Will you be playing Bungie™'s Halo: Reach when it becomes available for PC purchase this upcoming Sunday?
Will you be playing Bungie™'s Halo: Reach when it becomes available for PC purchase this upcoming Sunday?
its not gonna be playable until next month
Does it have actual graphics?
I intend to play through all of the campaigns with a friend.
Reach’s MP is gay though, I’ll stick with 2 and 3.
Reach killed Halo, 3 is the definitive experience.
>Reach’s MP is gay
Shit taste, Invasion is the ultimate goat.
Yes, I've never played the Halo games
Reach is peak Halo.
The real question is. Will it have steam trading cards and steam achievements?
No seriously what the fuck is Halo? Why aren't you guys just calling it red vs blue?
Of fucking course I will, it has my favorite gun balance, vehicles, campaign and online, stay mad faggots. DMR bloom is fine and armor lock did nothing wrong.
ODST has the best Firefight though, not even the extreme customizability of Reach could beat that.
>Invasion is the ultimate goat.
This so much, playing as an Elite that was actually an Elite in a team-oriented vehicle-heavy gametype with heavy weapons at spawn was the best thing ever.
They’re calling it a remaster so I guess so user
You know, I always thought this map needed more sand.
Operations from Battlefield 1 reminded me a lot of Invasion, had the game been less of a meat grinder i’d say it did it better than Reach
At least the atmosphere was nice, when the next part of the map opens every player on the offensive starts letting out a war cry as they charge to the next objective and it was always fun to listen to
Yes, Reach alone many hours were sunk in for the content.
Good first choice to get things started if they're doing MCC piece by piece, especially with CE following it.
Flat as fuck.
I'm worried, user. What's considered not flat to you?
reach is shit stop spamming it you dumb zoomers. literally any other multiplayer is better, yeah even 4. holy shit this place is cancer with all the underage faggots
no way in hell it launches sunday, I'd say September
for me, its 3.
They should’ve called it
>Reach: A Halo Game
>campaign, playable in online coop
>online competitive modes, fully customizable
>online survival mode, fully customizable
>fully customizable maps
>Forge World
>Forge mode
Few games ever packed this much shit, Reach was almost too much video game in a single video game.
What makes you think it could possibly launch this week?
The texture, I mean.
The details look like a paint job rather than a real part of the suit.
There won’t be much to do cause you’ll already unlocked all the armor pieces which sucks because I wouldn’t had minded grinding for those pieces
Fuck yea I am. I also plan to do Legendary solo on all Halo PC games cause it's going to be easy as fuck with M/KB just like Halo:CE was back in the day on Halo PC. Have a bunch of Xbox kids calling you an aimbot on Bloodgulch 24/7 servers. Shit was funny.
Oh, I see. Excellent observation, user.
Reach has the most balanced campaign since Halo CE. It's got the best Forge mode. Best custom games. I don't give a shit about Firefight but it has that too. I think it might be the definitive Halo to be honest.
>half of the MP maps are forge world maps
hey guys whats up
>I never played the DLC maps
this sunday?
They're doing a Q&A about MCC Sunday afternoon. If you ask me, people saying it will release then are totally reaching
>This upcoming Sunday
You got my hopes up you faggot
theater mode was great too
That's the wrong loli, you doink
>this upcoming Sunday
>when it becomes available for PC purchase this upcoming Sunday
wait what?
which one do you want senpai, ill hook you up
No it didn't. 343 killed Halo.
343 even managed to kill Reach, quite the achievement really.
Why are we excited for this game again?
Yes, because Reach is peak Halo and saved the franchise from the underwhelming messes that were 2 & 3.
Yes, but just for the campaign im looking forward to Halo 3s multiplayer
>*smacks ass*
>Campaign coop
Man I'd forgotten about that, used to play it with my best friend at his house after school
My nostalgiaboner is reaching critical mass
Because even though they ruined it it was still better than anything else 343 made.
Plus hopefully we can mod it.
Reach is the second most popular Halo game you can stop circlejerking against it with your discord buddies
>tfw no longer hyped for Sekiro or any of the new quake/duke clones, just want to play Halo again already
By introducing needless gimmicks?
Spartan III ass is probably solid muscle and bullet resistant padding, you don’t want to strike too hard
>*chokes you with her thighs by leg-locking your neck in split-second reaction*
Such as?
the spartan would still die instantly since she got meleed from behind
Armor abilities.
It's pretty saddening that we now get zoomers sucking Halo's dick on Yea Forums. This place sure has fallen a long way.
why is noone posting more ass
Halo released 1 (one) year after Deus Ex.
So is MCC getting a server browser on PC? I've hated matchmaking ever since Halo 2 introduced it.
>sprint to run lightning fast around the map and flank enemies
>jetpack to surprise everyone from above
>drop shield to negate all long range small arms fire and block openings
>evade to go take on tanks head on
>camo because you always wanted to be invisible
Ok. Now let's talk about equipment from Halo 3 maybe.
Cry some more, so I can fill my cup to the brim.
gamepad controls were LITERALLY the only thing holding halo back, with KBM we have some god tier classics on our hands that will join the likes of quake and doom
Those would be valid points if all of the player traits weren't gutted to make room for gimmick abilities. Or for Camo's case, removing powerups.
Wait, source on when it's out for PC?
>Those would be valid points if all of the player traits weren't gutted to make room for gimmick abilities.
That didn't happen though, if you took abilities out it was fairly standard Halo gameplay.
>Or for Camo's case, removing powerups.
That didn't happen though, abilities-less gametypes had camo powerups.
good one user
I like both, though the equipment from Halo 3 probably provided a bit more of an interesting experience since dying meant losing your item, or you didn’t find the one you wanted so everyone was using their equipment both sparingly but at the same time haphazardly
I believe it already got one on the bone.
>That didn't happen though
It did. Movement was slowed, jumps were lowered, grenades were made much more powerful- all to make each of the new gimmick abilities seem more attractive to a player.
>if you took abilities out it was fairly standard Halo gameplay
Except it was all slower and more random.
>That didn't happen though
Powerups were on none of the base maps.
I used to be a fucking huge Halo fan but my 360 died shortly before Reach came out so I never got a chance to play it.
Is it actually better than 3, or do people only like it because Forge was slightly better?
It's better in some ways, but overall it's a much more casual experience.
gamepad lets you sit more comfortably. I'm gonna use a gamepad for everything except the warthog turret. it's impossible to hit shit with a controller on that turret while on the move.
>this sunday
wait really?
Also will I be able to pick and choose which games I want to buy? They're not coming out for months and months so I only want reach since there won't be anybody playing after reach has been out for a week or two.
No... ODST.
>DLC maps are hardly used in matchmaking
Why was Halo 4 and 5 such trash bros?
where do you think you are?
I'd probably drop to the floor and motorboat that ass right in the heat of battle if I was in that situation
anyone who lose actually used the Hologram in serious multiplayer? nobody ever expects it so I got myself a fair amount of kills and assassinations with it
Three hundred and forty-three industries.
You weren't 9 when you played it.
>*dodges it*
>Reach is bad!
It's not bad but it pales in comparison to 3
>tfw managed to get a kill once by pretending to be my own hologram
Reach is a great game, 4 killed the series because only Bungie can make Halo.
Your denial will never change the facts.
Female spartan is curvy!
>this upcoming Sunday
>Reach is a great game
Is this your way of saying a trash Bungie Halo exists? ODST is pretty retarded for its price I guess.
Looking forward to vetoing FUCKING SNOWBOUND again next year
desu I'm probably gonna be playing through Halo 1-3 legendary co-op with my brother, just like we did when we were just kids
You were probably bad at aiming.
>Halo 4 was centered around ranged weapons
>had the best latency of any Halo game until that point
>typical halo spray&pray kids got fucking destroyed
>they turned off team killing so children couldn't troll
Which means you were probably one of those fags to.
I actually heard it, thanks user
>Great campaign featuring a good cast of characters, a compelling narrative and exciting setpieces
>Great designs and overall aesthetics
>Great music
>Phat spartan asses
3 is my favorite but Reach is still amazing.
Why does a spartan need a butt that big?
memes aside what were they thinking
>outside is a big and cover-less area where everyone is vulnerable to gun fire at all times
>inside is a very tight corridor and a good explosives field room that experiences more grenade spam than most of the other maps
only balanced parts is probably the structures themselves with the energy shields to play footsies in with another player on the other side
Your average Yea Forums argument
Shield doors as a concept were some massive fucking cancer. Any time you can see someone and not damage them is cancer.
Your average 4channel reply.
lol you're being creepy
it's fun
you damn right i'm gonna pre order, pre load and be on there day one
cause inheritor isn't gonna earn itself
MCC doesn't have progression ranks.
What a fucking shitshow
I'm not buying shit
*Press RB to flip... wait what, how did you do that?*
Have sex
>gonna be able to do this and farm power weapons on boneyard again
we're really going home
Good. Statsfags ruin games
Now THIS is a nu-chan reply
don't be a lying faggot, we don't know shit about how Reach's customization will work in MCC
Reach came from a time when a AAA game was capable of not only meeting the hype but exceeding it.
Get drunk
There are no progression ranks or unlocks for the other games.
i remember when everyone was gonna be really pessimistic about 3 but then it ended up blowing everyone away. what the fuck went wrong?
all the zoomers are going to play Reach instead of Halo 3 huh
user's ass.
post yfw "and so, you must be silenced"
Are the vid master achievements in MCC? This is important.
>we will never see johnson's death in movie quality
it hurts
What makes you think it will come out this Sunday? If it was, people would be spamming it everywhere, ads everywhere because people would be hype for it. So far i've only really seen it on Yea Forums CLAIMING this, which is the most unreliable source on the internet.
And of course it has the Falcon, the best air vehicle in the series, and the Grenade Launcher, the most kino power weapon that actually takes some skill.
I have no fucking idea. Despite modern games having several times more money and manpower put into them than games like reach and 3 they only only ever seem to barely meet expectations in the best cases or fail miserably in the worst cases. I don't think any modern dev has the same combination of vision, passion, and talent that old bungie did.
and subsequently chief just leaving his body to slide off into the abyss
>Reach’s MP is gay though, I’ll stick with 2 and 3
I actually agree. The campaign is cool but it's like Reach tried to be CoD or some shit.
what are the odds that I will be able to transfer my xbox account to the steam release? I have all the armor in 3 and I'll do it again if I have to but I want to see things the way that 11 year old me left them
Powerful gluteal muscles
There are no armor unlocks.
Halo Reach (9 default maps):
>Forgeworld (5 main variants)
>Sword Base
vs the other big 2010 FPS release BlOps (14 default maps)
>Firing Range
Not too bad, but yeah, ripping campaign maps and shoving a bunch of dull forge ones was a downer. But as user said, the DLC maps were all amazing, especially remakes with extra areas that could be blocked or added.
>touching a nigger
Yes it does. Competitive playlist have 1-50 ranks.
I'll buy Reach and 3 to play with friends again if they're cheap enough and the ports are good, otherwise I don't care because Halo isn't even that good of a series
Progression ranks aren't skill ranks.
dang that sucks, I liked seeing people wear what they earned and knowing how they earned it took time
???? Yes they are it's based on wins and losses. Lose 2 in a row = derank
If by best you mean only present on a map and a half and it is either bait for a laser or an overpowered murder machine depending on where you are then sure. But the banshee fits on dozens of maps while also being able go near the ground without instantly getting hijacked.
i think my dick can penetrate that for sure
what the fuck else could he have done? the ring was about to activate and he couldnt just carry it all the way to the frigate.
Reach's ranking system was one-way.
What are they like?
>he couldn't carry him
>a walking tank couldn't spare picking up an average weight human and toss him in the back seat of the warthog
cmon man
It's a corpse, why would he care when the thing he is standing on was imploding?
It had the best design and is basically an air warthog.
>tfw Yea Forums will be in a outrage when MCC releases on pc because they didn’t research anything about the game.
unrelated, but imho reach had the weakest maps of the bungie games, with 3 having the best selection.
the heroic and legendary map packs were pure fun.
just seems like the right thing to do from a military code standpoint. Feel like he would be conditioned to recover assets in the field
God I would love to see the original video for that gif.
Reach had the best customization out of all the games.
Looking at you, 343.
That's not a problem in MCC since everyone has every single map. It'll be like playing on the ODST Multiplayer disc.
I think we can all agree on that. Making the heroic map pack free was a good choice.
if he did that then he wouldnt have been able to get away from the flood. plus the corpse might have gotten infected, which wouldnt have been possible if he left him in the control room since it blew up after he activated it.
And you think that's BETTER??? that's shit , it doesn't tell you how good of a player they are at all
And I hate myself for it
Where'd you see that? I really hope that's not true.
>he didn't kill Johnson before the cutscene and glitch him into the warthog run
Who said anything about it being better? I just said it's not in the game.
Simple. The main AAA companies went public. It's all about making the most money with the least amount of effort. And at the time Halo was M$ofts flagship game, it needs to be the biggest best everything so it gets all it needs.
>that time on avalanche when there was a banshee on one side and a hornet on the other
that was fun as fuck, i dont know why they changed it.
yee buddy
Warzone in Halo 5 is a lot like an improved Invasion a shame it doesn't have the Covenant vs Elite theme.
H5 in general has really good MP, a shame people don't give it a shot
see above
Nah, fuck off. EVERY Halo game has been horribily balanced to where ranged weapons are overly domiant. And it's really not an issue of skill: The BR/Carbine in 2 and 3, the DMR, magnum, and needle rifle in reach, and the BR, Carbine, Magnum, Light Rifle, and DMR in 4 are all pretty fucking easy to aim with to begin with: This arguement that automatics are shit guns for casuals abd should be is fucking stupid because it's not like precision weapons take enough skill to justify how much more domainiant they are to begin with, aside from arguably the pistol in CE where getting a 3sk actually required a decent skill curve and every gun had a unique purpose anyways
If retards like you weren't so busy circlejerking over MUH BR, then maybe the series could actually design their automatics to be skill based so the entire weapon sandbox could reward skilled usage and actually have a place in competitive play, but that'll never happen because the Halo community is filled with fucking morons that wants every game to be a fucking BR-fest
Eh, there were some people who were really worried about how 3 would turn out, but the general gaming crowd as a whole was fucking insanrely, stupidly hyped for it, it made the Pokemon Go craze or Fortnite today look like fucking nothing with the amount of collective hype and exciement there was.
I think it was more that people didn't think it could possibly meet the insane expectations people had for it.
I'll defend reach as a game overall, but yeah, it's MP maps were absolute fucking trash
More sand?!
We're surrounded by sand!
>Where'd you see that?
From owning the game already.
That's fine because it has the superior halo 3 ranking system of 1-50
they weight like at least 800lbs in armor, you'd die
>Yea Forums suddenly likes Reach
Fuck each and every one of you faggots. I was the only retard defending it when streetshitters were here shilling Halo 5.
>I think it was more that people didn't think it could possibly meet the insane expectations people had for it.
thats what i meant. but it still ended up blowing everyone's expectations out of the water even with that level of hype. how the fuck did they manage that?
But it uses the Halo 2 ranking system.
reach has peak btb
And they also have strong leg muscles to avoid pressing down on you too hard BRAINLET
shut up, autismo
Reach was rightfully shit on for its faults, but it was still enjoyed by a shitload of us
I've never ever played Halo multiplayer. Is it like Unreal Tournament 2004 with cars and shit?
ayo hol up
so you be tellin me that I cant be a ranked lone wolves god because theres no rank?
Please tell me I'm buying the entire package and not being sold the games piecemeal over the course of months/years I don't care if I have to wait for them to come I just want to buy it all at once
Not necessarily. Bigger maps do focus on vehicle play. But there's lots of smaller arena-style maps.
>that image
oh man that takes me back.
have fun
1-50 ranks are still there.
Recruit-Inheritor ranks are not.
Only if it works without W10
I fucking remember this image. God dammit.
And that's good because recruit-inheritor told you nothing about how good they were, just how much they grinded. it means even less now that only Mexicans are left on the servers who have been playing for 9 years straight.
I don't think it quite did?
Like, it's been over 10 years, and I wasn't super active on fourms at the time, but from what I recall, the general consensus was that while it didn't meet the insane hype (because what possibly could have?), that it was still a really fucking fantastic game and in any other situation where it wasn't being hyped up as the greatest thing in the history of enterainment media, it would have easily blown away expectationsa
I defended the good parts of both Reach AND Halo 5 when thy came out.
Sort of yeah, I think Unreal Tournament is probably the best comparsion, though obviously the Halo games are slower and have a weapon limit. Map sizes and the presence of vehicles varies
Typically, the onlijne matchmaking playlists are usually either 4v4 focused, on smaller to medium sized maps which have no vehicles, and into 8v8 focused larger scale maps which have vehicles on them
What is up with underages and being obsessed with Reach? It was mediocre at best.
You got 10 months cunt might want to consider upgrading
lol ODST killed Reach and it released before.
better than 1 and 2 old man
A mix of people playing it when they were literal children and shitters who couldn't hang in the earlier games.
Baby's first halo. You have to understand, the shits who knew nothing about Halo 3 and only player halo reach, 4 , and 5. Are now around 18-20 years old.
they were all 12 when Reach came out so it was the best Halo for them.
For everyone else 2 or 3 was objectively the best
It's unlike any other shooter.
It focuses around a gun/grenade/melee trinity alongside its specific jump height. No other shooter balances its core gameplay quite like it, usually melee is either useless or 1 hit KO, same for grenades. In Halo all engagements use most of those elements for a single kill, unless you're long range in an open area, in which case it's mostly down to shootan'
>I don't think it quite did?
i dont know what forum you were using, everyone ive ever talked too agreed that it was far better than anything they hoped for.
>he doesn't love Halo™ enough to compromise his other values
Which was your favorite?
>Halo 3 is the definitive experience.
Reach base game maps were pretty weak overall, I'll agree, mainly due to them all being areas from the campaign repurposed as multiplayer maps. But, with DLC there's a good amount of fun maps;
Beaver Creek
Hang Em High
Ivory Tower
Power House
Sword Base
Anchor 9
I think the main issue is that Reach had a bigger focus on big team battle maps with Forge World maps trying to make up for a lack of smaller maps.
Please be released right after that sunday event.
>implying he's wrong
>people believe the game is being released on sunday
fuycking retards
>Reach had a bigger focus on big team battle maps
The only BTB-suitable maps the game shipped with were the two Invasion maps and Boardwalk.
as a 2fag (I started with CE but didn't get super into stuff untill 2), in my experience fellow CE and 2fags are actually more postive on reach then 3fags are.
I think CE and 2fags are more used to the idea of there being major changes between each Halo game, where I tend to notice people who started with 3 tend to have this idea that "3 is the best, this is what halo is SUPPOSED to be, everything after 3 was bad!", not realizing how much 3 was actually different from CE and 2 and how it was arguably a step down from then in some ways.
Not that Reach wasn't more different from 3 then 3 was from 2 and so on, Reach totally was, but still.
Yea Forums liked it at launch and had active threads for a while, it didn't get shat on that badly until 4 and 5 had everyone looking back at what was a better experience overall.
I'm a CEfag, and I think Reach is fun with the MLG settings or similar like GoldPro. The base game isn't even worth looking at.
With all of the TU changes and the right maps, I unironically think Reach is a better game than Halo 3.
>coming soon
>doesn't even have system requirements listed
This is gonna take a while isn't it
He's absolutely right.
This. Swansong my ass.
Literally babbies first Halo. They were too young to play the previous games and Reach was a new story for them to latch onto so they think it's incredible/the best Halo because they don't know any better. It's really easy to pick out the underage zoomers because they put Reach on a pedestal it has no right being on.
Halo 2 was objectively the weakest entry in the franchise.
What because you were 12 when 2 and 3 released? Shut the fuck up and look objectively at why reach is better in some regards. 3 almost definitely had the better maps and probably had the peak of what a gaming community could ever hope to be but reach had all the features of 3, improved upon them, and then some
>ITT: Kids pretending to have been playing halo from the beginning because they think it makes their opinion on reach being GOAT valid
>He didn't originally play reach on the forbidden disc
Halo 3 is the best representation of the campaigns in the series. Whenever I think of Halo, I particularly think of Halo 3.
Best gunplay, best music, best art direction, best dialogue, best cutscenes. It’s the best campaign that Halo has to offer.
nah, halo 3's maps are garbage
Both Reach and 3 had bad maps.
I get why the TU was nessscary, but I dislike how it basically made precision weapons even better and shat on the rest of the sandbox. Default reach probbably had the best balance between weapons the series had had since CE.
I'm especially worried for Reach on PC, since with a mouse getting consistent shots with precision guns is going to be even easier wheras the random spread on autos will mean that they don't benefit from it much at all.
I question if perhaps MCC on PC should get PC specific balance tweaks to avoid this, not just in Reach but also 2, 3, and 4. THen again CE and 2 were already on PC, I don't know if they suffered from my concer here or not as I've never really played them much
What do you propose, user, we all have to dig out our beat up copies of fall and reach from 2001 to prove we are oldfags?
>ITT kids who think 343 Halo is better than Bungie Halo
the campaigns are gay in both games. the Mp is better in halo 2
[black man laughter]
The TU BTB community post Halo 4's launch was really intimate and I remember all the rivalries. Tons of recurring players and the occasional vets would show up and wreck everyone's shit, making them essentially hero picks. "Holy shit, they got Brad Pitt guys".
I missed Halo 3 because I'm dirt poor and it was the first Halo that I could play online, I think I was 17 but at the time, but definitely found it more enjoyable than Halo 4.
Where's Blood Gulch?
>best gunplay
No, 3's guns are inaccurate as fuck and the reticules aren't that precise. Reach, 4, and especially 2 and 5 all have better gunplay then 3.
yea i know, my point was halo 2 is the best
>the Mp is better in halo 2
Why do people still parrot this?
Yeah ok cool but when's 2?
Sandtrap... home
I can understand why ZB settings hurt something like BTB, but for the purposes of 2v2 and 4v4 games, any amount of bloom ruins the experience.
Better maps.
I really liked the campaing. No flood = best halo
Already on PC
Oh mama.
LMAOING @ oldfags thinking halo 2 is best
Anyone playing Project Cartographer?
t.narrows / snowbound
on steam? or the microsoft store
1. is it going to be win10 only
2. how much is it going to be
3. is it going to a decent port
I agree, I just wish they would have also buffed, like, the focus rifle and AR at the same time as removing/lessening the bloom
God H2A is so good. If they just had rebalanced the weapons a bit more then it'd be litterally my perfect ideal halo experience.
That may be, but I'd die a happy man.
The Focus Rifle was already good. Just aim at the head.
Does Project Cartographer have a decent player base?
H5 had better femspartan asses sorry bros
>underage normalfag meme
1. Yep
2. Same price as current MCC, probably a little cheaper if they're just releasing it in increments. Should also be free if you have an Xbox live account with the original MCC.
3. Hope so, but it's up in the air I heard both good and bad things about Splash Damage.
Yeah, hopped on a few alleyway brawl matches. Pretty fun.
People wont admit that the multiplayer for Halo 2 was broken AF
Don't know, you could just play the campaign if it doesn't.
You're not wrong
When is this game actually coming out? No way they wait till summer/fall, right?
$50 it's not coming out until november
Wort wort wort!
God I miss invasion so much
>this upcoming Sunday
[citation needed]
He was a Spartan l, he couldn’t geo infected.
>Same price as current MCC
You have to buy each game separately, and I seriously doubt every game is going to be $10.
that's a non-starter, good day to you
>is it going to be win10 only
>putting in hundreds of hours grinding credits to unlock armor all over again
>without being able to exploit custom daily challenges anymore
I can't imagine ever putting myself through that monotony ever again, or even having the time to anymore now that I'm not a teenager.
because its the truth
bullshit, nobody said its win10 only
No. Waiting for 2 or 3. Reach sucks ass
where are the proofs
They're all at least 10 years old by now, I could see it happening. ODST was just campaign and cost $5 on console.
It's a cross-platform release between Microsoft Store and Steam, the steam page lists that you need an Xbox Live account to play.
I didn't know they charged for ODST, I assumed it was a free update as an apology for how fucking shit MCC was.
That just proves you need a Xbox Live account to play.
It was free for people who bought MCC before they announced ODST, but was paid for everyone else.
MCC has armour unlocked from the start. You wouldn't have to unlock anything.
Why would they not promote W10 with one of the biggest franchise on the biggest digital platform on the PC?
I think all the armor's going to be unlocked again like Halo 3 and 4's are, MCC's just adding the levels and multiplayer modes to the mix.
They tried that for Visa, it failed.
That's still speculation.
Vista wasn't the mainstay like 10
except after the TU the DMR got even better at long ranges. Even beforee trhe TU the DMR could beat out the focus rifle a fair amount of the time, aftwards it was even more the case
we don't know it's W10 only. It PROBABLY will be, but it's hard to say for sure since MS announced W7 DX12 support recently
Because Gabe doesn't want UWP only shit on Steam
Because 25% of Steam is still using Windows 7, and it's a 360 game, DX10 is included in Windows 7.
Every game that was a W10 exclusive and then went to Steam can be run on W7.
The Focus Rifle is an accurate AR with headshot damage, it doesn't need to be used at max range.
why would they port direct x12 to win7?
An educated guess. Prepare for it.
>3 almost definitely had the better maps and probably had the peak of what a gaming community could ever hope to be
so you're saying 3 was the best
Sunset Overdrive isn't
I long ago accepted that I'd never unlock the Haunted helmet, it was just too much playing.
Yes it is, doesn't matter what the minimum specs say, people are still able to run and play the game on W7. I'd be easier to provide proof if anyone actually bought that game though.
I can't see how Halo can be fun on pc. It's so slow and casual. Literally got popular only because there was no other shooters on the consoles at the time.
Sunset Overdrive CAN be run on Windows 7. The system requirements are simply wrong.
Go fellate Half-Life 2 replacing skippable cutscenes with being locked in rooms for several minutes of exposition dumps you poseur faggot.
sure am, glad reach is releasing first
Wait a second, the game is coming out in 2 days and don't even know the fucking system requirements?
What the hell?
>halo reach
>slow and casual
Apex didn't have system requirements until seconds before it launched.
Halo 2, 3 and Reach for me. 4 and 5 suck balls.
I imagine it will get pretty popular but will still be eclipsed in active players by CSGO. Also looking forward to watching retards post steam charts when a lot of people will be playing on xbox/windows because you don't have to buy the game twice if you owned it on xbox or have gamepass
>the game is coming out in 2 days
no one even knew that game was coming out though
What do you think it is?
Fuck Machinima and WB for nuking off every old Machinima ever made.
At least here's a mirror:
Halo 5 did, don't think MCC's ever dropped
I think reach is inbetween halo 3 and halo 4
for some reason posting
pisses me off with the energy of a billion suns. No reason to put the TM in there. Stop it. you are whats wrong with the internet.
They haven't even confirmed if it would be a Play Anywhere game. I believe the extra options being added to the PC port will be used as reasoning for charging for it regardless of owning MCC previously.
Oh, I misinterpreted OP's statement.
You think it isn't slow and casual?
no wonder why elites love female spartans so much
I have one question for the Halo 3 PC version...
Will I still be able to glitch up the entire match driving the elephants onto the crashed phantom to win by making the other team all quit out?
Do you think the earth is flat?
hay guyz
u guyz
u gotta c my ninja armer!
No, but I don't believe Halo is fast either.
Halo 4 and 5 sucked
im ready for a lockout match
See I don't talk to retards, that's where the misunderstanding is.
Explain your reasoning.
>tfw you realize 99.9% of Bungie Halo's lore was stolen from Warhammer 40k and that's why it's so good, and the reason why 343's lore sucks is because they're actually having to think up new shit
i gotz recon
>soul | soulless
no ill be waiting for halo 3
the only good halo game
We've got 4 lads playing HALO MCC on XBONE right now. Message Chaosdroid 2 if you want an invite !
For all the faggots in this thread let me lay down some truth. Halo 3 was the peak of the series, with the best maps, multiplayer, custom games, and story. It was best experience, had the best culture, etc. Halo 3 was a polished Halo 2. Halo 2 was second best, had that horrible cliff hanger but was good otherwise. Reach had the best Forge, but by then too many kids had flooded the community. Maps and multiplayer were not as solid either
>responding to underage reddit spacers
not worth your time
>tfw you realize 99.9% of Bungie Halo's lore was stolen from Warhammer 40k
But it's from Alien and Predator. Bungie was pretty vocal about their influences.
>Chaosdroid 2
>the campaigns are gay in both games
It's like I'm on Xbox Live a decade ago
What was taken from 40k? A lot of the writing is allusions to the Bible
>the best maps
Nah I'm a broke nigga. Maybe my rich friend will buy it for me though and we can play together.
Here come the kids to rip you a new one.
>Want to be hyped
>Legitimately love the gameplay in a way I forgot I missed
>Want to play it
>Don't have Windows 10
>Refuse to purchase it, reinstall, or get it
Why can d they just let us bro? Just put it on 7.
>Augmentations to fight your own people
>those augmentations prove useful when fighting aliens
>Aliens are fanatics or hiveminds
>the highest planes of the warriors are pretty much deities
>both universes are still being expanded because they scattered these "deities" to the stars when it all started and make stories surrounding their return
I dunno man
Most popular scifi universes follow the "human/advanced aliens/monster aliens" formula
Colonial Marines/Predators/Aliens
You can pick you popular scifi universe of choice and it'll likely have a triangle like this. Most even throw in an ancient alien faction too like the Engineers and the Xel'Naga and the Forerunner.
It might be on 7, we don't know yet.
>making dumb shit up
It just started as shitload of biblical and Norse references in an 80s-90s sci-fi aesthetic (Starship Troopers, Alien, Aliens)
FemSpartans have no interest in men below 8ft tall.
>male spartans are almost never 8ft tall
user, what are you implying...
It is fun
I'm preparing to install W10 because it's worth it for Halo, but only if it really does not run on 7. We should do it together, friend.
It has the most variety in playstyles
You know damn well what I'm implying, user.
What amazes me is just his many anons love sucking reach's dick
Just get LTSC, I was a Windows 7fag but due to a SSD upgrade I installed it and it's pretty good, no spyware/Cortana/Xbox/shitty BLOATware because it's a barebone Windows for company uses
What is this even supposed to mean?
You have no idea what reddit spacing is.
>Game catered to people who loved custom games and SP shenanigans while competitive shitters were left out in the rain
>They're still crying about it to this day
>still thinking it wont work on 7
>posting nuBlade Runner memes
>in a Reach thread
Only the campaign
What amazes me is how much of a faggot you are.
>the best maps
What game doesn't?
343 actually has a higher average level of quality with their books, and was better at bungie was at tying stuff together, forshadowing, etc, wheras bungie sort of did shit as they went
The problem is that 343i can't advance the state of the universe in a way that's not fucking retarded and constantly just invents new galactic threats to justify conflict
Interesting choice of words, considering the Reach supporters were always bad at the older games.
That map was ok, not horrible. Halo 3 had Sandtrap, Sandbox, Valhalla, multiple maps from Halo 2, etc. It was a refined Halo 2
Halo Reach didn't cater to jack shit. Yeah there were more legos than ever before but it had fewer maps and custom game settings than Halo 3 at launch by a mile.
BTB in general sucked in Halo 3. It was all so snowball-y with how vehicles and players interacted.
>343 actually has a higher average level of quality with their books
>Traviss trilogy
>funnyjunk filename
>BTB in general sucked in Halo 3
What's your address?
AAs seriously imbalance the maps, but you can use other strategies for a change. Camo is probably my favorite to exploit.
Look past your days of coming home from middle school to play video games and you will see that I'm right.
> Z O O M E R S
halo came out in 2001, stop acting like its fortnite.
fuck you
don't talk shit about my mapfu
>Didn't have Terminal
>Didn't have Relic
>Didn't have Headlong
>Halo 3's version of Zanzibar was trash because of the changes to the base
>Halo 3's version of Sidewinder sucked because of the cluster fuck of a T zone that replaced the corridors
>Halo 3 had Snowbound
>Halo 3 had Isolation
Halo 3 has some fucking atrocious maps.
Is this going to be a play anywhere thing? Like, if you have it on console will we get it on MS store too?
halo will always be fortnite.
>mfw I got Halo Reach for free directly from Microsoft
>Halo 3 tried to remake Hang em High, but with a giant Pit wall in the middle
>get to kill newfags to reach at the elevator in sword base
>t. no friends so he just played SWAT/MLG
I had friends to play customs.
they're doing a press conference at the end of a tournament on sunday for "more reveals"
no one knows if that's when they'll release it, but i wouldn't bet on it
>Get to fly out of bounds with jetpack and shoot faggots from safety
who /HLG/ here
see you in team doubles
Anyone else kind of worried about the playerbase? I doubt the Halo community on PC will be that big and we will be separated across like 6 or 7 games.
I will never understand the changes made to Zanzibar with Last Resort. The base interior went from a great close encounter zone with pillars and windows to something that was just barren emptiness, like it was 5x larger for no discernible reason so it was impossible to get into the base without being BR sniped. Then you had this whole walkway section where fucking NOBODY went that didn't exist on the original map.
The playerbase being spread too thin is likely the reason why Halo 3 isn't going to be there right away.
So a few questions, will Reach come on the same time for xbone as it will for PC
Will crossplay between xbone/PC be possible?
Will the stuff I unlocked in Reach carry over or do I have to start from scratch?
There's one multiplayer component though.
Everything loads from one menu, but the games are still separate.
If it's going how MCC on xbox is, your stuff will not show up. You have every armor unlocked but limited to equipping only full sets.
343 has said they want to fix the customization so you can pick individual pieces.
What games are the girls playable in? Never played halo before
You now her the beep sound and the ~HEH HEH HEH HEH~ of your autistic mouthbreathing spartan every time you sprint
If we're talking visually, Reach, 4 and 5.
Halo 3 let you pick your voice sex but it never changed your look.
not to much, you can alwasy select all games/modes if you want a faster match. but it think the long time that Pc went without Halo will keep the player base alive for sometime.
Only Reach, 4 and 5 had playable females which have actual model changes compared to just a voice change like in 3. In Reach you could also have either a female or male spartan in the campaign.
>It was a refined Halo 2
no ,it was garbage
Only because youre a 3babby.
Reach is only disliked by your kind because it isnt halo 3.
CE > reach > 3 > 2
Reach> 2 > 3 > CE
to go along with the previous responses only the Reach and 5 girls have fat asses
>The interior of the base in Halo 3
You are now hearing the little cheers of joy your spartan would make in Firefight
something like this:
Still waiting for mcc to be playable 5 years later...
i didn't know there were female master chef models
>Good: Fall of Reach, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Contact Harvest
>Bad: The Flood, Cole Protocole
33% of the books are bad
>Good: Cryptum, Primordium, Silentium, Hunters in the Dark, Last Light, Broken Circle, Fractures, Envoy, Retribution, Legacy of Onyx, Bad Blood, Silent Storm, Renagades
>Bad: Glasslands, THursday War, Mortal DIctata, New Blood, Battle borne
27% of the books are bad
nah, armor abilities actually make reach's shit maps more tolerable. jetpacks makes sword base go from utter fucking trash to merely bad, for example
>objective: survive
>all those dead Spartans hidden throughout the level
>your visor begins to shatter as you take health damage
these things don’t usually impress me but I gotta say, this one was actually impactful to me for some reason
3 has differing voices but no model changes
Reach, 4, and 5 have actual different models. Only Reach and 5 have the good asses, if that's why you ask
Probably that Last Resort was never intended to be a carbon copy of Zanzibar?
>Look past your days of coming home from middle school to play video games
>to the days of MY past of coming home from middle school to play video games
I'll try, but I'm fairly certain it won't run on my i7 920 GTX 750.
Interesting.....thank you I will be looking into them, for science reason of course
Why do people with this lame waifu reaction face also always have lame opinions?
Are any of the H2A maps actually good? Is H2A multiplayer gameplay even good? I've never seen anyone talk about it presumably because MCC was so busted that no one could figure out if it was good or not.
You forgot Evolutions. The Flood was only a repeat, it wasn't bad. In fact, the first 3 books connected seamlessly.
Legacy of Onyx wasn't good, and the main character was comparable to Vale in depth.
Hunters in The Dark was bland as fuck.
Bad Blood/New Blood were poorly written
Most of the recent stories have a Macguffin hunt with the flavor of the week forerunner artifact that disappears.
H2A plays like Halo 3 with slightly nerfed melees and better weapon balance.
I'm so fucking sick of you faggots and your hivemind bandwagon bullshit. Fuck off.
Is reach really dropping on sunday or is it just a release date
I've been calling Reach shit since the beta.
>All these fucking faggots implying ODST isn't the worst Halo
Stupid, stupid faggots..
Shut up faggot, no one cares about you.
I love H2A's mp. It's a slightly refined and more modernized Halo 2. It's very, very close to being my ideal Halo game, I just wish they would have done a bit more to balance the sandbox out then they did.
It'd sort of defeating the point of it being H2A, but had they taken out duel wielding in order to make the magnum, needler, SMG, and plasma rifle viable weapons in their own right, upped the AR's (H2A has more or less Halo 4's AR) accuracy a bit, and then had AR/pistol starts, H2A would be litterally perfect, IMO
what? no it doesn't
you forgot armor lock
tfw drop shield if timed correctly becomes armor lock for a split second
Spoiler: Halo 2 without button glitches plays very similarly to halo 3
H2A's AR is already perfect, as were the Silenced SMG and Brute Plasma Rifle. The latter two acting nearly identical to their counterparts, except with a faster fire rate.
Hell no
Selling only 7 million in comparison to Halo 2's over 8 million and Halo 3's over 14.5 million isn't saving the franchise, it's killing it.
I didn't own an Xbox until 2009 and by then Halo 3's hayday was nearly over. I still spent hundred of hours on it and I still forged my ass off. When Reach dropped I immediately noticed MANY game modes were missing and MANY forge options were missing and there were so few maps that weren't straight from the campaign or forged by the devs. It wasn't until over a year after launch when they started getting worried that the game was already dying and started actually trying to curate some community but by then the damage was done.
Nigga it'll be on Windows 7, why are you worried?
Steam has never released a Windows 10 only game and DX12 is compatible with Windows 7.
There is no reason for it to be Windows 10 only. Steam release confirms this.
>H2A's AR is already perfec
Nah, can't engage far enough and it builds up bloom/spread too quickly. It's really not that much more range capable then the SMG is and there's absolutely zero point in trying to burst fire or be accurate with it, and in the context of 2's sandbox where the BR is as good as it is that's particularly problematic. It's still an improvement over 2 when there WAS no AR, but it has room for improvement.
It wouldn't exactly work in H2A's sandbox, but the closest I feel to getting the AR right was Halo 5. Take how it is post-weapon balance overhaul, and just make it so that there's a higher maximum amount of spread, and that spread rapidly gains after the first 5 shots or so, (thereby forcing you to have to use bursts outside of close range, while still preserving it's viability at mid range when bursting), combined with some sort of locational damage system even on shields., where getting headshots or upper chest shots does more damage and limbs less (so if you can consistently land headshots, you do slightly more damage then the AR does now, but if you can't/spray, it does less damage then it currently does in 5) but having that scale inversely with spread (so while spraying you get no bonus, only when there's low spread and thereby avoiding "accieental" headshots) and low bullet magnetisism, and then you have an AR that has a unique niche as a range capable precision automatic that's designed around controlled burst fire, giving it a unique niche relative to the SMG, and rewards skilled usage
Why does the AR need to engage at long range? You already have the BR.
But the Beta was super awesome
I'm playing it right now.
so you want the ar to be a br clone
Nothing in my post implied that I dislike Reach. Reach is my third favorite halo right after ODST. My first halo was CE. Stop projecting.
Jesus Christ, no one cares about you, shut the fuck up. Holy shit.
i hope you're not gonna play Halo 2 anniversary
youre full of shit
alltime favorite splitscreen map
Can you not play multiplayer with the original graphics?
They're essentially different games.
chief didnt know that
I need some confirmation since I don't play much Halo butt absolutely love armoured, robot butts.
Is this pic of a female?
I don't think it needs to be able to fucking crossmap people, but if you have the AR + other autos in the game, the AR obviously needs to ne able to engage at least at some degree of effective distance to be distinct
And Halo straight up hasn't had a weapon that functions like this before, I think it'd be interesting and a fun addition to the sandbox. 5 and reach doesn't really reward the player much for trying to use the AR at mid range and using timed accurate bursts, but if you try to do it I think you'll find it's pretty gun: it's really satisyfing to have to adjuist the length of your bursts in relation to the distance you are firing at, and to be able to land shots to the head with them while keeping the spread at minimal levels while also tracking the target, etc.
Moreover, automatics can't ever actually have a place in competitive play and as good weapons if they don't reward skill, because you can't have guns that don't have a skillgap be super viable or else everybody will use them and do well even if they aren't good at the game. If you want Halo to have actually decdent weapon balance then automatics need to not be design as guns purely for casual players
Nah, it'd still preform super distinctly from the BR. What i',m suggesting is just the Halo Reach AR (if it did more damage) or Halo 5 AR (if it wasn't as accurate when the trigger was held down) if the player was rewarded and encouraged to not just spray and to aim accurately with them.
H2A's MP is great you faglord
That's sort of an invalid question.
It's not like the campaign where H2A is just a graphical overlay to the original Halo 2, H2A's MP is a completely seperate thing.. It's basically it's own MP only game in the collection. So, "yes" you can play with the original graphoics, if you are playing the original Halo 2 MP, but it won't have the new weapons, balance tweaks, forge, theater, etc that H2A's MP has
Yes, the female spartans in reach are nice
why would you play Halo 3 when you can play Halo 2?
why would you play Halo?
>comparing Coagulation to High Ground instead of Valhalla
You mean the Halo with the worst weapon balance and bullet magnetism?
It's basically the same game.
H3 is just prettier, has more weapons and better balance
>making every weapon weaker means there's more balance
could this be the start of a new age of halo porn
Why did Bungie make Halo CE, 2, and 3 so pretty and then made Reach so ugly?
We already have their models in SFM
Because it is just a shitty cash grab
That makes sense, it did feel like the soul was gone when I played Reach.
>H3 only made weapons weaker
retarded 2fag
3 had better maps, imho
>implying it didn't
My old stats and screenshots are still there.
Oh the pain of yearning
>he acts like this is both a bad thing and all that happened
2 had terrible weapon balance, the BR is proof. bullet magnetism in 2 was horseshit as well.
Halo 3 didn't do anything to fix the weapon balance, it just made the weapons weaker across the board.
I'm still bitter they took away betrayals in infection fucking with my teammates was a blast while it lasted.
i miss glitching out of maps for sick screenies
So damn curvy
Space screenies
I got you senpai
based and orbitalpilled
>posting the fastest possible time for CE pistol on xbox
>posting nerfed halo 4 rifles
Pretty much the perfect storm for tying to prove that kill tiems have "gone up" when they haven't. Halo 5's BR is as good if not better than the H2 BR.
>you’ll already unlocked all the armor pieces
Sauce or die
Are they capable of bearing my children?
good god
That picture was from before the Turbo update for 4.
>>posting the fastest possible time for CE pistol on xbox
It's the fastest possible time for all of those weapons, respectively.
what are your favorite MP map secrets?
Sauce is MCC on console, all armors are unlocked out the gate (probably because the game was shipped in Alpha stages).
>only played halo at friends' houses as a kid
>played the PC demo of Halo 1 over and over because I was never able to find a physical copy of the retail release
>Beat Halo 3 playing Co-op with my roommate in college
I wanted to play halo for fucking years. Never beat halo 2, and I've only beat *most* of the missions in Halo 1.
Reach was fucking great IMO. Sure the sprinting sucks but it's still a solid bungie game and the campaign is enjoyable.
Here's to hoping reach actually releases this sunday, but it probably wont.
They're not robots, just super soldiers in power armor.
Ling Ling's head
>doesn't sit down
wrong. only the BR and the made weaker, rightfully so.
bullet magnetism was also reduced, and dual wielding wasnt absolute bullshit in 3.
The CE pistol was nerfed on PC. And that graph clearly shows kill times in Halo 5 went down 10-15% while also having 0 recoil and hitscan weapons.
>only the BR and the made weaker
And it was still the best weapon in the game. What does this tell you?
>bullet magnetism was also reduced
But the strafe was made shit so they cancel each other out.
>The CE pistol was nerfed on PC
It wasn't.
>What does this tell you?
it tells me that the BR was fixed. the BR in 3 wasnt absolute bullshit like it was in 2.
>implying the strafe reduction wasnt needed too
next youre going to defend 2s bullet magnetism.
Lorefag here, the S-IIIs (eugh) in Reach are more likely than the S-IIs you typically think of but still unlikely. The IIs and IIIs both have crippled sex drives due to the extreme drug therapy they received at the onset of puberty. I'm fairly certain they're sterile.
Skull on Sandbox. Sandbox (and a lot of other Bungie maps, and to some extent Forge World) has such a delicious air of mystery about it. The Bungie games were full of just so much weird and secret shit, nothing else comes close.
>was fixed
It beat literally every other weapon in the game. It wasn't "fixed", and the balance was exactly the same.
>next youre going to defend 2s bullet magnetism.
No, but I'm not going to praise Halo 3 for nerfing a player's ability to avoid damage.
It was less accurate. One thing you guys never take into accoutn when comparing nwer halo games to older ones. Most of the weapons in new halo games have nigh on unlimited range weapons with halo 4 and 5 having nearly hitscan weaponry. Meanwhile you couldn't shoot 100 yards without your BR shots in halo 2 disappearing.
Yes, the BR was nerfed in Halo 3, but so was everything else. The BR was still the best weapon in the game despite these nerfs. Bungie effectively did nothing but make the game play worse on purpose.
>It beat literally every other weapon in the game
the fuck? the AR handed that things ass to it in close quarters. not to mention 3 fixed all the other weapons like the needler and BS
>he thinks strafing was a way to avoid damage
my dude the strafing in 2 was literally just point and click. get better aim.
>literally the gta 5 map
Probably because Halo 2's weapons still give Halo 5's weapons a run for their money at close to mid ranges especially when Halo 5 has GREATLY reduced bullet magnetism AND GREATLY increased movement. Halo 2 was casual as fuck.
>so was everything else
lamo, this guy is just mad because he couldnt use his BR to kill everything in 3.
>the AR handed that things ass to it in close quarters.
It didn't.
>he thinks strafing WASN'T a way to avoid damage
halo 2 was just point and click.
CE and 3 never had that problem
And the whole world stopped and just fucking watched.
>It didn't.
the fuck it didnt. by the time you got out enough BR shots to kill someone in close quarters the AR would already have you dead, or within melee kill range. the AR was better than the BR at close range.
>he thinks he should be able to just point and click at someone without effort
The BR can easily squeeze out 4 shots before the AR guy can kill him, or even just shoot twice and punch for a kill. Worst case, he can just walk backwards and the AR won't be able to hit shit.
>>he thinks he should be able to just point and click at someone without effort
Who said this?
>The BR can easily squeeze out 4 shots before the AR guy can kill him
yeah, if the cunt is standing still. the AR would have someone within melee kill range faster than the BR.
>Who said this?
you are. strafing in 2 was shit.
>yeah, if the cunt is standing still.
It wouldn't matter either way.
>the AR would have someone within melee kill range faster than the BR.
Prove it.
>strafing in 2 was shit.
It was better than Halo 3's strafe.
>It wouldn't matter either way.
are you saying that a person moving around is just as easy to hit as someone standing still?
>prove it
by the time the BR would get in two or three hits the AR would already have the person in melee range
>It was better than Halo 3's strafe.
the strafe in 2 required no effort on the shooters part. it was casual as fuck.
>halo 3 fag calling anything else casual
the guy standing on the telescope satellite thing in standoff.
>he thinks 2 wasnt casual as fuck
it had the most babby tier weapons that require no effort to get kills.
both CE and 3 had better balance and required effort to play.
>the strafe in 2 required no effort on the shooters part. it was casual as fuck.
If you consider lower acceleration 'effort' then you're just advocating for less responsive controls. Halo 2's weapon were INFINITELY more accurate, the strafing was fine.
>comparing CE to halo 3
>Halo 2's weapon were INFINITELY more accurate
only because of bullet magnetism. actual accuracy was bullshit as stated. the strafing was bullshit in 2 as it made the person who spots first the one who gets the kill.
both games had better balance than 2.
seethe more.
halo beach
You're posting all of this like Halo 3 didn't have crazy magnetism either.
>comparing magnum magnetism to BR magnetism
Delete this you tard, the magnums in all games have never had any magnetism
not compared to 2, it didnt.
3s magnetism was fine, 2 was bullshit.
>hurr why did you compare the two main headshot weapons of each game