be nicer to them Yea Forumsros, or they'll never fix the game!
Be nicer to them Yea Forumsros, or they'll never fix the game!
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I work somewhere where there is currently a huge emphasis on improving workplace culture and combating workplace toxicity and it's actually really improved things.
I think where video game devs are fucking up is by trying to push that same type of attitude onto their customers. IMO that type of shit works well but should be contained internally.
Good. Stop fucking "engaging with the community" and go fix your shit game, nobody buys a game to have a chat with the fucking devs.
Can't fix what is fundamentally broken
bad games and hostile devs makes gamers less likely to buy
incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck
>spend 6 years making a broken, bland game
>nobody likes it
>they criticize you
>"omg so negative!"
Developers are such fucking entitled crybabies. Don't make something if you can't handle criticism
I work in a service station and there's a firm rule
Why? Because they aren't trained to talk to customers. They aren't mentally prepared to talk to customers. They cannot handle talking to customers. They might say some shit or promise some shit and then all you got is some SHIT.
So yeah, i'd actually rather they NOT engage. I don't need to engage with the people who make my games. Community Manager is there to act as a filter. And that means you're going to get soaked in everyones bile and hatred, comes with the job.
Me middle right
Imagine thinking like this. Jesus christ these devs are fucking retarded. Daily reminder this is also why they removed the bioware forums. They got their feelings hurt by valid criticism and decided removing player feedback was a good thing. Few companies deserve to go bankrupt like bioware does
Make a game that isn't garbage and people won't be mad at you for it. This shit isn't happening to the Apex devs
maybe devs should not be fucking retarded and make good games instead
>the increasing negativity has driven some of the devs away from wanting to interact with the players
Also, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say, all you have to do is make the game work properly
>be AAA game developer
>have 6 figure salary
>spend 6 years failing at making one of the most hyped games of the last several years
>customers are rightfully pissed
>"unless you're nicer to us we're not going to interact with you"
Literally any other customer facing job that will get you put on the street, yet somehow devs have the privilege to try and make customers feel like the bad guys, un fucking real
As little fucks as I give about Apex, you can read all over the internet how their "smart ping" system is some godsent and a thing that should be adopted for every online game.
Moral of the story: Try to actually bring something to the market if you want praise. Don't make an every-game-ever-made clone and expect consumers to not shit on your product.
meant for
Burn baby burn.
>As little fucks as I give about Apex, you can read all over the internet how their "smart ping" system is some godsent and a thing that should be adopted for every online game.
I liked it better when it was in Battlefield 2142. Which was 13 years ago. You fuckers feel old yet?
what a colossal faggot cuck bitch
based Steins Gate girl poster
I know I'm gonna catch shit for buying Anthem, but I always kek when I boot it up. Why? Because I get a notification on my ps4 that I cant stream the bioware logo on startup. It's a blocked scene apparently and the blocked scene is over when the main menu opens up. I think it's the only blocked scene in the game. That's how embarrassing this game is to bioware, that they dont want people streaming this game and seeing their logo.
It's the little things.
I felt the first post was too vague, so deleted it and elaborated
What the fuck did they expect?
They released such a dumpster fire game, that even their personalized half blind fanatic hugbox residents, the redditors are pissed about how frustratingly amateurish the game is from technical perspective. Did they seriously expect people to not be negative after having to deal with that crap, and cheer them on unconditionally?
Actually, I have been checking on the subreddit sometimes and it has tons of positive comments and constructive criticism, but more and more people are getting fed up because barely anything is happening to fix the issues. If they have such think skin, then they have no business "engaging with the community", just get the fuck back to fixing your game and leave the engagement to community managers.
>if i give you money, im allowed to be disrespectful to you if i have unmet expectations
>if you didnt want a hoard of senseless, juvenile fuckheads badmouthing you for no other reason than they cannot communicate like mature, rational adults, you shouldnt have made a game!
You people are the gaming equivalent of suburban white soccer moms demanding to talk to a manager.
>Yea Forumsros
Fuck off you cunt
>blame it on the domiance of your species/race/gender
At least the poo in the loo recognizes facts.
>Create a space for discussion and criticism
>Complain when you receive nothing but negative criticism about a game that you completely half-assed
You're a really stupid faggot. Not just stupid, but really fucking stupid. I want you to know that.
Deal with it.
whats wrong with saying Yea Forumsros?
Sound logic.
I wish I could do a half assed job and then bitch to my supervisor I can't do a good job cause the customer is being toxic when they complain to me why I can't help them find something they need while I am on my smartphone.
>people are upset with a game they paid for
>wahhhh stop being mean to us!!!
>Battlefield 2142. Which was 13 years ago
Jesus H. Christ mate
>Warcraft 3 will be 17 yo this summer
>jesus h christ
a true boomer post
Cry more you corporate ass licking cunt. Treat people how you expect to be treated. If Bioware think they can treat their customers like walking wallets paying full price for shitty products with ingame stores thrown in for good measure then guess what?
Go be a ball-less cuck elsewhere where you can get pats on the back for being such an overly-reserved, emotionless, tasteless drone of a fucking human being.
>Haha! Behold how I will be the master ruseman of this thread
Even being ironical still makes you a retard
Yea was about to just post this. Customer service is a whole different field of work, game devs without people skills need to stop pretending they have thick skin and just let CM's deal with the plebs.
I thought it was a meme too but if people realized how fucking dumb and dirty these techs were there'd be a problem.
Also techs ain't used to being treated like human shit.
Do you think they regret going so far down from what Bioware once was?
Is there any other company that just went down this fast? ME3 was the beginning of the end of it all.
I think in 5 years time all the devs will wipe the bioware name off their resume in embarrasment.
>Is there any other company that just went down this fast?
>what Bioware once was?
shit? like they've always been?
get the pics pajeet
EA has had a reputation for years. Plus when it comes down to it they don't even make games anymore, they just buy out studios. That is not what i am talking about. I am talking about Bioware just dropping in quality till what we have now. Normally you get studios who throw out a crap game, but they are expected to bounce back. With bioware it is has been 3-4 games out the door all have been of very dubious quality.
They did have some good in them at one point. Jade Empire, KOTOR.
Good. Respond in kind. Not touching the game is the KINDEST thing you can do for them if that's what they want.
Seriously, they go and piss off the ONLY rubes willing to play their shitty game, this is what they deserve.
>your race still shits in the streets
>have a caste system where even if you're a retard as long as your dad was a Dr. you can be one
>blame whitey that your race isn't dominant and complain that his is
Head in the sand poo retard.
>Curry Thunder
>Jade Empire, KOTOR.
>Mass Effect Andromeda gameplay designer
I think the biggest problem with the devs is that they have rockstar syndome.
Like Cliffy B. They want to become a face. Problem is they are to much of the weak willed cucks to properly sell it.
So everytime some random calls them on their bullshit they run to a bathroom to cry in the mirror.
It would be better if they dropped the silly rockstar act.
Then add in the fake as fuck social issue slacktivism they all injest and spew in the tollet bowl that is twitter and no wonder people are tired of their bullshit.
>act like a retard
>they dont respond
>its biowares fault
>Game is broken causing players to be angry
>Players being angry causes hostile comments
>Hostile comments makes the developers less likely to engage
>Developers less likely to engange produces a broken game
>Game is broken causing players to be angry
Solution: Just fix the game