What video game has the best revolvers?

What video game has the best revolvers?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Battletoads xD

Anything with this beauty.

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probably not the best by any stretch but I played fallout new vegas for the first time recently, picked up that thing and I never get tired of the reload animation, it's really satisfying

Attached: FNVThatGun.png (1750x1050, 949K)

Perfect Dark 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Fistful of Frags
The Specialists

Detective's revolver in Space Station 13


call of duty

pick a resident evil

New Vegas doesn't have the best because the engine is pretty shit, but considering it's gamebryo they did their best making them satisfying, especially the higher-end ones. The Ranger Sequoia is incredibly satisfying to use.

lmaoing at anyone that thinks the top one looks good

Half-Life 1
Far Cry 5

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gun nuts are cancer and dumb gay idiots

>revolver kills nearly everything in one hit
>is even stronger than a shotgun in melee range

It is a sexy, sexy thing.

Attached: That Gun.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

you can just choose not to click on such threads, you are aware of that?

lol virgin

this is one of those games I'm never going to play because it's just so goddamn ugly
yeah and it's ugly

>What video game has the best revolvers?

44. Magnum in BF3 was a fucking beast, even if the game was mostly cancerous spawn camping and head glitching

t. chode

Destiny 2

>cylinder doesn't even move when firing
Dont post shit like that ever again.

Battlefield 1

Bear Killer from Eye


>Revolver doesn't revolve

Absolutely disgusting

go back to /k/ faggot

/k/ autism is the reason I never use this gif and hate seeing it

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No one is going to disagree with you. Even people that like the game know it looks like a piece of shit.

the .44 special from XIII

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Revolvers suck ass


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Nothing like pulling a fast one on a M16 shitter.

To bad the sound wasn't as heavy in BF4, but man did that 3,4x scope make the .44 epic.

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What does Nintendo even have to do with this?

you dumb nigger you can't see the cylinder, there's a flap that opens when you reload which conceals it

Depending on what you consider best, Killing Floor 2 has the .500 Magnum, which hits like that size of round should. Also the Gunslinger improved reload is pretty great.
I also like the sound design from some of Payday 2's revolvers, and the Mateba is just sexy all around.

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>Detective's revolver in Space Station 13

>"Oh my god I was just unscrewing a window why did you shoot me?"
>"Shut up kid."

Holy shit, did you watch the reload animation? There's a cover over the cylinder you fucking knobs.

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>delay fire
Surely the worst mechanic; never feels good to shoot.

it's clearly not the point of the macro, haha holy shit

>What video game has the best revolvers?
Killer 7

What is the point?

>.444 ursus unmaker
Motherfucker I almost managed to finally forget this game

What is the point then you sperg

you can't even see it moron

The game wasn't that good, but I really liked the design of some of the weapons. My favorite hands down was the Last Word with the fan firing. Very satisfying.

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user, that was the most elementary bait I've ever seen. And you just took it in one gulp.

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its shrouded you dumb niggers

Big Iron.

>cylinder is flimsily attached to a needless cover with two lights on it, one of which shows the enemy when you're out of ammo
>big slab of metal on top that serves zero purpose whatsoever
You're right, it's even more retarded than I thought.

Destiny only had my interest because it had revolvers as a main weapon rather than some rinky dink sidearm like they are in most games.

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honk honk

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rdr2 of course

I don't get how developers keep making this same animation mistake in game after game, where firing the gun just smoothly pushes it back like it's firing wet spaghetti—even if you're a no-talent hack making a game in one week, how hard is it to just animate a simple snap of motion? Just change one keyframe, Jesus Christ.

I don't think anyone in the history of mankind has ever tried to defend fo3/nv's graphics saying "it's most nuclear war"

>it's even more retarded than I thought.
actually no it isn't, because shooting a revolver that doesn't revolve is peak retard, as are you for thinking that was happening in that webm.

BLR but you can't play it anymore.

>Filename not Revolver Ocelot

You had one job

desu the cylinder obviously doesn't revolve inside, I bet they made the gun like that so they could make the firing animation easier.

Games with long revolvers? I really like them for some reason

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force is an inescapable aspect of reality
guns are an immense good.
without guns, the evil can still prey on the weak.
with guns, the weak have a standing chance.
get that through your mind, you utopian faggot.

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You saw the Legend of Zorro as a kid

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I mixed that up, I meant the Mask of Zorro.

still no idea how the fuck a double barreled revolver would work, but fuck it i guess

It always felt so wrong that Gordon held the revolver with two hands, but the semi-auto with one. It should've been the other way around: nailing a revolver shot with a one hand makes you feel like Clint Eastwood, while the semi-auto feels more tacticool and is thus suited to a more formal grip. Half-Life 1 got it right.

that aint that long

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>mfw I was the reason Goonstation reworked the availability of lethal .38 ammo

I would always justifiably use lethals on criminals and never use stun shells while resorting to robusting and other methods to stop people that didn’t need shot.
>idiot is walking around with traitor gear that is evidence to a crime you’re trying to solve
>tell him to drop it
>ignores you
>ask again
>ignores you
>threaten him
>ignores you
>yfw he starts crying as his health goes to from green to orange as his sprite bleeds
>cuff him, patch him up, take him to the brig to shake him down, fart on his face then let him go
>still fucking crying

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I love the Ranger Sequoia. Not just because of the decorations or color scheme, but how hard-hitting it is.

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Sounds like someone is a gayfag.

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please no.

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Should've posted that instead, it's real cool looking
I can't explain it, I just really like the idea of revolver with a barrel as long as a sniper rifle's. I feel like I could pop someone from across the city with it

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Are those your wheelies?

My big iron and little iron.

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This keeps getting better the more I look at it.

>The Specialists
Are there any active servers still up?

Everyone hates FF7 Dirge of Cerberus but I think it's decent. In that game every gun is a revolver. With 3 barrels.

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I live in a noguns country, can anyone tell me what's better? Top break or swing out?

lmao he sounds like a fag I'm not watching that.

I have an ever growing collection.

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Double cylinder?

Theres like 5 other revolvers in that game that visibly spin, kys.


I really liked the revolver from Alien Isolation

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>Top break or swing out?

A semi automatic. Jokes aside, top breaking revolvers aren’t as common as practical and more modern revolvers like a S&W or a Ruger. Top break revolvers are those old guns like Schofields, Webleys however there is the MP-412 REX which is most likely the only modern revolver design with a top break. It’s obscure as fuck so it may as well not exist.

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I don't think there any any other games with a BFR in them. Even the Deer Hunter games don't have rifle round chambered revolvers.


Metal gear solid

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>MP-412 REX
I remember that boy in BF3.

There's a mod on pc that lets you build proficiency with a single weapon as you level (so you basically level the gun up with yourself). I was going to use it on my next playthrough with this gun but my fucking computer shit itself

I really want to get a K frame .38. Tired of shooting semi autos tbqh.

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Fast reload animations on this is so satisfying

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does that gun also have 3 million polygons?

how the fuck does he survive all those shots?

Where do you put the clip on this thing? In the handle?

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wouldn't it break the game with some weapons? That Gun hits pretty hard already when it crits

>fallout nv/fallout 3
>satisfying guns
lol, yea right

I agree. Every single firearm in any gamebryo game is horrible to shoot due to the 0.1s input lag and mouse acceleration.

He said the RELOAD ANIMATION was satisfying, you mongs.

Magnum opus.

playing KF2 as funslinger is one of the best joys a man can have. He needs more toys tho, his arsenal is getting a little old.

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Attached: This reload time is Exhilarating.webm (640x360, 1018K)

Looks like it might fire from the top and bottom chamber at once?

I don't think it's possible for a reload to be satisfying when the reason why you're reloading is that your character has cerebral palsy and can't hit anything. But I suppose serves you right for trying to shoot outside VATS without dicerolls in a Fallout game

Too bad KF2 sucks now since they added a shitty upgrade system.

Try playing Borderlands, my guy. A lot of the snipers in 1 are unholy fusions of sniper and revolver.

Nothing wrong with it. You can play without upgrading once on HoE 6p and have more money and more space for another weapon or run faster, or upgrade a weapon to make it punchier but with less space and slower movement. Also it makes low tier weapons viable for higher levels.

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Half life 2, the reload animation was plain sexy when I first played

i've literally never touched it and played fine.

no comparison

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>fire 1 bullet
>dumps all 6 rounds

i remember trying it out during a free weekend once
shame it died

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>every game ever
I know its a design decision but I still think they could make a game where you have to make a choice between wasting ammo or slowly reloading and conserving ammo. Of course ammo would have to be as scarce as real ammo.

get some friends together. it was in the golden age of great fps games that were ignored because of the cod kiddys. UTIII is a doa gem of a game.

*as well

>implying anyone during last 5 years played it without heavily modding the graphics

metro could have used this mechanic but still no.

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Is that a 686?

Deus Ex HR and MD. I love the Diamond Back so damn much.

Every game could use that mechanic. The rounds you waste could just be dropped and afterwards you could manually pick them up if you want.

nah then there would be no punishment would make it worthless.

I take that back put a timed animation that cant be interrupted and it would work just fine.

Only game that does that i can think of off the top of my head is Arizona Sunshine. You drop your mag/empty your cylinder and the spare rounds drop too, though yo can manually pick them up afterwards.


we need more of this. since br and scarce ammo are a thing now this could be a really nice addition.

mags could have to have rounds removed and blown on and reinserted as the timed animation as an answer to the revolvers timed animation.

A game mechanic worthy of its own game.

In Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, there is a revolver which reloads by putting only 3 rounds, and does that 2 times when you empty entire revolver. But if you shot only 2 bullets, then he will do that only one time and it's means you lost this third round.

sadly no revolver though

I agree a bit, but it's hard to really find new weapons with their own identity for Gunslinger, considering they have a reasonable pool of perk weapons and good cross-perk ones too. New weapon options run the risk of stepping on the toes of what GS already has. The perk feels like it's in a similar place as Commando, with a broad pool of options without any obvious growth direction in terms of design. That, and anything they would add would have to either be sidegrades or the current weapons would need nerfs, because 'slinger is bonkers good right now.

but yeh bone collectors are 2fun

you could either maybe lose a round or two as additional punishment or allow all rounds to be found depending on if you early interrupt the process or not. Go tell pajeet and get a bonus.

It's not an necessarily an immediate punishment and afterwards it might be a permanent punishment. You need to make that decision. Do you want to waste time only reloading the chambers you need, or do you want to drop everything and risk losing some rounds?


Oh yeah, the game is ugly as fuck. And I even like the game.

Metro Exodus

my man

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PAYDAY 2, although last time I played, it was comparatively useless to the other, faster reloading revolvers since they got buffed to deal similar damage.

fun fact. 44 long barrel revolvers were originally designed for hunting. the portability made them a highly prized item.

The .44 Magnum cartridge was the end result of years of tuned handloading of the .44 Special.[7] The .44 Special, and other large-bore handgun cartridges, were being loaded with heavy bullets, pushed at higher than normal velocities for better hunting performance. One of these handloaders was Elmer Keith, a writer and outdoorsman of the 20th century.[8]

I really wanted to like the akimbo revolvers but the fact that you fire two shots no matter what is really offputting.

I ordered an Uberti Cattleman from my gunstore last week (won't be here for another several weeks though ;-;)
Post games where you can shoot Peacemakers in them

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pass the whiskey

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why not colt? This is where the fudds are correct.

Red Dead 2 even has Joe Flacco's revolver.

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In insurgency not sandstorm you can get a revolver with optional speedloader. It shoots very flat and is probably the weakest gun in there. I would sometimes play revolver-only with friends and it's pretty fun. Coordinating reloads and desperately inserting cartridges one by one while terrorists with automatics converge on your position.

>paying over one thousand dollars extra for worse quality and brand name bragging rights
Because I'm not retarded?

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thats not how it works though.

I am willing to be because the recoil would be wicked

Colt products have taken a nosedive in manufacturing quality over the past 20-30 years, yet they remain preposterously overpriced. This is why the US military buys its equipment from FN Herstal in Belgium and no longer gives contracts to Colt. A high-class Uberti or Pietta replica costs about 400-700 dollars. A crappy Colt costs upwards of 1500-2500 dollars. A limited edition M16A1 replica from Colt costs 3500 dollars. Brownell's makes a version just as good, without the Colt logo on it, for 900.

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The recoil of .357 magnum is actually overexaggerated in games. It feels more on par with .45 ACP, at least out of a 6 inch barrel.

not in the revolver department kiddo.

Colt products have taken a nosedive in manufacturing quality over the past 20-30 years, yet they remain preposterously overpriced. This is why the US military buys its equipment from FN Herstal in Belgium and no longer gives contracts to Colt. A high-class Uberti or Pietta replica costs about 400-700 dollars. A crappy Colt costs upwards of 1500-2500 dollars. A limited edition M16A1 replica from Colt costs 3500 dollars. Brownell's makes a version just as good, without the Colt logo on it, for 900.

Explain to me why I should fork out that much extra cash for a brand name Mr. Colt Representative.

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I haven't shot one since I 15 and hungry skele so I may be remembering as more then it really is.

My shoulder still gets sore after 15-20 12g rounds 14 years latter

look its a robot colt

This. Colt today has zero relation with Colt 100 years ago minus the name. The Python/Anaconda were their last brand worthy guns.

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Sorry I double posted because I got a 502 bad gateway.

Anyway suck my cock Colt shill.

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theres a reason they cost more. resale value and build quality has not come down on revolvers.

I was always mad you couldn't ever actually fight this Nomura reject.

cope poorfag.

Timesplitters 2.

>its more expensive so its better!
Yep, I'm definitely on Yea Forums

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the only game to capture the feel of a revolver perfectly. With cocking the hammer, the look, and reloads.


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>t. Colt customer trying to justify his expense

Should've just bought a Ruger or Uberti my man.

do you want a gun that increases in value over time or not?

Any game with that revolver?

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While it's not quite as satisfying to use as in Half Life 1, Black Mesa's revolver is so goddamn kino.

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is this real ? lol

I hope you all know this is Deckards gun from blade runner.

colts resale for more money. fact.

team fortress 2

its like you people dont even want to make money.

I hope Cyberpunk 2077 has some cool cyberpunk revolvers.

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-ANTIQUE- Colts resale because they have historical provenance and certified quality. The shit they're pumping out now isn't worth the materials it's made out of, except to the poor retards desperately trying to hock them to recoup their losses on armbroker and gunslist.

Fair enough if you buy one just to immediately resell it on Gunbroker, but modern colt products don't hold a torch to those of 100 years ago like pic related, and yet they still demand the price like they do.

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Alright new question
Dual wield or no
If you choose dual wield fuck you

Thorn is love

If they have cyber-cowboys, they better have some cool revolvers too.

Ambassador sure, feels so good every wannabe-sniper takes it.
On the other hand, every other revolver feels weak, which is good because it makes people underestimate how powerful the spy primary weapon really is.

Pure sex.

that you're stupid children who can't into funs.
The fact you reported my post because I offended papa Mario only laments my opinion further.

That's Skelter Helter, who is a bossfight in 2 and the PS3 version of 1.
You don't get to fight his brother, Helter Skelter, who's just in the trailer of 1.

I knew some neutered, domesticated Euro would chime in.

>armbroker and gunslist
lol how the fuck did I mix that up, I was literally just on gunbroker not 10 minutes ago

>barrel not aligned with cylinder

It is. 6 O'clock barrel as opposed to to 12.

I thought that was the Nerf revolver with some lights put on it from the thumbnail.


What I came to post. The explosive upgrade makes it even better.

Also, Red Dead 2 for obvious reasons, being a cowboy game. Love how chunky sounding the Schofield is.

Then why the retarded gold rail along the top

>armsbroker and gunslist

Top kek

Destiny 2. It's the worlds best revolver collecting simulator.

Sights and other attachments.

>entire post is a projection

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>thread is up for 3 hours
>this monster isn't posted yet


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I wish I were american so I could own weapons and specially revolvers legally.

the diamondback would be good if the 10mm pistol didn't exist.

obviously i dont intend to immediately resell it you moron. its one of the only items on the planet that you can use while it goes up in value with impunity. I dont like you though I wont be talking to you anymore.

This- armor penetration 10MM one-headshots everything on the game.

They're both good but 10mm doesn't get explosive rounds so it's automatically less cool.

Hey /k/, what is the coolest looking swing out revolver from the wild west era? I've searched and it seems they weren't used that much back then? I'm making a project and I want the coolest looking old timey swing out revolver.

yeah I know, never watched it though

Colt Navy Dragoon.

Yeah the revolver is cool, but it's really lame that its explosive rounds are weaker than a single shot from the 10mm.

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Swing-outs didn't exist in Wild West era. The best you can hope for is a top break with the model 3 schofield.

Battlefield 1 No. 3 Revolver

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>swing out revolver
I think the first one of those was the 1892 Colt New Army
It's not very cool
As far as the sexiest old west revolver, I'd go for an 1878 Colt double action Frontier

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I loved revolvers in BF4, before the nerf when the .44 would one shot people to the head for like 40m.

The Peacemaker in BF1 was also awesome, fanning the hammer and spinning and shit

Webley IV in BF V is kinda lame by comparison (like BF V in general)

Yeah I've read that much, how come they show up in so many wild west games then?

That's pretty nice looking, it is fixed cylinder I guess? I want something that loads fast, a gun a Desperado would use, that's why I want a swing out.

Fastest loading gun would be a break open revolver like the Smith and Wesson Schofield/No 3 or the Remington 1858, which has a removable cylinder that can be replaced entirely with a pre-loaded cylinder.

You want a schofield.

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Black Ops 4 has a revolver you can put a massive scope on and an attachment that makes all headshots instakills, regardless if it's through a wall or not. Incredibly satisfying.

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Better Devils in D2 was always fun to play with

The Schofield is indeed pretty nice though, I think it's just that I am biased towards swing out cylinders.
What I don't like about these revolvers is how thin their barrels look, I'd like something bigger like recent revolvers, is there anything like that?

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Hello sir
Why does your revolver have a magazine?

Break action revolvers look cooler anyway.

I think it's supposed to be a grip, user.

Look cool, but also looks like it'd weigh as much as a rifle

>fore grip

This or the dragoon.

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The thin-ness is generally an illusion
You can't actually see how big these things are until you get one in your hands, these .44s are not dainty, they are called hog's legs for a reason

Well the thing is I want a combination of:
>Fast loading
>Huge/menacing look
Which there really doesn't seem to be one from that era.
Yeah I assumed as much, I haven't fired one myself (I'd love to) but I've seen people handle guns on videos for reference and they look way bigger on someone's hands.
I guess the Colt Python must be fucking huge.

what are you, a faggot?

Sure do love reloading. I can just do this all day long.

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Jesus christ.

>Fast loading
The aforementioned Remingtons and S&W's reload quite fast, capable of full reload in less than 5 seconds. By the previous standards of cap-and-ball black powder revolvers, ANY cartridge pistol is vastly faster to reload - seconds as opposed to minutes.
>Huge/menacing look
That's pretty much all of them.
Again, pretty much all of them. Except the Bisley Peacemaker, I spit on that perversion of the SAA

I love my cattleman, good choice user

Ive been wanting a break open revolver, maybe ill scoop up a Schofield

>fast loading
>huge/menacing look

Your best bet that's actually pre-1900 would be either the Schofield or Colt Single Action Army. Keep in mind that gate-loading was drastically quicker than the cap and ball revolvers of the time, and the .45 Colt cartridge survives to this day as a beefy man stopper/game taker.

All the weapons feel satisfactory in Red Orchestra 2, especially the Mosin. I can't seem to land hits with the Mauser though, sights are too fucky and the RO2 engine messes you up with the fog and grey colors.

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There's plenty of revolvers that look like shit that might just fall apart as soon as you look at them, the obscure ones nobody mentions in these threads, the earliest swing out revolvers fall in that category. I just want the wild west's version of robocop's gun.

>two different single-action revolvers in the entire game
>not even the LeMatt from the first

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Nobody has ever made that argument. You're trying to start shit by lying

can I join?

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Who are you trying to mug today?

thats a nice snubbie, been trying to get one like that for a while

do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.

If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.

that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.

Most of those shitty revolvers were made by Europoors, Webleys excluded, which were all pretty based, as well as the Tranter and Adams. As far as Robocop ridiculousness goes, the Double Action Army Colt M1878 I posted is one of the first (though not THE first) self-cocking revolvers, so it didn't need its hammer pulled back every shot, this would make it seem much faster firing in comparison. Perhaps more interesting and relevant to you would be the multiple types of LeMat revolver, which had 9 rounds and a secondary smoothbore barrel that could be filled with buckshot.

Attached: Le-mat-revolver.jpg (400x304, 14K)

>double action only
no thanks

Receiver sort of does this. Sort of.

You just gave me a nostalgia flashback. Thanks friendo.

D-Do you wear the big iron on your... hip?

Worst revolver ive ever used. I don't see how people like it. Or any half life 2 weapon for that matter

the lemat is awesome
i'm a big fan of the time period, late 19th and early 20th century stuff
there was so much experimental stuff with firearms and gear around WW1
now we only have the same 300 flavors of AR15 and glock that shoot the same 3 or 4 loads

Red Dead Redemption 2
Killing Floor 2

It's fine, people have cybernetic arms in that game.

It does but it fires two diferent calibers out of each barrel

play new vegas, go to Novac city, buy "that weapon". thank me later.

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engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever

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They increase critical hit rate

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What's wrong with that?

>Conker's Bad Fur Day
Oh man that take me back

>desu the cylinder obviously doesn't revolve inside
How do you know that?
>I bet they made the gun like that so they could make the firing animation easier.
They made it like that because it's based on Blade Runner, you stupid fucking plebeian zoomer faggot.

shitty trigger pull

not working on revolvers

Attached: futuramafry.jpg (300x300, 9K)

>rattlesnake pattern grip
pretty cool desu

Yeah it does

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That's what you get when you have to cock the hammer. Most CC revolvers have bobbed hammers or completely concealed hammers to eliminate snags. Obviously this is different for full sized ones for the most part.

it's double action, you don't cock the hammer

That's what you get when you have to cock the hammer with the trigger only.

...yes, that is what double action means

Yes, which results in a strong trigger pull because of it.


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which is what i said lol

It's in New Vegas

Which is a non issue for people who aren't fingerlets. That's like complaining that water is wet. Incessant and vapid.

It works on the .357 too

Attached: Lucky357Magnum.png (2300x1100, 863K)

ask me how i know you've never shot a gun before, user
there's nothing good about a heavy (strong lol) trigger pull

>Played New Vegas for years
>never stumbled upon it
tell me where I can find it, I'm too lazy to read a wiki.

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There is as long as they're crisp, clean, and consistent. Again, try not being a fingerlet.

Wtf am i looking at? A modded server? Whats with those numbers

try not being a gunlet retard

You're a moron.

Literally used by all veteran rangers and there's a unique variant used by Chief Hanlon. It's the strongest revolver in the game and the strongest overall guns skill weapon in the game without GRA (the Medicine Stick in GRA beats it out only slightly).

Oh yeah, it's purely for power wank at late game or for the ridiculously hard mods.

damn me and my side quests, i never saw a veteran ranger in person

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Did you just literally never go to Camp Golf? There's an entire lengthy sidequest chain that takes you there from Camp Forlorn Hope and that's the way you get the Ranger Sequioa without having to kill Hanlon yourself or kill a veteran ranger at level 19+


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I think it was Station Delta, the one with half a house and a basement, that consistently had a veteran ranger with a pistol. That was the easiest one to steal because he was always off in a corner with nobody around. Shoot it off his hip with a silenced .22 then pickpocket it.


Thanks ! will try that !

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You forgot to mention Peace Walker.

Not enough S&W .500s out there in vidya

Resident Evil Revelations has the Pale Rider
first video result related; watch the bottom screen

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video games

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son if your gonna put a drum on your revolver you better put in some decent amount of work into it at least. JEEZ the amount of weeb coming of this thing makes me wanna take you out back and pop one up your asshole.

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>gun enthusiasts
Oh don't mind me, just gonna quietly report all of you to the FBI...

love me now user.

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and i thought this game couldn't be more shit.

"So which one will it be stranger, SMG, Revolver or Sniper?"


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firing ambassador at medium range is so different than the other primaries that it keeps sniping shitters bad at spy. when they'd really have a much easier time shooting center of mass. plus learn how to be a shotty boss

1000 times xp, 10 grenades, double ammo capacity, instant and double medkits + ammo boxes, instant spawn, hill climbing, shitty lighting in some maps, etc.

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Battlefield 4 had the mateba unica 6, one of the sexiest most interesting guns ever invented

Those were the fucking days. The wars fought in the control room on that map holy fuck.

>becoming a one shot stop crit machine with the Ranger Sequoia on Hardcore Survival mode

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Post more gunplay and games where spinning to winning is fun

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Bumping this thread in style

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apex legends wingman

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This, felt so satisfying


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The complete package this time

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how often do you larp as a cowboy

Naisu, try out any cowboy action shooting matches with that setup?
I've been meaning to once I get some more free time

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not nearly enough, if im honest

name one (2) game

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i use the quickdrawing and shit for pavlov vr mostly, unfortunately they are only replicas because im a poor sonovabitch, but spooking kids and stoners in vr is great

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Getting Zedplosions on flare hits is the best

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Jakobs revolvers in the Borderlands games have always been great.

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whats this from?

killing floor 2

I really REALLY like Barry's magnum.

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