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Bad thread t b h
Kys OP

Yea Forums's perpetual search for the next TORtanic has killed this board.

Validating your choice of video game based on sales charts is pretty underage bordering on Brazilian desu

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TORtanic infected the outside world as well. I find it fascinating. Isnt TOR actually successful now?

holy shit

Hours played, not sales. Dumb ass.

still a impressive number for a game that is a week old

Oh shit Warhammer's on Sale, nice.

>PC Alone
Thanks for proving us right faggot

Holy shit! They’re really charging $40 for dlc to their shitty game? No wonder people pirate this shit.

? what

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Supposedly it is doing well for a free MMO and still getting support.

Honestly though i think it is more carried by the IP since it is the only Star Wars MMO "officially" on the market thus has no competition for the Star Wars Nerd Whale market.

I still feel like SWG would still be pulling decent numbers, if the CU/NGE never happened. 100,000 subs versus none is a pretty big deal.

That being said, I picked up Star Trek Online. Ground game is a bit janky, but space is fun as fuck. Story's okay too. I heard it gets unplayable at max level, as they lock new ships behind a paywall. But as of right now, the free content's okay. I also had a free TOS Enterprise from Preordering ages ago.

Are you dumb? That is extremely common. Not only that but it is only recent and not cumulative, unless you actually think that DMCV has around the same amount of total play time in oine week that Fallout 4 had in years. That also doesn't ignore how dumb you were for thinking that was a sales figure. Your goalpost moving will not work here.

OP doesnt know that the top selling tab is based on the last 12 hours worth of sales.

The majority of those sales come from Soulsborne fans planning to boycott the game. They plan to buy it, play 1.5 hours, reviewbomb and refund.

I'd buy it if I could afford it, but I am currently a poorfag.

why are they planning on review bombing?

Is souls like seriously a fucking tag on steam

Because it's a Soulsborne game with 99% of its content cut and sold as a full game.
For fuck's sake, the game is only 12 GB, that's less than half of Dark Souls 3's total size.

its not
only prioritizes cash shop and updates with new content every 5 - 6 months. usually all that amounts to is a story mission and a new planet to grind dailies. they havent had a new raid since 2015

Oh oh soulsbros. Does that mean we won't get any GID GUT games from BASED From?

What the fuck? I havent been following the news on the game but
Not surprised.

nobody is searching for the new tortanic, anyone with a functioning brain has learned from experience that hype is worthless and most new games are bad. if a new release is actually good it's a pleasant surprise.

>activision has been forcing people to download its shitty launcher to play all their new games
>from bitchslaps them in their place and makes them release it on steam
>puts a giant glaring red light on the store page that activision only publishes it in places not Japan and asia
based fucking nips putting burgers in their place



It's gotten to the point where everyone in a thread will just be LARPing about imaginary people while they scrape the bottom of the barrel on Twitter/YT/FB to find that one singular autist having a meltdown over a hyped game and parading that person around as a poster child for their new blunder crusade. Every time.

>he didn't get the game for free some months ago

tags are user generated

I think we are talking success as in "turning a profit", and since the people who still "care" about ToR seem to do so due the Story rather then gameplay there is a Story threadmill rather then a Raid/PvP threadmill.

Not defending ToR or calling it good, im just saying that it is profitable for EA in the current state.

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It is making money and EA barely has to lift a finger

Nothing of what you said in this post is remotely true.

The game was delayed by two days? Why?

There is no reason to assume a new Miyazaki game is bad. The guy shits gold.

Fuck yeah Total War II: Warhammer is the shit. I snapped that shit up on sale.
Classic Warhammer fantasy is one of the few settings unsullied by PC garbage by the grace of Sigmar.

Go back

Why would someone lie on an anonymous image board?

What does Yea Forums think bout eve online?

Who hurt you?


imagine being a combination of this dumb and indignant

>Yea Forums
No idea, but if you are talking about Yea Forums historically generally people cared more about the funny drama that kept happening in/around it then the actual game that was likened to spreadsheets and waiting around for Player Drama to happen, i also remember threads about performance issues related to a expansion about walking around and the tie-in shootan flopping.

Basically, according to most anons i recall EVEs appeal is the player base being cutthroat as fuck and taking the game seriously due the approved RMT resulting in intense PvP, not just in the game, but in real life too.

That said, i never played the game, im mostly spouting shit i remember from other anons describing it to explain what EVE is, and my impression was that it isn't a game i would enjoy.