What are your red flags Yea Forums?

what are your red flags Yea Forums?

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Straight protagonist



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video games

Day 1 dlc or a DLC plan already laid out.

Game comes with an EULA

>Still Early Access
>Already has DLC
At that point you're using Early Access as an anti-criticism shield

Not made in Japan

Western studio given Japanese series

crafting system as a core mechanic

A frogposter likes it

>Seemingly Humongous spoiler in the initial trailer that is figured out immediately after the trailer drops

I'll never not be upset Yea Forums figured out Phantom Pain's biggest twist before we even had gameplay out. Not even because of the twist but because there was nothing more to it because of the Kojima/Konami headbutting leaving it unfinished shit.

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inclusive or diverse

Its on Playstation.

Fuck Arc-V.

dubstep OST

owned by or linked to tencent games


casters are miles ahead of anything melee characters are capable of

>Early Access

American + open world

Made in california

Yea Forums likes it.

>waifu or loli characters
>Cringy anime voices or aesthetics
>Big focus on diversity or inclusion of characters, but it really just boils down to race and sexuality, instead of personality, gameplay characteristics, etc. However the characters end up being bland or just stereotypical caricatures
>Battle Royale
>Early access (however, sometimes this can work out well for niche indie games that truly needed support, but sometimes they turn out to be exit scams, like the stomping lands)
>Crafting survival sim
>Big emphasis on competitive esports
>Focusing on ways to monetize the game instead of making it fun or enjoyable
>Rendered trailers instead of actual gameplay when showing off the game
>Kickstarter game by literal whos
>Kickstarter game by industry veterans

I think I hit most of the bases.

JRPG, Early Access, Visual Novel, Otome, Zombies, RPGMaker, Metroidvania

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Main character is male.

Unironically I almost never play male main characters, its just ugly and unappealing. On occasion I give it a chance if I have reason to believe its good though. But if I'm just browsing for a new game, male character puts it immediately on my black list.

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That's about it


Too "video-gamey"

Flags that are red.

it has gameplay

Red Flags:
>Day 1 DLC (passes dont count)
>EA company
>Pre-Rendered Trailers
>Scripted E3 Gameplay
>Generic Pixelated artstyle

Dont get me wrong, one red flag isnt enough, I could even stand two.
But three or more? No dice.

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balancing for high level play
balancing for low level play

Realistic art. Tryhard edge. Tolkien fantasy. Movie like.

Bamham combat
CDPR combat
FPS combat
Open world
Unrealistic guns.

>DLC is more than 40€ alltogether
>paid early build gameplay by ecelebs

>D20 combat/D&D mechanics

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Seasonal Ticket shit already purchusable before the game is even out


>story heavy
>sex fanservice everywhere
>requires absurd amounts of DRM
>no difficulty

Store page doesn't show actual gameplay
Excessive memes
Most reviews are in Spanish or Chinese

>level 1 rifle
>level 32 rifle
>both look and shoot exactly the same

>game is about numbers going up
>see advertisement for game on youtube
>game has luck stat
>game has subscription service
>end game is an endless treadmill

>western game with rpg mechanic

>It has advertisements
>In public and on TV

Open World
Procedurally generated
Road Map
Battle Royale
Timed Exclusive
Pre-order now
Special Editions

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>Yea Forums likes it

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Forgot Digital only

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>Early Access
>Open World
and maybe add Battle Royale now.

>western studio
>more inclusive
>historically accurate
>it just works


>Game Freak

>Exposition sequences in gameplay that can't be skipped
>The promise of "realistic" animations. It's always code for clunky piece of shit
>soft-lock-on - I know what the fuck I'm doing. Fuck your excuse of "whiffing attacks". I can get close on my own just fine.
>Auto-Regenerating health
>Auto Cover

White people

>weeb game
>whorish looking female characters

they get me

Tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, absent father, black friends

AAA publisher

Dmg numbers (especially flashy ones)
They do nothing but clutter the screen and distract. If a game has them then i become much less likely to check it out

Tranny detected

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>open world
>non cosmetic $hop
>any kind of virtue signaling
>were bringing it up to standard with modern gaming
>retarded amounts of advertisement(granted this may aswell be the same thing as #1)
>game is art
>nongame shit like VN/walking sims
I could go on

>plays one game with you
>friendly enough conversation
>adds you into friends list
Red flag
>Never speaks to you ever again
Why do you fuckers even do this?


He says "unironically."

Day one DLC
Pre order exclusives
Early access( there are exceptions to this rule but damn do they gotta commit)
Unfunny satire
Pixel barf graphics
No negative user reviews
No positive user reviews
Open world survival crafting

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Main gameplay feature is difficulty, not depth or strategy, just flat out difficulty. Say game doesn't have enough content and its just difficult so you dont be it too fast and people say you're misssing the point of the game.