Valve to start removing Steam review spam (for good reason)


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Kill yourself epic store shill

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>(for good reason)
There's never a good reason to silence the voices of the masses.

its ok when nintendo does it

>Artifact launched and was widely hated.
>Artifact's official discussion board get's flooded with threads.
>Valve lets things fizzle before doing anything cause they are lazy fat fucks.
>User reviews and threads start vanishing.
>Goes unnoticed cause noone is playing the game.
>Jump to today and there is a rise in negative reviews.
>Threads are now being locked instead of outright deleted.
>More users are being banned from the discussion board for criticizing the game or even being too negative.
>Game only has 477 players left.

Steamdrones will defend this.

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Do people actually take steam reviews seriously?

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Both are retarded, but epic has nothing good to offer except fortnite if you like that game.

>I didn't really enjoy this game due t-
ty valve

>REEEEEEEing is the voice of the masses

They also deleted accounts that review bombed the game.

Pirating was always the right decision. Buying is for retards.
If anyone still has a (((Steam))) account, use it to exclusively bomb review any game made by leftists or that utilizes any DRM or other types of anti-consumer practices. Never let them silence the truth.

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>Valve removing the ability to shit on devs for fucking up their game
>literally destroying freedom of speech and calling out pieces of shit devs
>Steam drones will defend this
>"t. epic shill"
just because one company is a pile of shit doesn't mean I root for the other pile.

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>there is an option too see them and include them if you so choose
literally nothing wrong with the whole thing

Everybody stop fucking posting, this is the autistic apammer. He will literally spend all day making the same thread.

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>gee, what is cherrypicking?

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what game (-s do former luftwaffe pilots play)?

just this one

I wish i could waste my days away just going about my rage on Yea Forums, such a peaceful life, I envy it

>freedom on speech
>on private property

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Yeah I agree, the part about "then you would be fine" was more to be just in case Steam started kicking political reviews, in theory.

>developers lie
>reviewers are paid to lie
>steam hides truth thus promoting lies
Whats the point in playing modern video games? Either make the game you want or get a new hobby.

>defending chinks
>defending epic games store

Review bombing is good, game journalists don't like it because actual criticism and consumer action threatens their jobs.

>decide to stop browsing this site for a while
>i come back to a mass shooting happening and this bullshit with steam now
What great timing.

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>any form of dissenting opinion is REEEEEEEING

it depends

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They aren't removing this ability. You can still do shitstorm of negative reviews and they will be visible on the main page.
The only thing that changes is that those reviews won't be included in calculating the avg game score.

You guys realize what this means? Valve will be forced to read review bombs. Make sure to shame Valve whenever you review bomb.

The only problem I have with this, is that they've decided that reviews about DRM the game ships with are "off topic". Otherwise this is a good move.

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tiannamint square

No they won't. They'll just search for common buzzwords in re iewbombs and filter those.

>be dissatisfied with what Valve is doing
>coordinate and review bomb as many games as possible

>doesn't understand his own posts

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Game journos can have this one, Chinks are worse in every imaginable way.

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DRM only occasionally breaks the game, like if it requires an internet connection for verification and the authentication server goes offline during launch week (AssCreed2 comes to mind). Many reviews mentioning DRM tend to be "There is DRM in this game, therefore it's a shit game regardless of any other merit".

And even then, those truly concerned about DRM usually aren't buying stuff on Steam in the first place, they've got GOG. That, or they're willing to compromise their principles for one or two games they want to play.


And people wonder why I hate Valve. I hate Valve because they do vile bullshit like this.

>There is DRM in this game, therefore it's a shit game regardless of any other merit".
Good review, gets a thumbs up from me.

>this is the level of discourse chinks are providing, despite insisting they have the higher ground

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Some DRM is worse than others.

If I buy the game I am entitled to say whatever the fuck I want about it.

Kill yourself hypocrite notmalfag.

>Developers no longer have to worry about going full jew on a game if they kept the scores at a certain level for a certain amount of time
You truly are my greatest ally, Steam

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Get new material, faggot.

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Epic strawman fellow epic user!

I agree, but the point is more that most reviews mentioning it tend to simply point to its existence rather than any tangible issue it causes. By all means, a review that points out that the DRM in use is leaking personal information or causing massive performance dips or actually breaking hard drives is absolutely worth being seen, but "I don't like that they're using DRM because I disagree with the practice" contributes nothing.

Jesus christ

Reminder that the reviews are not removed, the reviews just don't count towards the total percentage score.
Also both positive and negative reviews will not count during a review bomb, it's not just the negative ones.

>muh private property
Until a store owner can discriminate based on whatever grounds they want and not fear any legal repercussions for it as its their constitutional right as stated by the 13th amendment, this will ALWAYS be a silly argument.

Your constitutional rights are a joke that are infringed every single day.

I don't disagree with you in theory. I just worry that in practice, with how fucking retarded Valve has been with policy enforcement lately that if a bunch of reviews have a legitimate complaint with DRM, they're going to get filtered as review bombing.

I want to read the rest of it, this guy can write a review.

I think that's absolutely fair. People shouldn't use a video game review to push a political agenda if a score is supposed to be worthy of any attention. Review bombing is a way for people to control the developers or get their attention and that's not really right for people to do in an ethical standard. It's one thing if people are giving negative reviews because of a lack of updates or unplayable standards, but to come together on another website and say "Hey, Sonic's arms aren't blue, wtf Sega" is pretty unfair towards the developers.

That's Lowtax - been writing reviews and blogs since the late 90's for Something Awful

Genuinely a funny writer

Who decides what is and isn't fair?

Fuck China. Fuck Epic Store.

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>lol moral relativism
Kill yourself neckbeard

Everyone is freaking out and we don't even know the extent of how this will be played out. From what I've read, it simply looks like they will add a filter to let us ignore reviews that are about politics or screeching about the devs themselves. As long as it's another option for me to sift through reviews, I don't see the problem.

Obviously you don't want to tread into "censoring wrongthink" territory, because that would defeat the purpose of reviews, but I don't think we're heading down that path yet.

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who cares?
only a retard would look at a steam review and have it influence him buying the game

why ruin the reputation of two good games because one bad game was released?

>overwhelmingly negative (4%)
>yep! this looks like a good game!

show me a good game where it has a 10% or lower rating

Steam reviews can be useful if you're not just blindly looking at the % score. Especially for more niche shit which is less likely to have a lot of content covering it elsewhere.

>guize, separate the art from the artist!
>unless i disagree with them lol lets downvote their game withoit actually playing it don't CENSOR ME

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The Redux metros deserve getting shat on since they removed the originals, Metro 2033 Redux is garbo.

You just contradicted yourself by saying you do filter out games based on their review score despite saying only a retard would look at a steam review and have it influence him.

sure, but ultimately why does it matter when i can see what forums, friends and other reviewers have to say about it


More information is never a bad thing, not to mention I already fucking covered the answer to your post in my own post
>Especially for more niche shit which is less likely to have a lot of content covering it elsewhere.


one is doxing a corporation doing shady stuff while the other is angry chinks trying to protect their "leader"


We aren't allowed to post on Chinese forums or review sites so why should they be allowed to spread their propaganda here?

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>we quit

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