Why on earth aren't you hype?

Why on earth aren't you hype?

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I dont like souls games or any other games of the type

I am

I am hyped, I just don't feel the need to constantly tell people I am and talk about preview footage, as I want to experience the game for myself and form my own opinion.

Yea Forums ruined it for me.

I just hate video games desu

>Press X to awesome
Already played spiderman.
Not interested in a souls game that isn't a souls game

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Hype as fuck

Same. OP is a paid shill. Kinda gets annoying, it's like let the game speak for itself when it comes out.

>another forgettable piece of shovelware that shills pretend to be super excited about and then nobody talks about it a couple of days after release
anyone remember monster hunter world?

imagine thinking this unironically

I already played Nioh.

Man, this is the best japs have for us this year. Next months are only for garbage.

I like how he keeps posting it as bait when it looks awesome

Nioh is a Souls clone, this is a different kind of game.

i am but im afraid it wont run on my machine

This is a movie game

Yea Forums is hype

i honestly dont get the shit it's getting.

>game's not even out yet, yet Yea Forums seems to know everything about it
>”it's not souls” - great, ive clocked around 1k hrs in DaS and BB combined and i am so glad to try something new by From

Say it with me:
>Sekiro will be the soulsbabbies killer.

no more summons, no more cheesing thru powerleveling. You either learn the mechanics and move forwards into the game or you go back to DaS3 lol

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Why should I, DMC 5 already won GOTY

This. Lmaoing at his life, this game is gonna be awesome

MH:W deserved all the hype it got, it's just not a game for everyone. I cant stand it myself but i can see why people like it, it really is a great game from most points of view, but you either love it or hate it. And i hate it, but i dont shit on it

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My only concern is
Ill buy it a week after release if it’s good

Get fucking hyped

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i am, you retard nigger

Based. Minmaxing PvP fags eternally btfo

Doesn't look that interesting from what I've seen. Might pirate it to try it out, get it on sale when it and the DLC are cheap. No online, no rush. Why are you hyped OP?

Because my PC can't run it

$60 is too much for me personally. I really enjoyed the co-op and pvp elements of souls games and they're pretty much the only reason the games got more than 20-30 hours playtime each out of me. Since sekiro doesn't have that, I don't feel anywhere near the same appeal, so I'm waiting to see some reviews on it before I spend money. As it stands I think $30 or $25 seem like a solid price point, when the GOTY edition or whatever comes out with all the dlc.

It's already been said that From had full creative control and only asked Activision for help in implementing tutorials

>$60 is too much for pure art

I pre-ordered it. Still looks like it'll be the worse Soulsborne game of the bunch. First playthrough will probably be BB levels of polish. But after that I expect it to go downhill.
That's because World is trash compared to the old games.

Sekiro will sell more and probably be higher rated lol.

Calm down there shill

I'm kind of broke but I'm pirating it mainly because I don't like how it looks. Graphics are muddy and the animations look floaty.

Just pirate it.

But I am. From's new IPs under Miyazaki haven't let me down.

Where do you pirate games?

lurk more faggot

Same, I'm probably just going to pirate it since there's no online component I would be missing out on.

I do

I’m a NEET. If the game offers as much content as DaS I’ll buy it a week later, if not I’ll wait for a sale 3 months from now

Because I've only got pc and switch. Not wasting my money for a shitty ps4 or xbox.

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Only reason I played Souls was for its PVP. Sekiro doesn't have that. Also, the environments look like dog shit. All the gameplay I've seen are in big empty spaces that look like shit because its designed for Naruto running and spidermaning through it. Also the settings not interesting.
Game has stealth but not designed around it. Still have to murder enemys and you can't stealth by boss fights.

>I played Souls for the PvP
Lmao @ you

It's on PC retard.

Why else would you play these zelda clones? Don't tell me you actually think the bosses are difficult.

More hyped for my new water heater. I'll get hyped for this when I've got disposable income again.

I don't even care enough to pirate it, is the thing. It honestly seems like a waste of bandwidth for 15 hours of the same souls combat, without any of the multiplayer that kept me hooked. why bother.

Nioh sucked and I'm too busy with DMC5

It's the only reason to play them though.

I dropped world as soon as I found out there were no hud options. If you have all that useless cancer filling up my screen but don't have any way to turn it off I'm not going to bother

Because I'm probably a Bandai Namco shill paid to shitpost on From games that do not give money back to Bamco

I am absolutely hype, I'm just avoiding all discussion of it to avoid spoilers.

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What else is there to do after putting about a hundred hours into the base game and doing a few playthroughs? Nothing. This is how people stay with the game for years and put hundreds if not thousands of hours into them.

it will be the goty

>he let's other people affect his thoughts

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Maybe play something else you fucking autist

I like how the original line was "it's just going to be context sensitive!" and now it's
>lol, already played spiderman

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>The state of singleplayercucks
I bet you buy $60 cinematic experiences too.

Some of us aren’t poorfag NEETs. Get a job

>$60 is a lot of money

>Game only has 2 playstyles: stealth and endless melee

I mean... It'll probably be good, but very repetitive on respawn. People that aren't into this strict style of ninja gameplay are going to lose interest. Dark Souls taught people to expect WAY more choice in playstyles, but Sekiro is going hard into the route DaS3 was going, where melee builds are king and anything else is painstakingly bottlenecked.

why the fuck can I not play it as a first person shooter?! Can I even build anything like in Minecraft????

>the state of invaderniggers

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I would unironically rather pay $60 for a solid eight hour experience than put hundreds into a half-baked PvP mode. Get bent.

im not paying for $60 if its short
so ill wait for reviews

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I sorta am, but I'm still hesitant.

Buy me the game and I'll be hyped

send it here
[email protected]

They said it's about the same length as DS3/BB

This doesn't look like a souls game and I like souls games
I'll give it a try though

Based. The shitposting is all from PvPfags who are butthurt that From gives no fucks about them.

Theres literally a mhw thread in the catalog right now and the version most are playing in /mhg/ currently. Still the best selling Capcom game ever made. Cope.

I have a shit pc and a switch. I want this game so bad.

Because Im a full time student, and covering rent and tuition is already hard enough with my shitty job. Hard to get hyped over things that would be financially irresponsible to buy

I'm gay.

Wow you're big retarded my dude

>WAY more choice in playstyles
Every build in Souls games eventually becomes either a guy with a sword and a shield or a guy that snipes enemies from miles away with magic. Not to mention that the differences between many of the different weapon and armour times are mostly negligible with the primary difference being cosmetic.

All soulsfags are hype, stop shilling

because my computer cant run it

>Every build in Souls games eventually becomes either a guy with a sword and a shield or a guy that snipes enemies from miles away with magic.
Hmmm no? Maybe you should stop talking out of your ass.

im burnt out from fromsoftware games and halo got announced so yea

trying to choose between getting it on pc or ps4

Why the hell is this thread made 3 times a day ?

Are shills on suicide watch or do these faggots do it for free ?

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They haven't shown me anything to be hype about yet. All they've done is tell us that a bunch of aspects of their previous games that I have enjoyed, and that I think give the games extra replayability, are NOT going to be in the game. With no build variety, or weapon variety, or multiplier, this game lives or dies on how fun the combat is, and how interesting the levels are to explore. As far as I know they havne't really touched on whether or not the world will be all interconnected and shit like the souls games are, or whether or the individual areas themselves will have lots of non-linear exploration.

Nice arguments oh wait there were none fuck off

PS4 of course