>Bethesda may not make the best or most polished games but they make the best open worlds
Why do people keep parroting this meme? Their worlds are shit.
>Bethesda may not make the best or most polished games but they make the best open worlds
Why do people keep parroting this meme? Their worlds are shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
new vegas has a great world
bethesda didn't make that silly.
They're very cozy.
>Making potions in my shack in seyda neen
>Cooking in my house in whiterun by the fire
Really enjoyed hunting on the plains west of Winterfell. Dosed up with mods, Skyrim was/is definitely, dare I say, both fun and comfy.
>literally defending the point op is trying to make
10 Credits have been deposited into your account
It has been a while since I've played, haven't been bothered to mod the shit out of it on my new PC yet
>Their worlds are shit.
Indeed, like amusement parks. The second you move up in elevation and aren't in the bushes where you can't see your surroundings, it looks like a tiny circus.
There really aren't other open world games like Oblivion or Skyrim. Other open world games are either some crafting/survival shit or force you to be some pre made character like in witcher. Only in elder scrolls game can you play as an 8ft tall female orc turbo slut.
Reminder that the "standing stones" Todd hyped up so much in the promo demos are just dumbed down birth signs. Not a lot of people mention this, but it's another thing they lowered in quality.
Wouldn't be surprised if they get rid of them altogether in Redfall. Constantly less and less permanent character choices and builds.
Man, the new game looks gorgeous.
Because they need at least one reason as to why Skyrim is le epic gem!!!!
I really can't think of a fantasy game that feels like Skyrim.
whoa.. so cozy..
Which new game?
Takes me back
The one you posted, TES6.
Name a better open world rpg then.
It's not the actual worlds. It's the feels.
Every Rockstar game. There just aren't dialogue options or character creation.
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Skyrim 2 is out already?
Morrowind had soul because it was really unique.
New Vegas is absolutely abysmal hot garbage with a mediocre story and worldbuilding, with an irreversibly terrible engine beyond any repair or salvage of any kind and the only reason it is posted here or anywhere as a staple of any kind is to fuel contrarians that want to feel superior and elitist against bethdrones. It's insanely sad and depressing the lives these people lead, even for someone stuck in this shitpile of a board.
Everyone always says "well, name a better game then"
Truth is, there aren't other games. No AAA game lets you create your own character as surprising as that may sound. That doesn't however make Bethesda games good or any more RPG since they are constantly dumbing them down with each installment.
If you are a game dev out there, please make a proper RPG (yes, that means, fucking character creation and multiple races) in open world.
Making TES/Fallout like games is ridiculously risky, expensive and time-consuming, the only reason it pays off for Bethesda is because they keep reusing Morrowind as a base.
Bethesda basically has a monopoly on open world RPGs even though they're all dog shit. While I hate Skyrim, it can still be very pretty.
>4 years between Morrowind and Oblivion
>5 years between Oblivion and Skyrim
>there will be at least 10 years between Skyrim and TESVI
we're not gonna make it bros
And significant doubt they can pull it off after fallout 4 and 76.
They could screw it all up with paid mods let alone bad buggy design.
I don't think developers even knows how to handle a game where there is a custom PC. The way the world responds to you when you are not a fixed character is fundamentally different. Much easier to make movie games for brainlets.
>The way the world responds to you when you are not a fixed character is fundamentally different.
It's not like Bethesda does anything to take advantage of that, they just make everyone treat you as the faceless generic hero regardless of what you do or who you are
The most ridiculous thing about this is that the game will have less features than the previous game, despite taking up to 15 years to make.
>adventure in Morrowind for a while
>Use the shack of the tax collector murderer as my home
>Hoard all kinds of stuff there
>Thunderstorm comes in and heavy rain
>Not sure what I want to do so pull books out of the chest where I put them
>Just read books in the game for hours on end
>Becomes my most find memory of the game
What other game has that kinda feel?
Skyrim has diseases? I don't remember ever contracting one.
RDR2 is the best open world game ever made
It really isn't
Vampirism counts.
Its based since I can kill darkies on a whim
It is a bit weird that the center of the map is the most sparse in content in Skyrim. That large plains area to the west of Whiterun has almost nothing it in.
beth have made the best fantasy life simulators since Daggerfall, the amount of interactivity, freedom and detail puts them above any other sandbox game I've played. only recently have games been catching up and emulating everything Bethesda established decades ago. They're like the most pure form of what rpgs are meant to be.
tes 6 is still probably going to be a great world to explore and have 10/10 atmosphere, no matter how horribly dumbed down it will be. it's hard to mess up something like tes.
Sleeping Dogs is hands down the best open world game and fuck Squenix for ruining any chances of a sequel.
Kenshi has the best open world in the last decade.
well they're plains
can't really support too many people/settlements
why do you think steppeniggers and Comanches were nomadic?
Sounds a whole lot like you need to play some more games, pleb.
Skyrim, the Commonwealth, and Vvardenfell in concept are fantastic
Vvardenfell made today would be unbelievable
a lot of this chart doesn't mean anything without context applied to it
how many of those skills were worth a shit?
how many of those spell effects were useful?
what did 33 diseases do that 7 didn't?
Why is people in largest city relevant? How interactive are they?
Why is the number of joinable factions relevant? Can you do as much in those factions as others?
How much of those bigger things would be possible in a modern day game without devouring the budget?
All important questions, not defending skyrim btw
its still shit tho
Before Fallout 4 I do believe their open world design was pretty good, though it's dwindled for years. They included places that rewarded exploration quite well, with hidden gear, cool design set pieces, and encounters that were fun and varied. Their over world design is quite smart too, with Josh Sawyer talking about how Beth advised Obsidian to ensure there were always 3 points of interest visible from any other location (so they made the Strip visible from almost everywhere instead of including some new place to explore in 3 different directions), and when you replay their middle year open world games (Oblivion - Skyrim) that philosophy works really well in incentivising you to explore more.
Unfortunately they're more and more focussed on making sure everyone sees everything, so Blackreach (the underground Dwemer ruin in Skyrim) had to be a part of the story, everyone got to go to the Institute, and so on. They've also changed up their gameplay so rare weapons don't exist anymore, and with level scaling everything is conquerable the first time you find a place, so now you just walk through areas as determined by the story, pulling the right trigger at things, until you get something that you probably don't want or need at the end to sell back in town.
the ascadians are so comfy
I can't think of any other good fantasy life sim rpgs, the Ultima games are good but don't come close to the atmosphere and detail that tes established, Gothic was amazing as well and probably comes closest.
any other games a pleb like me should play?
Someone should stretch this out and include a list for TES VI for anons to guess on
Cruel rumors has it the music guy isnt on board for this one. Say it isnt so, Yea Forums
that guy is just a real jerk
>Largest city in tamriel contains like 150 people total
>Largest city in skyrim is like 50 people
so fucking immersive
is there really 188 NPCs in the Imperial City?
there weren't as many people back then
>Bethesda may not make the best or most polished open worlds but they make the best small rooms.
>game that isn't actually in production yet hasn't brought on a musician
Don't be a tard
>Frostcrag Spire visible upper right
Top comfy
there's literally no one else that makes games with the same formula. they're the best by default and that's why their mediocre games sell like hotcakes
...but the numbers are smaller!
name 10 better open worlds
I hope you're right, man. I hope you're right.
>level scaling everything is conquerable the first time you find a place,
fallout 4 alleviated this a bit though, I really like how they set up each area. Wish they could use something other than 'increase monster health and damage' for difficulty increases like adding more monsters or something
this is like 65% of the map, yikes.
Elderscrolls music is something really easy to copy now days. It's all basically just variations of the Morrowind theme.
I'll take it. Cozy is a unique feel.
What's the best Bethesda-like game?
I really like Kingdom Come, but it has tons of problems. BotW too, but it's not that similar.
I don't know why people aren't taking their formula and making something good with it.
Maybe Dying Light 2, not fantasy obviously but the open world RPG experience
ironically it also has far more satisfying first person melee combat
This is the reason I'm so hyped for Cyberpunk 2077, it's an open world RPG where you can create your own character AND it's first person. The 3 thing I love most about Bethesda games. And it will finally be done by a competent studio not Betheshit.
Show me a better first person open world rpg in a fantasy setting. Actually, does anyone else even make games like TES?
Do you like constantly having to restart because of mistakes?
Sounds like you grew up in the dark age of gaming and got used to the abuse.
Sucks to be you but thanks for beta testing an industry for us.
I didn't realize how tiny it was.
Why did you use some unquantifiable metric to praise the game?
Is it because everything outside of the MQ was shit?
-All omitted skills were useful and the game was worse for not having them
-With spellmaking, all effects can be useful
-Diseases might not have much effect but they're lore at least
-Cities shouldn't be villages
Factions is not a properly comparable statistic, that is correct. Not all provinces have the same amount of factions and not all factions have as much to do.
Yeah it's got nothing on Breath of the Wild, am I right?
The languages from Daggerfall were useless and a third of the available skills.
imagine having to cope THIS hard, good lord.
what did you like about that world, brother?
Your porn mod simulator is wet hot garbage, user.
no it doesn't
I think it's because Bethesda is really one of the first (AFAIK) companies to make huge open worlds where you can do a lot of stuff. I think that's really the main reason Bethesda gets praise. They were one of the first to make big worlds where you can do a lot of stuff. That phrase is the best way to describe their success. And Skyrim was really the first mainstream game like this. People who don't even play video games most likely have at least heard of Skyrim.
TL;DR normalfaggots got their minds blown at the wonders of what a videogame could be, even if it wasn't that great.
Why are you bringing up Skyrim?
You mean the mechanic never did anything at all or you never needed it after playing through the game once? Because the former is a genuine flaw, the latter is a flaw with the player not being able to adhere to their own rules of roleplaying.
So instead of improving on them or making them worthwhile like any other company worth their salt has done (ie New Vegas makes just about everything useful in one way or another while Fallout 3 suffers from a ton of useless perks and skills) they just remove them. Bethesda is fucking garbage.
God damn, that view distance really makes it look different.
Bethesda may have gotten rid of a lot of skills that were of no use but Obsidian didn't bring back the ones that were useful that Bethesda removed. I mean come on, Fallout 2 had gambling and traps. New Vegas has plenty of both but neither skill was returned. And the character builds of that game demonstrably suffer from that. You get too many points even with low intelligence characters.
I'm not saying that New Vegas was bad but Fallout 3 removed the things that Bethesda didn't want to use because Bethesda is lazy and Obsidian didn't bring them back even though they might have been useful. Survival was barely a thing in Fallout 1 and 2, and it's the one thing that Obsidian brought back, just because it introduced more crafting.
>downloading beyond skyrim
>capped at like 64kb/sec
New Vegas would have been better off being hub-based. I like the game a lot, but I don't think the traditional Bethesda open-world approach did it any favors.
That's more on Bethesda for removing those features and only giving Obsidian their broken canvas to work off of. My point being that some devs aim to improve on the entirety of a title when a sequel is in place, while shitlords like Bethesda and Bioware only remove or limit their future titles. Compared to what they did to Fallout 4 by basically gutting the entire core system and perks as a whole, and NV looks like a masterpiece in comparison.
Except Kenshi made by some jackoof in his basement is the best open world of the last decade.
I agree but it's just weird to me that there were original Fallout developers and... well I suppose I shouldn't be wondering why they couldn't bring back removed aspects since they were already past their deadline and had to release prematurely.