Are you going to play Bunnies in Shadowbringers?

Are you going to play Bunnies in Shadowbringers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm going fuck bunnies

nah I like my women plain so I play a midlander

>OUR PLAYERBASE IS DYING we need something to bring them back hmmmmm what should we do? Oh fuck I have a brilliant idea what if the stretch the textures on humans to make them fat and make them a separate race and call it a day?
>Brilliant this will win over our American playerbase get right on it

>Square Enix
>Dude just design some hot as fuck bunnygirls that people wanna fuck oh yeah get Taro to make content for us it’ll be insane bro haha

nah i'm ok m8, you enjoy your tranny game tho

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WoW is more futa tranny than FFXIV is

I've always seen WoW as more of a furry haven.

Like half of every MMO community is degenerates though, it's always kind of been that way.

Back then it was autismo neckbeards, now it's furries and trannies.

Prob. I'm also lookin forward towards Gunbreaker job

I don't want to play the new tranny class in FFXIV

girl on the right is what all females are going to look like in western games

Not gonna lie, I'm honestly considering it. I actually want to play a qt potato, but the FF potatoes are all ugly unlike GBF potatoes.

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>low effort otaku bait trash
>ugly fat tumblrinas
they're both shit.

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Female potatos can be pretty qt m8

Male potatos must be purged

>genderlocked races
>in a pay to play + subscription game
>in a dlc
>it's not a Korean MMO

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Was there any confirmation that they are genderlocked? I thought we were still just speculating.

God I hope so,would be a massive improvement over blaxploitation sistas and the testosterone pumped "girls" were getting.

Trust me, there's a lot of draenei trannies

You’d be surprised just how much Draenei futa porn there is

Male Viera are the speculation considering they've never been in a single FF game until now and aren't in any of the official releases for the 14 race.

It's all speculation and shitposting for one more week.

the west has fallen far

and it's glorious

Male elezen are the most aesthetic dark knights and paladins, prove me wrong

dicks are gay

I have no desire to play a casual tranny filled game like XIV. Sorry anons!

Fuck off wow tranny

DRK yes, PLD it's a tie between them and a non-barafag Roe imo.

They're both so rare that it doesn't matter though. Enjoy your Mi'qote PLDs and Au Ra DRKs.

Can someone explain to me how WoW became so big and popular and for years now, it seems to be failing to hold on to or recapture that popularity?

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I cant stop playing Lala but I may make an Alt

Bad management ruining the plot for half the playerbase and making the game incredibly unfun

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It became a massive part of pop culture after it appeared on south park and BC was a very well-received expansion mostly anyway.

It started to fall off after WotLK because they ran out of Warcraft 3 lore to pull from and a lot of their early designers had left by that point.

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Nope, but I’m gonna erp then until I wither away

$20 says you can find a gay pride event tied to literally anything nowadays. Gay people really like parades.

I'll play a boy bunny, if I can. If they're genderlocked, hopefully there's another cute beast race coming.

This image is beautiful, and I'm upset that I relate to more than 50% of it.

If blizzard really wanted money they would give gnomes a boob slider.

>not going THICC

Hrothgar are going to be short and stout to contrast the tall lithe Viera

got any more?

I'm going to give it a go, but I'll probably go back to muh Elezen

Male Elezen are the most aesthetic, period.

That'd be pretty based
Not gender locked I hope

I just want bunny boys... please...

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going to be an epic slut showdown between cats and bunnies. Who will win in the end I cannot say but gonna be a ton of heal sluts everywhere.

I'd like to play an elezen if their animations weren't such dog shit. Based Yoshi said they're going to be fixed soon though.

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Alright, you can have them, but they're going to be lanklet twinks

no. anyone who thinks they will be genderlocked are stupid. they learned their lesson with all of the ass backwards retardation that was carried over from 11 to 14 1.0

>Based Yoshi said they're going to be fixed soon though
He said it's on the list of things they want to do, but they have no idea when they'll get to it. So please look forward to fixed animations in 8.0

That's a funny way to spell trannies

I want cute male viera but I can see hrothgar being ugly and tailor made for the WoWfugees that have been flooding in since BfA. It’s a dark timeline

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I just want lean, muscular bunny men with good facial hair options

< east west >

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I just stick to WoW private servers(TBC) and classic WoW.

gave ffxiv a shot and it was too casual for me.

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Male Raen should have been shotas and female Xalea Amazoness

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Clear both ultimates and tell me us how casual it is.

I'm going to play Pandass

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Right is for lore
left is for trannies who need to self-insert

It was only massive because at the time it was the casual mmo compared to Everquest and FFXI and was a big leap in how big and how good an mmo looked.

Nah, we already have futaogres, don’t need 2 of those

You're drastically overstating the animations, they're no worse than hyur and roe, and they aren't bouncing around like retards like the potatoes, cats, and lizards
Seriously, anytime someone complains about race animations but leaves out those three and all their exaggerated anime bullshit you know they're talking out of their ass

>Computer Science degree
>vertical chat monitor

Its the little details that make this image gold

Good bait

People liked wc3
All the characters in wc3 was transfered to a more personalized world, even if it wasn't the same genre anymore
That being said, not many other games have achieved this

Everyone, including Yoshida, just focuses on the Elezen run animation that looks like they have a stick up their ass. They're the same people complaining that the female Midlander animation is """"too feminine""".

>Thought I could solve the run animation issue by just playing NIN
>They hunch over in an insanely awkward way with daggers drawn

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I play both WoW and FFXIV right now and neither are great.
I love MMOs and don't want to stop playing though.

What's the next big thing?
Or is the genre literally dead now?

It’s in a bad place for sure, but at least ff14 is trying

>Can't play Elezen without Alisaie's face being level with my penis

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>ff14 is trying
eureka fate grinding is not trying

yet it's still trash

My prediction is the genre stays "dead" until VR is actually usable and widely supported. It's going to be at least another 5-10 years.

WoW has been on a downward trend due to bad management and unenthusiastic designers, FF14 will probably remain relatively stable since they seem to just avoid changing anything drastically.

...And thats a good thing!

What's your favorite piece of obscure XIV lore?

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I’m not a tranny so I don’t play these games

FF14 is holding steady which I like. Good music and story.
WoW is constantly redesigning itself for people who dislike WoW.
Some utterly retarded decisions that won't be reverted like titanforging and master looter.
I hate XIV less but also love WoW more.
I want to move on but there's nothing else.

I want a new game with a big budget made with original WoW's design philosophy. Not just Classic WoW again, I want the next WoW - whatever that is.

>lover's clam
Sounds dirty

The odd thing is Blizzard is also very hesitant to make big changes to WoW too but whenever they finally do it's always a really bad thing they change for the worse permanently because they refuse to ever admit they made a mistake.

bruh that's cute

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>Sounds dirty

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during the duty commenced NA twitch stream earlier, someone in their party was parsing the live streamers and they were doing the lowest.

>I want the next WoW

The team that made WoW what it was isn't there anymore user.

Classic is likely as close as we will ever get from modern Blizzard, and I'm honestly questioning whether it will be a better experience than private servers at this point.

The bar for Classic is pretty low considering the state of most private servers but I still feel like modern Blizzard could miss the mark.

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The midlander running animation is absolute horseshit, stop being a contrarian

>stop being a contrarian
I've played Midlander since 1.0, I'm not being contrarian. There's nothing wrong with femininity.

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Is it that bad? I've always heard this but I found it to be relatively unoffensive. Is it only the male animation or something?

Please look forward to FFXIV Fan Fest next week in Japan!


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I want to split open Fordolas clam

>implying i wouldnt fuck them both
one on top, one on bottom. you figure out which is which

I guess if you want to be a faggot little princess then you might think it's fine.

on the right is one of the community managers for FFXIV

I hope Fordola has the other side of my clam!!!

No you misunderstand, I don't want WoW again.
I want a big MMO that captures everyone's hearts like WoW did the first time it came out. Something completely new by new people with a new soul that gives people that experience again in a different way.

>faggot little princess

isn't that the whole point of playing a midlander?

if i wanted to be a manly futa i'd play highlander or roe


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No, it's just cat and lizard fags pretending their exaggerated anime animations are good
Male hyur has the most average normal guy jog ever, the sprint is a little stiff since his back and posture don't change
Honestly I think it's the same animation on elezen just lazily slapped onto their skeleton which makes it look a little off, the proportiona are different

I headcanon my character to be a tomboy who was pampered by her father and wishes she was a princess, so yes.

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Should be wearing programming socks thought.

Neither. I like my cat too much to switch

No official confirmation but Yoshi and the rest of the dev team seem to have some aversion to the concept of male rabbits. It's really the only reason we're getting Hrothgar at all. Not to mention the lore has them as Rambo Super Predators who will kill you before you can even see them. They aren't going to be playable.

Yeah that shit isn't happening until VR actually takes off or some other crazy shit.

It would need to be the ultimate form of escapism beyond even what WoW accomplished, complete with IV drip, onahole, etc.

Depends - have they confirmed boys yet?

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Just posting obscure fishing log lore while I fish.

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Fuck off roe, we saw this happen in last week's event

>the elementals, verifiable demigods, claim that the Twelve do really exist

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when asked yoshi p says look at the lore the dramaturge says. dramaturge says they're extremely rare and never seen. i guess we'll see

Nah genderlocked with male hrothgar.

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Detto genre. All we have is WoW is weebWoW.

They gave up putting actual effort into the game long ago.

Nigger I just said I've been playing since 1.0 and I've always had the same headcanon, and I'm a Midlander.

Bruh look at this dude

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No, I like my Miqo'te, she's genky and expressive
Bunnies seem really haughty and all, I'm not about that

Stay mad son.

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>two mana bars
Shit redundant UI, guess that's what I'd expect from an Elv player.


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Fuck off incineroarfag
You're insufferable
You're not getting a furry race
The most you get is buff men with cat ears


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>Leaks shit that has already been leaked by Blufever
>Leaks shit that everyones been guessing for weeks beforehand
>Didn't even fucking leak the ozma mount
>Called out Mr Happy despite JP not giving a fuck about him
>Shittiest engrish imitation in recorded history
How do you inbreds fall for this?

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literally nothing

Remember to report any and all avatarfagging furries you see and make Yea Forums a better place.

Wow is a better game and this just proves you are all children who are more about the shiny thing.

No, however there is also nothing indicating they exist. They've always been on the side that the male Viera are super rare and just kind of stay at home. They've also never had male Viera before. It could happen, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

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>there are people who defend fishbacks

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>Powerless to stop the future
Does it hurt?

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3.1 OUT OF 10

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About how long will it take to get through ARR? I'm at about 35 in MSQ and I'm planning to continue but I really don't want to spend $40 on HW/SB now and have to drop another 40 in a couple months. Is there enough still to do in ARR to last until release?

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Spartans did that

Yiff in hell.

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ARR is the longest portion of the game because they didn't start pruning fetch quests until 2.4 or 2.5.

ARR should last you another 20-40 hours depending on whether or not you're watching cutscenes. More than that if you want to do all of the optional dungeons and raids available in ARR.

So that's what the gloom is.

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>Mhigger party games

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depends on how much you're playing, but the ARR patch content takes forever

>alligator turtle

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Eh, they've gotten most of the leaks right and if the gr'aha minion ends up meaning something could be big.

I wouldn't completely discredit them.

I've had several WoW refugees join my FC and I'm always welcoming and happy to help them get through the content.
Invariably, however, they all play to about level 30, pay for a boost, skip all the cutscenes, reach level 70 and quit the game a week later.
What has WoW done to make people play this way?
It's the same time and time again, they don't even try to enjoy the game.

>he doesn't know

>Is there enough still to do in ARR to last until release?
You have about a months worth of stuff to do if you don't drag your feet and set yourself to clearing at least one thing each day
The question is do you want to be 2 expansions of about a month each if you try to do everything at the same "clear one significant thing" a day pace behind everyone else when ShB launches

>Delusional furfag with an attitude comes in to shit up the thread and avatarfag

Like clockwork


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>tfw no mace class

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Wonder if she keeps the boots on too

Penises are so much better than vaginas. The one physical flaw of women is that they have vaginas instead of penises.

goddammit koji

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in awe at the size of this lass, absolute unit

Thanks, I'll keep on with ARR for now and probably pick up SB if I see it for 20 at some point.

Probably because it’s more of the same shit. People are looking for something different and not a reskin.

>wowfugee joins NN
>"guys this is my first day and I bought a level skip, where do I get my mount"
>tell him he has to do the story that starts at level 1 and will get his mount at level 20, suggest switching classes so all that xp doesn't go to waste
>wowfugee gets all pissed off "are you telling me I need to buy the story skip too just so I can ride a mount"
What the fuck is wrong with wowfugees

>skip literally every cutscene
>"story in this game sucks, I don't know what's going on, who the fuck is this dragon?"

>"are you telling me I need to buy the story skip too just so I can ride a mount"
sasuga, yshida-san

Another NPC implied that some Viera joined the imperials after slaughtering them, with some implications that they were male (male viera are the hare-like ones and the ones the garleans would encounter first)
>Company Tragedian: “You spoke with a Viera, you say? How exotic! I recall reading that following the Empire’s occupation of Dalmasca, several imperial army units were sent into the jungles to round up the hares and bring them to Rabanastre. As you might imagine, only a few of the soldiers returned… and the few Viera with them appeared to have followed on their own volition.”

>pay for a boost
>skip all the cutscenes
>and quit the game
Good. Better them remain in wow then come to xiv, start bitching in mass and once there numbers reach a critical mass...actually start influencing the game.

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Why do people pay more money to not play a game they bought?


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>tfw retarded wowfags are keeping the game funded for you while you take breaks

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I bought boosts for my alt but I have a lot of disposable income

Buying a boost for your first character is retarded though

I always thought "hare" was a derogatory word for them.

>wowfugee friend constantly bitching about the story taking so long to get through
>says story in MMOs don't matter at all and the story insistence will kill this game
>cries that story skips don't level you up
>says the story sucks but clicks through it as fast as possible
He's my friend but holy fuck it's insufferable.

This makes me wonder just how many times Ysayle became Shiva in the short amount of time between 2.4 and HW.

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I'd be upset if I was trans too user

>b-but muh tranny leaks!

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I guess that's possible but he doesn't seem to have a dislike for them.

Bunny girls will be filled with Tauren beef.

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>retarded barafaggots actually think SE will waste time and money making another race that no one will play

Tauren are great but WoW is dying, user. Take the roepill.

Well they're making Hrothgar so

yiff in heck, fren

definitely, i'm gonna try it out and see if it "feels right"
im not sure if i wanna be one or just textfuck one but i'm excited to find out

Like I said, you're retarded if you think that's actually happening

The story does suck though. You have to be a self-insert tranny to enjoy it

this but unironically
stay seething, straightfags


Reminder that Legion managed to sell more day 1 copies than lifetime sales of HW and SB combined.

>you will never be a small lizardboy tank

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>SE reveals bunny boys
>they're small and effeminate and cute
>like au ra sexual dimorphism in reverse
i need this

Such brilliant story telling!

Why is this the discordtranny's game of choice anyways?

>"Mr Yoshida theres been alot of talk about shota bunnies being the next race to be revealed. Is there any truth to that?"

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>playing Huyrs with bunny ear accessories
I wonder what it's like paying over 200 dollars to get to this.

Can you name something wrong?

>Highmountain story changed and Baine removed from it because of alliance crying, when 3/5 zones of Legion were about night elves.
>Magatha is alive and with some powerful artifact, Nobundo tells you to deal with it if you bitch.
>Baine gets more and more Cucked each patch, is basically undercover Alliance at this point.
Why does Christie Golden hate the tauren so much?

I wish to import my beefy boi into the Final Fantasy universe.

the longer i look at this image the more i notice
your opinion is retarded tho

ARR's story really was shit. HW is when it started to transition to mediocre and it stayed that way.

as a discord tranny i can tell you its because it has the most waifufag shit. And waifufagging is 100% for trannies and trannies in the closet. Every single thread you see on Yea Forums talking about waifus? Trannies and dudes who want to be girls, with 0 exceptions

She outright hates the Horde and made Anduin the main character of the story. It isn't going to get better.

>B-but think about muh immersion! I need sweaty muscular roes taking all those hits by garlean soldiers!

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Everything up to 2.5 was build-up for when the shit hits the fan and the rest of the story becomes about the consequences of being a hero.

Wouldn't playing through Shadowbringers be weird if you don't level a Dark Knight?

They know they're the best race and put them down to promote other race choices.

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Dropping a bunch of exposition by just standing around instead of presenting it naturally
Retreading things we would already know to pad time
Voice acting cutting in and out

Legion was also an incredibly hyped and good expansion until the last patch. BfA is dogshit and everyone knows it.

something about this gif just makes me seethe
i hate it, it's just bad to look at

Battle for Azeroth is worse than 1.0.

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>Only have to play 200 hours for it to get good bro


God I wish I could go back in time and show this image to everyone playing TBC/WOTLK

How come that "bunnygirl" doesn't have any fur?

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I enjoy both.

BFA right now is actually kind of fun, sans azerite. But if you get a good group, PVP is just as enjoyable as anything

speculation still, but a lot of people are hoping for an androgynous race. Would be pretty good lore reason for the males never being seen. They were but were just traps

game sucked when it was released.

WoW's been "dying" for like 6 years now.

>BFA right now is actually kind of fun

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Because based Japan hates furries.

We used to have an animal just like this waaaaay back then.

Im fine with Femroe.

>Dropping a bunch of exposition by just standing around instead of presenting it naturally
They do both. They show, and then explain for Japanese bugmen that can't understand.
>Retreading things we would already know to pad time
Such as? If anything, they didn't retread enough because of the amount of people who don't know about Minfilia and Lolorito's character arcs from 1.0.
>Voice acting cutting in and out
Not an argument

>WTF i have to see the beginning to get a pay-off?!

>stormblood came out on the final patch of legion
>their next expansion shadow bringers is coming out before the first content patch of Battle for Azeroth

I'm not gay, I just want to be a cute raen male like the one in the picture.


>giving a shit about the choice to be a fat bitch

Why are MMOtards so easily triggered by shit that doesn't effect them at all?

WoW has been dying since WotLK. This is a factual statement.

Nips weren't conditioned by Jewish animators to think wanting to fuck an anthro is normal

Because beastmen are shunned from society so they can't be PC races.

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>Just got to the point where I need mendacity and genesis tomestones
Ahh, finally. To all of you "Sqaure needs to do something new, it's the same thing every time" people, go fuck yourselves. I LIKE my tomestone grinding, and I LIKE my reward skinnerbox treadmill. If I didn't LIKE grinding, I wouldn't be playing an mmo. Ahhhh.

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Wasted resources that could have been used on something that makes BFA less shit.

>Farm the Tank/Dragoon gear from Hydatos
>End up liking the Omega gear because it’s more streamlined
>Have to deal with everyone else now needing gear since it was unlocked and I don’t care about dyeable versions
life is suffering

i would be ok with a bara cat race
it'll show me who to avoid

Neither I'm calling you one, that was the first image I found and I hate immersionfags

Are they secret lovers

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I seriously doubt modeling a fat bitch got in the way of them adding shit to the game.

>best race/gender combo has the most members
god bless this game

No, I'm going to play my lion men

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hes been needing a new fleshlight since he gave you his old one.

He's just very devoted to the family and sees himself like a retainer. She's like his niece you degenerate.

When are the rat people going to be playable.

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hey man, everyone's entitled to their opinion

if you enjoy ffxv, by all means, but I'm enjoying what i'm doing with the people i'm doing it with

doesn't mean its perfect, but hey, it is what it is.

I want to be a fishing autist, is there a guide or something on catching them all?

I don't mind.
In fact i like it im tired of the same body type in all MMO.
Korean MMO are especially guilty of this.

i doubt they even exist on hydaelyn

Here's a guide to the big fish. Check garlondtools for filling in the lower tier fish.

How about you dumb smelly roes do some content for once instead of afk dancing in a subligar and shitposting?

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Forgot the link.

Well what's the second image?

>WTF i have to see the beginning to get a pay-off?!
200 hours isn't the beginning. It's designed to make people pay the monthly $10-15 payment because faggots like you swear up and down it gets good

hrothgar is an old name
they've been repurposed into a beast race with the same lore and models used for male viela after fan fest controversy

He basically raised the twins, didn't he? Regardless, Alisaie is for me.

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>He said this as he sits idle in limsa next to his afk cat girlfriend(male)

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What fanfest controversy?

>you will never be a Tauren White Mage


male viela duh

>Roes always claiming they're the best group of people, friendly and skilled
>Only Roes I ever see is some memelord with an afro who stands around in Limsa running a gearswap macro so he has a cycling rainbow tuxedo or absolute control freaks in normal 8 mans

>mfw Alphinaud dies in 5.0 MSQ

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>say something
>post pic that contradicts what was said
what did he mean by this?

>Not an argument
It is. It's horrible presentation and completely ruins the immersion. It is something you find in one of those $2 steam FPS games.
>They show, and then explain for Japanese bugmen that can't understand.
Japanese aren't retarded. If they can't understand then it's a clear problem with the storytelling which JRPGs seem to be terrible at.
>Such as?

>Alisaiefags forced to kill their waifu

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I don't play MMOs that don't have Elins.


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hey sauce me up.

>Implying that isn't Alphinaud

Dont forget the roe healers with pompadours that only wear a speedo, don't dps, and still can't keep the tank alive

Sorry, but I've never even seen or wanted to see final fantasy bullshit, and if I've learned anything, the more obscure and anime something is, the more degenerates make it their home than any other thing.

Speaking of FFXIV, did you know that ResetERA (Gather Against Fate on Ultros) is currently blaming PewDiePie for the mass shooting in New Zealand?

right could beat the shit out of left. that's the one ill be bringing to a fight.

No race is more irrelevant than Tauren. Except maybe gnomes.

>tfw no Padjal gf

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>Japanese aren't retarded
They can't understand subtlety. Have you never watched anime or played any other JRPG? The Japanese need plot points stated a dozen fucking times so they don't get confused about what's going on.
The Echo always reveals new information.

>Shadowbringers pulls a Kingdom Hearts and corrupts Alphinaud with darkness

>Koji takes great care to always call Titania the Pixie "Regent"
>steam page calls it the Pixie King, then is quickly scrubbed
Really makes you think.

Attached: 1543135651133.png (448x1300, 335K)

ResetERA is a shit website and is worse than directly linking to reddit or kotaku. Delete that shit idiot and get your offtopic crap out of here.

>"t. Y'Shtola"
purge of beast tribe apologists when

to explain, viking from north sea lore is now seeq
muscular maned man now viela men

How is it contradictory?

It's a curse of the genre. MMOs change over time, but not everybody is going to change with them. It isn't like a single player video game where you can revisit it years later and have it be just as you remembered it. MMOs grow and grow, sometimes not always for the best, and eventually the game you loved has changed too much from what you initially liked about it.

And it will happen to FFXIV.

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it does when patches consist of 3 new models, two of which are store mounts

inb4 the Pixies had both of the twins before them, and decided Alphinaud was the more feminine of the two

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There won’t be any controversy. This game is full of normies with zero opinions on anything, they don’t give a fuck

Is this good or bad to Alisaie?

primal lalas are so cute and powerful bros...

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do you have any more rare alphs?

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say something nice to the MMO of the year.

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i don't get what blizzard were thinking honestly. why is the west so fucking backwards

The only opinion Alisaie cares for is the WoL's

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>Have you never watched anime
Anime is for children and retards. Most MMO players are older since it usually requires a credit card to play. Even children's books like Harry Potter don't beat you down with huge exposition like FFXIV does. I don't remember the few Japanese novels I've read being as stupid as the shit you read in FFXIV.

Explaining the Echo was unnecessary and the way they did it was longwinded. Other cutscenes I don't feel like finding retread the primal problem over and over and over.

what about the fujos over in japan?

>playing MMOs

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controversy already happened
big fight between team and yoshida


its not really just the dungeons its the entire game its just really casual and boring. though redoing dungeons/bosses on harder difficulties seems kind of lame if you ask me. (do da level on da hard mode hurr)I couldn't even keep interest in a game that feels like it was made for a casual ffrpg fan that isn't even into MMO's that much. theres also no fucking talkative community outside of fc's which makes the game feel lifeless.

it made me appreciate other MMO's after doing months of MSQ shit that I literally did not care for and only wanted to get to endgame.

>I don't agree with your opinion so therefore it must be bait.

I wonder how many of my tax dollars are going to fund this guy's mental illness prescriptions and doctor visits

lalas are the most powerful race


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Ultros lalas sicken me , they’re always rude

Here's a rare alph.

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My brain autocorrects its title to Shadowniggers, and I can't stop it

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This lala is very kyoot.

>Male Viera are rare
>So much so that even female viera rarely see them
I bet there's gonna be a male viera raid boss that "did what he had to do for his race"
His reveal is gonna be pretty hype when he steps out of the shadows.

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What big fight? Do you have a source?


we will not be stopped

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That's because the shooter was shouting "subscribe to pewdiepie" during the shooting and put the same thing in his manifesto

I'd rather be a Tauren Bard.

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I'm still on the fence on Viera, I really like my lizard girl. We'll see once benchmark comes out.

tauren should be retconned into sasquatches

yoshida doesn't like viela men
team does
like otaku only wants cute girl
men happen anyway
seeq made into the north viking

f l a t

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it means she's more muscular due to using a rapier

>being any race but Lalafell

The point of the entry is to say that "beast tribe" is an ambiguous, biased term that was mostly created out of economic reasons from Ul'dahn elite

It has nothing to do with races having fur or not

The point is also that Ul'dah and Eorzea in general treats something as a beastmen entirely on fucking appearance.

They all look happy except the dad so what's the problem

>They can't understand subtlety.
I'm pretty sure their entire way of communicating is based about subtleties and understanding the context and mood of things.

God imagine having a twitter handle that cringey.
I wonder how people like that act in real life.

Wow classic or shadowbringers?

>JP Midgardsormr flatly states everything in dull casual language
>EN Midgardsormr uses subtle and vague language that middle school dropouts and redditors can't decode

They're ruining classic with modern shit

Explain what? You said japanese don't understand subtlety. I'm saying that's not the case because of how they language works. Some game choosing to overexplain things doesn't contradict what I've said.

Critics and Hype = Classic WoW
Players and Fun = Shadowbringers

Do you have the weird Azys La fish? The lalafell one in particular.

Reminder that the EN voice cast is 1000x better than the JP voice cast.

There are two of them. Big fish version coming up next.

>log on
>check my retainers since they finished their ventures
>upgrade their gear if needed
>realize I'm out of tokens
>check the markets
>see what sold while I was asleep
>modify a few of my prices so I stay competitive
>go do a few fates as one of my lower classes to gain some seals
>go to my grand company and get my venture tokens
>check on my squadron while I'm there
>see if we have any new recruits
>send them on another mission
>do my crafting trade missions
>go back to my retainers and send them on their ventures
>call goes out that a rank S hunt was found
>go to the zone, group up, and kill it with a hundred other people
>do my crafting beast tribe quests for the day
>level one of my lower crafters with levee quests
>go into the world to collect the supplies I need
>do the levees
>get more recipes from leveling up
>craft myself some new gear in limsa while talking with friends and shitposting on the novice network
>see other people having conversations cause limsa is fucking packed as usual
>people are laughing and trading and crafting and bards are playing music
>queue up for daily roulettes as my tanks and bring along guildmates on dps so they can have fast queues
leaving wow was the best thing I ever did. Made me realize I actually like playing mmos

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>"Just as the answer does not lie in fairness of feature(...)"
>"No. There exists no distinctly plausible linguistic, anthropological, or biological variances that might warrant a separate classification."

There reasons are purely economic and political, it's wirtten there. Amalj'aa are only considered an enemy beast tribe because they refused to let Ul'dah mining business expand into their homelands. No one gives a fuck about the Mamool Ja chilling in Ul'dah.

Good for the people excited for classic, but I'm just not seeing the appeal. I've already played it, the veil of mystery is gone, and I strongly doubt the community will be anything like actual classic WoW. I do hope it goes well for people who want it, though.

Wow and I forgot the fucking picture so here is both of them.

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I've never played WoW so I'll give Classic a try.

>Log in
>Play Mahjong
>Tank my rating because one person is riichi'ing 5+ han hands 5 tiles in every other round
>Log off

>No one gives a fuck about the Mamool Ja chilling in Ul'dah
They do, but there's no law barring them from entry because the Order of Nald'thal didn't have psychic powers to know to include a newly discovered beast tribe from the New World in the laws. Even the fucking Sylphs, Qiqirn, and Goblins are barred from Ul'dah. Entirely on appearance. What they're talking about there is taxonomic classification, not what the layman views as a beastman.

I really like the new Paladin animations

>see people riding these cool ass motorcycles
>kind want one
>look up how to get it
>$30 cash shop item
that is insane

Attached: 1436762872613.gif (253x200, 664K)

>People actually bought this game, and made a lala
Can't believe these "people" are allowed to breathe

>transferring to primal data center in a month
>resetera cuckolds infest ultros
thanks for letting me know user

why does the dev team relentlessly bully the potatoes?

Attached: lala bone.png (312x130, 36K)

Welcome to mmo cashshops. Whales set the price for everyone else.

Just wait for the XV collab and everyone driving cars around.

What the fuck are you talking about, where are you getting this information?

>there are zoomers who unironically post on this website and have never experienced WoW in its prime
I'm playing Shadowniggers my nigger

you forgot ending the day by erping your cute cat girl girlfriend yoshi hooked you up with at the valentine's day event

>fc leader was a lala, then changed to a cat
>a week later he's back to lala

The initial reasons for classifying them as beastmen was purely political reasons but that way of thinking permeated throughout Eorzea so anyone that doesn't look roughly human is a 'beastman'.

Do you ironically post on this website?

>that time the entire FC went into hiding during the GAF meltdown
Reminder to /spit on any ERAs you see.

>japan vs the west circa 2019 colorized

Other factors seem to be the size and structure of their societies, as well as their capacity for language.
Most beast tribes live much closer to nature than the advanced races, and live in simpler, smaller settlements, if they live indoors at all.
When they speak, the vast majority speak very brokenly, with odd vocal ticks, although that may be purely cultural rather than biological.

It's always been that way, and leviathan was always just contrarians from reddit that didn't want to be on a high pop server, ironically turning levi into a mid-high pop server
The rest of primal has all the same weirdos and nut cases you would find on aether, just less of them since the data center has fewer people overall anyway
With balmung and mateus finally being sent to containment theres no reason not to play on aether now

The fuck is a discord tranny? I hear that shit so much lately. Man, I can't keep up with this new generation's hip new lingo.

>doing something besides spamming dungeons and raids 24/7
what is this, an mmo?

>theres no reason not to play on aether
>saying that when Faerie and Gilgamesh still exist

>Most beast tribes live much closer to nature than the advanced races, and live in simpler, smaller settlements, if they live indoors at all.
So do Miqo'te, though.
>When they speak, the vast majority speak very brokenly, with odd vocal ticks
In 1.0 they actually all spoke their own languages, refusing to speak Eorzean Common. That's how the PC got involved at all, because the Echo gave them a job as a translator, and their vocal tics were a quirk of the Echo 'translation'. They kinda backed out on that plot point in ARR just to make the story easier to tell though.

I came back to this two months ago after the trashfire that was BFA and damn, I forgot how much stuff there was to do in this game. And this is coming from someone who primarily plays to raid too, ffxiv still has better fight presentation and design.
>deep craftan that actually serves a purpose
>jewan people on the market board
>interesting side quests like the allied beast tribe shit I just did today
>hunt train-an
>hunting for glamour pieces that aren't shitty meshes ripped out of 2007
>decoratan the apartment-an
>extreme primal fights that are still fun to farm
>fun classes that have more than 5 buttons
>triple triad madness
compared to WoW
>Log on
>Get an emissary quest done
>try to force myself to do an island expedition
>nope fuck that
>bash head on wall with retards in mythic +
>wait till raid day
>show up to tank as bdk
>75% parses in mythic uldir pressing (unironically) 5 buttons over and over again
>repeat logging in everyday for an emissary quest until raid day.

Yeah I'm good on WoW.

A newish (she started 4 weeks ago) girl at work who sits beside me invited me out to drinks and Karaoke this week with her and her 2 friends. Was fun. She invited me out again this weekend. I think she only likes me as a friend though. How do I know if she only likes me as friend or possibly more?

Reminder that miqos are even more primitive societally and culturally than half of the beast tribes


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So who is gonna get BTFO next weekend? Barafags or Shota homos? Both maybe?

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Pretty sure the right one is to be inclusive, otherwise they'd look a lot hardier

>going to primal
>when ultros and leviathan exist
Same thing

I get to shitpost either way

A storm of shitposts approaches fast. Hells open, heavens weep.

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you can probably get them cheaper from other site

The only players who shit on Gilgamesh are insecure fags who suck dick at the game.

Miqote can speak properly and are hot, so they get a pass

>Level 70 dungeon Roulette
>tank is pulling one trash pack at a time
I can't fucking do it man I'd rather take the god dam 30 minute cooldown than sit through that shit.

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I don't care either way. GUNposting was the peak for me, as it's something I'd actually play whether it was tank or dps.
I'm never swapping off Hyur, all new races do for me is let me see how many fantawhales swap off cat/lizard to be the new super unique slut doll.

Nice blog fag

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you're not the only one. I recently started leveling up a healer and I thought people were meming when people said the majority of tanks single pull...but they do.

Why? All the dungeon mobs in this game hit like a wet noodle. even 10 of them at once.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the actual reason they're not considered a beast race.

I made an elezen alt. ALL of their emotes are extremely stiff and have no range of movement. Meanwhile, roegadyn have the most expressive and outlandish emotes on par with lalafell.

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Start playing ninja, when you get bad tanks like that you can run ahead to get the enemies and then shade walk them onto the tank, just remember to shadeshift and sprint to reduce the damage you take

t. grey parser

You can tally up one, my Fantasia is ready. I've given up on Yoshida fixing Elezen animations to not look like a geek.

t. nu-blizzard WoW paypiggy waiting until it's next raid day so it has a reason to log in.

Sometimes the tank isn't geared enough to hold multiple pulls, sometimes it's the healer.
Even more often is the two DPS are so fucking braindead that the healer runs out of MP before the pulls die.

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It's really because they're just humans with cat ears. The U tribe specifically has also had a long history with Ul'dah, helping them in wars against the Amalj'aa and Sil'dih.

>it's a "dps doesn't realise they can give the healer mp" episode
>it's every episode

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>It's a Red Mage doesn't Mana Shift and doesn't Res episode

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They did confirm that they're fixing elezen animations at some point.

can they please, PLEASE, fix derplanders

unless we get some magical setting of
>no genderlock
>male bunnies have both tall and small variants
someones gonna get analpained

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Midlanders need more face detail, their faces are too smooth. It's like looking at a clothing store mannequin

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>reddit fish

I quit because I can't stand this bullshit. MMOs are about dungeons. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing you said even takes skills.

>More people cheered for a fucking fish than for BLU

Left would be perfect with right's body.

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I was at this fanfest, and had the idea Lalafeller for the name, but I wasn't picked. I don't know if the crowd would have gone for it, but I didn't really like the chosen name. I'm fucking sick of potato jokes.


>uhhh, ummmm, w-what if it ate lalafells?! *snort giggle*

>if i make a cat that looks exactly like G'raha then it will prove that it's definitely not G'raha!

>Highmountain story changed and Baine removed from it because of alliance crying
FAKE NEWS. This is a false story that's spread around that's complete and utter bullshit, Alliance had/would have had Brann there for their side of the story but it was just changed around entirely. There never was any Alliance crying over Baine.

Shittiest taste in the thread

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Discord is some communication thing that tend to be used by SJW and trannies, which have been found out or rumoured that they raid this site trying to force their agenda or just bait people.

bros how do we save Yoshida from NA fanfests

Wait, I'm confused. The idea for the fish was man made?

I want to play as a male Bunny. I swore it would either be that or Blue Mage

>still somewhat new to the game
>just finished SB
>"maybe now is the time to start raiding"
>remember hearing you could fight god Kefka in this game
>look it up
>20+ minute video filled with shit that MUST be memorized verbatim or risk a mass wipe
Who the fuck does this? This is absolute madness. I guess as someone who is new to mmos this just seems like a little "too much" for me to think about doing. Maybe one day.

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Silence low-test Japoid.

you mean right?

It's really not that bad. Most of the fight is repeating mechanics from the first phase.

It may seem overwhelming at first but it's actually really simple in practice.

look convincing enough

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Raid difficulty is often overstated. It's mostly shitters who refuse to learn a new pattern or going in woefully undergeared.
Couple this with people having difficulties finding groups to do raids on western servers, and suddenly savage is a tier which only demigods can penetrate.

Not only that but you gotta memorize your rotation. It's one of the reasons I laugh when wow players say they have the harder raiding scene

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Yeah, Koji made the fish from scratch together with the crowd. All the trash in that description is chosen by the autists at NA 2018 fanfest when they raised their hands and gave ideas. I don't remember exactly what he said but one sperg wanted to add something to the fish that was literally just shitting on Blizzard for BFA, and Koji shut him down. It was embarrassing to listen to. You might be able to find it in the recorded footage.

If you're completely new to MMORPGs but are an average video game player, it'll take you about 6 dedicated months FFXIV to clear the current, highest raid tier, minus Ultimate.

Who the fuck still plays WoW?

The whole thing hurt to watch.
>OMG what if it ate a whole cruise ship of Lalafells?! *SNORT*

He suggested the fish's name should be "Lifeless Blizzard"


Honestly that depends on what you consider "average video game skill" because XIV's playerbase is absolute fucking garbage. If he's really just "decent" then I'd place him faster than 6 months.
Yeah that was it, goddamn.

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I feel bad for them.
They aren't playing it because they like it anymore, they've devoted so much time and effort into the game they feel obligated to keep playing so they don't feel like they wasted their lives.

You have actual autism


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I can understand that because I'm fucking the epitome of sunk cost fallacy for XIV. I have every seasonal event achievement ever since 2.0 launched, and am slowly working on a perfect achievement character. I miss xivdb, because it had an actual achievement score ranking for the world. I was gunning for Leyla Lionshield that fucker. Apkallu falls removes seasonal achievements because they're fucking pussies.

>slowly working on a perfect achievement character
That is the worst thing I've ever heard.

wow rotations are more like bard or rdm, easy to learn but hard to '''''master'''', though mastery is really just not being stupid with resources/procs and using them at the wrong time. If you ever floated kenki for an upcoming trick window or reordered ogcds on the fly as bard to weave something, that's pretty much as hard as it gets.
xiv rotations are more like mch/smn, hard to learn but easy to master. It looks complex on the surface but once you grok it you realize there's no real thinking going on under the surface beyond memorization and regurgitation. pick your poison

imagine if this game had speech bubbles over peoples heads.

I've done the math. For the levequest achievements alone you need a little under 8 real life years, and you can't let your levequest allowances max out or you start "wasting them."

can I get some examples of a hard rotation in wow?

you are so fucking autistic about this

So what is FFXIV? MMO? Is it like the elder scrolls online thing? Never looked into either of them so I don't know what types of games they are and what you do in them

Is main scenario roulette worth doing always? it's slow as fucking shit but god damn thats a lot of tomes

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>I have every seasonal event achievement ever since 2.0 launched, and am slowly working on a perfect achievement character

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It gives a shit ton of XP and tomes but running it makes you suicidal.
It really depends on how badly you want those tomes.

Free trial up to level 35.

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>mfw haven't showered on 4 days
Hah. us mmo players, amirite?

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stop making me gay gujira

False. Corporations just really, really like pink money.

Press 1 repeatedly, press 2 on cool down, occasionally press 3, but you press them all as fast as you can, that means it's better according to wowfags


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>mfw only shower once my hair feels like bristles on a paint brush

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Skateboard mount ($30 mogstation) when?

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It's been dead since the boom of MMOs with SWTOR, GW2, Rift, FFXIV and ESO all coming out within a few years of each other.

Imagine the smell

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hurts their dps. Do your job, heal monkey.

I havent showered since around January 10th. Good thing I dont leave the house much.

Not him but RDM should always mana shift tho, that literally does nothing to their dps after a dual cast

You can't say WoW has hard rotations when Arcane mage exists.
People always talk about the game rotations being 1-2-3, but arcane mage is literally the three buttons.

How do I at least 2k neetbux a month, then I could quit my shitty job and maintain my current lifestyle

>wow is harder to master than xiv

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SAM is a fun job.

Attached: 1539094109817.jpg (192x262, 7K)

and XIV is half that

>arcane mage is literally the three buttons
what is blm
Not to mention HW smn with mp-negative ruin3s was literally arcane mage gameplay.

You obviously havent played any DPS at 70.

I tried for neetbucx and was dennied numerous times. Shit is a lot harder to get tham memes make on about. Judge pretty much said I dont quallify because Im not retarded, blind or paralyzed.

I like XIV like no other MMO because of the story, but really wanna wait on new expansion so I can buy the whole pack, really wanna keep playing as a bunny.

>10k fates
>10k dungeons/raids/trials
>Clear all of PotD and HoH solo
>10k pieces of Accursed Hoard, 100 without using pomanders
>10k A rank hunts
>5k S rank hunts
>Rank #1 on your Datacenter for both solo and party Feast
>5k Feast wins, at least 1000 as every role, with 5k kills and 5k assists
>1000 Frontline wins for each GC
>5k Frontline KOs
>1000 Rival Wings wins
>2000 Mentor roulettes
>3000 chocobo races
>1mil MGP from Jumbo Cactpot
>2000 Mahjong rating
>Complete every relic on every job
>20 million gil from leves
>Make + gather total of 8000 collectibles
>Desynth 10k times, meld 10k materia, convert 5k spiritbound items
>Make/gather 10k HQ items for every crafter and gatherer
>5k battlecraft leves, 5k tradecraft leves, 5k fieldcraft leves
Okay have fun with that

i hope hagakure gets deleted in shadowbringers so i can use midare more as it should be

You sound just like my friend who got Honest Gilionaire not too long ago and is currently working on finishing all the Grand Company leves for all of the GCs.

unholy is the worst
>top damage source is AotD white attacks
>then ghoul white attacks
>then diseases
>then your own white damage

Attached: 1551018964386.png (2560x1440, 1.84M)

>forgetting about the Diadem achievements that are impossible to get nowadays

>Judge pretty much said I dont quallify because Im not retarded, blind or paralyzed.
I have a busted ankle that never healed right which led to a permanent limp, my hips are out alignment which causes constant pain, my right shoulder is busted from a car accident and clicks in the socket when I move it, also constant pain, and I have some nerve damage in my hands that messes with my fine motor control, I can use a controller fine but accurate typing is slow and my hand writing is all fucked up
No mental or intellectual problems aside from the general depression of being in your 20s and seeing what your life is going to be like
I guess I'm out of the running for neetbux

i will thanks
yupppppppp and its gonna get even harder after the datacenter split
I'm almost done with that one actually.

While I appreciate that the pic is more like a traditional job infographic that gets right to the point, it's still overly fluffed up by listing every single skill and every single Murdra combination.

They will up Midare's potency to make it do more dmg than 4 Shintens without Kaiten.

I really, really hope the thunder procs go off GCD. Even if they need to nerf the damage, it will just feel so good

I've known people with serious mental issues, anxiety to the point that they're unable to leave the house and barely talk to people, panic attacks and breakdowns every time they work in an environment that requires communication, people with serious diagnosed depression with medical certificates and they're not eligible for "neetbux". Meanwhile, dole bludgers who have kids for the sake of the money they get from the government are allowed to do so with no repercussions. Refugees are on neetbux despite not even pretending to look for work.
Australian btw, the liberal party has been running it into the ground (liberal party here = America's republican party), it's almost like they want people with mental issues to just kill themselves.

Heat Gauge gets scrapped and flamethrower makes wildfire instantly detonate with an added 10% damage.

There I fixed machinist

Isnt this from a q and a where he got asked about erp

it needs more thrust moves. give me beast sword rain or a kaiten light spear cannon.

I've been playing it a bit for something to do while waiting for shadowbringers, and also just for comparison's sake. I used my free boost on a mage since I love me some spellcasters, then went and tried out warlock, shaman, druid and found out that I might have picked the most boring caster to boost, but even RDM feels a lot more busy than any of them.

i prefer shinten spam over midare so i don't risk tinnitus

how do you even misspell friends

Your gcd actively keeps you from reacing the same number on inputs per min
>posting nin
>mudras you only use 1 mudra every 20 seconds because fuma is better than raiton with the exception of trick meaning you have 5 mudra inputs per min
>tgc turns ectends this a bit further with 3 more mudra commands making it 8 total
>mug every 90 seconds adds 1 more ogcd to a total of 9
>can only juggulate twice per min making it 11 ogcds
>nin with low ss gets 30 gcds per min
>minus 4 gcds because tgc eats into 3 of them and the trick per min eats 1 totalling 39 inputs
Sure it's close to wow in it's initial minutes but after all that you will not be pressing a majority of ogcds with your gcds until your reopener wow doesn't have to do. This means after the opener FFXIV falls behind in actions per minute because wow is a connstant stream of actions.

is there one of these for mch?

>unironically playing 56% race

Attached: 15524801350390.gif (600x363, 3.39M)

But that's how you GET tinnitus

Attached: 1549112437047.jpg (960x955, 97K)

this desu, because of the GCD nothing xiv will ever do will make it anything but a joke of a game, and beyond simplistic

not really, midare is like 5x louder than any other sound effect in the game, i wish it had the same sound effect from the job action trailer

Post an actual class with a complex opener. Tornado kick opener is the longest and hardest opener to do in the game

Attached: mnk tornado kick opener.png (859x234, 150K)

And don't you need to grind for hours to unlock that "privilege"?

Same. I want to spam my anime super move not use some weak ass ogcd.

Attached: katana_duo_xii_by_wykystock.jpg (900x619, 113K)

Is this ShB's battle theme?

>It's an FC tranny has a meltdown episode again

Attached: tranny drama.png (740x283, 311K)

still a joke with a 2.5 GCD

>boss leaps away or puts down mass aoe forcing you to scatter

Attached: 1476368354273.jpg (200x223, 17K)

>FFXIV belongs to the gays

He's right. That's where bf and I met.

Attached: us.jpg (1080x607, 66K)

Solus has the right idea with the black rose.

I need 2 more dungeon runs to get my DRK to 70 but I don't want to
Someone push me through

>There never was any Alliance crying over Baine.
Sure thing allykek.
Remember how you cried about Genn quote durring battle for dazar alor?

Kino 70 quest.

this is the most pathetically homosexual thing I've seen all year so far

Your affliction should be punishable by death

BfA literally have a worse and it's entire quest-chain

Why did they even have to make Midare so loud? They nailed it with all of the other sound effects for the new skills.

>Foul and Akh Morn
>loud but low pitched
>higher pitched but subdued
>full, low pitched ending
>Perfect Pitch/Turret Overload
>almost silent but with a low pitched ending


the last quest is very good and tbn is probably the best ability they added in stormblood

How do we eradicate the gays?

Attached: ffxiv_03272017_200513.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Cool, time to go for it then
While doing HoH and zoning out

>anyone who thinks we're getting Ronso is stupid
>it's a bara cat race that we're getting
I fucking hate this image for how retarded those comments back to back are

Cuuuuuute. Do you play on Balmung? Can we interest you in a static invite?

Attached: allus.jpg (1041x1041, 115K)

i have bad news user

Attached: Fujoshi_2_article_large.jpg (610x651, 69K)

>Heteros being buttblasted about how fabulous we are

Sad! Maybe you should come to one of our FC parties?

Attached: partyyh.jpg (1077x1077, 116K)

Each ninjutsu is minimum 2 inputs, since it's at least 1 mudra + the ninjutsu itself. Two shurikens and one suiton + trick makes it 9 inputs per minute. TCJ itself is also an input, so 7 inputs every 100s, so an extra 4.2 inputs per minute.
+ Dream within a dream (1 per minute)
+ Duality (0.66 inputs per minute)
+ Bhavacakra/Hellfrog (around 2 per minute)
+ Kassatsu (which gives an additional ninjutsu so it's minimum 3 inputs by itself, 1.5 inputs per minute)
+ the 2.66 inputs per minute from mug and jugulate
So minus 4 GCDs off 30 GCDs per minute with a 2s recast timer that's still 47 inputs per minute (avg 1 input per 1.27 seconds) , also assuming the NIN doesn't have Assassinate up AND is only using rotational skills, not even touching Shadeshift, Smokescreen, Shadewalker, Diversion, Goad, Invigorate, Second Wind, Bloodbath, Arm's Length or True North.

>tfw you're a straight male playing a catboy in FFXIV
I even got a real GF out of it, we have plans on getting engaged this year.

Attached: Blowmeoutinside.gif (592x570, 386K)

Attached: 497322.jpg (2400x970, 298K)

>me mash 1
>me serious game

8/10, would snuu snuu with
still wouldn't sub to her game though

And if it's two night elf or draenei chicks I'm going to say fuck off because one is lore appropriate and the other is dick appropriate.

Attached: [Zenmai Kourogi] Chijo de Shufu 3 -Machiko.png (547x446, 201K)

Are ronso actually going to be a thing, too, or was that part of the rumor just rumor?

>I guess as someone who is new to mmos this just seems like a little "too much" for me to think about doing. Maybe one day.
That's how raid bosses have always been from what I recall with FFXI, WoW, etc
As you level you need to understand your skills and try to figure a rotation that maximizes your efficiency in your role.
Then when you fight bosses you have that down and move according to their mechanics. While sure some of it takes "memorizing" not entirely. especially when you have voip and someone can literally do that for you.
Such as move out, move in, stop dps, drop cooldowns, etc
Personally the only difficulty comes from understanding what every class/job can do and how that effects the fight with minimum gear. Which shouldn't even be an issue but that's how some end up in the end and then it gets boring to bother.
Personally I hate that there isn't a mode that does away with gear requirements cause it's just obnoxious at this point to rely on gear to do fights..

>people dont want furry versions of THIS
wtf is wrong with str*ights?

>max 24 actions per minute

I give that shit 2 years tops,user...
Enjoy it while you can.


Maybe when the bunnies look like this

Attached: Gurdy1.png (575x1545, 719K)

We met like 4 years ago, and been a couple for about 2.
If it sinks, well that's kinda just life.

So what are they supposed to be like Kid Buu or something?

explain amaguchi.

7 days until the shitstorm.