Capitalism is goo-

>capitalism is goo-

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games pre-2010 were made under capitalism as well, dipshit. Your beef is with profiteering.

This is like saying hair dye is bad because crazy whores dye their hair. Launch DLC/micro is like aposematism for videogames. Also, since these games are addictive slot machines, they're pigpens for normies that keep them out of good games.


The most popular game of all time was made under communism.
The second most popular game of all time was made under socialism.
I rest my case.


You can bitch and moan about muh capitalism but i have never seen any game from north Korea or Venezuela. The peak videogame from communist country was tetris and that was just one scientist fooling around in his free time.

so what, I haven't paid money for a game in 15 years

and every gaming article contains a jew

That's wild, they actually call them Time Savers in the menu

>but i have never seen any game from north Korea or Venezuela

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>cost of making an AAA went x10
>games cost less than 10years ago

No wonder they're finding other ways to make money. if they decide to make a 100bucks game one day, no matter the inflation, Yea Forums will shit itself

87% of the games in my library i got for free.

>Statistically 95% of people DON'T buy it
>The 5% spend so much more money that it makes up for the 95% not buying it
What the fuck, you guys?? I didn't like it, so I didn't buy it but my economic vote didn't matter because retards???

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>gaming without capitalism
pic related

And the people who made that use the money to get out of that hellhole.

We're long gone from the days where a developer and publisher gave you a full fledged, interactive experience for $60 price tag. So I'm not surprised to hear this. Microtransactions and cut-content packaged as DLC is an abhorrent practice.

Development costs have roughly stayed the same and in some instances have decreased. Modern development tools make game making easier than ever, that, even the smallest of dev teams can make a fully fledged AAA experience. The only thing that has ballooned in AAA creation is the marketing budgets.

That's not very nice? Why are you so butt hurt commie?

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More like gamers are faggots who will buy anything.

-od, if regulated by the government.


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thats a very strong case for eugenics.
fuck whale niggers

yea because capitalism does not have a tendency to snowball and is not regulated in every fucking country, dipshit

That's a visual novel, and visual novels are not games, no matter how many waifus you wanna slap on them.

Checkmate, atheist.

>game from communistic regime
>still sold on capitalistic store to people from capitalist countries
Looks like people in communism are too occupied with starvation to think about videogames.

>i have never seen any game from north Korea
look at this casual, I used to play this shit at the 인민대학습당

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Should read as
>87% of games aren't worth playing

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Vidya wouldn't even exist under Communism so I don't know why you act retarded

That's the entire point of the excessive DLCs, micro-transactions, and Gold Editions you dipshit, and they existed before full jewmode lootboxes that are infinitely recurrent and exist to take away your choice and waste your time until you pay up for the random drip-feed of dopamine that you get from seeing a shiny purple item. I have no clue why faggots still think corporations fuck them in the ass because they have no other choice.

What's the second one? I'm retarded.

That's because games are designed as work

Daily reminder that communists are not people.

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>brainlets can't stop buying bad products and services
>market adjusts to them
>whales end up shouldering all the responsibility while everyone else opts out anyway
>games are functionally complete as long as you're not a fucking retard who gambles for cosmetic skins

>install communism
>no more games
>die of starvation when all the bread lines run out of bread


You have a problem with the fact that companies fashion their products to please the people who actually buy their games? Sounds like you’re the issue.


Ok now THIS is epic upvote

stop this

There are still good games out there without that shit, all thanks to the market in the first place.

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Robin Hood the game

Nice to know that even in the great NK, they still have a sense of humor.

Salty commie scum spotted.

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>using popularity as a measure of quality
classic pinko non-argument

Good goyim, keep saying vote with your wallet.

>we can't have a socialist government, it would give the government all the power
in the same breath
>Trump is just using his government power to veto Congress attempts to block the wall because he knows what's best for this country
hypocritical capitalist cuckservatives should fucking kill themselves

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Better than starve.
Also piracy.

you still dont have to buy it idiot. there are litterally thousands of games out there without the bullshit . just because you're a sheep and only know about the big games that get marketed to you doesnt mean others dont exist.
we're literally living in a golden age of indie games if you didn't notice

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>taxing the billionaires to equal out the wealth disparity and help poor kids go to the hospital instead of dying is a bad thing
this is literally all bernie wants and you sensationalist cuckservatives think he is going to murder people and create a facist regime just because Supreme Leader trump says so

>install communism
>20gb folder appears on desktop
>marked "food"
>open it
>mfw it's empty

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and they hate Venezuela

>"communism never works you fucking pinkos!"
>"We should go back to facism, previous attempts that failed weren't real facism"

>communism is goo-

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Fuck man, I remember the time Nike came over my house, shot my dog, raped my mom and beheaded my dad.
At least I got some nice shoes afterwards.

Hey, theres that number again!

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fascism worked perfectly, it didn't lose for being fascist, but because the countries were bombed

>we still depend on growing our own crops to survive
can you post something that is more relevant to the current century please?

>capitalist pig doesn't know how to upload images

>fascist ideology requires invasion of other nations
>get shit stomped due to invading other nations
>"I-It was gonna work!"


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You're not very bright aren't you.

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Capitalist plant.

shit thread, lets make it more video related

>bad guy had a understandable motive

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