>sequel is worse than the original
what games?
Sequel is worse than the original
to be fair all DMCs are worse than the original.
>Sequel filters plebs wanting something simple & devoid of creative commitment
what games?
a lot of games, but not all games
off yourself bro
>sequel is perfect in every conceivable way
it's a thematic shitshow that retcons itself half the time, at least admit it.
They're fine games and all, but personally I think Itsuno steered it completely in the wrong direction.
>sequel revives forgotten series
Streets of Rage 3
how come Swinub is so good but Piloswine is such trash?
Is he from the same gen as OP?
>sequel isn't bad in a vacuum but threw away features that made the original good
gen 2 had a shit movepool for most pokemon.
I did like night/day cycle. Made the game more realistic for lack of a better term.
only mamoswine, swinub and piloswine are from johto
>tfw no friends
>item evolve Pokemon were always out of reach
Crystal is somehow gorgeous 20 years later and being a GBC game
a lot of the pokemon were kind of a bore too. it feels like the Gens goodwill is carried entirely by like only 8 of them
Fuck you, Rhyperior is great.
If noctowl was made now it would just be a big hoot hoot
>game turns to shit halfway through
Man, Rhydon is so cool, why'd they have to fuck it up. At least you can use Eviolite on Rhydon and do some cool stuff.
Spyro 2
best fossilmon
>one feature makes game unplayable
That seems to happen in a lot of games
More like
>Game gets better after 500 hours
>first two games are the same genre
>third game does a complete 180
>shit ability is meant to balance high stats
>stats are now mediocre by current metagame standards
>first two games in the series were amazing. third game is a complete dumpster fire
His ability would be a fuckton better if during his slow start phase, his DEF and SPDEF were raised significantly, and cutting the amount of turns it'd take for him to break out of Slow Start to be like 3 he's been out.
They should've been buffed when hidden abilities became a thing
And archeops starts are nowhere near broken
>god tier OST
>amazing graphics
>game is bogged down by shitty gimmicky gameplay
Gen 2 sucked dick compared to Gen 4.
gen 4's designs are fucking horrible. Garbage cross gen evos, shit tier babymon, bloated legendaries most of which look like shit, uninteresting regular pokemon. There are like maybe 10 good designs in the entire gen, only nostalgia can fluff up gen 4's shit
>only nostalgia can fluff up gen 4's shit
Having the special split, BF and a Vs. Seeker automatically make it better than the previous gens.
>First game is really basic and average
>Second game goes into a really weird direction but is only slightly better
>Third game is gets less weird and also becomes GOTY
Yea Forums's designs are fucking horrible. Garbage wojak cross gen evos, shit tier newfaggots, bloated lewd posting most of which look like shit, uninteresting regular shitposts. There are like maybe 10 good shitposts in the entire board, only nostalgia can fluff up Yea Forums's shit.
I was referring only to the designs
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were peak laziness by Gamefreak so Sword and Shield can go nowhere but up
>can't find a copy of the game
Don't forget that Sword and Shield is going to remove the ability to have your lead pokemon following on overworld map
nobody had a Gameboy where I lived as a kid, so I emulated two files later in life and traded myself.
Sad, I know.
hotline miami 2
>tfw coming through the entire region trying to find the one trainer I missed who had a specific coloring of Burmy or Wormadam I missed, because you can't get the national dex without seeing everything regional first
>Current metagame standards
Don't kid yourself, these mons were shit right from the start.
All pokemon games after Gen 5
Fuck Megas, fuck Fairies, fuck Z moves
Swinub and Piloswine are Generation II. Mamoswine and Rhyperior (pokemon in OP's pic) are both Generation IV.
Slaking's stats and movepool could've been pretty good if the ability wasn't so shit
what's wrong with USUM again?
That sounds awful
Why did they make them so much of a bitch to find? They're not even good
It added more content to the vanilla game while not fixing any of it's flaws like the excess of cinematic cutscenes (it actually added even more) while also turning a one-note character into a literal navi clone from zelda
>game is stuck in development hell
Donkey Kong Country.
what purpose do baby pokemon serve?
Fresh and In-Training Digimon make sense because they're pets that grow, but baby pokemon just make breeding a tad more tedious.
Used to be because of move+typing, now their stats are shit too
because they cute
Too bad vikavolt is slow as fucking sin
>Piplup line
>Infernape (meh)
>Practically every dark type added
>The fossils
I'll just stop here because you're clearly retarded.
The only additions were some new moves, extra ultra beasts, a slight change in the Elite Four line-up, and the latter part of the story changed to accommodate Team Rainbow Rocket which diminished Lusamine's role. It did nothing to change the constant intrusive and grating cutscenes, and iirc it even added more. Despite changing next to nothing they charged full price and released two versions
>not running substitute on your golisopod
It doesn't trigger emergency exit :^)
Maybe if it looked like this
Saints row
yeah that's nice.
I never liked Magmar and I'm a genwunner
>>Practically every dark type added
>>The fossils
get some taste jesus christ
dumb tastefag
bet you like the taste of feet haha
It's funny that you believe that GF can't get even worse.
I'm glad you stopped because most of those are shit. you didn't even name the best one, driftblim/bloom, horrid taste
I think Garchomp is fucking stupid looking.
>hating on Vespiquen
Shit taste
Don't even understand why magmar and electabuzz needed evolutions. Their designs in my opinion were some of the best and their stats weren't the worst.
Vespiquen sucks ass for being slow and having an awful typing but it's design is great
feet are the best
They created made to promote Pokémon breeding.
too relatable huh?
Xenoblade X/2
good post
no, it's a bipedal shark with ground typing.
It's stupid.
*were created
Dragon Age
Magmar's design is fucking awful. Magmortar sucks too, but that doesn't make the original not awful.
I don't think he's right that they're horrible, but Gen 4 had a lot of really average designs. For some reason it felt like there were a lot less standout designs, good or bad, than the previous or succeeding gen.
There wasn't any that I thought wow that's fucking great like Reuniclus or Shedinja.
There wasn't any that I thought goddamn that's fucking awful (although to be fair there's only two designs that I think are genuinely fucking awful, mostly Volcanion though). There were few I even moderately disliked. It was the "eh. ok" gen.
I do like Yanmega a fair bit though, and I was rather endeared towards Regigigas because of the manga.
>It's stupid.
So it's too relatable then?
it's jank but for a monster I like it. Electabuzz is way better though
>Turns a forgettable shitmon into a chad
Gen 4 was really based for doing this, especially for Gliscor.
I'm sorry I offended you virtual friend, dude haha
>electabuzz became a yellow trashcan and magmar a fat duck clown.
why am i even alive.
Ugly pokemons get ugly evolutions
Dark souls
I'll normally defend gen 5 design, but I really do not care for the genies.
>DLC nobody bought
If by sequel you mean the reboot then yes.
>recurring get progressively worse the more games he shows up in
You say that as if the story of DMC1 was good, it's literally just a shitty B-movie plot.
Crimson Skies
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
Love this one. Shame it's the only swimming one that doesn't look like it's flailing about in place.
Dead space
Dino Crisis
i miss him so much lads
let him dance again
>Spinoff game nobody remembers
What a mistake
>spin off game based around a gimmick is better than the series that gained it notoriety
Fucking hell we need a Jungle Beat sequel. Doesn't even need a control scheme gimmick, I just want to conquer the jungle with my fists!
I like Froslass a lot and tried using her once but her stats are so fucking bad and her gimmick doesn't come close to making up for it. Why would they invent a more annoying way to evolve your pokemon into a worse evolution?
I remember when people used to shit on Gen 5's moving sprites, it's nice to see people started to like them after two gens of those lame models.
Although I do prefer 3D eelektross, probably one of the only ones I do, alongside maybe Hitmontop's little swingy dancing.
>Game is remade with extra features and QOL changes
Well we haven't had a baby Pokémon introduced in 13 years so I think Gamefreak understood they were pointless.
>shitty sequel gets a remake that improves it somewhat
even with that boost, the payoff would be mediocre
at the end of the slow start period the ability should for the rest of the match be transformed into huge power
I wish Masquerain was Bug/Water type
Why do they even bother with mythic pokemon anymore? Why do they just not include them in the base game rather than have them datamined or leaked for the lackluster shit they are?
mass effect
I haven't play gen 5,6 as well as ORAS.
Which one is the best??
B2W2 is the best out of that era, but play BW first, since if you couldn't tell B2W2 are sequels.
5 by far.
Bw2 especially is regarded as the peak of the franchise.
Gen 5 is the best in the series.
Sometimes they do.
Magearna is in every Gen 7 game, you just scan a QR.
But otherwise, Mythicals exist mostly for 3 reasons.
>bringing a "new" Pokemon reveal mid gen to put a little pep in Pokemon's step
>to promote plushie, TCG, and other Pokemon merch but more importantly to promote movies
>DLC pokemon and scarcity, it ensures that they can use the Pokemon as incentive in either brand deals (i.e. those ticket collecting events in gen 6) or to get people to attend events/stores, like serial code cards
>that one game everyone forgot about
>game is too cute to hate
I’ve played every Pokémon game and I can’t even tell you this Pokémon’s name or what gen it’s from even though I’ve seen it a million times
>First attempt is nearly as close to perfection as a 16 Bit run-&-gun platformer can get
>Literally every single successor fucks up in some fashion that makes it pale in comparison
How did Capcom even do it? How do you achieve such perfection on the first try and proceed to fail at living up to it again, seven times in a row?
a perfect 16 bit run&gun exists
>Plot goes in an unexpected direction halfway through
>game is pile of shit
Meloetta, the final event Pokemon of Gen 5.
Released at the tail end of BW2's life (and that of the DS) during XY announcement hype time, Meloetta received considerably less promotion than other mythicals had. She didn't star in any movies but instead was relegated to the rather poorly received BW anime and a small short involving Pikachu, and was only released for a short period before going away in most international areas, until the year of mythical Pokemon in Gen 6, where all mythicals were rereleased over a year.
She has underwhelming stats, an underwhelming gimmick where she morphs into a dancer instead of a singer (Normal/Psychic->Normal/Fighting), and an underwhelming signature move.
Most famous on /vp/ for boogie fanart and sticking icing up her ass in his art or something.
I rather like it.
their stats are fuckin terrible dude
they werent even good by gen 1 standards
>Most famous on /vp/ for boogie fanart and sticking icing up her ass in his art
Sad as fuck, also his "art" is shit.
I don't particularly care about his art, I was meaning I like the Pokemon itself.
The plot of DMC1 was nothing special. Meanwhile the gameplay improved vastly with 3 which was the first game Itsuno really got the reigns of. Even the plot of 3 was far greater than that of 1. 4, while an unfinished mess, was still a really fun game and 5 is better than any DMC that came before it in terms of gameplay. Itsuno was the best thing to happen to the series.
dark souls
I'm talking about donkey kong country 2, you can't play as donkey kong.
>also his "art" is shit.
what's wrong with it
do i just have shit taste
All they need to do is give Arceops Skill Swap and he'd be great.
We don't even know that yet, they could just make it optional since there's no tacked on partner Pokémon.
>sequel is just the same fucking game again
>chinese bootleg
>sequel is the same game but rad
It’s ugly and gay lol
Sanctum 2
Deus Ex Invisible War
Unreal 2
Disgaea 2
hey fuck you buddy, Digimon are rad
what rayquaza version is that?
that's like 5 years before rayquaza
Dunsparce is my favorite mon, I don't care what people say about it I love Dunsparce
Oras is a fucking ripp off that cuts lots of content from the original
why do you hurt me in this way
>Gamefreak suddenly hates Mega Evolution
>there will never be a Mega Dunsparce
>mfw we get armored dunsparce
The entire gimmick of this pokemon is that people think its some super rare thing but its just a cmmon snake, so having an evolution would ruin that.
mfw we only get armored kantomons