Can you have a valid opinion on a game while being EXTREMELY bad at it?
Can you have a valid opinion on a game while being EXTREMELY bad at it?
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i didnt even know d rank existed until i saw this.
Yeah, you are still a type of player that need to feel appealed to
Is there any game that Joe is actually good at?
I am a fuckin LEGEND
What's his name again?
Yes, as long as the opinion isn't related to the systems you aren't able to use properly. No reason you should need to be really skilled in order to judge whether the writing or art design is good.
i always wonder how can really bad player rate this game highly if they do shit like this
like how are you having fun while being so bad? youre not using the systems, youre not having fun with mechanics and youre not stylish
so what exactly do they find fun in this game? mashing yyy and looking at pretty visuals?
please post the footage of that level i need to see HOW he god a d rank
>finish a mission with style below 300
>get a secreft F rank
Well done, capcom.
How do you even get a D rank?
I was fairly bad at the game, yet I managed to get A to S ranks on everything. The game is very, very generous with its ranking system.
Only if you know video-games and can analyze them objectively and got the background to do so.
I don't need 4000 hours in a FPS to realize balance is off. I only need a single 1v1 situation for that.
If you notice, when Joe does his incredibly unfunny skits, his only props are based on firearms; he doesn't whip out a cheesy plastic sword. That should tell you everything you need to know about what Joe sees in this game. You can clearly see the trigger-happy playstyle of Rotund Rodriguez reflected in the recorded footage as well.
>Dmc6 comes out
>D rank is called dead weight.
Joe's opinion is fucking worthless.
I legitimately thought B was the lowest possible stage rank and felt bad whenever getting it
All opinions are valid, but everyone else's opinions are shit.
no, if you suck at a vidya gaem your opinion about it is discarded until you git gud, game where devs listened to their casual fanbase turned out horrible, destiny 2 is the prime example since bungie does everything possible to listen to """streamers"""
D-Rank Diego
same lol
i didn't though it was possible to get D on DMC lol
What do you think D stand for, retard?
The lowest I got was C rank on one of the last missions.
Mostly because I spammed gold orbs
Devil Reflexes?
Assblasted Alejandro
Retarded Rico
It is useful from the point of view of the lowest common denominator who might casually play the game.
In essence, what can you expect if and when you play it when you are not terribly good at it.
And the answer is this.
So in fact yes.
I got a D my first time against final Urizen because my stupid ass didn't buy enemy step yet on Dante. Fixed that shit real quick.
Wrong. A game doesn't have to appeal to people who aren't good at it. There are plenty of games that do that you should play, but there's nothing wrong with games that don't.
I'm afraid you have uniroinc autism.
>enemy step
didn't used that shit in any DmC game ever though it was retarded to even spent orbs on it
why is it so necessary?
Didn't they make an auto mode for casuals?
>Got a B on Nero Vergil because I shot him to death on SoS and didn't know you needed to be in DT to stun him and just thought he was magic.
I also learned I could shoot him with buster and grapple him for a minor combo or DT combo. I don't feel so bad because Im almost certain I can gerba buster cheese him on DMD as well so if I have to I will.
Yes, as long as youre able to seperate problems you personally have with a game and things that can be viewed from a widely objective lens. This is why alot of people dont like dunkey, he views a broad range of mechanics that dont appeal to him as objective flaws.
Dead Weight
I didn't go below b rank in the game
didn't go above s rank though
He's right though. Playing like that shows a clear disregard of the game's systems and advanced techniques, which are the main features of games like this.
Imagine being asspained for over a month because your boomer uncle called you dead weight.
Angry Antonio
I don't think I can give a strong opinion on this game and i'm on mission 8 on DMD and only gotten B like 3 times and getting mostly S atm on DMD. I dunno im just so unstylish and just love it for the challenge/flow of enemies/boss patterns.
Shitters cannot give valid opinions on action games though. Especially if they have to spam revives and every time they get combo'd and whine you see them mashing in between each hits and switching weapons during being combo'd well doing so like DSP on Vergil with Dante.
I still cannot believe he needed two orbs for infinite DT Nero. Dante I sorta get its still pitiful but he sin DT'd each time and used the stinger to take like 1/3rd of DH Vergils life but fuck man Nero?
as far as i can tell you could only get a D overall if you literally get hit by everything. forget advanced systems, you'd have to blindly stand still mashing one button until you get hit, get up and just do it again. for the entire mission. even Dark Souls mouth-breathers know to dodge roll.
What difficulty was he playing on? On Devil Hunter you can pretty much just mash the melee button for the entire level and come out with an A most of the time.
What's up with this guy having that other dude just sit there watching him play the whole time he streams? shit is so awkward.
Pretty sure gold orbing twice is instant D.
Jesus Christ. I've never played DMC games but that sounds like how my grandmother would play
Does he still pretend being a fanboy of shit he doesn't care about?
Depends on what the opinion is about.
I don't think so. I used two gold orbs on Dante vs Vergil because I'm retarded, and still got a B.
Are there any clips of what he did to fucking get this rank? Did he like die a shit ton and then afk with the game running or something?
I was tired at playing and wanted to just brute force through Vergil. I got couple S ranks during the fight but died so many times that I think it gave me D just for using the orbs.
It's actually impossible to get anything but a B or S against vergil, since using more than one gold apple does the same as just one, and style rank during the fight doesn't affect boss rankings
What difficulty though, and don't lie.
> how can really bad player rate this game highly
The youtube-reddit crowd expects you to.
Its a good taste to praise dmc5. Its a good taste to shit on anthem. Yeah those two examples more or less correlate with reality, but it just show how making "correct" judgements doesnt require research or skill.
Funny youtube men just voice popular opinions from social media, that opinion gets reinforced and makes people from social media feelgood, those redditors come to funny youtube men and support them.
All of gaming youtube is corrupt circlejerk, and what is funny - you dont even need them to sell out to publishers for it to be corrupt.
It lets you stay airborn which is useful for certain bosses like the last urizen fight and goliath
ahh yeah i forgot about that, i've never used them, and i'd rather just start over.
I only skimmed through the review but there was a clip where he stood in one place and just shot his gun at artemis
>theres a mod that changes his title to, "the dead weight"
i love the RE engine.
I got my first D Rank yesterday on DMD fighting Geryon because I finally cracked and used Gold Orbs. Ask this man in despair anything.
I unironically had to google Geryon. I guess it's because I try to remove everything V related from my memory.
Furioso Fernando
It's the ultimate gid gud skill
What's your playstyle on V? I would recommend never summoning nightmare, constantly promoting the bird and cat, and reading from the book non stop. Also to be very conscious of never double jumping unless you absolutely must because you're in the air and need to dodge, because it stops the bird from attacking.
disaster dante
even dmc3 related apparently
How long will it take me to finish Mission 16-20 not sure if I can finish it today.
not that guy but is there some button combination that causes the summons to come back to V? Because when I'm in a middle of a combo they just decide to fucking teleport back to me seemingly randomly.
I actually really like V, character and playstyle, for how different he is but some of the quirky style of the gameplay annoys me
LOL OP you arent even trying or trolling csue getting that low is damn near impossible unless you use gold orbs on every mission and every fight.
Anyways enough about op and some tell me WHAT THE FUCK TO DO ON MISSION 8 TO GET S RANK ON DH AND SOS MODE!?
I feel like i keep getting the A because i keep losing to Urizen on the second fight.
It is possible to beat Urizen with Nero the second fight like you can in the prolouge?
I have an S rank on the human missions 8,but i still lost to Urizen cause fuck those rape tentacle take of like 5 bars of helth
Generally I'd stay in DT as long as possible, promoting Griffon or Shadow when appropriate. The problem came from them constantly getting killed because Geryon won't sit still, which therefore makes Nightmare useless, unless he falls from above. Not continuing until I redeem myself in both Mission 4 and Mission 5.
Never played it.
Wait, in what chapter do you find the second Kahlina Ann?
if you back dodge or double jump the bird will need to help you and so it will stop doing what its doing
same thing with the panther and side dodging
use dt and the new devil arm snatch
spam exceed and devil breakers
this actually, everything about this
Yeah, but you have to be objective. Personally I don't like Mr x, and I feel he's a bit of a drain on me and the game, but I understand he's a very good addition to the remake and I need to get better at dealing with him.
the first nonflashback dante chapter
its in the giant ruined building with all the plant roots you need to destroy
Yes, but only people who are equally bad at the game will relate to that opinion.
The rest will rightly tell you to git gud scrub.
My lowest rank so far in 5 is C on SoS Malphas because I played like shit the whole mission. I did get a few D ranks on the first dmc, mostly Cs
yeah i shoulda clarified i know about the dodges and double jumps I mean just standing there, maybe doing a taunt, and I even heard V say "get back here" or some shit just before.
I just need to play around with him more I think, been too focused on post-game Nero aye
Actually how? One mission went so bad for me on my first run that I wanted to kill myself, used golden orbs and everything and I got C. How the actual hell do you even get D
I'm honestly not sure how they can have fun with DMC without ever touching half of the battle system
I fucking bet they never even rode Punchline
Bird returns whenever you double jump. Panther may return to you, after happily attacking a distant enemy, if you stop commanding him to attack for a moment and then start commanding him again. He may reppear by your side and attack nothing.
>I would never recommend summoning Nightmare
Someone here hasn't tried the unga bunga giga beam. Yeah it's slow as hell but it packs a punch
>6600 style points
>23000 bonus
That's the scorescreen of a devil hunter playthrough.
>pc fags so poor that they have to watch the movie game on youtube
The state of the pcmr
It resets your jumps, and since jumps grant i-frames and cancel your attacks, you can basically spam jump in the middle of any air combo to reset it and stay airborne forever while slapping the shit out of whatever is unfortunate enough to be your platform.
>neon nazis
>didn't used that shit in any DmC game ever though it was retarded to even spent orbs on it
>didn't used that shit in any DmC game ever
weak bait, non denuvo .exe was leaked day one
how do you do that
I have no idea how to do jump cancels(?)
Mission 11. After you destroy the Qliphoth roots to sink those two big buildings where you can fight the Nobodies, backtrack a bit and there will be a broken window you can jump into. The Kalina Ann is in there.
>Consolet acting smart and superior but he can't even fix his shitty FOV, play as Dante on V's missions or even have ambiant occlusion during gameplay, much less a locked 60fps
You don't have to be good at a game to understand it. As long as your critique isn't "it's bad because I'm bad at it".
In that case, good I hope he had fun and enjoyed the fight, it was very enjoyable.
Been getting good with V and one of the issues im having is that moving to far away from your shadow also resets them and calls them back closer to V if you let go of the lock on to try and get away from an enemy thats to close.
What i hate is how when you reset them with dodges or get to far away from them it cancels any charges that you have stored for them forcing you to start over on charging attacks which means now you are at risk of getting hit or you rank meter starts to deplete
depend on how good you are, how many times you fail, 16 and 17 are medium lenght, 18 is less than medium, 19 and 20 are just boss fights
I would say finish it tomorrow, rushing contents isn't funny in my opinion
The worst rank I got was a C and I literally wasn't trying, just pushing random buttons.
As long as your model is touching the enemy and you're airborne, you can jump off of them, resetting everything as if you'd just jumped for the first time. If you make sure you keep touching the enemy, you can keep jumping off of him.
17 is also just a boss fight, 16 is by far the longest out of them
How does he dew it
the jump cancels used are for his air dash attack and his payline attack
you just hit a when your near the enemy to cancel the rest of the animation
Also you can hit x during attacks which will make nero punch the enemy and stop it from flying it away so you dont need to spam the wire grab.
The gigalaser fucks shit up but the windup takes a good while
golden orbs.
I guess the ultimate playstyle for V would be to learn how to parry as often as possible with his cane, so that you don't need to call back your demons for dodging.
That’s literally the worst V playstyle. I got V figured out, check it
>ALWAYS be pushing X and Y
>NEVER promote your familiars, save your DT for Nightmare
>if your DT gauge is not full, you should be reading
>if your DT gauge is full, Nightmare should be active and you should be taunting
>V should lazily walk around the outskirts of the arena away from danger until it’s time to cane something
Guaranteed S rank minimum on every encounter so far on SoS. If you want a higher rank, just use lock-on to mix up what your X/Y spam does and/or hold off on your cane-kills so you can instant-teleport between 2 or 3.
You can parry with the cane?
I was cracking golden orbs on DH late bosses. I just cant concentrate and have trouble pressing buttons quickly.
The opinion of a shit player is valid for other shit players.
Oh shit V can parry with his cane? I never tried that.
How the fuck did he get a D rank? the lowest I got through my first playthrough was a B after I used a gold orb on Mission 14 because I didn't want to fight the 3 bosses again with V.
oh right, made a bit of confusion
I don't know I saw someone on Yea Forums said you can do it
hush child
adults are talking
Okay did not knwo you can parry with the cane.
But it must only work on smaller attacks
Can all normal enemy attacks be parried?
bitch i vergils flight with it
That definitely works, and on higher difficulties it would even be more the skill demanding playstyle. Focusing on promoting, reading and dodging though takes less effort and is more effective even on higher difficulties.
I would like to add that, while you can read the book to build DT, using the cane if your rank is A or higher builds the meter even faster. I do tend to promote my familiars quite a bit though, I only really use Nightmare against very big hordes of enemies and bosses
>Also you can hit x during attacks which will make nero punch the enemy and stop it from flying it away so you dont need to spam the wire grab.
I think you mean RT (unless you bound gun to a trigger like I did).
Also be careful with bringer knuckle in air, if you fuck up the timing even a little you’ll do a grab and pile-drive them.
Best use of Bringer Knuckle is stinger cancelling since it keeps the enemy where you are. Almost other time you’d be using it you’d probably be better served focusing on your Max-Act timing instead, unless you’re doing a specific juggle.
Have you played any of the other DMC games?
Mad Marcos
At least he gave the game
Strange autism logic.
Nope. I've seen the anime, though.
You can have an opinion, sure, but not one I'll pay much attention to, I'd also argue you are one of the least qualified to have their opinion widely disseminated, but you can have it all the same.
Promoting accomplishes basically nothing that slapping the shit out of X and Y doesn’t already accomplish; the damage buff is minor and the autopilot AI on the familiars isn’t good enough to really lock down enemies with specific sequences so you’re better off using your DT to bring down Captain Shitkicker, both for damage and style points.
Never played DMC before. Does the game have tutorials or show you how to play well?
what do you mean?
Play previous games first or at least 4SE. 5 does have tutorials, but you should play all of them to appreciate improvements and enjoy the story properly.
It shows you how to play. It does not show you how to play WELL, but that’s really most of the fun.
How the fuck do you even be so bad you get a D in this game
Haven't played DMC since 4 first came out, only at mission 13 on devil hunter and at worst have a few A missions
No. It will tell you the basic functions of the controls and how weapons work, that's it. Everything else is on the onus of the player to improve via the training mode and the game itself. The most complicated "tutorial" is that they tell you to use stinger to get close to enemies and tell you to use roulette spin to stay in the air.
They teach you the controls and that's it, they tell you how to do the moves when you check them in the store, but after that there is no handholding, you do what you want
>god V is so easy to play what a shit character
>wtf V missions are too hard
I’m laughing at you for not getting good with him
Probably using 3 gold orbs while having an overall style of B. That shit cuts your points in half.
DMC1 and 2 don't, 3 has a basic tutorial, 4 and 5 do. In 3/4/5 you can also check how to do certain moves in the menu and 5 has "the void" where you can test stuff safely, a very welcome feature.
Cane slapping builds DT far beyond what reading the book does. You can JC the cane's end lag and just keep it going rapid fire for like a third of a bar per slap at higher style.
Playing full aggro V is the ideal chad way to play.
>tfw i was so bad at the game I had to switch to human difficulty
felt nice getting S ranks for once though.
Is getting S rank too easy in missions now? I mean look at this guy in DMD against Cavaliere Angelo
I usually teleport in for the kill. That alone puts me really close to enemies.
And here i was wondering why on earth V could buy Enemy Step, ill try this shit
he's fucking shit until you unlock his full moveset, whereas dante/nero can at least be somewhat enjoyable before their full moveset.
This was me on Bayonetta lad, then one day I approached it with a fresh mindset and got good instead. It's about how you see the game, you need to look at it differently and change what you're attempting to do when you play.
honestly dmc5's ranking is too forgiving. I revived myself with red orbs 3 times in one mission and still got a B
The thing about The Void is, if you’re gonna copy Bayonetta’s training and move-testing setup, at least copy it right. Show me the inputs I’m keying in the sequence that the combo list expects, show me some sort of prompt when I’ve successfully executed the move I’m demoing.
I spent a weirdly long time trying to figure out how to do Combo B (YY, YYY) with Cerberus because each hit is two separate strikes, and I was keying Y, YYYY without realizing what was wrong. It also took me longer than it should have to recognize Red Queen Combo D was being done right because the final strike looks so similar to the one in Combo A.
I didn't deserve any of my S ranks.
They changed things around, enemies have more hp, specially bosses, but this time you can be hit and take as long as you need to beat a mission, in DMC3-4 you had to do shit fast due having a time limitation and getting hit one meant goodbye S rank.
In 5 S rank is based on not using a continue or a red orb and you will get it 80% of the time
No one seems to have figured this out in general for some reason, and it adds a lot of depth to V when you start playing him like this. The risk-reward balance that playing aggro with the can gives you is definitely a nice change of pace, and gives you something to do besides standing around and reading.
Good thing a lot of his stuff is cheap
But another issue with V is that he can get hit while performing finsihers which means you have to be careful how crowded enemies may be
Sorry meant Gold orb
well i would argue that he is using the mechanics and systems, although very poorly. All that matters in a game is if you personally have fun. If they find mashing yyy fun, then good for them.
Probably, I'm pretty bad but on son of sparda I mostly got A and S rankings. I feel like boss only missions are a guaranteed S as long as you don't die
That's when you use Royal Folk
Also another hot tip for V, if you continuously tap the B/Circle button when Checkmating an enemy he will do several stabs that grant a lot of DT, only works with certain enemies though
Peeved Pablo
It doesn’t really change anything. He can Noctis Cane Trick from a ways away, there’s no reason not to play “spam and read” until shit dies.
The only choice you make there is if you’re good at JCing the cane strikes, you let multiple things die before caning one for the style/DT bonus. There’s no reason to be In The Shit when nothing has gone pink.
>Royal Fork
I dunno, losing your DT gauge just to finish off some enemies doesn't seem worth it. I can see it being useful on an eventual LDK mode
The skill description is a bit missleading, i also thought it meant losing the entirity of your DT, but it's actually just 1 bar, which since you are killing lots of shit at once, you will get more than what you waste anyways
What made you switch?
>walks slowly around
>but teleports to enemies really fast
>thinks he's cool
Haven't beat the game yet, but I'm starting to think this V character might be another character from the DMC series, Sparda
>tfw sucks at the game and still managed to get straight As and Ss while playing on Demon Hunter
DMC5 was easy as fuck compared to 3 and I say this as a casual fuck who didn't manage to finish 3 on normal to this day.
Get out of the thread if you don't want to be spoiled
for most parts of the game yeah i think so, but not when it comes to talking about deeper mechanics
He’s ______not
Thanks lad, I'm going to try and spend some time getting better at the game. Do you know what else is there to do after completing the game other than higher difficulty modes?
Literally how? The worst I got was a B on the prologue and I will say in my defence I didn't know how to taunt, since using a Ps4 controller on PC changes the taunt from the touchpad to the share button.
Must have used Continues/Golden Orbs/Auto of all of the above, in 5 the requirements for a S rank are much more simpler, only relies on your style and if you didn't died/used auto and you will get S 80% of the time.
I am glad it's this way because it was bullshit that getting hit once by a fart in DMC3 meant no S rank and had to restart the whole mission
Everything in general. I've only played DMC3 and 4 but i never finished them and i played them back when I was a teen. I was garbage and still am. I decided to pick up DMC5 because it looked cool. Started the game on Devil Hunter because I thought I could handle it but I couldn't. I was getting shit on by all the enemies. I switched at Mission 6 I think.
As with Bayonetta, there are essentially two tasks before you:
1) survive and clear harder and harder difficulties
2) retread existing difficulties in an attempt to get better and better ranks
There’s also the one-time exploration grind of finding all the blue and purple orb fragments, and finding and clearing all the secret missions, which can actually be pretty interesting (and if nothing else, something engaging to do when you play through Human mode for the cheevo)
And, though it happens naturally as you do both of the above, there’s Red Orb grinding to eventually unlock all the moves. Though I really feel that’s best done naturally rather than grinding as it keeps the game fresh.
Yes. As long as you dont shit on it because of issues you have related to your own skills.
Can a blind man criticize a painting?
>See secret mission on 11
>Fucked up and destroy Qliphoth roots and could get to it, unbeknownst to me
>Trying to angle it as best I can
>Hit left and right stick down
>"Oh shit"
>Instantly .8 multiplier despite not using even using it
Cool, I was grinding orbs for about 20 minutes with Dr. Faust before I got bored. I'll just do it naturally.
Overall i liked his Review the most to be honest except the fucking cringe skits he does with the other spic he was pretty clear overall.
Unlike cr1tikal and his review that made no sense
I just read what I posted originally and it was stupid and uninformative, I'll try and explain to you better.
When I first played Bayonetta, it was my first game in this style. There were some tutorials at the beginning, so I did what the game told me. Triangle is punch and circle is kick and square is shoot and R2 is dodge, okay. Then I went through the game getting stone awards and using as many items as I could. I knew that I liked the game, but I knew that I was really bad at it, so I sold it. But I never forgot the game. Then a few years later, I saw it going really cheap at a game store, so I bought it again. This time, I wanted to get at least gold medals after each mission, but I couldn't understand how to do it. So I looked up a guide online, and they expected me to memorize all these combos and stuff, and I thought fuck that. But I was eased in by the idea of 'bread and butter' things, which were simple things to memorize, like simple combos that accomplished certain things like launching enemies into the air. Once I got a grasp on these, and really understood them, I wasn't trying to memorize combos anymore but trying to combo the combos together. Suddenly I understood the game, and what it wanted from me, so I bought DMC3 and went into it with the same mindset, and got good at that too.
I hope that explains what I meant better. After beating the game on higher difficutly modes, you can play through the Bloody Palace which is a gauntlet of combat. The goal is to reach the end, but after you've accomplsihed that, bloody palace is just to enjoy the games combat system for the sake of it.
AO doesn't work in game on PC.
>Look it up
>Mr. Titties moist ass fungus nuggets complaining about a cringy script
Vergil looks like such a Chad in this game, playable when
Thanks again Yea Forumsro. I have the same mentality you have at the start. I know I like the game and I had fun with it, but I want to learn more and really experience everything it has to offer.
My issue is more about the time limit, which wouldn't be so bad if you weren't also required to gain a lot of orbs. Though I'm bad, DMC5 is the first game in the series where I went past normal and..well DMD is a bit much for me, I'm actually dying to non boss entities.
Fausting is probably worth it for the Ex Provocations, but the thing about it is, by that time you’ll have access to the Level 4 Faust skills, which make the Red Orbs you gain from hatting enemies STUPID high, and also the damage you take STUPID high, and it stops being a “grind” and becomes more of a gamble, where you’re Cappy-spinning to hat every enemy and then trying to avoid getting hit at all because of the massive orb penalty for taking damage from hatted enemies.
You can do that shit in mission 13 and rack up orbs by the tens of thousands per minute, but getting hit even once costs thousands of orbs.
Was more enfuriating since he says that he liked even DmC, that people needs to not take it seriously.
And then proceeds to shit on the dialogue of 5, when it's literally the fucking his same kind of humor, if you read the comment section of the video everyone is baffled about it too.
Seven Dollar Joe
Getting good at a game that demands a lot from you is a great ride lad, hope you have lots of fun and don't give up.
>if you’re gonna copy Bayonetta’s training and move-testing setup
go actually kill yourself fucking retarded brainlet
Not necessarily, one gold orb but high enough style points can still net you an S rank. So by that theory 2 gold orbs but enough to make up for (i'm guessing here) the x0.6 points can still net you an S rank. You just need to get the right number of points.
You're absolutely right.
>Start playing the game
>Can't get good ranks, my fights are ugly, I have to run to the ennemies like a retard
>Start unlocking better techniques with dashes, gap closers and shit
>Game has a way better rythm all of a sudden
>Now it's good
Constant B Rank so not really good. But I get the hang of Dante now and get SSS in two or three fights per mission now. The lack of a evade like Bayonetta is something I must really adjust to, but jumping gives some I-frames I think so I try and figure that tactic out.
HBAO does.
DMC5’s Void is derived from Bayo’s Training arena, and also DmC’s training arena (which is a 1:1 ripoff of Bayonetta’s).
In both of those, instead of showing real-time inputs (which admittedly, is nice) the game shows the game-recognized input STRING, which lets you know what exactly the game is parsing from your button presses.
That’s an invaluable thing.
This is why most games are shallow as shit.
Normalfags have no concept of self improvement or effort
Use TS and RG
Once you get those down with attack patterns you're unstoppable
You can also use Trickster dodge.
Dante can be made to play like almost exactly like Bayonetta with a small tweak of controls via Steam, which I’ve done and I love it to death.
Does the little "challenge" things from the score screen affect the rank? (Balloon Popper, getting wet, etc, etc)
woah...its a....fucking fighting game practice room with a controller on screen....
>so what exactly do they find fun in this game?
making s o y faces at camera for their audience.
News at 11, not everyone takes video games seriously.
DMC went a decade without any kind of training function and didn’t add it until the reboot, which the devs admit copied shitloads from Bayonetta, added it. Now DMC5 has been rifling through DmC’s Bayo-snagged additions.
Itsuno has developed fighting games. He is very familiar with them. The lack of a training room in, say, DMC4 says that isn’t where the idea came from, or he’d have had it already.
that better not be a trap holy shit
DMC4 was rushed though
Flat out get my ass kicked.
Seems S rank is now based on making sure you get high enough points in the enemy fights and the boss battles.
Taking 0 damage will give you an auto boost and practically guarentee an S if you do it
Yes a lightbulb definitely went on in itsunos head because of muh bayonetta and not because he was wondering which of the fan begged features would be put into the next DMC game after the dev clusterfuck that was 4
how do the ranks work in bayonetta? Is bronze the worst?
Stone is the worst I think
And DMC5 has fight-finish photos, first-encounter enemy title cards, try-before-you-buy moves, a plot-relevant shopkeeper NPC, etc
There are a lot of Bayonetta presentation elements in DMC5. That’s not a bad thing by any means, after all Bayonetta itself borrowed plenty from DMC (and not just the first one), it’s just the reality.
>just finished S-ranking all of SoS
Mission 12 can suck it, the rest were more or less alright.
multiple gold orbs and auto assist
>and style rank during the fight doesn't affect boss rankings
You what? It's literally the ONLY thing that affects your ranking, outside of the "x[blank]" modifier you get at the end.
what the fuck i didn't even know it was possible to have under 4k stylish points
You can't really have an invalid opinion since it's a subjective measure of something by someone and they will put one out irregardless of if they have even consumed or experienced something but each person receiving the opinion can judge, discount and ridicule the creator of that opinion for not having the right facts and being bad. Which in this case certainly applies.
i have terrible news user
Somehow, absolutely perfect traps look more beautiful than any actual woman can, which is how I can always detect them. It also makes sense that they would appear so ridiculously beautiufl, because they're going to extra lengths to fool the eye far beyond anything a real woman needs to.
I'm bad at a lot of games, I suck at fighting games, I hate those retarded shooters where you have to master korean stupid steps that make no sense.
It doesn't mean I can't call those games out on being stupid muscle memory bullshit.
Fighting games aren't about personal skill or ability, its about memorizing combos and being able to memorize the movements to do said combos. There's skill involved, sure, but its the type of skill that's about being autistic about a specific game as opposed to general skill. You can go pro at an FPS game with minimal shooting ability as long as you're able to play tactically, and vice versa. With fighting games you have to play their way and only their way.
Stupid korean step is just autistic glitch spamming that's kept because it adds artificial bullshit to a game. Its not even hard or fun, I even mastered it in the original guns. But its stupid and makes you feel retarded when you're playing it.
I skipped every optional fight and practiced scoring decent for the mandatory ones. lasted as long as I can during urizen. dunno if this is the right way to do it. i'm pretty mediocre as you can see from my segment ranking. barely made the 5500 cutoff.
>Fighting games aren't about personal skill or ability, its about memorizing combos and being able to memorize the movements to do said combos. There's skill involved, sure, but its the type of skill that's about being autistic about a specific game as opposed to general skill. You can go pro at an FPS game with minimal shooting ability as long as you're able to play tactically, and vice versa. With fighting games you have to play their way and only their way.
You have zero clue how fighting games work and you're very clearly just looking to excuse your lackluster skills.
Yes. I'm terrible at Bayonetta, but I still think its a great game. Makes no sense considering I beat Master Ninja on all the 3D Ninja Gaiden games.
>critikal actually complaining about cringey jokes/dialogue
Watch only the first 15 seconds of this and tell me that his opinion still matters
I'm S ranking every DMC games on max difficulty right now and I never ever memorized any combos, I do them all on the fly
I already lost what little respect I had for him after his alita review, this is just more proof he's wrothless.
D-iego Sanmarino
>n-no y-you just don't understand!
yeah, that's why everyone will always just play around baiting out a specific combo. And anything that isn't about launching their stupid combos is ignored.
>b-but these fundamentals!
mean jack shit because its all focused on landing a stupid rehearsed combo.
actually, if I remember correctly, for SOS I fell down the second descending platform, didn't skip that one, because it spawns tons of weak empulsas, making it easy to SSS
how to V without severe hand cramps?
on nero i use
X jump
O shoot
Square melee
Triangle grapple
and L1 lockon
so i set V comparatively, Chicken on O, Dog on Square, but its fucking awful. just mashing with overhand grip.
Is this like Bayonetta where you cuck a QTE and your just boned?
I set chicken on L1 and DT on Square, allows me to easily hold L1 if i want to do a charge attack with it.
There it is, an actual shitter
Combos are the easiest part of fighting games. Hell, the most popular fighter on the market right now, SFV, has combos that usually boil down to
>normal - normal - special - optional super
Unless you're playing anime fighters, and even then, you can get *very* far with just having basic confirms into knockdown.
The hard stuff is learning to properly pressure, move around in neutral, and confirm your stray hits into combos. The actual combos are just your rewards for successfully landing a hit.
>a stupid rehearsed combo
You'll want your ranged attack for all characters on a shoulder button.
Eh, I only did one playthrough of DMC4 years ago and I sucked ass at it but I still had an absolute blast. Admittedly it was like 90% because of the Angelo Credo fight, he whooped my ass for hours but I never stopped having fun trying to beat him and I had improved a lot by the time I did. It was one of the most fun and satisfying bossfights I had ever experienced back then.
Just jump towards an enemy that's close to you in mid air. Nero's real easy to practice it with: Jump up, pull them, jump on them while they're in the air and you've done an Enemy Step
Yes there are several QTE where the mission just ends if you fail them, worst part of Devil May Cry 5 you should stay away from this game
its not just video games though, Self improvement is a factor of life. Score low in an exam? you strive to score better in the next.
you chase the promotion at work. Aim to draw a better piece of artwork. make a better song.
I got D for two orbs
> mfw I'm a girl and I'm doing fairly decent on 5 Last time I played DMC was in 2011.
4 was easier, 3 was ooof.
Also, . You can do it user!
Great, now do it on DMD.
show me yer tits
i refuse to learn combos and do pretty good with just fundamentals and reads across the entire fighting catalog
the only times i'm in trouble for this is when playing against people that know the games, since i usually need 2-3 times as many reads to win with my 5~ hit strings, while they can do 50% combos with a good confirm
that's why i do pretty good at stuff like smash without even practicing
Congratulations, you are the kind of kid that plays an arena shooter or fighting game, isn't immediately a god at it, and quits. You are the reason why truly skillful games are dead.
No way, get your own
>can you have a valid opinion if you're bad
>can you make a well informed critique of something if you're bad at it
this is why people like angry jose are good for a general impression of something, but if you're looking for good criticism go to an expert.
Sarina Valentina
Allow me to give you some bits of advice
>put Gun / Griffon on a shoulder button. That way you can hold it down and charge up shots / lightning while still attacking normally in melee
>when fighting large enemies, stay on the ground so you can dodge on demand (if you have Gerbera or Enemy Step, ignore this)
>when fighting small enemies, launch them and deal with them in the air. Most other small enemies can't do anything to you while you're high in the air, so you can safely deal with them one at a time
>don't use special attacks all the time to get close, you'll very often leave yourself open
Do your best!
post smokin' sexy style
>I'm a girl
No you're not. Post bussy.
Fans begged for it because of Bayonetta you actual retard.
I'm sorry you dislike it so much, but you shouldn't get this asshurt over it.
Not him but I tried doing this and I can't play for shit like this.
Might also be because of the fact I only use 2 fingers per hand on the controller, therefore I need my finger ready to press L2 or R2
oi question
how come girls like the DMC character designs but is almost impossible to get the to play these games?
what kind of faggots doesn't enjoy stylish violence
It's really weird he's so bad when he supposedly played all previous dmc games.
>Fans begged for it because of Bayonetta
Dead Weight Juan
Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Pure Platinum. Levels are divided into verses and in each verse you are graded in combo, time and damage taken. To get pure platinum during a verse you need three platinum coins, and to obtain pure platinum at the end of the stage you need to pure platinum every individual verse.
No, if you can't properly use the mechanics of the game then you can't critique them
chicken on L2
catto on R2
DT on L1
DT charge / book on triangle/square
lock-on on R1
also V gets way more fun if you get enemy step and cancel his cane swing with this
you're also probably getting hit a lot more for doing this so your balls must be huge
>touching the back of the disc
Most girls can't into vidya since they lack patience , DMC requires skill unlike other games and is completely different from the typical "gamer girl" games (like LoL , CoD or the likes) .
> what kind of faggots doesn't enjoy stylish violence
beats me user, their loss
> tfw they will never know the perfection that is Dante
>Handling cds like that
how is it even possible to get below a B in this game? Even tanking deaths on shit I was getting Bs and As, literally every deathless playthrough of a mission I did was S rank due to time limit being removed.
>tfw got rekt by vergil first try and had to use 3 gold orbs, D rank
went back and S ranked after like 20 tried of not using orbs but still had to use an orb at the very end because he had like a couple hits left
>tfw multiple D ranks in SoS
>tfw hundreds or maybe even over a thousand hours on DMC4, almost all in Bloody Palace
Am I a lost cause Yea Forums?
it doesn't matter how much time you put in if you aren't specifically trying to improve
Nope. I suck at madden. I have no right to tell anyone why it is good or bad.
i think i'll try the attacks on R1 and R2, then. lock-on being the same side as the face buttons and having to hold it most of the time is really uncomfortable to me, so i'll keep it L1.
i'm only M05 so i haven't encountered anything that can really hit me anyway.
No one has a valid opinion.
You are right.
But, people follow a reviewer when they value their opinions. It's even likely that they have the same tastes in games.
If they suck at a game, it follows that the people watching their review might experience the same thing.
That reviewer can share his opinion. However you don't have to agree with it. That's why you never watch only one guy's review on a game you're interested in.
I get real fucking drunk while playing and I got more S ranks than anything else on SoS mode.
How can you suck more than a drunkass boomer who's half asleep from being tired at my old age?
how old?
wow youre actually fucking retarded
the fact that you actually think muh combos are some super epic hard thing about fighting games completely contextualizes how fucking metaphorically in the crib you are in terms of even attempting to play fighting games
go unironically kill yourself and then fuck off back to fucking 9gag, this board wasnt made for mouthbreathers who dont know anything about games
try getting used to holding at least one trigger at all times
Nero's gun pretty much depends on you holding that button to charge it to make it useful, and same thing for chiken since his best moves are holds
i prefer L2/R2 since it gives me an excuse to tap those ps4 triggers
No. There are some genres simply not meant to be played by some types of people. They are simply not the targeted demographic. One guy cannot review every genre of games and be fully objective about it. He has preferences, biases and different skills. Games are much more complex and specialized, unlike movies or books that everybody can read/watch and judge. A game on the other hand cannot be experienced by just anybody.
A game that sticks to its genre and doesn't try to appeal to the masses is much more valuable as a video game than the heavily scripted, AAA yearly released mindless cookie cutter trash with shallow mechanics meant to waste your time and that everybody can pick up and beat fully after a tedious weekend. This is why scoring proper games with casual mindsets ends up being damaging to both the franchise and core, niche fanbase.
I don't want to hear opinions on fighting game mechanics from a guy who only plays RTS games and MOBAS. And vice versa.
Giving scores for writing and art designs is fucking retarded when it comes to the video game medium. Every pleb can do it and every pleb can be amazed by it. These things are not nearly as relevant as mechanics, gameplay loops, replayability, depth and lastly performance.
Incompetent journalist cucks like these are the majority when it comes to game review outlets and are the reason why westacuck moviegames get recognition in the first place.
Nice 200 word essay amigo. Now beat it kid.
Depends on HOW BAD and what specifics criticisms the person has.
If the lad cant even do basic trivial functions (jump for mario, dash in cuphead, move and shoot in doom, pass the undead burg without cheese in das1, etc...) then no, he has no place voicing his opinion gameplay wise if you literally have no motor skills, hell possibly of everything else as well since he cant see the game as a whole because of it
>man with no arms complains about X controls, too hard!
It would be the equivalent of that
If you suck just enough to get through the game, then its fine to critic stuff like music, artstyle, story, graphics, performance, hell maybe even mechanics and controls, BUT the reviewer should always reflect if the source of his complaints could come from him simply sucking(not just playing normally, but actually being bad at the game)? If the answer is "yes" then he should refrain from doing so, examples:
>The menus are a bit confusing
>the tutorial didnt explain vital mechanics (DOUBLE CHECK), or at least they were easily missable
>the difficulty spike is too harsh
These are probably fine gameplay complaints
>too complex (didnt read the instructions)
>too hard (did even managed to get past the first few challenges or keeps doing the same thing over and over)
>unfair (ignores vital mechanics)
These are not
Ultimately, a reviewer should be aware of their own skill and state it so during it, so that people know that the review they are making is in the eyes of a casual/average player/pro at the genre and can adapt their expectations as such.
This. combo lists are just the cherry on top of the fighting game sundae.
it can be a valid opinion for others who are equally as terrible as him
How do I beat mission 11 without equiping any weapons? I'm trying to get the achievement.
You have to beat the game on Son of Sparda mode to unlock an upgrade for Dante that lets you unequip Rebellion and E&I.
Just checked the vid myself
No actual footage but catching the right frame shows
finish SoS first, you will be able to buy a skill called "irregular full custom" it allows you to pick every weapons for Dante in a single loadout (so you could for instance pick Dante (sword), Rebellion,Sparda,Balrog,Cavaliere,Cavaliere R and Cerberus at the same time.
but it also allows you to remove Dante main sword and Ebony & Ivory. So you do that, start the mission and use Royal Guard throughout the whole thing; even without charges it can break the roots to progress through the level. Sin DT help a lot if the ennemies are not aggressive enough for you to charge up your RG gauge. You don't need the super costume to get the achievement
now what I don't get is the Obedience training achievement, is it not using DT for this fight?
Does anybody here have any shirtless pics of AngryJoe?
I got an S first try by just using Air Trick a few times, Urizen is a baby
>tfw got rekt by vergil first try and had to use 3 gold orbs, D rank
impatient. I dont wait and observe for attack to end and to time them, also I dont have firm grasp on mechanics and fumble on buttons
Missed verses count as a stone too IIRC.
not im but im afraid my fingers would explode if i try.
You and Mark Rutsu.
ooh, i guess you can hold gun charge whilst fighting with sword? that makes sense. i was just stopping to charge gun and blast fools and then go into melee as i felt like it, rather than squeezing the maximum efficiency like that.
No, because you have shown you've failed at grasping the mechanics of the game and therefore lack an understanding.
So how could someone that sucks at a game truly understand it? They can't.
anyone playing on x360 controller well to style on enemies? is it just me and my toaster dipping frames then?
>worst than DSP
it's a must if you're not a shitter
> interrupts attacks
> crowd control
> decent damage
> can instantly clear the thunder tumors
> extra air time
> actually adds to your style meter
Dante is the only one who doesn't really need a charge hold and you need those buttons for other stuff anyway
Yes you can
Why not?
If you are extremely bad at a game you do need to be smart enough the difference between not being fun because you suck and just plain not being fun
There is a difference between casuals and bad players.
Casuals are lazy, dumb, and don't understand video games worth shit. Casuals can be good at games, there were plenty of good CoD players. Their opinions aren't worth trash.
>just cleared SoS Vergil with unarmed Dante
He streamed it
Go for it
Perturbed Pedro
yeah you can have an "opinion" in a discussion but it won't be as valid as a pro's. It's the same with everything, if you're just starting out with something you do NOT have the right to preach anything to a professional. You can of course give your input, and have a good discussion, but your opinion is simply less valid than theirs for the most part, because you lack the skill and the experience that they have. Mostly I watch Joe (or used to) for his casual and bro-talk perspective and jokes. But he's not really the type of guy who you should watch for spot on professional analysis. He's the guy you watch when you want a fun basic outline of a video game.
Did he even play any DMC game before, or he just another bandwagoner?
I've been watching Pat sit there for half an hour talk about random shit and thank subs while NOT PLAYING THE VIDEO GAME
I think he played all of them. In his DmC review's intro skit, he shows that he owns DMC HD collection. So, he pretty much played every DMC game except for maybe 4.
That's why I stopped watching his streams. There's way too much rambling about chat and IRL stuff, not enough gameplay.
It would be pretty impressive if he played the other games before and still managed to get a D rank
Yes. Just as you can have an opinion on art pieces without knowing how to draw or paint.
Well, owning them doesn't necessary mean he played or beaten any of them.
I want to ask when the next woolie video but apparently they got fed up of people asking them on twitter and I'm afraid he'll ban me.
nopeI used 3 orbs on dante vs urizen (the one where he kicks) and I got a C
It's all about being honest and transparent. I wish reviews actually reflect on that more. It can be informative in its own way. Knowing player x enjoyed a game in spite of being terrible at it could generate interests in those who aren't fans of the genre, and vice versa. But obviously, nonsense like the cuphead tutorial video is an outlier and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
In his DmC review's skit, he seems really pissed with where Capcom went, which would indicate that he is a fan of the franchise. But he could be a pathological liar, I dunno.
is there a pc mod to disable the resurrection screen?
i just wanna retry from checkpoint
That's a shit comparison. Your reply would make sense if OP asked "Can you have a valid opinions on games if you're not a developer". But that wasn't the question.
And sure you can have opinions on games that you're simply and absolutely shit at. As in can't even wrap your brain around the mechanics. But your opinion wouldn't be valid and shouldn't be worthwhile or paraded around.
Okay, now I want a great game with that name.
What genre will be good?
So did anyone else find Kalina Ann in mission 10 and not 11?
Everyone always mentions finding it in 11 but I found it in the fight against Urizen in 10,back towards the left side of the arena.
I don't believe you.
Yep, despite journalists loving the idea of subjectivity and how much everything can mean anything to anyone, they mostly dont take advantage of that concept by presenting their own background with that series or genre (completely new, always sucked at them, not a fan of them, actually good at them, etc...) which creates a poorly representative image of the game to either one side or the other, if the reviewer is good then it will be completely inaccurate to a newcomer while if he is a beginner it will be completely nonsensical to the fans of the series or genre. Well, in a perfect world sites would grab people from both extreme sides of the spectrum and write a holistic image of the game, pointing if its good for their intended audience while as well for the mainstream casual player, but we all know journalism, specially vidya journalism is corrupt and incompetent and their only interest is clicks and sucking corporate dick to keep their company running.
Well I don't have a screenshot to prove it user.
I never got it on my first playthrough,and on my SoS run I found it earlier today.
Urizen knocked the shit out of me and I landed near it.