I am forgotten.
Other urls found in this thread:
You couldn't even check the catalog huh?
>*makes daily shitpost thread*
Are they working on a sequel?
d-delete this!!!!
Even the haters haven’t forgotten this game.
The fuck are you smoking?
See pic for veracity of the statement
I would love to see them take what they did with BOTW and make it even better, but I get the feeling the next zelda will go back to formula.
What makes you think that? BOTW was critically lauded and sold quite well.
If anything, they won't go back to formula, but instead that new Zelda games will be based on the BOTW formula, which could be a good or bad thing. Time will tell.
Literally a thread every day
btw 97%
I literally just stopped playing it to come check out Yea Forums and eat dinner
Nintendo desperately need to churn out another Zelda before the entire series is dead and buried. BotW was the most forgettable game in the entire series; the only game worse was Skyward Sword.
>Nintendo desperately need to churn out another Zelda before the entire series is dead and buried. BotW was the most forgettable game in the entire series; the only game worse was Skyward Sword.
just came out today
Why the fuck is there a BotW thread every day?
I replayed botw recently
it's an okay game, but feels like it's missing something, or many things
Everyone I know who has played it, from those who've not touched Zelda since the N64 or SNES, to those who've played every Zelda title released have given the game nothing but praise. Critics raved about it, and sales were very good.
You may think the franchise will soon be dead and buried, but I'd guess you're in the minority with that opinion.
should I be getting 15fps with rx580 and i5-3750k ?
There's one user that's so mad about it being successful that he can't stop talking about it.
obvious samecuck
More than 2 ( T W O ) YEARS later.
Multiple threads everyday, usually from traumatised shitters still in denial.
How can one man be so BTFO by a game released TWO years ago? Fucking mental illness at this point.
>Everyone I know
who gives a shit about what you and your thirsty nintensoy friends think?
HAHAHAHA check the archive you fucking faggot and search for BOTW
>already in Yea Forums catalog
>makes ANOTHER thread
It is ok to have this opinion user, but never forget that you are in a very, very, veeeeeeeeeeery tiny minority with it.
Not as long as you keep making shitposting threads about it, OP.
>2 ( T W O ) YEARS
What the fuck no, it came out in 2017 or something, that's one year ag-
oh fuck
clearly its not when there are bait threads of it for 2 years now
botw has really changed Yea Forums
Time flies when you're having FUN
Because I could have pointed to professional reviews first and you'd have called me out on that.
I don't think any amount of evidence brought forth would make you believe that, despite the ramblings of some autists here, the game was very well received. But I thought I'd try.
who would you give a shit about what they think?
Only beat 2 dungeons, the water one and the goron one. I got bored of the system of shrine with puzzle, random korok seed, climbing mountain, grinding weapons, etc. I only played about 20 hours but felt like I saw everything already. Does it get better?
I played on the horrible town fps Wii U version
>I only played about 20 hours but felt like I saw everything already. Does it get better?
Thats longer than most Zelda games.
maybe, but a completely open world game i'd expect more to it. I guess I just prefer a more linear zelda experience
Longer doesn't mean better.
How the fuck do you say Skyward Sword was worse than Breath of the Shit?
So forgotten, people are still clogging the board with threads on it. Seriously, give it a rest already.
Sorry to hear you're forgotten, OP. I hope your parents remember you so you don't seek attention with stupid bait threads on the 4chins.