game informer shilled it so hard I couldn't help myself. What am I in for, Yea Forums?
Game informer shilled it so hard I couldn't help myself. What am I in for, Yea Forums?
A pretty decent looter shooter with fewer bullet sponges than the first I guess.
The story and presentation is as dry as sandpaper but it has a lot of mechanics and nails the gameplay loop of looter games perfectly.
This, can't believe I'd actually prefer TD1 story over another looter shooters outside Bioware because they're a one trick pony.
One of the only good looter shooters.
why did everyone hate the first one? didn't play it
a fun game. They need to add range to the shotgun though, its extremely short ranged
When it launched it had no endgame and literally only one character build was remotely viable. They fixed that by update 1.8 though and carried everything they learned and improved on straight into Division 2
Downgrade, repetitive, bullet sponges and shit loot.
Much of which was actually fixed later on. Well, they added more variety, made the player capable of doing more damage and added decent loot to counteract the problem.
Put an acog on it and you're good.
how do you get mods for guns? I havent found a single one yet and you cant seem to buy them
Weapon mods are fucked, they shouldn't reach the ridiculous fucking levels of TD1 end game but this "iron sights gives faster reload on mag weapon but less critical damage" or "foregrip gives more accuracy but worse stability" is straight retardation.
So they took what they learned from division 1 and made Div2 decent at launch which is the exact opposite of what bungo did with destiny 1 to 2 is this correct?
Spend fucking SHD tech at quartermaster for cookie cutter ones. Get blue prints for other cookie cutter ones from missions.
Perks at the quarter master. You just need to unlock them or craft them and you can mod whatever weapon with as many as you want.
I think you can get some by way of helping settlements.
Pretty much
The story is forgettable but that's not why you play looter shooters. I'm about 20 hours in and the game is just shitting missions at me to the point I can barely keep up.
>What am I in for, Yea Forums?
a hard life if you're able to be convinced that easily
[marketing website] said such good things about it!
Is this kind of game fun playing solo?
Mostly, I still got some gripes like less mission variety, safe houses being useless and removing them wouldn't hurt anything, only 3 to 5 stores iirc that have a several day refresh. However I still am having fun.
Solo seems alright. Kind of looking forward to getting into the darkzone on my own
gameplay is fucking atrocious
So long as you're willing to slam your head against a wall once in a while as enemies spawn behind you which means gg.
The first review on Metacritic about the game is from this monstrosity complaining about the game's politics because it promotes gun ownership while at the same time "not being political enough."
aren't any general interest outlets basically marketing at the end of the day?
Nothing a turret cant fix
Just a heads up that the Reviver Hive procs when you die, effectively serving as an immediate respawn in the same area.
REMINDER that game informer shilled for fucking DRAGON AGE 2.
>believing game informer
You're an idiot even if they were right
in english doc
Their youtube channel is bretty gud tho tbqh
That is English, you dumb dumb. It literally can't be explained in any other manner.
two hours in and Im already bored
its literally the first game + shit setting
How the fuck do I make a cute girl? Should I just make a guy?