Steam betrayal

Where were you when Steam decided to silence the customers and just hide negative reviews they don't like because they want to please the publisher instead?

The real reviews for GTA 5 is 56% (MIXED).
But now, when you see it, it's 70% (MOSTLY POSITIVE).

Fuck, I loved Steam and Valve, I hate chinks cunts, so now I'm homeless for platform.
They used to be so customer-oriented.
Now they're just a bunch of cunts jews.

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Other urls found in this thread:

See latest news for details.

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They just hide the negative spikes now.

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You can literally choose to see the shitpost reviews if you want, you goddamn cuck. Stop crying.

This is why you only support places that respect your privacy and human rights as a customer. GoG in this case.

Just opt out lol

>now I'm homeless for platform

Join us on the high seas, matey.

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review bombing is gay as fuck but yeah, maybe we're just stuck with it at this point

>You can literally choose to see the shitpost reviews if you want, you goddamn cuck. Stop crying.
It's OPT IN and it's hidden.
The store page score is not accurate anymore.

I was a pirate before Steam.
I guess I'm back on TPB.

Fuck I feel like my gf cheated on me.

>game company does something shitty
>you shouldn't be allowed to warn people about their shitty practices in the place people are most likely to see it
>criticism of the company should have to stay hidden

Yes, good goy. Defend the corporations who you owe nothing.

why the fuck would you like steam or valve after the constant shit they've been pulling?

>pay for game
>but you don't actually own it
>and you aren't allowed to say whatever you want about it

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Good. Review bombing autists can finally spend time doing something productive like moving out of their parent's place or finally hugging a female they didnt have to pay.

i literally implied that the current system that allows review bombing is the best solution we have, but that doesn't mean that it's good


>walk into restaurant
>start telling everyone in the restaurant that the food is fucking shit stir fried in cancer and that itll make your babies gay
>get escorted out
>"those guys are silencing my review!"

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Oh no. Now a bunch of autists can't tank a review score because the devs did wrongthink. How could they do such a thing.

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Internet isnt fucking reality you retarded SJW

I still don't get why review bombs are considered bad?
>Developer changes game
>It gets worse
>people leave negative feedback
Isn't that completely fair? In the case of GTAV, it was when they started banning single-player mods.

I fail to see what the problem with review bombing is, to be honest.

It got knocked down because Take Two removed mods in summer of 2017. Rockstar stepped in and said they were actually for mod support. The negative bombardment of reviews from that summer was never removed. Which they should have because the massive complaints of mods being removed was fixed

Use a better example. Steam users love their GTAV too because it apparently is top 5 in steam traffic everyday

I'm not a fucking chink you fucking cunt, I hate chinks but Steam is betraying me today.
Fuck I was in a good mood because of Christchurch, and not I'm not anymore.

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But you said "review bombing is gay as fuck" which is wrong. It is literally the most efficient method of warning potential customers that they may want to avoid buying games from a particular company due to said company's anti-comsumer practices. That is literally why Steam is trying to stop this, because they know it works.

But I would love to hear why you think "review bombing is gay as fuck"

Why should people be forced to go back and update reviews because devs later fix something? If a game launches in a buggy state and I give it a bad review, should my review be removed in a year when they patch it?

Then you're either willfully ignorant or stupid. There's no helping you if you're not willing to help yourself.

Lurk more. Hint: You're in the right thread.

I don't think you know what "wrongthink" is.
Usually bombing happens because devs made retarded and often unnecessary changes to a game or it's policies.
That's more than mere "thoughts".

I'm sorry that other people make your decisions for you.

Not him, but review bombing gives users a power that also gets frequently abused. As an example, Dead By Daylights pissbaby community openly threatens the devs with mass review bombing to affect changes or keep things as they are, and the devs can't just deal with the people doing it because it's the entire community.

I was considering buying this. Should I not?

There's was nothing buggy or technically wrong with the game? When it launched it worked great and had mod support. Publisher came in, tried to take something that was rightful and made it more fun away. Therefore, negative reception was ok. The developer then stepped in fixed someone els's fuck up and told their publisher to fuck off.


I'm getting 2014 flashbacks

>add female to game
>REEEEEEing intensifies

Consumers should be gagged slaves that should have no say on anything and just open their fucking wallet, jesus christ, is that so much to ask for?

Take the GOGpill

ill take that over spyware that is epic store

Nobody has made any decisions for me, and I told you directly to make a decision yourself. Stop strawmanning/projecting. Stop posting. Lurk more.

>The store page score is not accurate anymore
Except it is since only off topic shitposts don't count. Only reviews on the merits of the game matter, positive or negative.

>implying Yea Forums won't buy it for the waifu

>The devs are forced to actually satisfy the customer
The fucking horror.

There is literally nothing wrong with review bombs.

Your delusion is palpable.

This. Fucking incels.

Excect chinks reviewbombing games for not having a moonrune mode

I mean, if you are complaining about something that has been fixed then it probably should be removed.

they're not reviews though, they're political protests designed to try to stop people from buying a game by making people think it's bad, even if the 'reviewers' in question have never played it

>all these bugmen crying that they can't spam their bug language reviews


Maybe on Metacritic, on Steam you have to buy the game in order to review it. In theory, you could acquire a key for the game through a bundle or trading or some other method, but ultimately to review bomb on Steam you must own a copy of the game.

When it comes to shit like balancing, the customer is most certainly not always right, especially given what a lot of peoples concept of what is actually balanced. We're talking about the people who have trouble breathing and playing vidya at the same time strong arming the devs to do what they want.

>fired their community manager for making a hashtag joke
Oofa doofa

>dumb faggots mad they can't play 500 hours of a game and then give it a thumbs down because there's "not enough content"

Non-curated reviews shouldn't be allowed in general, in my opinion. You can't trust the general retard with that much power. This stuff has literally killed entire indie developers before because you get idiots voicing their dipshit opinions and causing the game to disappear into the abyss because it'll never show up in anyone's queue anymore.

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another method is to buy, review, refund

GOG whenever possible.

How terrible that I can easily see a bunch of chink reviews and ignore the large spike in negatives and only read the ones pertaining to what is relevant to me and my interests. I don't care about people who are so stupid they let a number dictate their purchasing decisions. If the devs care, they can add chink localization but it'd be easier to ignore the insects in the first place since you can already filter by language. Sorry that your favorite game didn't get a 10/10 because not everybody liked it.

seems more like this is targeted at Chinese review bombers rather than trying to mollify big publishers

doesn't the system automatically filtering out these reviews for you, unless you opt out, support your viewpoint though? what are you mad about?

>Non-curated reviews shouldn't be allowed in genera
this desu
Karma/gold upvote on Yea Forums when?
It's just sooo much better.

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Pretty sure GoG does the same. Visit the Spellforce 3 page in GoG.

>pay for game
surely you mean pay for a loicense, mate
unless you can afford actually buying the IP

>mostly positive based on 400k
>mixed based on 160k in (((your languages)))
Just admit you rigged it.

Nothing outside of the ordinary if you can opt out of the new system. I'm not home so I can't check yet. Only that this will reinforce bad habits like making ill-informed purchasing decisions, but you can't stop most people from doing that anyway. They've already stated that they consider reviews about DRM off-topic, which I think is a mistake.

>Being happy over people being murdered in a terrorist attack
What a lovely man you are.

Who cares about steam reviews, it was mostly people trying to be funny to get upvotes like some shitty social media site. Just watch youtube videos and form your own opinions

oh shut the fuck up, anyone who actually knows Steam knows this is necessary and if you think 56% is more accurate than 70% for GTA V then you're fucking cancer, all the reviews were bitching about the online poriton of the game and had about 600+ hours on the game.

Too be fair they kept adding shit that made the online even worse

I watched a friend of mine get milked by the fucking ingame shark credit cards over and over, GTA V online can go suck shit.

>playing GTA V for the fucking online
you must be AT LEAST 18 years of age to browse this board.

That's on you friend for being a retard, nobody forces you to buy shark cards

I just looked at stellaris(61% recent, 77% overall) and artifact(20% recent, 49% overall) and it doesn't seem like the new review feature affected those games' scores. Maybe instead of mindlesly shitposting we should check more games too see any drastic shifts in review scores.

>playing nuRockstarshit for the singleplayer
Right back at you, underaged little faggot.

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If you actually read their posts it says they disable "off-topic" review bombing, aka spamming about DRM or chinese garbage.

So we're supposed to ignore about half the games content and only play the worse single player in gta yet? Fuck outta here, the game is just trash all around and only zoomers like it

How is DRM off-topic?

I stopped giving a shit about reviews when they supported retards making joke reviews by adding a funny button instead of deleting and banning them. Literally who cares anymore

The fact that the god awful monitized multiplayer is even an option is bad enough.

What does it have to do with a person enjoying a game?

Isn't all the additional 3rd party shut like additional EULAs you have to agree to and DRM that is going to be installed already mentioned on the store page?

>calling me under aged for enjoying the component the series has always been made for, rather than the tacked on component meant to steal your money

>Fuck outta here, the game is just trash all around and only zoomers like it
Here's your (you)

Review bombing was actually productive though. It forced developers to respond and address the issue that made consumers review drop.
Of course the devs will not like it and shame on Steam for giving in to them.

paradox are jews with DLC. Avoid

>Review bombing was actually productive though. It forced developers to respond and address the issue that made consumers review drop.
Really? Like when?

Name 3 times when reviewbombing improved a game.

t. zoomer

>and then give it a thumbs down because there's "not enough content"
GTA was review bombed in protest of the publisher trying to ban mods.

Looks like a nerve was struck. Fuck off with your shit taste little bitch.

yea looks like I triggered you into replying

If they wanted to reverse the Steam review status, they kinda didn't have a choice don't you think?
If the developers chose to ignore it, then the negative review stayed.
Example: when GTA5 blocked modding, they were forced to revert it IIRC.

Worked well with Lawbreakers, got that Cliffy B faggot to quit the industry and we are all better for it

If a game isn't improved as a result of review bomb then it deserves to stay at negative review. Change my mind.

Oh yeah? Then explain randy and anthony not fucking off.

Go cry to your Rockshit overlords.

Nah that game just sold like complete shit and nobody cared to play it, it actually had decent reviews for the most part

imagine being this assblasted

Randy is too fucking stupid to call it quits and Anthony is such a submissive cuck he gets off on being dominated and stepped on by everyone

>YIIK is still mixed

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Yeah, imagine being you shittaster.

I don't really think that was review bombing so much as general community out cry, but yeah I guess that kind of works as an example

got any more?

Haha great thread guys
But seriously FUCK lolis

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>still replying

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I don't care anymore, I will just pirate everything, let Steam and Epic burn, fuck devs and publishers, I will make my own game, and enjoy them.
No dev or publisher will stop me.

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Yeah? Do your parents still put you in diapers and a swallder even though your biology and upbringing has "patched" you past not being able to maintain your own hygiene?

o is this a secret cunny thread?

Nobody wanted to give fuckface any money because of his shit personality and how he treats customers and fans, that's why it didn't get popular. It died completely because the few thousand that gave it a chance thought it was shit and already dead

>still mad


oh no, how will i live without see raging cuckboys mass downvotes

Just read a few, but people don't want to read, just look at the top voted review and judge the game from that.

I know you are ;))

Great work everyone
Have a loli post

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>emoticons already
Yeah, you are pretty upset.

You can just change the settings to include the filtered reviews. They're not deleted, just hidden by default.

So how are we defining a review bomb?
>game introduces paid mods or something else shitty
>large number of reviews are changed to negative
>lol sorry, goy no review bombing

i used to have top reviews on several popular titles and updated them every major patch to tell everyone what changed, for better or worse. i was 100% honest and had tens of thousands of upboats.

my account was blocked from posting anything in the community and banned from reviews forever because a dev got upset i listed their game as a "glitch per minute shameless wallet drainer"

Fuck steam, it never cared about quality, only keeping they money flowing into their service.

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I think adding paid mods wouldn't be "off-topic", but it's ultimately up to the team that is assigned with checking anomalies in the review system. Seeing as there have been some games removed and then reappear on the store, I don't have high hopes that their decisions will be exactly what consumers consider off-topic and what not.
I think the currently trending topics for review-bombing are either reviews based on the developers (like people shitting on that Taiwanese game for making fun of China) or publisher decisions in regards to a sequel of a franchise in which previous entries get badly reviewed (Metro: Exodus being Epic exclusive while previous Metro games on Steam are being review-bombed to hell.

have they censored sjwification of rome total war?

So yeah. If theres no guidelines and it's up to steam/the developers discretion, its going to be exploited.

post reviews

You can opt-out I guess

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You've seem to got some cunny on this thread. Can we get some delicious brown to go with that?

>Except it is since only off topic shitposts don't count.
Are you retarded? Do you have brain damage?
>Q: So if I post a review inside in the period of an off-topic review bomb, my review won't be included in the Review Score?
>A: Unfortunately, this is correct.

Review bombs are a double edged sword. You can have legitimate bombs from users who are upset over being fucked over or something, but you can also have actual Chinese review bombing games with garbage you do not care about at all.

Yes, because the point is to catch players who don't look deeply before buying.

>he needs reviews to see if the game is good
Just pirate and see for yourself, faggot.
>Fuck, I loved Steam and Valve
Lol, cancer. Not a single company is your friend. Stop defending everything.

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>review bombs
no, 95% of the time they are justified, i can really think of a couple of times a game was review bombed for no good reason

also, some transparency on how your analytics work please, how do i know you are not just inflating scores from shitty games?

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This, steam has such a weird fucking community, they're mostly retarded and incredibly entitled a lot of the time, the amount of dumb memes and just plain retarded reviews or discussions
I honestly don't trust the steam community to go about anything with even a pinch of nuance or respect.
Review bombing has became way too popular as a tactic to attack devs for any little reason now and it's becoming obnoxious, I'm sick of seeing games get shat on for trivial shit, the first time with rockstar was definitely justified but there's not been a good case for it since.

i dont like this, devs can patch the game into a pile of shit

"Just trust us bro :^)"

Blame the fucking Chinese and their endless review bombing. Frankly, anything to fuck them is good in my book. t.Taiwanese American.

Which cases of review bombing you think wasn't legitimate?

Not him. Anytime it’s the fucking Chinese. See devotion and the dev’s other games getting review bombed by buttblasted chinks upset their precious leader was insulted.

censorship is good when it's japanese and american

we're talking about turning every game into some kind of bastardized democratic process, they have to please the majority and don't get to keep developing the game to their personal will.
You guys go on about devs having to water down their product by censoring, but this is a weird kind of customer enforced censoring.
Do as we say or we'll ruin you kind of bullshit, that's not how business is supposed to work actually.

actually i was reading a PCGamer article on it

looks like you can opt out and enable review bombs

ok, thats not a terrible compromise, i wouldve preferred if they didnt change anything but atleast i can about this

in fact i just disabled this stuff, you can do that in your account settings so its a bit hidden

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funny how they insist on keeping politics out of game but will literally try to ruin a small dev with review bombing because they dont like it's politics or whatever

Makes sense. More good reviews = more sales = more money for Valve. You're retarded if you ever trust the people taking your money not to lie to you

>You can't trust the general retard with that much power.
the power to spread his opinion? Yeah dude it's so harmful that other people might read it. Dumb goy.

I don't think this is a compromise user. For example, then why isn't this feature turned off by default?

Valve is doing this to compete with Epic, right?

Doesn't mean we need to take it quietly.

They bomb games for not having a chinese language option, it's not like they need a good reason.

This is the perfect solution and anyone that disagrees is being a fucking retard. Simple as that.

>t-they are hiding the b-bad reviews
Except they are not. They are all visible and only the score is unaffected. For years and years every sane gamer has insisted that review scores are meaningless and what's important is the written review so why does it suddenly matter?

>i-it will trick people into b-buying bad games
First of all this idea is bullshit because the vast majority of review bombs are based on shit outside the game (muh womans in Total War, muh Winnie Pooh in Detention, muh sale prices on Tomb Raider etc). Even then, for this to be true you have to assume people are stupid enough to buy based only in the review score and that no written review ever will change their mind about something.

What's your argument?

>95% of the time they are justified
Sometimes I agree with the review bomb, but other times there are just autism
Tell me why would you review bomb it

A majority of those negative reviews are from either the chinese or from everyone was upset over Take Two C&Ding mods

Why were people review bombing gtav?

because 8/10 times the customer just wants to see how good a game is, i 100% defend review bombing, but its far from an ideal solution because it affects other customers too

i saw someone on the pcgamer article comment post a fantastic solution, add a new "publisher reputation" score, that way people can display their dissatisfaction with the publisher and customer who want to buy the game regardless will get a more accurate assessment of its quality

my problem is, valve is minimizing the effects of review bombing, because they do cause collateral damage, but they need to be replaced with a valid alternative, because this sort of customer dissatisfaction has a place

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Unless you can afford gorillon dollars to buy DLCs, just pirate everyting, fuck paradox niggers

true, and for instance, the review bombing of total war rome 2 was just pathetic

however in other instances such as during the paid mods fiasco, it was 100% justified, when the devs releases a patch that fucks up the game, totally justified too

why should it be? the average buyer wants to know what legitimate players think, not far-right politicizers

>How terrible that I can easily see a bunch of chink reviews and ignore the large spike in negatives and only read the ones pertaining to what is relevant to me and my interests.
>From the same board that will post the image of a game's steam storefront along with it's overall review score and go OH NO NO NO

Where can I opt out?

reviews are supposed to be reviews. you faggots just abuse them and treat them like super shitposts.

most reviews are just shitposts now to cry about so random sjw shit or not haveing sjw shit make up your own mind about a game for once fuck

Because the point is to placate devs who want increased sales while appearing reasonable in these changes. Shills will defend it because they vicariously feel through a developers success.

oh, also every time half of the population of china complains about no chinese support on a game and review bomb it, thats also no good

>muh womans in Total War
If a large number of the audience doesn't want women soldiers in historic settings, then the dev should respect this.

The problem is every time people bomb games there's also a large amount of equally useless positive reviews to "correct" the score.
This system filters both.

Go to your store preferences (click your name at the top right in Steam) and scroll a bit down.

Ironically, this actually pertains to the game and would qualify as a "legit" review bombing under the fine print.

Welcome home lad.

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Judge a game on the game not the business practices of the company.

Thanks frend

Too bad the whole situation was a fake outrage based on fake pictures and boosted by the daily stormer then.

Ok, unpopular opinion
I can understand why people would be pissed off at paid mods or fangames, but Touhou shows us how amazing could've been if it wasn't prone to a abuses

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hold on wouldn't this help prevent chinese review bombing, you dumb nigger?

But you will, just like you always do. Don't pretend bitching about it on the internet for attention counts as not taking it quietly

It's fucking GTA, literally 3rd world kids in slums play this shit. Getting so worked up over this... Who cares man, are you stupid?

So, what you're saying is that there's no point to this thread and OP is either dumb or purposefully leaving out info in order to start shit?

it's not a large number it's a vocal minority.

you faggots pretend user reviews are an honest representation of the average opinion when they're really nothing but an autistic tug of war between the absolute worst of the audience.

Why the fuck would anybody care about GTAV singleplayer? That shit was so lame that I still haven't touched it since finishing the story missions

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You guys are making a big deal about random comments posted by literally who cucks on a virtual shop.

Should I remember you when Steam tried to push paid mods and Gaben in person had to address and back down?

I probably wouldn't notice those news without 4channel and this shit is actually enabled by default and most importantly they did not make any announcement warning or anything like that which means a huge portion of people won't notice anything. So, fuck off, nigger.

Looks like we won. goyim no longer have the right to express their disappointment on any product.

The point is that most don't even know it exists, so holding devs accountable with review bombing is nullified. All this does is make consumer dissent irrelevant and serves to fatten a devs bottom line. Only corporate bootlickers like this.

If anybody can write a review, why shouldn't they represent the average opinion? Those who don't share what they think is irrelevant since nobody can check that.

Whenever money is involved you either have to become a jew or get replaced by a jew. It's only a matter of time until either of these happens. Mind you Steam has been jewish all along.

oh yeah bro, the devs shouldve totally roll back like 3 patches because some dumb fucks decided to get pissy 3 GODDAMN MONTHS after the fact

that bitch fit is literally one of the 2 or 3 review bombs that are completely indefensible, not only was the topic of the outrage idiotic and the outragers lied about some of the details, but also after the dev added the hicks, they had also released other patches, there was simply no way to revert the change without possibly breaking the game, you mongoloids didnt play the game during those 3 months the patch had been active, and if some dumb e-celeb hadnt told you about it, you wouldnt even care

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How comes nobody is bombing Skyrim and FO4 over paid mods right now?

Because not every normal people feels the need to write a review.

Insane incels rallied into bombing a game do.

gogs compromised as well. There is no free place unless you hoist the flag.

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>If anybody can write a review, why shouldn't they represent the average opinion?
Because it doesn't. The only sort of person who leaves a user review is a sad sack with an agenda or an axe to grind.

>Because not every normal people feels the need to write a review.
Which goes back to:
>Those who don't share what they think is irrelevant since nobody can check that.

i dont think people have a problem with fan games, people have commended valve for blessing black mesa for instance, but minimal or quality of life changes, that just crosses the line

Get EU III if you really want to play that type of game

EU IV is crap


it gets worse. the same autist(s) literally review-bombed EVERY MEGATEN GAME on metacritic, not just nocturne. this was at least a year ago and it's still not fixed.

The fact that you can't get a real opinion average doesn't mean that the average that you are able to get is valuable.

The problem is that review bombing got out of control. The chinese that review bombed Devotion, for example. Or the review bombing of Metro (a completely unrelated game to what people were actually mad about).

The system they've recommended might actually work out, since they're not removing them, they're just hiding them from the overall score. Your complaints can still be heard, but if they're not directly addressing gameplay issues or the overall product, they won't damage the score.

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Probably the dumbest thing I've read in a while. Let me ennumerate why you are not a majority:

- Even counting all the reviews specifically crying about women, they are a tiny portion of reviews.
- If "a large number of the audience" didn't like the change, the game wouldn't be selling anymore - but it is.
- You can easily find just as many people asking CA about when they'll put female generals in the game.

There wasn't really as much abuse as there was immediate within the skyrim community and people pretending it was never about money even thought for most people it is, especially ever since patreon has become a thing.

Or just look Dota 2 custom game passes. Reddit shat their pants over it but nobody cares that chinese creators on there are straight up selling gameplay advantages and cosmetics on ebay for their games.
12v12 also gives you free shit for paying them money on patreon.

This is retarded. Games get spikes in reviews when they get huge sales, what's stopping this retarded filter from filtering those people's reviews?

I don't know the details, nor was I part of the outrage. CA is a joke of a company, so usually they deserve the backlash.

it's not the power of an opinion. it's the power to affect the algorithm, and the power to turn the blue letters red.

You are the one being retarded, user. If you had read the announcement you'd have seen they already analyzed a long-ass history of reviews to identify review bombs. Normal usage doesn't create that volume of reviews.

>g-g-give me examples
>t-t-they don't count becasue they prove me wrong
Every fucking time.

>Internet isnt fucking reality
yes it is

Are you fucking dumb? Go look at the review chart of any game that has gotten review bombed. It's a fucking obvious spike that never happens otherwise.

Literally too fucking dumb to understand basic concepts and then crying that the ideas is bad because of it. Get out of here, dunce.

>if I misrepresent it hard enough other retards will believe me
kek, never fails to make me laugh

It's the only average opinion you can factually get, so it's the only concrete collection to work with.


If all you have is garbage data which you know is untrustworthy, you don't use it to make decisions simply for lack of anything else. That's asinine.

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They don't care about that user, they just want to shill their favorite company to vicariously feel happiness through their success all while pushing lefty politics and insisting the right wing is a minority that should be silenced. Even when everything points to us being the majority. They don't care about principles, or consumer rights. Their #1 goal is win at any cost.

>so usually they deserve the backlash

perhaps the company itself but not the game

jesus christ dude, you can find the blog post of the patch in which they added women and people were praising CA

The only way they will ever get truly punished is through their bottom line. That means targeting the game.

Apparently they were outnumbered in the reviews. Sorry that you are the minority opinion on this friend. I know that it feels sucky but you will have to deal with that fact.

The most popular total war game is warhammer 2. People who play total war don't give a shit about "historical accuracy", they just want to smash toy soldiers together. You are the minority.

What happened to Yea Forums? 2 years ago everyone would be attacking this. Now people are defending this and are insisting leftypolitics should be forced in every game. It is hard to believe there are no discord trannies.

Do you have any actual figures to support your idea that most people praise it and the people that don't think 50% female generals is good in a somewhat historical game are the vocal minority?

>My google broke!

I know you are a stupid man with not much going on in your life so this is one of the few things you think you can do right. I know you'll probably insist that I link a whole lot of stuff to "disprove" you, because if I don't then you "win", but then when I do you are going to quietly slink away to go shitpost elsewhere with another dumb opinion you don't really believe for any other reason other than (You)s. So I'm not going to do that, I just looked up one thing to post here and if you want to keep pretending to be retarded, be my guest.

Attached: wommans.jpg (644x735, 151K)

>blog comments = entire community
>negative reviews = vocal minority

Oof, I was going to buy Sekiro on Steam, but I think now I'll just pirate it instead.
Kind of makes me regret buying DMC 5 on Steam.

People care when it is in a historical setting. Warhammer is supposed to be unrealistic by nature. That is a really disingenuous argument user. The reviews prove you are the minority. Of course, if the positive reviews in backlash to the negative reviews were higher in number, you would be insisting you were the majority. You just throw out data you don't like when you lose.
> When I win the data is real, when I lose the data is fake
You are the minority. Accept it and move on.

I know your brain has rotted from Yea Forums but most people who play games don't care about insane internet politics one way or the other.

You cannot declare it untrustworthy because it's not collecting the opinions of people who don't bother sharing their opinion. That's asinine and you are being arbitrary.

>at least 6 people were asking for this!

Yea Forums is so hypocritical. You guys will still buy from Steam. You won't stop.

Because the left is the majority, only their views should be implemented, and you should never question that. If data shows otherwise then it is fake of course!

So no proof? You just like the feeling that most agree with you. How was the review bomb effective if nobody cared?


on one hand
>rampant uncontrolled censorship and the ability for devs to now buy good reviews
on the other hand
>buttblasted chinks can no longer buzz all over the review sections
i'm not sure whether to support it or not

Yea Forums is a small fraction of steam buyers anyways

Which hypocrisy are you talking about? Attacking a change of policy doesn't need to result in a boycott.

the fact people didnt review bomb the game for 3 months

statistically speaking, you are still a minority because 68% of the reviews were possitive, and keep in mind among the negatives are the people who rightfully left a bad review because the game was a piece of shit upon release

you were implying those people didnt exist, but they do

Because their argument isn't consistent with reality and they are arguing in bad faith.

>People care when it is in a historical setting.
Nah. If they gave a shit about historical accuracy that much they should be lying down and dying in battles that were historically lost by the army that they picked.

The fact that the most popular total war game is ahistorical shows that the majority of the total war fanbase doesn't care about historical accuracy. Warhammer fantasy isn't even a very popular IP.

>Of course, if the positive reviews in backlash to the negative reviews were higher in number, you would be insisting you were the majority. You just throw out data you don't like when you lose.
You have no way to prove that. User reviews are not meaningful because people who are unhappy are more likely to leave them. This is true of everything, from video games to restaurant reviews.

Are you sure about that user? Off topic will be defined by steam employers.

Because bombing a review score not based on the quality of the game itself but whether you can fucking use a certain mod or not should not be tolerated. Reviews should be about the GAME not third party shit. Or whether or not you agree with a certain employees opinions.

Not an argument in anyway shape or form.

It shows that the warhammer fanbase is large. You have the historical fans. The total war fans. And the Warhammer fans. It appears the Warhammer group outnumbers everybody.

>You have no way to prove that. User reviews are not meaningful because people who are unhappy are more likely to leave them. This is true of everything, from video games to restaurant reviews.
Why do so many games have positive reviews then if that is truly the case?

The "historical setting" dictates that they lost. Fighting into a victory is every bit as fictional and un historically accurate as women generals.

>User reviews are not meaningful because people who are unhappy are more likely to leave them.
Those are exactly the reviews that matter the most.

Second, they are meaningful because people check those ratings.

It is though. When people say they want historical accuracy, they always pick and choose ahistorical things they like which they want to be preserved.

Fannyflustered chingchongs can be btfoed by simply reading the negative review
How is this relevant?
How? Would 50% female generals be consistent with reality? How are they arguing in bad faith? It seems like you're just using buzzwords

well i don't know about you guys but i would gladly throw away as many rights of mine as i need to spite the chinks
let valve do what they like as long as it drives chang back to his hive

95% of the reviews during review bombs contain no information to help you understand the issue as a customer though

>muh women in Total War

And yet for all this incel whining, everything Total War Warhammer is top selling right now. Even Total War Rome 2, the game supposedly ruined by SJWs, is 32nd top selling too.

Funny how that works.

I've read several of those threads, none of them had a majority agreeing with OP. Most end up locked, which means it's a very divisive topic.

It shows that the larger portion of the fanbase isn't autistic about historical accuracy, and the women whiners are in the minority.

>i would gladly throw away as many rights of mine
top cuck

Not really. Different sides could have won the war if things were done just a little differently. Women generals never would have happened. Why not have aliens come down and serve as generals for the viking starcruisers while we are at it. It is all ahistorical after all... You have to draw the line somewhere. Not every ahistorical thing should be put in the same group when some are way more plausible then others.

Thats fine, but why shouldn't I be able to leave a negative review about how I didn't like changes the developer made after I purchased?

Lol, this woman generals thing is basically the SJW version of the whites only mods for rimworld/stellaris/whatever.

Nope, it is how I exactly explained it.

>You have to draw the line somewhere.
Okay, and they drew the line where they drew it.

In addition, If it were 2-5% female generals that would have been much more understandable.

>Different sides could have won the war if things were done just a little differently.
They could have, but they didn't. History is not a collection of "what might have been". That's mythology, legends, or even fables. History deals with cold hard facts. These facts, when it comes to history pertaining conflict, are ones most often dictated by the victor.

But you can?

Games set in the future featuring whites should be review bombed as we know whites won't exist post 2100

And most disagree with where it should have been drawn.

I abandoned PC years ago

>Your social credit score has increased by 4 chingchongs. Hair grorious reada!

Not in any impactful way apparently

You've already been proven wrong though.

Except when a large group of people agree with me, the group of people have an actual impact on overall user reviews and then is considered review bombing

>History deals with cold hard facts. These facts, when it comes to history pertaining conflict, are ones most often dictated by the victor.
you don't see an issue here? maybe some of the "facts" being dictated aren't entirely true

oh well. maybe you should respect the developer's creative vision instead of trying to force your political agenda on them like a SJW

As someone arguing against female generals, I agree.

No, I proved people wrong multiple times, and they essentially went "nu-uh... I WIN THE ARGUMENT!" If you think that is proving something wrong then you are really dumb.

Steam niggers deserve this

Attached: fmjz.jpg (1964x958, 152K)

>chinks can just buy game, leave negative review, then refund without playing the game for anything that even vaguely criticizes their Dear Leader
>can’t do that now
Why is this a problem, again?

>Why not have aliens come down and serve as generals for the viking starcruisers while we are at it.
You're implying they aren't? You're an all seeing commander that can never be assassinated and able to learn formations and movements of enemy troops without having to receive scouts reporting back to you, all that you need is to have a unit be there to break up "the fog of war". You can have troops all the way in bumfuck nowhere that when mathed out would take days to report back to you in the safety of your command center but no, you see and know the action there as fast as you can click to that side of the map.

>own 15 year old CPU and 7 year old GPU
>buy new game
>doesn't run
>give it negative review
This is 40% of negative reviews as it stands.

If SJW's can succesfully force devs to cave to their politics, I will do the same as a counterbalance.

Only 2691 people agreed with you and only after being rallied into it by articles like this. That's barely ten percent of the total reviews for the game.

Let me say it again so that you never forget: You are not a majority. You are nothing.

Attached: hue.jpg (620x668, 121K)

Because the people in this thread can't read.

>You're implying they aren't? You're an all seeing commander that can never be assassinated and able to learn formations and movements of enemy troops without having to receive scouts reporting back to you, all that you need is to have a unit be there to break up "the fog of war". You can have troops all the way in bumfuck nowhere that when mathed out would take days to report back to you in the safety of your command center but no, you see and know the action there as fast as you can click to that side of the map.
The most convincing argument in this thread. You are right.

So read the review

>Fuck I feel like my gf cheated on me.
And the award for "Most Pathetic Man Alive" goes to OP

Ok, then how else do you tackle review bombing? Because any group of retards can just start a raid where they buy the game, barely play it, then just leave a negative review and refund it. The fact that this can be done completely destroys the point of having reviews

Doesn't matter. There's no round two for that shit so whatever the winner says goes. You can't unkill a jap that got nuked in Hiroshima or Nagasaki no matter how hard you try, so there's no "well Japanese civillians could have beaten fatman and lilboy.

>giving away rights to spite chinks is patriotic

so why are reviews even integrated into the client in the first place? why is this a good idea?

This is essentially the leftist argument
>We are allowed to do something, but you are not allowed to do the same thing. Give up and die already.

>can’t do that now

>Ok, then how else do you tackle review bombing?
Which good game didn't sell because of it?

i wouldnt say 95% but you are not entirely wrong

thats why id like to see review bombs replaced with other ways for the customer to express dissatisfaction with the publisher

So why even reply to me? Why is the small minority that left negative reviews on rome II getting you so bootyblasted?

Just remove chink reviews, they're the ones abusing reviews.

>you have a right to post on a forum owned by someone else and hosted on their servers

this is essentially the /pol/ argument
>if you don't tolerate my autistic screeching, you're a hypocrite

>that pic

yikes, thats one angry gamer isnt it?

lmao soon as you get BTFO you start complaining about leftists

I like proving dumb people like you wrong. Like forcing a dog's snout into its own shit to teach it.

Steam niggers abused reviews too

Attached: DTaPnNd.jpg (926x507, 109K)

Are you fucking retarded? Thats dumb as fuck. So if you fuck a kid 20 years ago that should be expunged from your record because you havent done it since?

>"User reviews are a thing of the past! Look at all the review bombing and meme reviews! Epic is better off without them!"
>Steam decides to take action against meme reviews/review bombing
Can't fucking win with these fags.

probably because unfortunately, you aren't as small a minority on Yea Forums

Do you still go around shitting/pissing in your bed and having your parents put on diapers for you?

Steam has no consistent policies (say they'll allow porn games and have no curation, remove the ones they consider bad aka curation), Steam niggers won't either.

Someone will always complain, should have made the system opt in though.

>you don't have a right to complain about services that are offered

>Criticising someone for taking their own side is /pol/ tier
Hahah lol
How are you proving me wrong? Which statement are you trying to prove wrong?
So you're upset about a small ineffective review bomb because people agreeing with it post on Yea Forums?

I get it now, the Epic shills noticed a new angle and are all ITT.

Steam reviewers can lick my fat gooch. They earned this bullshit.

>Steam removes two games, one that was made for le epick media trolololols, the other that the dev admitted was too raunchy for a public platform


Attached: angry.jpg (306x317, 10K)

If it was opt in rather than opt out then the normies would shit the bed from seeing so many reviews by chinks whining that the game simply isn't translated to their language, or because people keep posting that damn ASCII art of somebody shitting on or flipping off the Epic Store. That's neither helpful to them nor productive in determining the game's quality.

>Hentai game is removed despite all the women being 18+ and having huge tits because "school setting"

Sorry Steam nigger, their policies suck and don't make sense.

/pol/ tier is when you call everybody who doesn't like you a "leftist".

>So you're upset
nobody's upset. we're mocking you.

>everyone who likes this new steam censorship constantly personally attacks everyone else in the thread
hmm really makes me think

Notice how the shill learned that we use "nigger" a lot. I'm on to you, chink.

I just like calling Steam niggers niggers because you do things like downvote videos that talk shit about Steam like you're a chinkazoid

Attached: sterling steam.jpg (1127x211, 33K)

>check announcement comments
Wow, lots of Epic shills with high levelled Steam accounts. Gaben should thank the chinks for all this money.

What negative reviews are there for GTAV on PC other than poorfag retards crying that their toaster cant run it?

Attached: 0HtTurA.png (1280x1109, 536K)

99% of the people on Yea Forums are anti-epic and have criticized the lack of user reviews(which was partially due to review bombing) and now the same users are criticizing the steam store for the same thing. This is the exact opposite of "not being able to win". All they had to do was nothing to avoid getting shit on like this.

Most are against it in those comments, WTF are you talking about?

Censorship is good now apparently.

This probably. Shills are 100% a reality we have to deal with now unfortunately.

Review bombing is stupid anyway. If the game is 100% fixed but broken on launch it shouldn't have a garbage review anymore since the person buying it at that moment wouldn't be in for the broken experience that was had at launch. There should be a way to rectify fuckups at least. If the dev fixes everything they fucked up diligently, it's fucking good. It would have sold like shit at launch of course due to the initial shit reviews, but get better once they fixed it. That's justified.

How is calling some a leftist an argument? You were clearly referring to the "we're allowed to do something..."

They only have to please people who bought the game you fucking retard. Which is exactly how it should be.


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your chinner mask slipped, ledditfriend
that video wasn't disliked because it was critical of Steam, we've been following videos critical of Steam for the longest time (Steam greenlight, shovelware game spam, etc)
that video was disliked because it acts like shovelware spam is some cardinal sin for a platform that warrants jumping into the arms of a blatantly anti-consumer platform
cringe and fucking bluepilled

Blame it on the chinks that review bombed that taiwanese game and the fags that review bombed Metro 2033 and Last Light

Attached: 1472155106460.png (911x675, 1.24M)

You have to be a legit retard to care at all about steam reviews. Even more so to actually write any. Absolute mongoloids.

Your dad taking off the condom shouldn't be allowed.

>that video wasn't disliked because it was critical of Steam

Bullshit - I can't believe a Steam nigger would spew such nonsense and still believe it. I don't like the commie fatfuck, but he's 100% right about Steam and it's possibly his most disliked video, outdoing even that Cuphead one

Attached: jim.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

more like

>missed sarcasm
It's obvious that it's steam users and not epic shills who are mad with this change.

GTAV is one of the few examples where hiding the review bombing makes sense
that was because take two were being cunts about mods, but they backpeddaled over it
the reviews are still there though

Oh I didn't realize Rockstar banning people for mods is me jizzing on the steering wheel. You tribal monkey retard.

Attached: 9bca4d5f8f62613ed27352a8ecacf95c414e4461.jpg (600x415, 44K)

It is really hard to tell with all the shills in this thread. Sorry.

That's one of the least intelligent comments I read there. Not only because your point is stupid, but because you are retarded and didn't read that this only applies to 'off topic' review bombing.

really hope your arms get cut off so you can't type anymore

the only problem in the video is the shilling of the epic store
but hes on point with the problems with steam

I can type with my voice nigger, get fucked.

Attached: faggot bat.png (1457x1080, 729K)

What if they didn't backpeddaled over it?

Also you are kinda implying that users have to forgive devs when they fuck up if they fix it. That's not how it works.

Look at all of his videos in the past over Steam greenlight and shovelware spam, you'll see very well that they're well-liked and spark conversation
His most-recent video just says "fuck Steam Epic good bend me over Chang"

Shilling Epic is fine if it's doing what he thinks is better

>Epic criticized for lacking reviews
>Steam censors negative reviews
>Shills realize they can use this to make Epic's system look better
>Jump to defending it to make it seem like the consumer agrees with having no reviews or at least "curated" reviews

Like when Valve actually added a possibility to acquire free cards in their shitty pay to play cardgame.
Coincidentally under the new system all the negative reviews their shitty card game got would be removed as review bombing since they happened "within a period" of many offtopic reviews.
Really makes you think.

>Where were you when Steam decided to silence the customers and just hide negative reviews they don't like because they want to please the publisher instead?

if they really wanted to please the customer they would be taking a lower cut of the sales.

i think we all know exactly who is pleasing who in this case.

Attached: 1552166125067.jpg (480x872, 32K)

He's 100% wrong that Epic is the savior that the PC market needs in response, however. For all the flak Steam gets from him, and all the valid points, he's still embracing a platform that is way worse without looking up what's actually wrong about it first. The mentality of "it's good because it's not Steam" is a dangerous philosophy, and the industry is not done any favors by it.

Epic is nuclear shit, that doesn't excuse Valve from doing faggot shit like censoring negative reviews. WHY IS THERE NO SHITSTORM OVER THIS?

Epic shill, how the fuck does less of my money going to Valve make me happy or not? Fuck you.

Reviews saying a game is broken because of reason X are "off-topic" if it's not broken due to reason X anymore.

>He's 100% wrong that Epic is the savior that the PC market needs in response

Well Steam has no competition, and Epic is the only one to challenge their monopoly

Steam is being roasted in the comments. It depends if this spreads to reddit and other media.

There is, we're just outnumbered by Epic shills ITT.

You broke the previous record by saying something even more retarded. Congratulations.

Because they're addressing the biggest criticism against user reviews in the best way possible while making it opt-out? There's no censorship.

>Steam kills retarded ledit review bombing
>Implying that's bad
You fags, every single God damn time someone gives you power your stupid circlejerk buddies abuse it
What did any of the other metro games had to do with Exodus being a epic exclusive? Nothing, still got review bombed, same shit Everytime some chinks/poorfags can't run a game on their shitty toasters.

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Attached: monopoly.png (1268x1257, 268K)

I hope this spreads to reddit. Shit like a review being removed because it's "no longer valid and off topic" is wrong. The product was broken at the time. It doesn't matter if they fixed it, it was broken at the time. If a movie releases and hours of amazing content was cut out, it's not on me to update my review saying the movie is actually amazing. What I experienced at the time was dog shit. End of story.
>They're addressing the biggest criticism against user reviews
The only criticism of user reviews are the very obvious bots. They're pretending like what they're doing is good, but they're taking out legitimate reviews too. THIS IS FULL ON CENSORSHIP YOU SUBHUMAN.

>Selling Steam keys is competition.

>muh epic shills

some people just did not get jewed into building a 500 indie game library from steam sales that "were just too good pass up" and now suffer from vendor locking / stockholm syndrome and feel obliged to suck gabecuck no matter what.

these people are laughing now at those who did.

Attached: f55928c6370a47cec84702718cee7b7f.jpg (1400x637, 53K)

The system isn't even in place yet and the news post says they're not grandfathering in games that are already on steam. The games they'll be doing this for will be marked. I just tried toggling the setting on and off and GTAV's score is the same. The difference in scores in the third post is the op filtering by his native language.

>the ability to pay the devs 100% of your money while giving Steam 0 dollars and 0 cents is a monopoly in Steam's favour
based retard

>Nothing like this will happen again

Based Steam, fuck consumers

Attached: 1544428509024.jpg (1427x924, 149K)

Come again?

Attached: epic shills in a nutshell.png (2117x1835, 957K)

This is dumb because it doesn't consider how long it took to fix. Warhammer 2 took MONTHS to fix the Vampire Coast crash. Hitman 2 still has a game ruining crashes hundreds of people experience. I think the negative reviews should remain in these cases.

are you really telling me review bombing every single Metro game because Exodus was an Epic exclusive were "legitimate reviews"?

>Buying into Steam's system is fighting a monopoly

Whew, good thing I bought Fanta instead of Coca Cola to fight back against them!

>walk into restaurant
>try food
>warn customers that food is undercooked and poorly prepared
>get forced out
>restaurant continues to serves poor quality, potentially dangerous food
>"I tried to tell them"


Except it's more like you only gave the people who produced the specific can you drank money while telling Coke to get bent. It's not difficult.
I'll say it again.
Based retard.

>GoG and Origin
>Buying into Steam
You're a special one, aren't you?

Attached: 1521735308703.png (1190x906, 251K)

you also ignored the question

Based steam BTFOing retards!!!

Attached: 1545888244389.gif (250x189, 431K)

Yes, it was a betrayal. They deserve worse.


Not real competition to Steam, has been around for 10 years and done nothing


Fucking EA - why would I give them money you mongoloid?


>piracy is a service problem
>remove tools that provided that service
Thanks for making it easier for me gaben.

Attached: life as a pirate.gif (500x206, 477K)

> B-but...
Get owned nigger

>Half the population can't see negative reviews
>no goy, it's okay! It's not censorship! They can choose! See there hidden under fifty menus? They can choose!
Go back to eating your glue, retard.
you type like
this doesn't stop
you from being wrong
and a faggot

It's opt-in, a clever way to exploit people who don't read news or mess with their options.

>And the award for "Biggest Retard Alive" goes to you

so it has garbage reviews until the game isn't garbage? I don't see how this doesn't make sense. If the game is good, you want to see good reviews. You don't give a fuck if 5 years ago it crashed but now it works fine.

online stores abide by the rules of reality over teh rules of teh internet

But they can see the negative reviews, retard. It only filters out the spam ones using shitty ASCII copypasta and whatnot.

>but now it works fine

>devs are forced to deliver a working product

Attached: mfw imagining.jpg (636x466, 18K)

It's literally right fucking there before you can even GET TO THE REVIEWS

Attached: reviews.png (1068x629, 57K)

>It only filters out the spam ones
Yeah bullshit nigger. Valve even specifically stated that they're going to
>Look for periods where there's a lot of negative reviews
>Delete them after "manually reviewing" them
This is full on censorship. At least the jew epic is kinda enough to let you know ahead of time they're going to be censoring you.

Except games can be patched. Movies by design cannot be fixed after the fact without it being considered an entirely different release. If one line of code fucks your game, it better sell like shit, but fixing that one line makes it work how people would have want it - yet the dev is still shit and deserves no sales for some reason? They fucking fixed the problem you had with the game, why are you still worried about them failing?

>they're not reviews because I say so
The great arbiter has spoken.

It doesn't delete them, fucking retard

>Games can be patched
Movies can be patched. Your point? At that point in time, the game was broken, and the review reflects that. Don't like it? Force the government to create a police state where freedom of speech is outlawed then.

> Normal usage doesn't create that volume of reviews.
even if it did it wouldn't have mattered. The tool is only there to notify a team at valve, which in turn checks why the spike has happened and decides whether or not the reviews are related to the game itself.

Except it shows the dev has garbage support and/or don't care too much about fixing critical flaws in a timely matter.

>t. seething drone who doesn't know how steam reviews work

>It doesn't delete them
Retard see >B-but he said the copy pasta is only gonna be deleted! Not the legitimate reviews! You can trust us! (Also all negative reviews we deem off topic, no longer valid, etc) but you can trust us!
Fuck you.

Attached: el fuck you.jpg (692x712, 106K)

It's on reddit already. To no one's surprise, the top rated comments are all corpo defense force.

So the power of many opinions that a shit game is shit? Fucking imagine that being a possibility in CY+4

How do steamcucks deal with this cognitive dissonance?

The post you linked literally says you can still see them.
Though I expect such retardation from someone who unironically posts an el donte meme.

Attached: 8nox2wadknc21.png (780x688, 355K)

Only a minority of retards here and on Steam.

Steam niggers have as much consistency as Steam, and are fighting a losing battle of a sinking ship known as Steam, plugging holes with their fingers

And they're running out of fingers

Not erasing the past. I look at a game that runs fine and is a good game, and it has shit reviews due to some problem it no longer has. This doesn't make sense. It should literally display reviews from after it was fixed onward, and if I want to see the "all time" reviews I could go see them by switching the date with which reviews start at.

It makes perfect fucking sense, someone looking at the game is only concerned with how it works when they buy it, not how it worked years ago. They don't have to literally delete reviews, but they should show what makes the most sense to show at present to the user.

By being trained corporate bootlickers.

The biggest critisism according to fucking indie devs who are so bloody afraid that people will notice the turd they shat out that they just don't want user reviews period. Yeah, fucking great system.

The post I linked literally says that reviews will be filtered

>analogies are now a personal attack
The argument was that positive changes that occur in a later date somehow do not affect a past state, which is inherently false.

But that's wrong you fucking retard. You're literally pulling shit out of your ass now. Shit that explicitly contradicts what they said in the blog post. The blog post LITERALLY says that they aren't deleting the reviews, only hiding them for the people who don't opt out. But keep believing they will still delete them with literally nothing backing it up besides your own paranoia. If you're gonna resort to slippery slope fallacies you can at least find something to even suggest they'll start doing that shit in the first place.

Attached: 1539279639388.jpg (300x300, 28K)

What value does a review that doesn't reflect the game as it is have? Stop living in the past stupid grampa

okay but when will they fix MHW's release week review bomb?

I don't even have steam installed how the fuck am I supposed to check you fucking retard?

they literally did you mongoloid

Thank god. I can finally realease my not working piece of shit and will be spared the critisism of retards who suck everything up they get thrown their way.

You want some wood to help prop up that strawman?

>That doesn't make sense
It makes absolute sense. No fix is perfect. A developer claims a game was fixed, it works for one guy but then it doesn't work for another. This already fucking happened to me. I bought a game because one review said it worked and I ignored the one that said it didn't. Guess which was the one that was most like my experience? So go fuck yourself nigger.
>You're literally pulling shit out of your ass
Valve literally admitted that they're deleting shit like negative reviews for denuvo because they're off topic. This is not out of my ass, this is straight from the horses mouth. Go fuck yourself bugman.

>Irrelevant, at the time it was broken
This doesn't even try to make since. Yet unwritten reviews from 5 years in the future are irrelevant? No kidding. You wouldn't buy a broken game based on what it'll be in five years and likewise you wouldn't avoid it based on what it was five years before except for the fact that aggregate scores don't reflect this.

If they didn't fix a major problem in a timely manner they already lost a shitload of sales in that time period anyway. What is the point of wishing them more suffering after having fixed the problem?

And it also said they won't be deleted, yet you still said they will be.

>so it has garbage reviews until the game isn't garbage? I don't see how this doesn't make sense.
Do you read what you write before hitting "post"? I really am asking becasue that is probabyl one of the dumbest things I read this week.

>no it doesn't, did you even look?
not exactly helping yourself here

Yes, they are relevant kid. Learn how software works
>It makes absolute sense. No fix is perfect. A developer claims a game was fixed, it works for one guy but then it doesn't work for another. This already fucking happened to me. I bought a game because one review said it worked and I ignored the one that said it didn't. Guess which was the one that was most like my experience?

we cant have russian trolls and incels ruining hard work of great people working in respectable American corporations

Learn to read illiterate faggot. If you open steam and don't go specifically to the news page you won't know it.

>Have to deal with Valve drones defending censorship and Epic drones defending games being stolen from my platform of choice

Attached: I fucking hate these people.png (438x503, 122K)

not an argument

>we censor you and don't tell you about it
>but it's not censorship becasue you can opt out if you read the blog and look trough you options
Do you retards even read what this shit is about or is the stockholm syndrome too far progressed for that?

If all the reviews are largely positive five years after the fact, you can rest assured it's been taken care of.

CA has literally never improved their QA since they started operating, they need to keep suffering.

>contradicts himself within his first sentece
>implying it's an argument
kek, thanks for the laugh, retard.

what was his about?

Attached: hm.png (46x203, 705)

Only because you stopped reading exactly at the point at which the post started contradicting your view. You're using half-truths and cutting out relevant facts to make shit seem worse than it is. They literally said that these posts WON'T be deleted arfter that, but you didn't read beyond that point because you don't care about the full context, you mouthbreather.

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>games being stolen

Attached: 1552417128568.jpg (3500x1562, 582K)

You are completely retarded. Just because you fixed a bug doesn't mean that you are forgiven for the bug. Nor does it make the review 'off topic', because it doesn't change the dev released a piss poor shitty bug piece of shit and tried to shove it down the customers.

>look trough you options
So many of you keep using this bullshit when it's entirely not true. The option shows up before you even reach the reviews.
Thanks for going through the effort to effectively type "I have no clue what I'm talking about." We can all just laugh and ignore you from now on if you ever type this shit again.

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>at which the post started contradicting your view
Oh if you could only see the irony, little brainlet.

Epicucks will defend this.
Don't argue with them, they're subhuman.

Attached: epichang.png (1914x4402, 1.91M)

Think that's when they started banning for mods in the online mode or something.

Should also have the guy handing him the briefcase full of money, because developers have said they get paid by Epic for that Exclusivity.

>he can't read let alone comprehend a couple simple words
Thanks for proving my point I guesst. In the end you drones aren't that much different from the insects after all.

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People who buy a game after the fact just want to know if it's presently enjoyable and don't care about extending your personal vendetta against the dev over bugs that got patched out already.

>when that isn't remotly what was happening
When insects show up it's always a good time to abandon he thread.

Would you like some denuvo with your censorship?

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But the system filters both negative and positive reviews for the review bombing timeframe.

The review has no reason to give the game a negative rating because they didn't follow the minimum requirements listed.

>a autistic GTA4 fanboy doesn't like people like GTA5
Bowling Simulator is boring

>no counterpoint despite using your own words verbatim to make my own point
Your vbux cash is going to run dry any month now Chang, enjoy your slice of bread a day while you can

How is telling someone that they still shit in their bed and diapers an analogy?

You tried, user.

Attached: denuvoOOHHHNONONO.png (554x49, 8K)

>agrees with my point
>tries to use strawmen after realising the blunder

Attached: 1552683187314.gif (150x112, 72K)

Wrong. Just because you fix a game 2 years after release doesnt negate the fact that for 2 years prior you were douching on everyone you made pay 60 bucks for your shit game. People have a right to know that the company treats customers like trash

calm down you flaming autistic faggot

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>You don't have to sift though, the option literally shows up before you even reach the review section
b____ r_____

The irony is that you didn't read the entire post yet think you have the high ground to someone who did.

>Q: Are you deleting reviews?
>A: No, we are only changing the way we calculate a game's Review Score. All reviews are left untouched, and if you still want to see the raw Review Score, you're welcome to make that change in your Steam Store Preferences.

This LITERALLY confirms that they aren't deleting these reviews, and you are pulling it out of your ass that they are.

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Who in the fuck are you to say what people want? Me and a lot of other people want to know if a dev is trustworthy, because if they fuck up once they can fuck up again.

>gets btfo multiple times
>literally posts evidence that supports me
>needs to misrepresent himself now to have any ground left standing
Please stop, my sides are fucking dying.

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Keep going, brainlet. Maybe you manage to read it to the end, tough considering the limited attention span you showed I seriously doubt that.

what was the reason for the gta5 review bomb?

They tried to block modding.

>still pretending this hard
oh and I also forgot
>doesn't know the difference between a strawman and a meme
English is a pretty tough language, it's probably hard to interpret obvious jokes from reality through text when it's not your primary language, that's probably why your PM doesn't like to be called Winnie the Pooh

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well thats definitely a legit reason for review bombing and their shitty blog post is a complete lie then because it said they wouldnt block it for legit reasons. fuck valve, theyve been hijacked by californians or something.

cool off topic post, bro

>general opinion a shit game is shit
"General" opinion is that candy crush is a fucking awesome game. Better only play that anymore. And CoD, and AssCreed.
The "general opinion" is worthless, as the majority of mankind is stupid as fuck, giving games they simply don't like a bad review (an extreme example would be that one Double Dragon game). And going on the fact that the majority is fuckin stupid: stupid people don't really read reviews (or read at all, anything ever, for that matter), they just see the red numbers and go "red numbers bad, game bad".
Can't really fault Valve for trying to shift the game towards their favor by abusing fucktards.

>walk into restaurant
>food is good
>chef suddenly comes and shits on it
>get escorted out of restaurant

Nice try insect, I suggest a dictionary for the next thread.

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>the general opinion is bad
>but only if I deem it bad
The great arbiter has spoken once again.

Nice try jew

I'm only a brainlet because I only just realized now that you're obviously baiting. So, good job, faggot. I hope you had fun wasting my time.

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>Who in the fuck are you to say what people want?
I can do this on the same ground that you've decided I and everyone else should be directed away from good games because you're still mad about old bugs which should never be forgiven. If want to know the dev's history of bugfixes for the game, the guy several posts up who started this already said they should be preserved for those who care. Old bugs don't reflect the current state of the game you're buying.

>oh no, i can't download and install my shitty nude sex mod, better review bomb!
imagine unironically doing this, and not calling yourself a faggot

Attached: 1541515601025.png (847x714, 1.19M)

>I can't find anything to counter him
>better call it bait and pretend that I "won"
If that is the hill you want to die on, be my guest.

But that's funny

stay on reddit please. we dont need your obvious posts on here.

Old bugs do reflect the compromise of the dev with the game, which is on-topic and directly related to it.

imagine defending removal of mods

>every other post is epic bad or steam bad
>post definitive proof that epic bad
>"o-off topic"

>one of the greatest perks of PC is modding
>let's kill modding
Good thing you are trolling. I was close of calling you retarded.

>imagine defending corporations for anti-cosumer behavior
>just imagine

Attached: tfw imagining.png (621x579, 483K)

Go ask DMCV about why it's 20% worse with drm, stupid fucking shill.

Can you make posts without retarded hyperboles or are you too much of a faggot for that?

Yup, that is exactly what they want to censor.

i must've touched a nerve, you 3 downloading a nude sex mod further proves why you all are permavirgins

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Attached: benefit.jpg (300x392, 33K)

>90% of the most-downloaded mods are fixes that the devs should've applied themselves in a patch
>devs try to kill off mods
>people get angry
You're trolling outside of Yea Forums.

>Your review get taken down if you legitimately don't like a game and get a refund for it.
So you have to own a game you don't like to comment on it?

>oh no, those pixels are hurting me
fuck off

56%, eh?

Attached: mutts.png (241x263, 13K)

thought it was only R* trying to kill off mods, now there's more?

by "devs" I was trying to imply R*, I just wanted to simplify the conversation to show just how stupid it truly is

Wrong, fuck off.

I started to play it last week, and I like it. However the DLC is almost required if you want to play anything else than the easy countries like spain/ottomans/England/France

> I loved Steam and Valve
Loved this garbage company after what they've done to tf and dota?

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>had to simplify his own post
>when the topic was on R*
for what purpose?

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Someone make a new thread based on this - I'll link it here and bump it