If Tecmo made another one of these style of Ninja Gaiden game and priced it fairly, would you buy it...

If Tecmo made another one of these style of Ninja Gaiden game and priced it fairly, would you buy it? I'd really like a new one.

Attached: Ninja_Gaiden_(NES).jpg (220x313, 22K)

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I bought two systems for ninja Gaiden. Ps2 and then when they switched to Xbox, an Xbox. Specifically for that game.

Yes I would buy it.

I'm talking the older NES style ones. Not hat the newer ones are bad, I love them, but it'd be cool to have a fast-paced action platformer with Ryu again.

Only Ninja Gaiden 2 was good. 1 was just bullshit traps that required memorization and 3 was a casualized shitshow that became even worse when the localizers tried to up the difficulty to keep rental buyers from beating it

Maybe, but there are so many retro indie games that try to emulate those nes style action games, Tecmo would really have to do something special to peak my interest.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-01-04-at-8.52.59-AM-ds1-1340x1340.png (1340x781, 1.04M)

What game is this? Looks cool.


I'd rather like to pay for a modern remake of that NES game.

Ah, I had heard of that, but never looked into it. Thanks.

I would love a 16 bit NG:IV similar to Super Castlevania; especially after playing The Messenger.
>multiple difficulties
>huge array of items
>upgrades like nowadays
>unlock one of several costumes every time you beat the game
>unlockable characters with their own unique attributes and costumes; not just Koei Tecmo reps maybe like Shinobi or Alucard just rename them

I would buy it in a second. Still play The Messenger and Bloodstained waiting for the sequel.

Attached: smokin'.png (250x250, 36K)

It really isnt anything like Ninja Gaiden besides the theme and the super weapon you get. Still fun though

I beat ninja gaiden the original every single day one summer, until I could beat it without dying. I probably love that game more than the 3d action games.

If they do it in a clever/refreshing way like bloodstained. I'd love it. I'd buy it either way though.

Did Hayabusa get a new girl after Irene died in the old Ninja Gaiden games?

no I got burned on Double Dragon 4, no more new retro games.

I'd buy it. That said I like 3d Ninja Gaiden way more, especially Ninja Gaiden 2.

Sure but it will never happen. Tecmo is a rotten corpse at this point.

I can't even begin to imagine just how much popular streamers would cry that it's too hard and shit if they were to try this.

6-2 and the 2nd form of the final boss are completely bullshit

Attached: 6-2.jpg (672x413, 349K)

I personally found 6-2 to be complete bullshit only for those who kept rushing things instead of slowing down a bit. Yes, I know you're not exactly supposed to take it slow in this game, but you have to agree that you had to slow down in a lot of places in order to figure out the enemy movement.
Only thing that is truly bullshit in this game is that you have to start all over from 6-1 if you get killed by the last boss.

What if they just ported Ninja Gaiden Trilogy?

You know how the second form moves back and forth inside the room? You can follow underneath of him and then wall jump and hit him when he touches the wall and starts moving in the other direction if you time it correctly.

Yes if its good.

If it's actually 2D and not the soulless 2.5D that everyone does because it's cheaper