To be alive... to walk this earth... that's the real curse, right there

To be alive... to walk this earth... that's the real curse, right there.

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Other urls found in this thread:

life... it‘s what you make of it brother

There you go, another brave soul. But soon you shall see...You and I are no different...Yes, yes, you soon shall see...the putrid fate we both share...

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>ywn play dark souls for the first time again

What's wrong? Get a bit of a scare out there? No problem. Have a seat and get comfortable. We'll both be Hollow before you know it. Hah hah hah hah...

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best hub girl, it's not even close

Quite a hive of activity we are, these days.
I'd forgotten how much comfort a little companionship can bring.
Once, I'd lost everything, but now…
I am grateful. For what you have taught me.

How am I supposed to know you can burn it anyway?

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i this in SOTFS there's an NPC summon that'll point at it

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Killed Shanallote for some NPC quest. Now I cant level up anymore, hahaha

I tried to replay it recently. After playing a fuckton of BB and DS3, DS2's gameplay is absolutely infuriating.

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Good shit

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>this earth
I'm gonna assume he means DaS2.

Which was the hardest Souls game?

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>souls games

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>Which was the hardest Souls game?
2 because of how buggy it was

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I wanted to waifu her hard, but "Bearer-seek-seek-lest" got in the way. She needed much more dialogue.

whichever the first one you played is


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The one with 2kats. Only boss I never beat.

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Demons Souls was pretty fun. The fog gates and the explanation for hollowed people made sense.

This fucking nigger.
I'll never forget how annoying that fucker was the first time.

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messages from other players
ladder dude also talks about it i think

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>beat it on the second try on my first playthrough

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Not true. I played demon's souls first and dark souls 1-3 were all harder.

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ah yes the "hard but fair"

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Browsing 4channel is the hell then

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where do i get the sorcery he has to make me float

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Does anyone have the flamefucker comic?

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god souls used to produce such great OC now it only produces autism

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I've never played the pvp stuff. Is it hard to kill human players?

Considering the issues they had in development, my guess is that would've been used on several locations instead of just one, similar to Farron Keep in DS3.

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What went wrong?

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Why are they so strong?

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>he didn't think of burning a giant metal windmill with a torch to drain a room full of poisonous cum
casual it makes perfect sense

The internet went wrong.

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Ignoring NEVER EVER, do you think Bloodborne will ever be ported to PC? Or a remaster of Demons' Soul?


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Greatest souls meme I've ever seen

Not realistic. It's a sony 1st party IP.
>remaster of DeS
Jason Schreier confirmed a rumor, infamous leaker who is pretty spot on. He was responsible for leaking Fallout 4 YEARS before release.

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2 is the hardest to enjoy.

>DeS remaster
I usually don't like this meme but i'd be down

Attached: TO INFINITE AND BEYOND.webm (646x520, 2.45M)

>wolf ring
>walk around capra demon's attack
>poise through the dogs' attacks and head up the stairs

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>leaking Fallout 4 YEARS before release.
Details on that? Cause it's not really difficult to say there was going to be one. That's like saying "My leak says there's going to be a new AssCreed"

I'm liking the environments more than what ds3 has so far. The starting area, the firelink shrine, the high wall. And undead settlement.

Not as cool looking as Majula and some other areas, even though the levels are much more complex in DS3.

It was in 2013.

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I miss early DS2 threads. The game was so fucking fun too when everyone was dicking around.

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The dragon form used to be pretty cool. Why did it turn into a starved deer in DS3?

No. That's how Dark souls 1 PvP actually works, you run in circles around your oponent and try to backstab him. PvP in DS1 is shit.


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It's a fucking methgoat lmao.

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He shalt be saved
When a cowboy trades
His spurs for wings

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I beat him on my first try
but then i struggled on bed of chaos for way too long

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as opposed to second try on your second play through you fucking zoomer retard

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Is this the Souls dump thread?

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A good souls thread for once.

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every time


The new Looney Tunes gritty reboot is quite something.

not really, I strolled through 1 and 2 without any issues (I did play a little of Demons' Souls a few years before but not that much beyond the first boss of each zone) but found 3 much harder.

Playing this shit game is a curse.

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The only good part of dark souls 2 is aldia's speech in the ending cinematic

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Majula is the best hub area and the fire keeper was hands down the best in ds2.

anybody have that one DeS crystal lizard comic?

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This shit never fails to make me laugh.

every time

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Fucking A+

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Captcha comics died too soon.

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wrong. the very first time somebody posted their le funny words I was sick of it.

You sound like a terrible person.

>2shark in well
Never again without the shaman. Never again.

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you're not wrong

They did not explain agility well at all. I-Frames should have been static and then Agility should have boosted the distance of your rolls rather than equip load.

pyromancers are considered rather unsavoury.
Which is fine, as I never got along with anybody anyway.
So, for me, turning Undead didn't change a thing!

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Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow.

i think agility is an alright idea on paper, having a different form of defensive stat rather than pure HP or damage reduction is a nice way of doing things. the real problem is that you get virtually no feedback on what each individual point of ADP is doing.

Dark Souls reminded me why I love games. All the OC people made is making me nostalgic. And aware that I'm back in the "why do I even care about games" mentality nowadays.

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Is it time to put Soulsborne a rest? Do we really need another?

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Objectively speaking, it's 3.

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I like all the dragon forms from the games, ds3 included.

>BB: 122..5

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That's cute

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Other than the game not explaining it well, I think part of the problem is that all the other stats, you can see their effect, higher numbers for strength, more health, can see your defense improving. Agility felt like it might as well be a placebo.

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>fight me
The change was not intuitive at all and most people didn't know about it, DS2 also gives no shit about builds thanks to soul memory so going 99 everything is what you should be doing in the first place, that is after hitting your required amount of ADP to get the most out of your i-frames.
e.g. going from a STR build with high Vigor and the bare minimun END for carrying around your big ass sword to a "STR build" with high Vigor, END, ATTN for applying buffs and having some offensive pyromancies because everyone at your soul memory level is carrying those things unless you handicap yourself to play at a set SL and be at a disadvantage in PvP since most people don't use the ring that prevents souls from being collected.


>They did not explain X well at all.
I think this might be the wrong series for you bud.


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This man understands the truth.

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>tfw heard it so much it became a comfort

*floats ominously towards you*

I swear these fungi fucks must weight tons.

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good thread

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I just recently finished platinuming the soul series back to back from demon souls to bloodborne to ds3. I feel so accomplished yet empty. I want to keep going but everything has been done and back now. I've also 100%'d Nioh and Let it die.

What do?

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Best king in the whole series

Have the one where the guy taunts after killing the Ancient Dragon, only to be killed by one of its guards?

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>Highest difficulty peak
Co-op areas from 2, FUCK THEM SOLO, FUCK THEM SO MUCH.

>Hardest on average

>Hardest for first timers
Demons (you died? guess what, everything is stronger now, fuck you) Souls

I loved DaS2's DLC. Sir Alonne and Looking Glass were top tier.
Best king

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Yipi ki yi yay

>Which was the hardest Souls game?
DS3 undoubtedly

Dark Souls 3 is probably the hardest because it has by far the least ways to cheese encounters in the game and the enemies are even more aggressive than in Bloodborne.

That said, Bloodborne has by far the hardest intro bosses. Gascoigne would kick every other Souls intro boss' ass.

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Cleric beast is the intro boss though

It pains me that I'm not creative enough to have in a million years come up with anything as interesting as the world of Dark souls or bloodborne.

Cleric is optional. Gascoigne is the tutorial boss.

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Vanguard is optional too

But cleric beast is the first boss you'll find

fuck that stone and fuck that lizard's crappy hitbox so much, this is objectively shitty game design
for those of you that don't know, the lizard stops showing up after killing it a certain number of times, and you have to wait all the way up to the next NG+ to have a go at this cunt again and pray that he drops a certain stone that will probably never drop

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He's actually completely skippable.

But again, he'd also kick the respective ass of every Souls intro boss.

how do you deal with the retarded weapon match making? I find zero signs everywhere

>playing bloodborne
>bell ringing witch summons a player
>busy trying to find her because I don't want to get cucked
>run into the guy
>he spams scattershot to stun me and to approach and hit me
>use terrain to block shots
>we circle each other twice
>smack the shit out of him because I maxed stamina before touching any other stat
>dies because he can't stop getting stunned by my hits

It was fun. My first time getting invaded. I can just imagine the anal pain that guy probably felt. Which is probably why I will never invade because I don't want to go into another person's game and embarrass myself by getting my ass kicked.


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Twiddle your thumbs and wait for Sekiro as something different but somewhat familiar, or try Monster Hunter or one of the 3D Zeldas

>duck tales moon theme.wav

Kek, high endurance shitter builds in BB are pretty fun. Couple it with the saw spear and you're unstoppable against players.

One of the core design philosophies of souls is that you can feasibly dodge everything at level 1 and no equipment if you are good enough, agility throws that out of the table by tying the main avoidance mechanic to a stat

every time

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99% of italians are unfunny faggots, e poi c'e' thepruld

Just use a shield

Those early days of DeS and DS were some of the best times I had on Yea Forums.

Gundyr is incredibly easy though

>One of the core design philosophies of souls is that you can feasibly dodge everything at level 1 and no equipment if you are good enough
Prove it.

this may be one of the most niche meme crossovers I have ever seen in my 30 years of life

Is there any better feeling in Souls than finally killing a boss you've been stuck on?

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Maybe discussing the lore.

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>it's treason then


Was he an incel? He's whiny like one.

>ywn have a qt 11/10 tsundere witch gf

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To be a character in das2 is the curse

All bosses in all video games are easy.

You just know

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for a player first timing gundyr and specially if he doesnt know how to parry could be a difficult boss.

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explain this

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Wait people parry gundyr? i never even tried, just dance around his ass

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poor fume

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so is there anyone who lives a happy, full life in this series?

I hope, at least

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Nah. It's the same old strat as all starter bosses.

>able to jump
Mario would probably stomp the Soulsverse.

This chuckle fuck. He withstood the test of time, remained sane and with purpose till the very end.

Attached: Patches.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Presumably people in the outside world live mostly normal lives.

By recycled he means when you go through oceros and return to firelink shrine the second time through where you get the fire keeper eyes. He is a lot harder there because he gets these new mma moves like the kick in that drawing.

If you've played at least two Souls games before 3, it's not unlikely that you're trained to panic roll through attacks against bosses like Champion "late to the festivities" Gundyr or Pontiff and eat a follow up attack during your recoveries

>the outside world
the fuck does that mean? arent the knights in sens fortress from outside the land who also got fucked cuz hollowing?

>he'd also kick the respective ass of every Souls intro boss
He's as hard as the Asylum Demon

this quote was the only thing I liked about ds2

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i think we fought different gundyrs, he didnt punish rolling like pontiff or dancer

In DS1 and DS2, life seems to be going on as normal outside of Lordran/Drangleic.

There's a world outside of the shitheaps these games take place in where undead are not the norm.

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why dont the dumb fuckers just leave then

For first timing i was refering to fighting the real gundyr for the first time can take a new player by surprise by how fast he is and his combos. Yea i agree.

Someone's gotta keep the sun burning

Undead are hated in the outside world.
They're hunted down and thrown into prisons like the undead asylum, which is how the chosen undead wound up in the undead asylum in the first place as stated by the narration at the beginning of the game.

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t. Frampt

Because undead in the outside world are rounded up and either sent to Lordran or Undead Asylums

so in the ending where you put the fire out, the whole outside world is fucked too I assume?

i assumed it was unseen humans in lordran that threw people in jail. ty for info

No problem, dude.

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Kind of a bummer we didn’t get something like a BotC and Shanalotte boss fight in or at least find out what happened to them in DaS3

They just fucked off. Them showing up in DaS3 would imply some sort of bad end.

Attached: Immortals.jpg (1200x675, 260K)

>the whole outside world is fucked too I assume?
That's pretty much what happens when the sun goes out user

>speedrun strategy to Iron Keep

I wish priscilla had more memes

Attached: DoNar0217-Princess-Filianore-Gwynevere-DS-персонажи-4586470.png (800x1100, 773K)

I want more cute shanalotte art

I have a few

Attached: Smile.webm (341x470, 1.49M)

It looked the coolest in DaS1. You actually looked like a dragon. DaS2 just looks like a suit of armor your character is wearing, and DaS3 is a fucking abomination

Thanks! I've download it

>someone saved your Souls OC

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>urge to reinstall building up

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I don't get it

Cleric Beast has incredibly high hp compared to the other tutorial bosses

thanks for the OC

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>>Andrei never hollows because no matter the age there's always demand and purpose for a skilled smite
>>Patches never hollows because there's a never ending supply of gullible fools

How can people seriously argue 3 isn't pure kino?

Where do you guys got these fanarts, i've been searching from danbooru, twitter and many places and it seems scarce.

Thanks and keep'em coming, its sad that they scrapped a lot of her character

To be in Dark Souls 2, that's the real curse right there.

I have played Bloodborne and am now playing DS1, I am wondering whether or not I should pick a weaponfu early on. I've invested into upgrading the morningstar once. Are there better versions of the morningstar later on? Cause I've noticed a handful of different swords already so that might mean there are better weapons later on.

Pixiv, usually. There isn't much of Shanalotte, though.

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>not being faggots

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Did they get a happy ending in DaS3?


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What is she selling again?

Why is Miya a sadist?

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>all these underages saying 3
All of the Souls games are pitifully easy next to Bloodborne. Demon's Souls gave me the most trouble though by virtue of it spearheading the series. I can't remember any point I struggled in any of the Dark Souls games. I'm looking at this from a "first time" perspective here. Demon's Souls was just more unforgiving than Dark Souls, and Bloodborne is just technically more difficult.

Because he's Japanese
At least their daughter is safe

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Bloodborne is too easily cheesed with good gems and ranged parry.

Something I find suspicious is how sony fans will always try and make out the best souls games to be the ones that were exclusive. It ends up being a reverse fox and the grapes situation. It's pretty likely if DS1 was the exclusive one then you'd be saying it was the hardest.

I'm mediocre as fuck at souls and the only Bloodborne boss that killed me more than three times was defiled doggy.

Attached: amy.jpg (849x1199, 601K)

playing DS1 for the first time, finally beat this fucker. Quickly figured out how to get rid of his dogs run up the stairs and stay on top of the archway and kill the dogs with a left-handed weapon heavy attack Then it would take even longer to be able to fucking defeat him. I've been trapped so many times by him and his dogs right when I get into the boss room.

I prefer to outpoise and spam WoG (I never run out of WoG).

Out of everything in the Souls series this little scene was the one that got me the most sentimental about 3 being the supposed ending. Patches sending you off with one final kick, and this time he's actually just playing with you, even helping you. Miss the fucker.

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You say that earnestly as if it was not considerably easier to cheese in all the Souls games

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Lore-wise, to show the dragons were dying out. That’s why you look hollow in dragon form. But from an aesthetic perspective, it’s horrid.

>meanwhile in Bloodborne

Attached: Patches_A_Thing_Most_Secret.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

>Patches is a cleric
>Of Cthulhu

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But they aren't hard.

Sure, but like I said I am trying to think of it as a purely first playthrough perspective.
I am not a Sonyfag. In fact, the only games I own on PS4 are Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2. I'd love to have this shit on PC so I wouldn't have to endure the god awful performance issues and low resolution.
That's fair enough. It's largely just opinion anyway. Bosses are more aggressive and have more health in Bloodborne which is why I figure it'd be harder if no one has played a Souls game before.

Guess I do? The damage is one thing, but you can stop a fuckload of enemies from moving entirely.

You gotta go to Depth 4 and 5 dungeons to replicate Souls difficulty once your character is fully decked out.


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I adore this comic. peeps who played Ds 2 at release understand.

Felicia a cute

DAMN, desert sorceresses look like THAT??

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black world tendency Demon's Souls

Bonfire best waifu.

t. Chosen Undead

Attached: Bonfire is good enough.jpg (700x733, 310K)

poor chosen undead
he gets an inanimate waifu

man fuck this game sometimes, I hate how beautiful it can be. I play these games to walk the path to Satan goddamnit!

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god I want a 99 str 1 int gf. why won't anyone protect me why is the world so cold and alone

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i assume you havent seen any 90s nickalodeon

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Same way you were supposed to know how to guide a large hostile pig across 3/4th of a shitty level so it can dig up a pickaxe, something half of the enemies in the area use as weapon, in a random mushroom patch.

Same way you're supposed to know you can only get the visible version of this armour by farming a non-respawning black phantom in front of the boss fog.
Each piece only has a 1% chance to drop.

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How would I create this character in DS2? Falconer helm and what else?

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I don't think there are any capes like that in Souls

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Attached: Thor, God of Thunder.webm (840x472, 1.59M)
Best game, best animation.

[chair clattering]

They're not hard. They're just punishing if you're impatient or can't learn to play unlocked on.

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But the chosen undead has multiple choices

How can he fly?

Collector's Edition

He's a based hacker who only invades people using cheats and fucks them up

Bellbro reward

1, it has the most bullshit to it that will kill you unless you have prior knowledge and the most challenging levels. 2 is similar but toned down its bullshit. It's mostly just multi enemy encounters but I found it easier to deal with than 1, and I played 2 first. Arguably you can say that the number of enemies in the general overworld levels made it more challenging than in 1. 3 was by far the easiest as it has so little bullshit, the only real challenge in the game comes from the bosses, but if you have good reactions then Dark Souls bosses will never be a challenge, and 3's Bosses are basically all just reaction skill checks, unless they're the handful of gimmicky bosses which 3 had almost none of. BB was kind of a mix of 1 and 3 and is probably the hardest desu, But I played BB last so it just felt pretty easy by the time I played it. Never touched DeS since I was Xbox guy.

when did you become enlightened and realized dark souls 3 was the least interesting in the series

After I beat my first playthough at launch. DLCs didn't help much.

Difficulty from hardest to easiest for me:
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls

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Anyone have the WILDCARD BITCHES one for the Grape Knights in DaS3?

I didn’t know you could parry him, I just used stomp to duck under his wide sweeps.

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Thanks, user

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Guys, I have the black knight edition of DaS2 with all dlc and I cant find it anywhere. Im going insane.

Get that max covenant rank bro