Why was the Dwarf Fortress thread auto-saged? Why do mods keep adding new word filters while ignoring blatant flamewar and shitposting threads and don't do anything about them even when they are reported? Why can't they do their jobs?
Why was the Dwarf Fortress thread auto-saged...
Other urls found in this thread:
because it was low quality posting and mods have based tastes and probably 10k hours + in dorf fort without any tileset and were insulted by op's shitty tastes
Yea Forums staff don't autosage threads they just delete them. The DF thread was probably autosaged because of a word-filter on "What are some games" which is frequently used for shitposting like "What are some game that mom's play" (pic of a MILF)
I agree with OP, the filter should be removed as shitposters will just evade it and it can inconvenience people posting with a good heart.
tileset > ascii
>using braindead meme phrases
>good heart
Retarded faggots like OP should be publicly executed for actively killing this board.
why was this deleted?
fuck your board
>>using braindead meme phrases
This is Yea Forums - so what if he posted a meme. So what if his thread was provocatively posed? The replies responded to him in good faith.
Mods should stop doing dumb shit like word filters that don't catch any shitposting and start properly moderating the board.
You are everything that's currently wrong with Yea Forums. I'd tell you to lurk moar but most of the board are underage mouthbreathers just like you.
It caught a fucking underage memelord subhuman, I'd say it's doing good work.
>You are everything that's currently wrong with Yea Forums.
Oh really? Once again - the replies were in good faith. From the looks of thing the thread was no worse than any other in the catalog and it was earnestly discussing a videogame.
>shitting on OP for being braindead and not knowing shit about the game
>good faith
Kill yourself.
Because the mods on this board are fucking retarded. They deleted a desktop thread yesterday.
I didn't see you complaining in the twitter screencap threads.
It was a silly OP but hardly what I would call autosage-worthy.
What do desktops have to do with video games?
This too, they have a tendency to delete PC threads for no good reason even when it's PC build stuff and not just battlestation attention whoring,
>>shitting on OP for being braindead and not knowing shit about the game
>>good faith
That literally is good faith posting though - a sincere criticism. Bad faith would be trolling, off-topic, lies etc
>implying I don't
>waaaah they are worse than my shit thread
Tilesets have been around forever and should not be the reason to skip the game. My post is in the screenshot too by the way and there was nothing good behind it. I would have caved his fucking skull in if OP was anywhere near me.
Fuck off faggot, you're probably the dumbass mod who deleted it. Desktop threads have been a thing on this board forever.
a-are you fucking retarded? he have /g/ for pc related stuff, Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA
By that logic talking about console hardware would be /g/ too.
Are YOU retarded?
PC gaming is vidya though you fool. There was a time here when this board actually gamed on pc and wasn't flooded with console-only kiddies like yourself
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded
fuck wrong thread sorry
console wars is still shitposting
reading comprehension 0, neck yourself iliterate faggot
You didn't answer my question. What do desktops have to do with video games?
They're hardware used to play videogames which is obviously on-topic just like console or peripheral threads.
A desktops main purpose isn't video games like a consoles is. So take it to /g/ where it belongs.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
what part of video GAMES don't you get, VIDEO GAMES not THING YOU CAN PLAY VIDEO GAMES ON
Then you think VR, console and peripheral threads should be removed?
if its about VR games then no, its a discussion, if its about VR hardware, /g/ is the place
Iif its about console games then no, its a discussion, if its about console hardware, /g/ is the place
absolute cancer threads that should be removed
Im starting to think you have genuine autism and can't understand why we have boards specifically for different things, you probably think fighting games sticks and battlestation threads should be on Yea Forums and not ON THE FUCKING TECHNOLOGY RELATED BOARD
How fucking new are you faggots?
>sending console and fighting stick threads to /g/
I think you might be retarded m8
>mods finally crack down on non vidy threads
>wahwahwah bu-but I used to be able to post off topic threads!!! you're all new wahwahwah
>Defending the mods "cracking down" on threads that have been common place on Yea Forums since the beginning, all related to video games in one way or another
Yeah, I'm thinking you're pretty new
>you probably think fighting games sticks and battlestation threads should be on Yea Forums and not ON THE FUCKING TECHNOLOGY RELATED BOARD
This is bait, isn't it?
>wahwahwah why are mods enforcing board rules wahwahwah
>I say what is board culture and who is new waaaaaaaah
nigga yous hella cringe lmao
>I can't post slide threads and offtopics anymore
You were doing alright with the bait up until that post
because fuck video games
post some new zeland webms instead
I don't even understand what you are even talking about, are you here just for shitposting? Why are there so many shitposters like this now that do these weirdass inane discussions about nothing?
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
here, I fixed it for you
btw mods just nuked a Spyro thread just because it's loosely associated with the Mosque shooting
Yeah the fact that you're defending retarded decisions made by the mods/jannies while posting nothing but greentext shows how new you are.