Lady Gaga to be in Cyberpunk 2077


how does this make you feel? personally i have no idea what cdpr is doing with this game anymore. i just wanted a good open world cyberpunk game and now they are shoving celebrities down our throats

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can you stop linking your shit writing here


So it's literally nothing. Make a thread when you have something concrete, mkay?

Celebreties are just attractive people who have a talent of some sort. It makes perfect sense to use them in any form of media, and the idea they're being shoved down your throat is just some hipster-ass mentality that anything popular is bad, which inherently demerits everything that has both positive and negative values of popularity

I saw her vagoo, not a tranny

I've no problems. Lady Gaga is a very good singer, hopefully she will be some singer in the game who can you listen to at some bar in order to relax from all the crazy epic missions that await us

Cd projekt did not learn from rockstar games. If you hire high profile celebrities they will want alot of money and they will probabley be a pain in the ass to work with. This could be an exception as i hear lady gaga is very nice and good to work with.

>crazy epic missions
Nah Cyberpunk 2077 will be more down to earth from what i understand. You won't be saving the world, you'll be saving yourself.

I think it's awesome. Hopefully she plays an in-universe pop star. Maybe we'll even get an original song from her made for the game.

Have you seen her music videos, she can easily make a cyberpunk themed song for the game.
Just don't get to attached to her, she won't let you go if you do.

Not the guy you're replying to, but I saw her dick pop out at a live concert on Youtube a few years ago. I've always wondered what the fuck was up with that? If it was fake, why would she wear a fake dildo and have it accidentally expose itself? Was this ever followed up by with the media?

Lady Gaga as in the pop singer or as a different character with Lady Gaga's voice/likeness? If it's the former it would fit pretty well in a cyberpunk world of decadence and hedonism. Celebrities in general would make such a world seem much more real with the corporatism and soullessness that comes with fame.

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Did you see the gameplay? It was CRAZY as FUCK, dude. It was really so fucking insane, this ain't your Nintendo games

It's already like that irl but without the cyberpunk aesthetics

Your shill is showing.

That being said I'm only cool with it if she has some sort of working relationship like David Bowie had with Omikron: the Nomad Soul. But then again Bowie had that kind of outlandish alien persona he cultivated. Maybe GaGa could pull it off but they'd need to tone it way the hell down

The article says she's doing mocap work so it's probably a character in the game

I wonder if she got interested in the game and approached CDProject first since she likes vidya, CDProjekt coming up to her agent and asking if they could get fucking lady gaga in their video game would probably cost half of the budget alone

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i don't give a shit as long as the game is good. this doesn't inherently make the game worse.

>No Priss
>In a cyberpunk game

That absolutely sounds like something Lady Gaga would do.

you posted this same exact thread around the same time yesterday. are you running a bot?

Just the fucking worst.