Does winning a league make you a Pokémon Master?

Does winning a league make you a Pokémon Master?

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No, it's just a title that everyone can take off, that's why in some games like sun/moon you need to defend the title

Also your rival in red/blue was a champion before you stole his tittle like 5 minutes later

So no,it doesn't make you a Pokemon master

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no, this is the only Pokemon Master in the series

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A pokemon master is someone who has trained all Pokemon thus mastering them all. Beating E4 makes you a champion.

>tfw nu-pokémon abandoned the idea of pokémon masters

Shame she's from the worst generation.

Yeah, what kind of fucking loser lose at the league?

The real shame is that your taste is fucking garbage.

A loser who loses.

Pokemon master is an anime only thing though.

Pokémon master status is achieved when one catches them all

So someone that isn't a a master, you can't be a pokemon master if you suck.

Guy beat the battle frontier. That's more annoying than the league in the games.

Apparently so. Winning even one league will mean his goal is finished and the end of the show, so the writers have to come up with new stupid way for him to lose.

He won the orange league though

You are right but I don't think the writers think of that one as anything other then some minor filler that doesn't count. To them the game leagues are the real deal and he isn't allowed to win them but he can win other things. Its really weird how he was able to beat the Battle Frontier too but that doesn't count as being a master either despite it being harder then any league from the game's perspective.

but user she's not from 1st gen...

no that makes you a Champion, which Ash already is. He's aiming for something higher

How bad is SM Ash going to fucking job? The cunt deserves it after 3 years of boring slice of life with barely any kino battles that XY had.

>unironically thinking gen 1 was worse than fucking USUM
Genwunners are faggots but come on

Aloha Meowth in boots will solo his entire team.

But he didn't actually take on the Frontier. He just challenged the Brains to standard 1v1 battles.

Tbh didn't even play post gen 5 since they started introducing shit that powercrept like 80% of mons. USUM is a mess tho from what i've seen i just wanna trigger genwunners tho desu

not like you ever need to worry about that ash

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No, which why it's so perplexing the anime won't allow Ash to win a region league.
>allegedly he's have to stop being the main character if he wins
No he fucking doesn't. There's dozens of anime out there where the main character wins the big tournament, only to turn around and get his ass kicked dude to the ego inflation. Ash winning in one region in a world as big as Pokemon shouldn't equate to jack shit, especially when each region has a champion that's leagues better than whoever wins the tournament of said region.

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>still 10 years old
>no misty wanting his dick
>no coveted hat
>no first gen overpowered pokemon aside from pikachu
>no pokemon championship win
>no finding out what was in that gs ball
>downgraded art and memey anime faces
Is Ash the biggest JUST'd character in all of anime?

No being a Pokemon master is catching and training and breeding pokemon to the best they all can be.
But Ash will never be recognised as a true veteran till he wins a league. Closest he got to that level is Battle Frontier.


What's gonna happen to the pokemon anime when the lady who voices pikachu dies? Are they just gonna find some disgusting imitator and then internet forums will have old pikachu VA vs new pikachu VA shitposting?

>Wrecks your shit in

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She only screams Pika again and again, the show has been going for so long that they probably have more lines than they'll ever need.

Yeah pretty much, he's a Special attacker. Not someone that can take hits

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Probably reboot it. Probably. Might just pull a shin chan and reuse lines till the end of time.
Keep in mind she's only 50, so she's not dying anytime soon anyway

>they started introducing shit that powercrept like 80% of mons
>after gen 5

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>A literal retard with only 5 pokemon
>Ash still loses because his entire team are unevolved cutemon trash
I just stuck around BW to see how bad it could get and to kill time. Some of this shit is so bad its not even funny

He'll make it to semi-finals against a literally who OC from Galar that will fuse Melmetal to his Scorbunny final evolution to Armor Evolve it (new gen 8 gimmick) and proceed to sweep Ash's team, prompting him to go visit the Galar region.

>every region has its own Pokemon League
>each region has its champion

So, we could have a journey with Ash winning a region, learning there was a Worldwide Pokemon League for champions and maybe with E4, but instead Ash goes around in circles without winning a thing and resetting his poke teams and group every fucking new region

At least Alain and Tobias were build up to be these crazy strong trainers with hax pokémon that managed to actually win the league, Cameron was even bigger retard than Ash and proceeded to lose to a team of Eeveelutions right after defeating Ash.

>be Ash
>waste all the time in Sinnoh raising a Torterra
>his Torterra is pure shit

better than yours and everyone else's horrid powercreep suggestions desu
We'd be at Pokemon Super by now

I'd rather have ONE journey of Ash winning the Indigo League and then MOVING ON TO A NEW PROTAGONIST for the next region, with Ash being relegated to special cameos and an episode where he fights Ethan on top of Mt. Silver and one where he fights Nate at the PWT.

What the fuck even is a Pokemon Master? I thought it was about catching every mon, but that can't be the answer because Ash barely even tries catching anything and never evolves his own mons.

>be Ash
>Waste all that time to raise a goodra
>Release it before a single fucking win
>Raise a noibat from an egg into a mighty noivern
>Get goodra back for a major battle
>Both fucking job and fail to get a single win
Not even bad EVs can excuse this shit

Dont care the XY episodes were still kino

No good show has ever done this and stayed good
God imagine how dead one piece would be if he did this nonsense

Camerons was the worst of the bunch. The fucking idiot tough 7 bages were enough, missed the registration for the league and only got in thanks to ash nad then tough that 5 pokemon are a whole team. HAsh lost to a literal retard who only had 5 pokemon with his full team. Fucking hell,. that was like the last spit in the face after the abhoral mess that B/W anime was.

>What is Landorus

>Release it before a single fucking win
Wasn't it what won his fight against Citron?

The idea is Ash winning and then passing the torch to someone else.
For years that each region should have their own protagonist based on the games

>ywn see this episode

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>Release it before a single fucking win
Wasn't Goodra's win ratio 100% before being released and ultimately only lost once to a OHKO move in the league finale?

>No good show has ever done this and stayed good
Kamen Rider and Jojo would like a word

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Ash being the only one to beat it at all just showed that they threw Tobias in as a stop because they couldn't come up with anything else to prevent Ash from winning the league.

YGo did it multiplew times with varing success. iirc 5Ds and the recent one with pendulums was well liked.

It only fought two battles one of which was doubles. It also tied with a fucking Slurpuff. Overrated barneyfag garbage.

It's gonna be a fucking sight to behold when Ash loses the Alola league, especially when it's not even an official fucking league

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>Wasn't Goodra's win ratio 100% before being released
It was, because it fought only a single fucking battle against that blond faggot
>Lost to an OHKO move
There's the problem
>No good show has ever done this and stayed good
>Implying pokemon is or ever was a good show
Hey faggot, remember Alain? You know, that brand new protag, star of his own series who became a fan favorite?

where does this whole protagonist change meme come from? Only Americans say this dumb shit but it's not like there are many American shows where the protagonist changes besides getting shitty spinoffs. And it doesn't happen very often in other Japanese shows either. Is it just because Digimon and Yugioh did it because they sucked and had no staying power? Is that why they think Pokemon should have done it too?

Good thing Americans cancelled "Cased Closed" when they did, glad I can at least discuss Detective Conan without smelly mutts bitching that they can't handle a long running show every thread.

>TR is competnet
>do actual spionage and thievery work
>are fucking successful at it
>literally mission impossible TR
>big showdown that was build up over 20 episodes gets canceled beacsue of an earthquake
>TR go back to be jobber no1
Fuck this fucking shit.

Say what you will about Alain, but at least the actual match was good and they were evenly matched.

Tobias is the biggest asspull the anime has ever done that shits on pretty much everything they established before. And the less said about Cameron the better

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Ash losing in it is what will officialize it. After all, the only League he's won is the one that isn't official (Orange Islands Cup).

Advanced Ash is best Ash. He actually acted like a veteran trainer.

>a buildup to a conflict that lasted 20 fucking episodes and would likely have shaped the entire season to be something else entirely
>A fucking earthquake causes a cancellation
You can tell the writing team were banking heavily on this idea, based on the number of pointless fillers they put in. What a fucking waste. If this episode had aired, they mightve made BW a respectable season like XY

The voice actors didn't like it so they went back to their old selves or so I heard. To be fair serious TR was shit.

Oh god, this hurts to look at.
BW could've been so great, and been one of the anime's best outings

Fuck you plate tectonics

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I'm gonna say the B word, Ash

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Ash will win a league when he realises that pokemon are living creatures and not tools to satisfy his own vanity and need for recognition

Everyone in here is a moron, being a pokemon master means you've caught them all.

XY Ash also acted like a veteran, and never pulled something as dumb as Thunder Armor.

>forgetting that he thought the league conference was in johto
I think everyone's already burnt out in terms of getting really angry about it now

B lack and White 2 were the best games

You misunderstand me user, after XY I don't think anyone is expecting anything anymore but it's going to interesting to see just how they're going to have him lose and justify it this time

That said, have they started gearing towards the league now? Hyped up any rivals or whatnot? Don't really follow SM myself but Ash's team is odd to say the least

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DP and XY had the best execution of Ash, and the best anime overall.

Having him, while still be a bit of a dumbass, still knows his way around a battle is experienced enough to know how to handle it.

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you have to be legit retarded to still care about the pokemon anime
it's obvious there is zero regards to quality, it solely exists to keep pokemon as a thing to watch on tv for ever-younger small children

Fuck off, Euroshit.

Calling it just an earthquake is an understatement for what happened. That tsunami was fucking disastrous.

From what I know right now it's teased with being built

Hau just got introduced, along with our boi Guzma, and of course there's always Gladion

So make of all that what you will

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It's called stockholm syndrome.

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I dont understand. Why should a TV show be affected by something like that? Not the first time either, and I cant see the rationale behind it

How about Jojo?

Some of the things might of been seen as a "too soon" moment.

>It's that black guy who keeps shilling Yokai Watch

Yes. You don't get the Gold Medal because you tried hard. You get it because you are the best.

"Pokemon Master" is just a title, but nevertheless a title you have to earn.

Guzma finally appeared? They were bitching about him not showing up for ages

lol I'm still on episode 60 though, it's hard to find the will to catch up. Not that I dislike it at all, but I dunno, this season is a season that you don't look forward to but is enjoyable to watch while you're actually watching. XY's filler episodes were like that too, I'd see the next episode for next week and think ugh, but then when I got around to watching it, it was enjoyable. But XY also mostly had hype episodes to make you want to watch next week too, which SM doesn't have that often...

ah never mind my blog post

saw him in the preview

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And I thought white lefties were sensitive faggots

>Ash finally takes out Darkrai
>Throws out a fucking Latios

Watching this happen at 8 in the morning when I was 8 or something was like watching my dad get the shit kicked out of him

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Based and BlackWhitePilled

>people have watched for 20 years and somehow still don't understand that he won't win and legitimately get angry about childrens cartoons
>think ash winning every battle easily is "kino"

Do we even see Giovanni these days?

Yeah, TR report back to him about the new Pokémon they find in Alola and whatnot but he doesn't play an active role or anything.

didn't the 2nd game completely remove the freeplay aspect and lock you into some kind of story thing?

The fuck are you talking about?
If anything, BW2 has less story than BW

no less than we usually did outside of fantasies

Wait, did they cancel an episode, especially an important one like that beacuse of that tsunami?
I understand delaying it but why would they just never air the episode beacuse of natural disaster?
I just don't get it, I never watched Pokemon anime so maybe I'm missing something?

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kept getting delayed until b2w2 was announced and then they changed shit i guess
we never really got an answer

"Pokemon Master" is an intentionally nebulous title so that Satoshi can always strive toward becoming one, but can never actually reach his goal, thus allowing his journey in the anime to continue without a concrete end.

Yeah, they kept teasing it and then went "something something earthquake tsunami, please understand" and never aired it. IIRC the episode featured a lot of images of city destruction that could have been PTSD inducing for victims or relatives of victims of the tsunami.

Honestly, Kamen Rider Fourze is the only good thing to come out of that tsunami.

Does being a manchild for 20 years make you a good mc?

you tell me

>Honestly, Kamen Rider Fourze is the only good thing to come out of that tsunami.

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not even Yea Forums is this pretentious

Hope none of them ever watch godzilla then.

I'm still disappointed we never got the version where he was related to Takeshi Hongo.

>Godzilla: Monster movie meant to recapture the horrors of the nuclear bombing and somethingsomething the frailty of man in front of the fearful power of nature
>Pokémon: A literal toddler's show meant to market cute collectible creatures

Gee, I wonder why Japanese parents would be more lenient toward one franchise showing images of destruction shortly after a real life catastrophe, but not the other?


>Kamen Rider Fourze is the only good thing to come out of that tsunami
By god there's hope for this board yet.

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I honestly couldn't stand TR in Johto.
>Episode starts with CotD, shit happens
>TR pops up from the shrubs, comes up with a plan to steal Pikachu or the CotD's Pokemon
>Cue Meowth's fantasy with Giovanni
>TR gets excited
Gen III was a breath of fresh air when Jesse started entering contests and took it seriously. So much build up from Gen III to V with TR, but nope, back to the status quo. Then again, Ash's reset was a sign of things to come. On that note, Hoenn Ash was a fantastic way of developing him, furthering up in Sinnoh with his dynamic with Paul, who I really liked being a nod to actual trainers pushing for perfect IV's.

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I don't see how you can be a Pokemon Master when your Pokemon are your masters.

She's a Master at draining her Garchomp's pokéballs.

>Pokémon Master

That has to be the stupidest title and it has no estabilished method of becoming one. There's no way someone can become a Master unless he becomes unbeatable and pretty much has captured every single Pokemon in existance. It's a hopeless dream.