Too anxious to play videogames or masturbate

>too anxious to play videogames or masturbate

What the fuck do I do?

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Masturbate anyway.

>too anxious to masturbate

Everyone's watching him shitpost right now.



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>too anxious to fap
Never heard that one before

Try trap shit
Not gay but I was in the same position as you until trap Anime thread on v made me horny on this

what's bothering you fren

What kind of kink makes you anxious to go back to beat the meat to?

No fap, ascend from your mortal urges

The police will be coming to my door any minute now FUCK

Some other user on Yea Forums told me to eat a banana, the vitamins in it supposedly help regulate your breathing. Might be worth trying OP.

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Masturbate, take a hot shower afterwards. jeez user this isn't rocket science.

Wtf why

Same thing happens to me OP
I have no achievable solution
An impossible solution might be getting a gf but I don't know how anyone does that

Read the douary-Rheims bible, say the Rosary.


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Fap on camera

Me under the table

I went to sites I shouldnt be

I'm going to go off on a limb here, but do you by any chance own a Sony Playstation?

Go for a 30 minute walk, clear your head.

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Same here
The whole last week I felt very nervous and appetiteless and I don't know why

Read some manga by Junji Ito. That'll clear your head.

Good job. You're on your first step to building a better life for yourself. Don't masturbate or play videogames, or watch your chinese cartoons. Open your window and take a few deep breaths of fresh air. Come back on the computer. Learn how to do physical training. Start with the basics, pushups, crunches and squats. Go to your kitchen and literally throw out all the processed food you have, anything in a can, all of sugar, sugary food, all snacks. Buy yourself some basic carbohydrates, protein and natural non trans-fats. I recommend rice or potatoes with either chicken breast fried(no flour) or mushrooms if you want to clean your guts and down there for a while. Learn how to still your mind and focus better on eliminating clutter thoughts, basic meditation will help.
After you've worked out your body, eaten, don't go back to your shit life and masturbate or whatever. Be patient and focus your attention on your life and what are you doing with it. What can you do right now to make money? What skills do you have? What skills can you develop? What would you like to do with your life? Don't take any stupid tests online, think about your life as a whole, where you've been, things you've done, think about your traumas and accept them. Let them describe what kind of a person you are and what kind of a person you can be. Write 5 best things about you. Then write 5 worst things about you. Make a plan how to eliminate the worst, and make a life with the best.
Good luck I believe in you and we will all make it, but only if you keep going.

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You are just a schizo, seek medical help.

>too anxious to masturbate

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See a doctor.

>don’t even know
You’ve buried it for so long you forgot. Time to remember and see if you can fix it

Take imipramine, it helped me


Yea Forums has been invaded

Hit the gym you massless faggot

zawa zawa

‘Tis time for a ban!

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how is her anus that clean for such a fatass

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I am really anxious as well Op im worried that i may hurt myself

The holy war is coming

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what you rae feeling doesnt exist. snap out of it. slap yourself with a fucking chair you moron. if you keep thinking like this you will never wake up and be a real person or achieve anything. best of luck. t. user

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Good advice

Many medical doctors would not advise quitting masturbation altogether, but don’t masturbate to porn cause it fucks up your endorphin levels.

Don’t force yourself to jack off, that’s stupid. If you decide to fap, use only your imagination.

she has maids that clean it for her obviously

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such a gayass normie thing to say. i'd rather blow my load all over my moms face than do any of this crap.

Is this retardation a pasta? This is the same dumb advice as "just be yourself bro" or those click bait videos of "what rich people do that poor people don't" etc. Most people are born to be drones, get over it and be done with it. As soon as you accept that life is shit you might find some fun in it since as the saying goes" better to be a surprised pessimist than a disappointed optimist".

none of that shit will change you anyway. its all about whats inside of you read the book of five rings and you'll see a bit more about self discipline and self understanding.

i like you

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Consult a medical practicioner or urologist for your specific case.
Generally speaking nothing is going to happen to you if you don't masturbate for a few months. Most doctors agree that complications occur after a couple years of abstinence. Best thing you can do is not touch your dick in that way for a couple of months so your head clears up and you fix your life and then you can go and jerk off to whoever you had sex with in a healthy and normal manner like the rest of the planet.

This is actually good advice. I've been going a little bit of everything but not on a consistent schedule. The worst part about bettering yourself is that nagging voice that tells you what you're doing is wrong. Sometimes it comes from yourself but a lot of times, it unfortunately comes from the people you want to trust.

I paint and I've read Musashi when I was really young. A lot of his ideas apply to self-development but ultimately he misses the point when he describes the inner struggle of the warrior and man's place in the world. He has known only struggle his entire life, with brief moments of respite and it's incredibly difficult to take advice from a man that was completely out of touch with reality most of his life, even if you were an antisocial weirdo your entire life that doesn't mean you have to necessarily relate to what he has to say because you're completely different, like in a complete parallel reality. Maybe you will understand this someday.

You'll get bored eventually, and then there's nothing. Enjoy this while it lasts.

Be yourself implies not doing shit or working for anything. I gave very specific instruction on what to do and how to do it. The poster was obviously confused, lost and in a severe state of panic. he absolutely needs to stop "being himself" right now or it will kill him.
Now you can either sit here and blame everyone and everything for your problems, and even buy into your apathy by pretending that doing anything worthwhile will make you "lose yourself" as much as you want but it won't change that fact that you can be at peace with yourself and live a life you deserve to live, and that life is not exclusive unless you make it out to be that way. If you buy into the mindset that everyone's a drone, then you'll always be a drone.

Cease your lazy and slothful lifestyle and help Eiko and I around the house Ika-chan!
Dirty things are strictly prohibited!

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Take a deep breath, exhale longer than inhale, to activate Parasympathetic nervous system

Take SSRIS and get some serious assistance with your nofap (it makes you very nearly almost unable to cum but still maintain an erection which is quite frustrating).

I wanna fap but I'm trying to save up.

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Go to a fish fry and then AA

Saving up? Cum? For what purpose

What's the longest you've gone?

That doesn't make sense

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So its more satisfying

Ever? A few weeks

Why doesnt it?

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What helped me out with consistency was a couple things
1. writing down realistic and achievable goals each morning or the night before
2. removing all distractions completely until I have done the tasks or a fraction of it/babystepping it
3. rewarding myself with something positive and healthy afterwards and sometimes indulging the dark side aspects of myself but not in a way that it would cross my goals like jerking off to porn or binge eating pizza
4. physical body maintenance, regular and good amount of sleep, no electronics an hour before bed, healthy food and bodyweight training->eventual strength training outside(calisthenics)-> eventual gym lifting and MEDITATION, not the guru fake shit, but basic meditation for 20 minutes a day
5. having a visual image of where you want to be
any image that's clear in your head and that's just ridiculous and crazy like owning a harem and traveling the world, something that appeals to you, that you think would never happen to you in a million years, and yet day by day you're in places closer to that than you were on day 1


Start doing nofap, SRS your anxiety levels will go down.

Because quality of an orgasm doesn't depend on how much semen you shoot out.

It does when I like cum

Fucking boring. Kill yourself normalfag. If you do the same shit most other people do like a mindless pawn then you're just another cog in the wheel.
Don't listen to him OP, just play games and masturbate for a fulfilling life.

Just edge for 1-4 hours instead

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It's funny I played shit you've never heard of or even been born yet when they were out and it's great that you think I'm a normalfag, that means I got closer to getting out out of the hole.
Have you actually been outside recently? Most people don't do any of this, they don't take care of themselves at all and that is why they're pawns. It's also because they live this way they have difficulty having the sustained focus to not be another cog in the wheel. So they just come up with coping mechanisms and blame everything and everyone for their weakness while telling others how fulfilled they are when they're not.

That's a long time

>Be yourself implies
Be yourself is the same fucking tier of bullshit as your retarded advice. As said , it's about your mentality, if you are simpleton then you can get happiness from everything in your god damn life, if, by a chance, your "IQ" moves slightly above mouthbreather level so you are able to see pointlessness of life itself then welcome home, because you wont be leaving anytime soon and no fucking exercise,diet nor fucking meditation will help with that, well meditation might help so some extent but if you really are a logical person then nothing will ever fucking help you other than drugs be it opiates,amines or amphetamines.

>Now you can either sit here and blame everyone and everything for your problems
Now here is your problem, in his post OP never said he blamed anyone nor that he was depressed but people like you are the ones jumping to conclusions like retards thinking you "know" the "right" way to life with your shitty advice. Now stop projecting and cut that pseudointelectual monologue and stick to the thread.

>nd even buy into your apathy by pretending that doing anything worthwhile will make you "lose yourself" as much as you want but it won't change that fact that you can be at peace with yourself and live a life you deserve to live, and that life is not exclusive unless you make it out to be that way. If you buy into the mindset that everyone's a drone, then you'll always be a drone.

This shit is the nail in the coffin, you are that "life's good" type of hippy that sees nothing more than an inch beyond his nose, you probably believe in those "soul searching" trips that some young adults in US take for their parents money or by hitchhiking.

I'm a quickshot

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You’re right.

But why are you still browsing Yea Forums?

>Fap because I feel bad
>Feel bad because I fapped
>don't fap
>Get increasingly angry and easily pissed off.
low I.Q.?


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Why is it disappointing? How do I last longer?

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Moral dilemmas. Think about the trolley dilemma, and then start masturbating while thinking about it. Seriously think about it, don't come to any conclusions, just use your anxiety to constantly add more information to try and parse, "what if one was a doctor? What if I had to cut off a finger as well?". Eventually you'll start to get it.

possibly. also awful impulse control and inability to apply critical thinking to your life

Truthfully most girls don’t mind that as much as a guy who can get hard but not finish.

Like you might think ‘but that means I can fuck them forever’ but if you can’t make a girl orgasm you feel kinda bad, it’s the same for them.

t. Overworked my stamina and have emotional issues that make it hard to finish

>Don’t force yourself to jack off, that’s stupid.
My options are either jack off or cry myself to sleep. I'm going to assume the former is the healthiest and is not 'forcing' anything.

Let go when you feel like you're close to cumming. Focus on breathing. Don't deathgrip

Force farts out of your ass until you feel good again, this is the tried and true method do not stop until you're all farted out

>it's about your mentality, if you are simpleton then you can get happiness from everything in your god damn life
That's not true. Read of mice and men.
The fact of the matter is that you're not stupid and you're fabricating a reality to accomodate your lack of action taking, not the other way around.

>if, by a chance, your "IQ" moves slightly above mouthbreather level so you are able to see pointlessness of life itself then welcome home, because you wont be leaving anytime soon and no fucking exercise,diet nor fucking meditation will help with that
Apathy is not a substitute for peace of mind, it is just an elaborate form of escapism from responsibility. You are liable and responsible for your actions, body and mind. If you choose to ignore that, and come up with a coping mechanism, then you should at least develop the awareness that you're doing it, orphaned kids are a good example of having that awareness, doesn't make their self-destructive habits right, but that stems from a position they cannot control and even there with enough practice they can overcome it, you on the other hand have all the control in the world.
>if you really are a logical person then nothing will ever fucking help you other than drugs
I cured my asthma and severe anxiety with congruence, basic meditation and breathing exercises and found it deeply rooted in trauma. Drugs, in this case, put a stop to the side-effect, not the cause.
> in his post OP never said he blamed anyone
I was referring to you. You were blaming everyone but yourself in your post, having an active "they vs me" mentality of scarcity and I quote "most people are born to be drones" and "clickbaiting" aka "you're tricking me!" and always making sure you underline that MY advice is shitty. There is no danger whatsoever from me or anyone around you, friend. Try to relax and understand that nobody is out to get you or anyone else with advice or anything otherwise.

>you are that "life's good" type of hippy that sees nothing more than an inch beyond his nose
My friend, you don't know anything about me. I've met the type of people you describe, we call them "fairies" here in LA. I am extremely logical and to the point. You have a very simple choice here, you can either sit and debate these things and not do them, take your chances and then have your own realizations when they come, or you can actually do them, stay consistent and see where your life leads you. Anyone can say they can do it if they wanted to and it doesn't matter and that's how they stay "drones" to put it in terms you can understand me properly, anyone can do that, but those who take action actually live it and there's no amount of polemic or assumption from you or anyone else that can or will ever deny that.

Because everyone is flawed and nobody is perfect. Some things I do great, some stay the same. Part of life, do the best you can.

>It's funny I played shit you've never heard of
What a shit argument. Do you even know how many tens of thousands of games are out there? This goes for everyone who doesn't only play mainstream games.
>Have you actually been outside recently
Not for any purpose outside of the necessary ones.
>Most people don't do any of this, they don't take care of themselves at all and that is why they're pawns
What? Socially active people and those who care about real life definitely either do shit themselves or have a partner that does it for them. And that makes you more of a pawn since you are grouped in with a larger number of people.
I don't know why you would come to Yea Forums and spread friendly and motivating shit when no one wants to see that. It's not like you're revealing new facts to anyone. I'm sure most anons are aware, they just don't give a fuck.

>that one weird guy who excuses himself to go and masturbate

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The argument was to support that I have been a more loser than you or your entire extended family and have mentally and physically crawled out of that hole.
>Socially active people and those who care about real life definitely either do shit themselves or have a partner that does it for them. And that makes you more of a pawn since you are grouped in with a larger number of people.
Even if you spend your entire life alone, you need to depend on someone for something to survive. We are moving into automating almost every aspect of our lives to limited interactivity with others but we still need to depend on them to provide those services to us, granted in your head you might think that you will never speak to these people but there will always be an instance where you would have to. You can never be completely detached from people and entertain yourself with the services that you have today so unless you have some motivation to live in a remote area and survive from the land, you need to "be a pawn" in the game as you put it and there's nothing bad about it.
>I don't know why you would come to Yea Forums and spread friendly and motivating shit when no one wants to see that.
Because someone once did that for me when I didn't want that and it changed my life. At some point you stop taking in life and start giving, even if it's little and you will understand how powerful that is.
>It's not like you're revealing new facts to anyone. I'm sure most anons are aware, they just don't give a fuck.
Of course everyone knows that, but when noone says anything, it stays buried and silent in the back of that head of yours as you keep going on the path of self-destruction and apathy.

>you need to "be a pawn" in the game as you put it and there's nothing bad about it.
There is everything wrong with being a pawn. If you can't see that then you're literally a brainlet. Now I do have to agree that we are all pawns to some degree but some are more than the others. Or if this is a bad phrasing I'll just say that you are more like everyone else and less yourself.
Why would you follow the rules that are set out to you and on a laid out board when you can go out of your way and do what you want with your free will? Same goes for games since they are a "recent" thing. Playing sports, having a family and all the other normalfag shit has been around for hundreds of years, with the majority of humanity doing it, but by playing games or having some other niche hobby you are more unique and less of a pawn than others. It's as if you get to play a knight or a rook.
Now not that I really care that much, do whatever makes you happy. If you're content with being like the majority then sure. But this is not the fucking place to come and spread your own beliefs.

And here we go, you didn't get my post at all. Stop with your projections and get off that high horse of yours. Nobody gives a single fuck about your dumb advices since they only apply to drones, to the majority of population that "think" they are depressed or they are self diagnosed autists etc.

>The fact of the matter is that you're not stupid and you're fabricating a reality to accommodate your lack of action taking
And you still keep projecting, nobody in this thread said anything that you try to force into the discussion. Also I've told you to cut this bullshit with mentality, e.g. when I 1st started to work out it was so-so but then as time progressed people that are not brain dead start to see where this is all going, that I have to take x calories to look like that or to get results I "want", one accident and you are out of the loop and your gains go down the drain, you get stuck with a lifestyle that binds you etc and it permeates to all aspects of life where you start seeing patterns . Things stop being fun when you see life as basic as it gets. You can already see the outcome and it's depressing, nothing will change that. Now just cut this shit with changing ones mentality just by doing this or that because you are you and if something helped YOU in particular then stop thinning that it will help others by default. That's literally drone mindset.

>I cured my asthma and severe anxiety with congruence
Jesus Christ as a med fag myself I know see who am I dealing with, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about and as stated above, things that help YOU is what's usually called anecdotal evidence, now do yourself a favor and read up on that, Your asthma was either mild state or at young age if you "cured" it meditation and breathing since it's a usual occurrence.

>I was referring to you
Mate learn to read with comprehension and stop reading between the lines. I live day by day, not blaming anyone, life is just shit for some people get over it. You literally made shit up and turned my words around to fit your arguments as in projecting again. I stated my opinion on your "advice". You try to sound profound but it's just pseudointelectual nonsense. You seem to think that people like me don't want to be happy, that we didn't seek help or didn;t try to change ourselves, this is how deluded you are. I tried many things never blaming anyone else but you jump to simple conclusions as someone that thinks high of himself. I'm almost 29 almost hitting 30 and it's not that I hate life, I, like many other people just don't find much in it, and you with your plan and adivce shows how sheltered and narrow minded you are my friend since from the get go you assumed things about OP and myself that only someone deluded would. As in >My friend, you don't know anything about me.
I don;t but neither did you yet you were first to jump to conclusions in the very first post you typed in, I just replied to you and you kept on assuming and projecting which gave me a clear idea of whom I'm dealing with but you were just ass pulling and reading what you wanted to read. Now again shove those advices up your ass since no one asked you and even then they were tried by many and didn't work.

not everyone is going through puberty like you are, sometimes other shit takes precedent over busting a nut

You're not losing yourself by being part of a whole. You can be who "you" are and still be part of a group. We get this deeply rooted fear of "what others think of me' the first time we get shut down for "who we are" at a young age. Have you ever talked about your passion to someone you would uncomfortable with? I talked about system shock 2 and how I love the conflict of individualism vs collectivism within the scope of the setting, and I talked about this to a girl way out of my league that I ended up hooking up with. Why? because I didn't care, and I was surprised at the reaction I got, which was better than I thought. People are generally friendly and noone is out to get you. If someone doesn't like you? move on. That night I had plenty of people be neutral or reject me and that's part of life.

Being unique doesn't make you special, like a knight or rook, it just makes you alone.