is this the eceleb thread?
wait thats not stonetoss
>you like something I don't like? y-you don't get any p-pussy! h-heh, sure showed them
>blasts eurobeat during the getaway drive
It's always a blue checkmark.
sportscucks btfo
game name?
>Remeber when playing Roblox before it became so fcking popular
blue checkmark is the new swastika
Good thing i only use 4channel
Pretty sure this is the lady that was freaking out about Islamaphobia after the Christmas Market attacks.
>everyone I don't like is a neo-nazi.
Rockthrow is literally a neo-Nazi though
It's a good thing celebrities don't run the world.
Literally who?
why was she walking towards the mosque
did she not hear the gunshots?
Sports is watching the best of the best do the best.
Streamers are just average players and below average comedians.
Literally just play the game with comedy central in the background
>come to Yea Forums
>be a 27 year old virgin
>do literally nothing else
>"You're a terrorist"
>see a car coming
>stops next to you
>guy inside shoots you with a shotgun
>laying on the floor
>bleeding out
>the last thing you hear is eurobeat slowly fading into the distance
sounds pretty good honestly
dunno ask her
How would you know who's shooting? She didn't want to miss a beheading.
>Come to Mosque
>Be a 27 year old refugee
>do literally nothing else
>"You're a terrorist,"
Not true. Aris for example is far funnier than any comedian.
What the fuck? Wow... This place really is just as disgusting as every one always said. How can you just sit by and let this happen? Don't any of you care at all? For human life, or for anything? Seriously, wow.... Does anyone know how to report things on this sub?
Did this retard Cohh say some dumb shit again? Let me guess, he did.
Sorry ma'am, but 4channel is a place of love, kindness, and acceptance.
Are those of us who actually have been laid at some point still allowed to post here then?
She could help get rid of some incels with her meat hole.
Well, invading other peoples countries is already terrorism.
I wish I was an androgynous white boy
I despise when the left calls everyone they don't like a Nazi, but stonetoss is an actual, Holocaust-denying Nazi.
when is shad gonna just admit he's a tranny faggot?
The difference really though is that the person watching sports is usually watching the athletes, the person watching a streamer is just spending time with his "friend"
No he isn't dumbfuck, he's clearly some kind of Conservative. He supports Trump.
women are pathetic
By posting on Yea Forums, you get your virginity back. You're an incel now, Harry.
Your average blue checkmark on twatter. Seething about Trump and brexit
its a cultural invasion
I just shitpost about video games I don't like and wrestling
Does that mean I qualify for wizard status in 2 more years?
And most of it blows my mind. At least Ninja actually screams and makes shitty jokes for kids. But people like DrDisrespect literally just sit there for hours on end in almost complete silence and never engage with the audience. How the fuck do they have 50k+ viewers at all times.
Maybe you whitbois should start having more children instead of masturbating to hentai all day if you don't want to be replaced.
>Eating popcorn while being on computer/playing
>he thinks the hall of cost happened
goddammit I read it in his voice
Boomer wretch bitches about idiots online. More news at 11 with Charlie explains how water is wet
Didn't he already do it?
>blue check mark
every time
>That fucking Peruvian cheese pizza poster ruined loli for me.
I wish I could mind wipe myself. fucking disgusting.
Imagine if they actually did take freedom of speech away from the internet and it backfired horribly on all these fags
They'll just do it slowly over time until it's too late to do anything about it.
absolutely based
I hope this rotten cunt never breeds.
Can we play the game where I find this comic from a 2016 imgur thread
Well one of them is far more likely to be true. Hint: it's the Mosque one.
Sorry zoomer, real men just enjoy watching supple black bucks exerting themselves, their toned ebony bodies glistening in the sun, their rippling muscles straining against tight uniforms. You wouldn't understand.
Wrong, it's because incels were completely honest about the fact that they literally hated females, as opposed to people like gg who insist their crusade isn't about hating women and minorities, but about politics and ethics or whatever.
Calling people incels is basically the same as calling someone a nazi or a cuck or any of that, it's attacking their character and saying that if you have a certain opinion or support one thing that it must surely be because you're hiding some other flaw or extreme ideology behind that.
"You support gg because you hate women", "you are alt right because you're a nazi/white supremacist", "you defend black people because you like cuck porn and drink almond milk", etc.
whats up with his bellybutton
>t. whit*oid from america
>calling someone by their notname
why do you retards do this, do you think saying stonetoss is going to make him show up in your mirror
Are the yotsuba manga a good place to start if I am in the starting phase of learning moon?
>Inb4 you can't learn japanese