Apex Legends hype

Lets have an apex thread, battlepass will be out in any minutes.
Who is your main
How many games did you win this week

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just uninstalled and got tech support to delete my origin account. it's fine but there is no fucking content. it's just the same map and gameplay loop, played it for 80 hours. nothing more for me to gain. can't earn anything after lvl 50 anyway. oh well, at least I never have to play a BR game ever again now. shine on you crazy zoomers.

>battlepass out any minute
sure thing mate

Just downloaded titantfall 2.

i know this is bait but it is pretty funny that there are people who unironically complain that the game is boring or devoid of content after logging 100 hours into it over the last 6 weeks

Like 3.

check the market on the map you will find the jumping pads of the new legend

also the currencies and the store is blocked on every single platform. It is happening.

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>hyped for battle pass
>every passing day i run into more chinese bots and cheaters
>crashes are not fixed
>wingman wraiths are still rampant
its the only game i play but it actually feels like its rapidly going into the shitter

Where my caustic mains at?

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it must really suck to be a pc friend

jumping pads is just a sneak peak to hype people
currencies are working fine
they would be retarded to release a new update just before weekend

>they would be retarded to release a new update just before weekend
you know people can stay to work over the weekend for a 50 million player game.

>Hitboxes are hugely important in FPS games, other games balance this usually by making bigger characters tankier, smaller characters squisher
>Literally no downsides to Wraith, the smallest hitbox, with get out of jail free escapes.
>Some guns an absolute joke, wingman and peacekeepers rampant.
>Servers can often be unstable.
>People just crying about there being no battle pass.
I fucking hate this battle pass bullshit.

>Literally no downsides to Wraith
she is woman

>50 million player game

Have they fixed the abundant CTDs yet? No?
Then don't bother.

fuck off with this shit game

>wraith gets free escapes
i agree that she's too small but if this is happening to you its more of a problem w your gamesense than with her balancing. she only ever gets away from people who engage alone or too soon

>they would be retarded to release a new update just before weekend

Yeah, why would they release a new update when everyone has time to play?

It needs to steal from fortnite just as much as fortnite stole from it (or will)
3rd partying and camping are prevalent as fuck. The final circles move too slowly or they take too long to move so the final 3 or 4 squads, if they're at mid-level, end up camping like fucking hell and waiting to third party
Which leads to the other problem: you get jackshit for killing someone. Fortnite added syphoning where you get 50 health/shields per kill to help ease the third party issue and encourage aggressive play. I think it should also be here because a team waiting and pushing you after you finish fighting another team is way too much in such a fast game. You don't have time to revive/heal/loot after you finish a fight because there's already another team in your ass
That aside, it just needs updates and it needs them non-stop

Are you dumb? Games should have infinite replayability. 100 hours isn't much, at all.

>are you dumb
>games should have infinite replayability
>100 hours isnt much
i understand. thank you

>infinite replayability
nice bait

nothing has infinite replayability
and if anything feels like that to you then you're just a brainlet/autist

Sinking ship. Diversity not as strong as people thought.

>Games should have infinite replayability.
lol cmon now. besides the games are replayable, you just got bored after that many hours. it happens to me with pretty much every game eventually too. little zoomer dude.

watch good wraiths, they can down one guy, phase away and reset the fight and reload, then engage again and steadily pick apart a team. it lets hard carry players have a pretty big play making tool since phase is such a good repositioning move


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>still no solo mode

I have barely played this week because I experienced a significant bump in cheaters
not returning before they're nuked
I also want to see significant balance changes, even if they go full retard it would make me happy because it would show they're fine with making changes

yes and no i suppose, consoles are more stable but it feels like shit to play

>slow turns
>slow gameplay
>everyone misses unless the aim assist kicks in
>everyone plays like a clueless retard

nigga i just want my l-star you fucking faggot nigger shill

its rewarding as hell to kill, you get a fully max healed armor when you loot it and its difficult to kit out guns just from looting, also you can quickly refill on ammo nades or heals from dead boxes. its bad when its top 3 but as long as you have good positioning and adequate loot you can easily turn fights around when theres champs like wraith and pathfinder that can get your team out of a pinch

What kind of zoomer do you have to be to celebrate season pass cancer?

I main memory errors and my second pick is always chinese cheaters.
gotta tell ya, I love getting matched with adequate niggers teammates.

How can people play this for more than like and hour or two a day? Hell, after about two weeks the game is just boring

How do I git gud? I'm okay at firefights if I get into any when we land, but when fully kitted and in late game I get anxious and my aim is all fucky. What other games can I play to improve my aim or just in general be better at FPS games?

I mainly played gibraltar, but now that I want to switch away from him to other legends, the banner stats make me look bad, which I am

I want my solo mode so I don't get to disappoint anyone other than myself goddamit

is it really this bad on pc?

i agree with what you're saying here but what you're describing is using phase to maintain tempo in a fight, not using it to get out of jail for free like op said

Most people suck at the game anyway so you're in good company, worrying to much may be a cause of your problem. Just keep playing and eventually you'll get good, better yet play the better game

This. Except my aim is shitty the whole time. I'm not good at shifting from side to side while 1v1 with someone else. Is that necessary to be successful? Any tips at improving my aim over medium and short ranges? Should I be going for headshots always?

You could do the same in fortnite but in a team based mode you might still need to tend to downed teammates or heal your life (which is worth as much as the best armor). It's even worse here since bloodhound doesn't give a fuck about you hiding or doing anything to prevent third partying
There's not an inherent problem with end game circles. The problem is that it turns into a camp fest and there's rarely a reason to engage a team first (knowing that you'll get instantly third partied) unless you're a god that's looking for kills
It's still a great game but I think they need to iron out the pacing. It's a really fast game with some instances where they suddenly want you to do a full stop for some reason or another, while teams are just waiting to hear gunshots and then getting in at the last second when a team is weak af

Shotguns. Use shotguns and stick to indoor fights for high rate of success

>Wasting time on a dead game
Soon or later Respawn will be killed, just like every other dev.

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It's maintaining tempo by freely getting the ability to disengage and reingage at your leisure.

Took too long to update, my entire friend group moved back to fortnite, so I had to as well. Just like blackout, they fucked up super bad.

do you have experience with COD games? apex feels like cod except longer tine to kill and less recoil so if you can top frag in COD you can be a decent aimer in apex, worked for me anyways

also, use r301 or single fire hemlok and maybe spitfire. all the other guns are super fucky with projectile speeds and fire rates

no go for foot shots you fucking retard

This whole post reeks of zoomer

Using an overlay helped me a lot in this game since the regular crosshair is so fucking shit.

Dead because his hitbox is an absolute unit

consolebabs are too stupid to realize how low tier the gameplay is on console lmao

thats not even bringing up lol30fps

>Using an overlay

>retarded to release a new update just before weekend
Yeah user, it would be totally retarded to release a battle pass and maybe a new character right before the weekend when people have tons of time to play

I could just put a piece of blue-tack on my screen. Is that also cheating?
Proper crosshairs like in CS and even fucking Overwatch should be standard in any "competetive" shooter.

How is Wraith even a problem, just follow the phase trail and shoot them when they phase back in and can't shoot back

I mean, consoleshitters don't need cheats because they already have aim assist and no recoil at all

Because wraith has the smallest hitbox in the entire game, and when crouching their head clips into their body box?

So learn how to aim, not my fault you're bad at shooters

my brother
he absolutely hates him and knows that hes the worst character but he refuses to play as niggers or w*men

>I could just put a piece of blue-tack on my screen. Is that also cheating?
Yes? Where is the doubt?

You don't think it's a problem that this character has an objectively superior hitbox to ALL the other characters? I don't know man, seems like you don't give a shit. Most people don't like imbalanced games.

Is sitting in a comfy chair also cheating?

It only seems imbalanced because you are bad, just get better

So why doesn't he play as the Maori, Hispanic, or Robot

Played it a lot for about 2 weeks, then got bored with it. What I miss is the few moments its great, like when you have to play scrappy or you have a tight encounter. Most of the time you either die without a weapon, drop safe and play a walking simulator, or have a boring fight where either you or another team get wrecked.

They should have a lot more weapons or more specialized ammo so you would have to deal with the hand youre dealt, not just grab the best weapon combo with ammo to spare

spics and robots and maori are niggers too

>5 pounds is literally the same as 10 pounds, there's no imbalance here, just lift more
I'm certain there's no reason at all Gibraltar sees nearly 0 use.

t. wraith abuser

Oh so he's just a retard

Man, it has been proven that she has a much smaller hitbox than all the other character. Having this kind of advantage before even properly starting the game is inherently bad for a battle royale game. It is not overwatch. You're either in denial, a wraith main, or an attention whore that may have maybe never even touched the game, now go suck a bear, kind regards

>making all these excuses because pointing and clicking is to hard for you

guys this is a troll stop falling for the bait

t. Wraith main

it IS devoid of content though. it's 1 map with 1 game mode, you can't refute that because its objectively true. and adding a fucking battle pass isn't gonna change shit.

>moving goal posts

would that be allowed in a sanctioned tournament? if not, then it's cheating. simply because no one will enforce it in your house won't change that.

Is using a monitor with an overlay feature cheating?

I really don't see anyone getting banned over fucking blu-tack in a LAN tournament. You're just limiting your screen space.

>Is using a monitor with an overlay feature cheating?
Of course

Is using a racing wheel cheating?

if you feign ignorance you might get a warning the first time you're caught. but if it is against the rules and you do it anyway of course you'd get DQ'd. is this really debatable to you?

>if it is against the rules
Exactly. Why the heck would it be against the rules in the first place? Any proper competetive shooter has better options offered in-game.

based and not apex pilled