Spicy opinion thread

spicy opinion thread

>factorio is openttd for retards

Attached: Cirno.full.1345130.jpg (1500x1241, 852K)

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Heh, Cirno being a baka.

but openttd is allready for retards

EoSD is still the best 2hu game

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cirno is a genius and you cannot prove her wrong

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Spicy opinion
Touhou is like mlp but more autistic and for retards

Cirno is an extremely forced character

I want to fug this baka

Factorio is modded minecraft for hipsters

This. The real best fairy is Clownpiece.

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spicy opinion
your opinion is horse shit

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>stars in best game of series

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>stars in best game of series
Wrong. Seija starred in the best game of the series.

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Spicy opinion
Niggers should hang
and white people need to get shot they're too autist to live

Reminder, you can tell how right you are by how many people get upset by what you post.

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Best stage 6 boss, oh wait that isn't an opinion it's a fact

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Seija starred in the worst mainline and worst spinoff though

>worst mainline
That's TD.
>worst spinoff
That's Violet Detector.

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>IN will never be topped

good joke

but OP, openttd is the most brainlet-friendly train game
try playing transport fever or even simutrans

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transport fever is a dumb nigger game so im not even going to look at your other recommendation

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>t. mamizou/aya/sumireko

you got me user, I never played either of these and just looked them up on /n/ trying to seem smart

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Based cirno

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