

You claim that it should be easy for any one of us to put together a video, and yet you're 100% unwilling to do the same yourself. If you think it'd be hard to do this, then why are you expecting us to do it for you?
I made a claim, and gave very specific circumstances in which it could easily be tested. The people who bothered to try it saw what I was telling them, and now back me up. If I was wrong, they would have told me, shown me examples in the same vein that they're showing now, and I'd be done here, questioning what made me think what I thought in the first place. Obviously, that hasn't happened.

Attached: IMG_20180322_134925.jpg (192x216, 26K)

> and the Color Dungeon will get replaced with something else
Expect an Amiibo Exclusive dungeon ala Cave of whatever from TPHD

He literally never said the damage values are wrong, holy shit, you actually don't even understand what you're arguing about!

You're literally too stupid to understand what's going on. You can't prove a negative. I literally can't prove that God doesn't exist. If you don't understand where I'm coming from, you should kill yourself.

Did you read a single one of my posts? just explained exactly what I've been saying this entire time, and now you're making up things that I never said. Read this fucking post and reconsider all of your life choices.

>Not getting the super-secret purple tunic that does both

Attached: purple tunic.png (320x288, 8K)

>half of these are the same posts
Nice try, you stupid faggot.

The same post that you haven't read


Nigger, are you fucking serious? You have to be baiting at this point, now way someone could have a post go over their head this fucking hard.

The post that I linked is my original claim, that sparked the entire discussion. This is what we are all trying to explain to you now. People have backed up this claim, multiple times, in multiple different ways, and now that you have been completely and utterly BTFO'd, you are now making up arguments that nobody ever brought up, like right here. You literally have no idea what you're arguing for.

I just want to say that this thread has been an absolute pleasure to read.

Attached: bwahahaha.png (698x658, 76K)

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

You can prove a negative. If someone says "when you piss in the water it becomes lemonade", and you try it, and discover that the water does not, in fact, become lemonade, you have proven that the water does not become lemonade.

The Defense Beta vs the Glass Cannon Chad

Green, fuck the DX tunics and play the game as it was meant to be played you baby.

Attached: 90909.png (240x160, 3K)

>You can prove a negative.
Moron detected.

It's true though. If someone claims that a specific action has a specific result, then testing that action will prove whether that claim was true or not. If their claim was false, it will be proven false.

>"when you piss in the water it becomes lemonade"
That's not a 'negative'. You're literally too stupid to deal with me.

So piss DOES turn water into lemonade?

I choose both

Attached: Gill.jpg (850x1250, 124K)


You just said yourself, you can't prove that it DOESN'T

What does piss and lemonade have to do with each other?


It's impossible to prove that a specific action does not lead to a specific result

Git Gud at dodging cuck. Bet it takes you hours to beat dark souls bosses you fucking Melvin

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Just fucking try it yourself already, trust me it's delicious

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 44K)

>Defense equals Endurance

Attached: 1539147393729.png (303x311, 165K)

If I hit the ground with my feet harder I’ll move faster

Explain the difference.

Endurance is stamina
Defense is being able to take a hit

What is stamina?

Essentially 2 defensive stats that work differently.

Think of endurance as the Beserker with a shit ton of HP who gets the shit beat out of him but does not give a fuck because he's got a ton of HP and possibly regeneration to offset it.

Defense is the dude in Super armor who takes like 1 HP each hit but has comparatively less HP so those 1 HP's count for about as much as 10 HP's from the other guy, and when they're gone they're gone.

>reddit spacing
Kill yourself.

I have literally never been on reddit in my life, if I'm posting that way its because of just doing it that way.

Pssh, that's just hack

nope its real


Wow, it's insane that you've never posted there and you are literally so fucking stupid that you press the Enter key twice whenever you type a sentence. Surely this is no coincidence! Kill yourself.

>Kill yourself.
>If I keep posting it people will pay attention to me!

>/pol/fagggot "muh reddit reeee"





do they not teach you zoomers how to separate paragraphs in elementary school anymore? fucking retard.

No way, you have to post a video otherwise it's fake.

>you press the Enter key twice whenever you type a sentence.

Something people have done ever since moot first shat this place out, long before reddit was a blip on the radar.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Attached: 1531893223991.png (600x651, 692K)

>Muh /pol/

>it's another "/pol/faggot incel can't stop autistically replying to every mention of it's containment board while screeching about reddit" episode

Attached: epic_memes_from_reddit_to_troll_4channer_incels_19505.png (399x400, 120K)

May the Lord delete this board.

Attached: 1551658658052.jpg (2048x1320, 389K)

Depends on how Defense scales. If doubling Defense effectively reduces damage taken by more than half, it's a better investment (assuming that it includes ALL damage types being reduced from all sources).
That said, I pick Red because I don't kiss boys.

>it's another retard frogposter episode

Red is just better. Damage is what we in the business call "proactive healing". If your option is to use a resource negating damage, or to use a resource making the damage not happen in the first place, the latter is always the best option.

Posting video proof of just to rub salt in the wound of the retard who didn't even know what he was arguing about and refused to read.

Attached: HNI_0043.webm (480x240, 1.42M)

Attached: out fucking skilled.png (313x161, 4K)

>Less time with enemies
>Don't Hurt Me
I choose Red. But if Great Force (double the damage you take and receive) was available, I choose it instead.

>posting videos of romhacks
okay retard

Post video proof that its a romhack.

>RED ring doubles damage
>Power ring adds points to damage
Trippy. The power ring L3 is better until you get the Master/L3 sword, at which point, you can use the Red Ring for the same effect at no expense to defense.


The problem with red is it makes the bosses non-encounters since they die so fast. What's even the point if you just kill everything before you even get to really fight it?

The best defense is not getting hit.