Another free major update

>another free major update

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Still can't beat Freelancer.

>adding a small part of what they initially promised

Every major update adds a number of things, MMO will be far from the only feature for the update.

>tfw paid $110 on launch day
>the game is still shit
I'll apologize for actually giving them money, I spit on them

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It's like they released 40% of the game and are now spoon feeding u faggots 5% every update and you eat that shit up thinking they really do care.

I bought the game for 15 bucks, I got my moneys worth desu, from here on out I'm just happy to have reasons to boot it up again and play it for a while.
That's literally all people do when they see this shit and they probably have more fun playing the game than you have with literally anything else.

what did they add now?

I'd get it for 15€ too

how long ago did this shitshow come out????

What's the update?

wow I can't believe they almost finished the game
when is it coming out?

we don't know other than it'll add MMO features.

Gotta hand it to them, they didn't give up even after they became the internet's laughing stock.

Its like they rushed the launch because milenial/zoomer/boomer autist couldnt wait.
>but muh free u-up d-dates are BAD!!!
Kys delusional pice of shit, and keep coping.

they keep adding features, too bad none of them are fun

How is the game compared to Subnautica ?


The game is still boring as fuck, none of the updates add anything to the core gameplay to make it fun.

what the hell would I apologize for

Core of the game is still empty as shit.

every apologize thread goes like that

This. They still haven't fixed the core gameplay loop which is simply not fun.

but have THEY apologized yet?

Almost 3 years

have we even seen that fag with the beard since the game released

Wtf? Did you buy two copies?? Either way shits on you for being retarded

Still shit.

>This is le Yea Forums XD everything is shit amirite guizzze XD

core gameplay loop is still s h i t unless you just like mindless grinding

LMAO who actually gives a shit. The morons at Hello Games preferred to make the game into Minecraft in space, as oppose to expanding on the proc gen that made the game so unique.

The game is still shit.

>game is pre 2007 maplestory-tier grindy, perhaps its even worse than that since you grind for almost no reward but more incremental shit to grind for, like frigates.
>no proper fleet interaction as freighters serve as glorified storage, frigates are a glorified but ultimately hollow incemental game.
>The game itself has literally no suspense of disbelieve. For instgance, you can make your fleet jump in in seconds even though you have to use hyperdrive to jump short distances all the time.
>the games greatest sin is that there is no real involvement of the 3 main species interacting with each other as they're nothing but skins you can look at. Perhaps enabling dynamic wars in which fleets actually battle for interests are a million times better than the shitty GTA-esque system the game uses.
>who are you quoting?

There is nothing to do in the game but pointing your gun at resources and build useless shit for vanity that takes twice as much resources as it should even for normal mode as theres no incentive to stick around a system for too long. Hello Games should balance the economy, make space lively as the planets are and let people actually pilot and fly capital ships. Some actual progression would be nice, even if its just blowing up planets with your huge ass freighter.

They made some decent improvements to the proc gen, but I agree I wish they had just focused on that instead of the chore everyone liked so much for 3 days.

Every game is mindless grinding

The core of the game is rotten, you can't fix it by adding more crap to it.

if the content they patch in is free, they stole from millions of people.

cool, but it is 2 years AFTER all that content was supposed to be in already, so they are still 2 years behind on supporting the game with free content.

yes, surprisingly.

say what you want but this game was made by like 20 people and they're still upgrading it after years while millionaire companies with thousands of devs release broken shit and let it rot

They might be making amends with the people who sticked with them, but their previous behavior and working ethics are inexcusable.
Props to the people getting free, actually good stuff and props to Hello Games for trying to fix the mess, but the practice should not be praised.

Meaningless generalization, but also fucking wrong not only for the vast majority of games, but also for most games where grinding is actually possible based on genre.

perhaps, but the mechanics through which you grind are at least somewhat entertaining in those other games

this is star citizen levels of cultish emotional response and projection

Did they add the sandworm?

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> they're still upgrading it after years while millionaire companies with thousands of devs release broken shit and let it rot
they are also millionaires, and if they didn't work on the NMS they would not work on anything else, since their reputation would be in the toilet.
Don't impute diligence or virtue where simple necessity is more likely.


>t it rot
>they are also millionaires, and if they didn't work on the NMS they would not work on anything else, since their reputation would be in the toilet.
They’re making another game already

Nah I'll just wait til it ends up in humble bundle and set it all to charity

>they are also millionaires
you're talking like it sold on call of duty levels, it didn't even do half that

>produce and release a piece of shit
>happily charge 60 fucking cuckbux anyway
>feel entitled to cockworship for an epic scramble up to... baseline mediocrity?

Why. Why any of this. Why is OP always a faggot. Why.

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what's this sandworm meme that keeps popping up every while?

>it didn't even do half that
it had 200k concurrent players on steam alone at launch, that's 12 million in total sales at least. Even taking into account everybody getting their cut hello games probably made millions off the game.