How do I git gud?

How do I git gud?

Attached: Factorio-logo.jpg (800x445, 144K)

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first of all, plan
Dont just throw furnaces and mining drills randomly. Plan that this one little zone produces only plates
Dont make just lazy assembler with random belts to craft 1 things. In most cakes, later you need to have like 10+ assemblers crafting those things
Spend you time to think how can you make a big line producing red sience, green sience etc
remember that belt have 2 sides and can transport 2 lines of products to craft. Example is a single belt supplying iron ore and coal to furnace, so you actually use 2 inserters to insert coal/iron and get iron plates, instead of 2 belts with 1 iron 1 coal and 2 inserters with red one being slower than blue
Having big base is nic elooking, but you can just create sub-bases that create a ingle thing and connect them via belts/trains. Like small bases producing gears, yellow belts, copper wire
Its nearly always better to use underground tubes than normal tubes to transport liquids
Yes, you can easily fuck up trains. Just watch/read in google how things work. You'll eventually get it
Press M to see your pollution. Anticipate and clear biters before they attack you first
Use radars to avoid "oh fuck big bitters base spawn" moment
Assembling in assembly machine is nearly always better than handcrafting
Automatic production robots can actually kill "fun" in your game

The biggest clue is in that picture, if you haven't figured it out already. Don't throw a bunch of shit on one belt and have a bunch of boxes at the end collecting the scraps. You're just wasting resources you'll never use. One or two items per belt only, keep the same resources on the same line.
It's the most basic thing but I actually played 60 hours of the game doing it that way and wondering why I sucked.

use a bus

what do you mean "a box collecting scraps"? shouldn't your stuff be going to assemblers / chem plants?

This nig actually used sushi belts for 60 hours?

Sometimes you dont need that one thing, or supply is bigger than assemblers can actually craft and multiple other cases when you dont use this specific resource. So instead of sitting idle and wasting efficency, you collect unused resources to have safety pack in case of resource depletion or for multiple other things
tl;dr your machine siting idle is bad unless whole base works only when train arrives with supply

Build a sushi bar for your sushi bar.

eat moms spaghetti

don't follow, your miners go to furnaces go to crafters go to science; when would you have unused resources

Maybe my english suck today, so i'll try with picture
First, my iron plate minibase creater more plates than ammo, gears and belts assemblers can eat
You can see that i have 2 inserters collecting excess plates into boxes
Also, this can occur when belt box is full too
I can just get that excess plates to handcraft or dumb to another line, like placing inserters on another belt that will transport than excess plates or build train to transport them to another base
Also i can just expand production so those plates will be spend
The point is: even when belt is full, furnaces are still producing plates, instead of siting idle

Attached: typical crafter.jpg (1921x1039, 1.08M)

oh i see, you play like a retard

figure out what you're doing wrong and do it right

Not op, but thanks, bro. Just got it yesterday, it's pure autism but fun.

should I attack alien nests before they get too big?

What's a bus?


i wish we had hauler vehicles like the outpost games, two clicks to set up a route and done

Just started a new game after fucking up in my first map.
How efficient is my current setup (pic related)? Should I continue with it?

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literally go into some no-biters creative mode and figure out portable and duplicate-able layouts for furnaces, production of X Y or Z item, etc.

Then put them into a proper game

There is nothing wrong with producing more than you use, in fact this is preferable so your production lines are never starved. why do so many new players think this is a bad thing?

so is it like a meme to make your base un-expandable? people don't do this unironically do they?

Have a main steel and main copper bus, then branch off manufacturing rows perpendicular to these. Basically you kinda want everything to flow the same way so you can have access to what you need without crossing too many paths.

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What a fuckin nightmare. Protip look up what a main bus is. I did it was the only thing I looked up as a major concept and how to get my trains to fuckin work right but it will make designing bases so much better in the long run.

that's not why anyone's saying he's dumb; there's no reason to put stuff in chests outdide of malls and stations

lol, people really need to "look up" the game's fundamental mechanic? anyone who's played five mins has figured it out

>ITT: Autists making fun of other autists for not being 200 IQ already

We get it your Jesus reborn. This is an anonymous mongolian paper folding website its not the best place for recognition.

>red belts to labs

I know, but i simply fucked up and im minnign too much iron/coal and that was a simple base to produce basic shits
Just for me overproduction is kinda bad but still better than exhaustion. Its kinda my autism that im not producing enough things so i have too much materials. And yes, boxes are there temporary since you can easily se that bas is new, early game etc until i connect it with belts/train

>that arm in the middle taking copper from one belt that leads nowhere to another
what the goddamn

I will screen your posts and post them on /r/iamverysmart

based mixed belt retard

>he wants recognition for having a brain stem
lol sure dude

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join this server for tips

ikr, who doesn't use blue belts for science




please ignore all these stupid retards thinking they are smart and smug as fuck because they figured out a router puzzle game for children
factorio community isn't like that

7.5 items per second per side on yellow. 30 seconds per research (lol who needs speed). Seems like a legit number of labs.



How the fuck do I stop quitting this game between green and blue science because the biters are annoying?

Turn them off? Make it so they only evolve and get pissed when you destroy bases I suppose.

just uncheck biters man if you are having such hard time

generate maps with more water so you have easier chokepoints to defend

how do I disable big and behemoths? I just want to be able to plop down 5 turrets behind a wall with red ammo belt feeding them and be done with the defense aspect

flamethrower turrets roast bugs real good

i fucking HATE cliffs but i dont wanna turn them off because it seems like cheating in a way

just build around them for the aesthetic
fuck stupid bus niggers who make bases look like a fucking IDE cable and waste insane amount of space because they are babies and can't plan their production properly. yes, the bus is a crutch

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get into your tank and burst some bases around for violating NAP
Just spam laser turrets with powerbanks behind them with 3/4 laser damage upgrade and minimum 3 layers of walls
most players build everything in close space only to run out of space to transport basic things like coal, so plan and dont be afraid to use your space

While playing on Default, I feel like modifying anything and getting the (modified) tag after generating a map is cheating.

Embrace the spaghetti

>get into your tank and burst some bases around for violating NAP
I don't have artillery shells or explosives. I'm also not sure how I feel about ramping up evolution factor considerably with every spawner I kill. Seems like it'd bite me back in the dick faster than just passively defending against waves.
>Just spam laser turrets
Can you make lasers before blue science? I quit my last game because there was there were at least three nests with big versions of biters near the only oil field. Defending that place was going to be a nightmare with regular turrets, specially keeping in mind how much pollution pumpjacks produce.

About logistics robots:
How would I go about having them work in isolated areas? I don't want them flying all around the factory because it seems really inefficient. Would I need to use circuits for this?
Please respond.

you can see connection between roboports when you place em
just put them so they are isolated

Pretty satisfied with my current base. Making all basic components up top, shipping them down on a main supply line on the left, and then breaking off of the supply line to craft into science. Everything has room to expand if need be. Not optimal but it's a good example of how to organize.

Attached: base.jpg (1519x1978, 1.61M)

pretty good, but you assemblies are really basic. load up a sandbox and learn how to make sufficient assemblies. for example, there's 0 reasons to make a copper wire belt ever.

Those red inserter layouts are going to bite you in the ass eventually in terms of throughput.

use a main bus, look it up

Kill only thos ebases you really need too then
also sorry i forgot about blue sience for battery. My method is locating oil, preparing enough materials to set off pumps, and oil faicites to get to blue asap while watching how pollution spreads and killing nests that are too close. Stockpile some turrets, ammo, other things so you wont waste time. I can know your feel since i had similiar problem once with 4 big bases swarming me. My solution was exactly stockpilling ammo and factories to survive for lasers and gun/flamer turrets upgrade with blue siences
You can also disable bitters aggro for practice until you're sure you can get into blues before you get swarmed by giants

>play railworld
>too slow on military, have to spend a while clearing out nests with shitty nades
>finally get military going, coal patch runs out, whole factory goes dry
>eventually get nuclear going, endless energy bby
>oil runs out

this but also i feel like there aren't enough ores at the spawn area for newbies like myself to actually get anything done, especially with no knowledge of trains and what have you

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>>oil runs out

I think he means his oil has reached a point it cant reasonably sustain production. Protip I forget which module but you can increase the minimum output of oilwells with one of them.

Well there's still a trickle but not quite enough to do fucking anything with
And the next patch is nested between some pretty big bases
I just want my exosuit mane

any newbies wanna play? i just got to blue/grey science

>i just got to blue/grey science
what's there left to play?

Do all bases need a main bus or is there another layout except spaghetti bases?

what the other guy said works but didn't they also add buffer chests to fix this?

>he doesn't have a 1000spm megabase
The real end of the game is when your ups drops below 10

get bob mod and practice with infinity resources
then play vanilla with rich, big patches of resources
and then, play normal
and even more then, for extra fun, play railworld
I tried that, im like 1k+ hours in and i cant even tell how the fuck i achieved that

i dunno ive played a buncha maps but i always get stuck/bored at that point

The only 3rd alternative that comes to mind is modular type bases. Several different bases focused on different things. Like a base just for green circuits that are then transported by rail to were they are needed. A bit more involved then the other 2 and need your base to already be quite a bit along to work. And full robot I suppose but thats almost antifun.

Once you reach bots, you have the option to almost never use belts at all. There's also modular bases like the other user said, pic related

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just play and have fun, also use your brain and think, add to that some creativity

>tfw such a brianlet keep designing dead end bases and can't even comprehend how buses work


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Please do not do this.

Awful. Make it better.

Its alright but upscaling thats its gonna be a bitch, next time have 2 main buses for copper, iron and green chips. That ans plenty of space so you can always increase production, yours is way way too small.

>Wire copper belt
Please do not be like this guy.

This game is fun for like the first two-four hours, then the game asks you to mass produce shit like Electric Furnaces and that's where I say fuck it.

bus is a like highway and you build your assemblies along it, that's it

nig you didn't even mass produce turrets and drills in build 16 the fuck you complain about

But if there's like 5 belts in a row how do you ferry resources from the center ones?

Are those in 0.17? I have 0.16 I think.

you have 2-4 tile of nothing between resources so you can halfass a turn there. underground belt is your friend here

Oh so give it the old splitter underbelt combo?

You make a gap using underground belts on every line except for the ones you want to pull off of. Those you split and then put an underground belt after the splitter.

sure man. there is no other way lol.

no one wants to play? :(

So beautiful, so inefficient. I'm getting a chub right now.

you can blow them up later with tech

How do I make a bus?

Wait I'm a brainlet and this sounds amazing, how do?

Split,one stays on the bus and the other goes whereever the fuck, usually underground to your factories.

If you make the gap larger you can do all sorts of balancing with the line you're pulling off before sending it upwards but this is all that's needed to get half of the main line.

Attached: bus.png (414x606, 29K)

? there's no limit to how many beakers / sec labs can consume

Well first you need autism

lol seething sub 200 iq brainlet

literally never had cliffs on

lol retard

> finish green science
> drive for three hours
> no oil
> alternatively, surrounded by biter nests in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
yep, time to start a new game

who are you talking to

nah they're fine

use RSO

the other 95% of the game

>set up bus
>connect several production lines
>first few get all the resources while the last one only gets a little trickle
Is there a way to split it more evenly or do I just need to pump more shit into the system?

No, they're not. There's no long stack inserter so you won't be able to keep up with blue belts.

any recommended modpack?

how fucking hard is it to lay some belts parallel to each other, jesus


dedicate belts, you should almost never split

just change rotation and extension speed, you new?

Pump it

I thought that was the whole idea with the buses?

lol what

split for finite demand, like malls. anything that can use the full capacity (like science any of its ingredients) of a belt is dedicated. when a set of belts runs out, make another. this also keeps bus width under control

Not that guy but thanks for that image, i feel marginally less retarded.

"Just use a bus" doesnt mean anything to brainlets if nobody says what a bus actually is.
It's a case of being something so obvious that it goes without mentioning, like a green or red bar underneath a character being 'Health'.


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i said "dedicate belts, you should almost never split"

uninstall if you can't figure out basic shit

Why do mod structures look so bad? Even with the supposed improved graphics mod all of angels shit looks like low res ass.

has angel made new graphics for the mod yet?

How do I make those damn circuits without copper wire belts?

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Feed into the circuit maker from the wire maker

i found its best to use 3 wire machines feeding 2 green circuit machines. feed directly into it like each wire machine has 2 blue handy things feeding out and each green card machine gets the input from 3 hands

>game has always been $20, price increases then to $30

Name me one reason why I shouldn't pirate.

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go ahead and pirate it, do what u want cuz a pirate is free

I agree!

Everyone just uses bus because it's the first thing they saw in the "How do I play factorie?" youtube

nah, they do it because it's the most logical and correct way to play, only faggots watch videos

>all these new factorio threads popping up
the only good thing that has come out of satisfactory

I doubt that.

Also it being the most logical and correct way to play is a hard stance to defend.

pretty sure these threads have been popping up recently because of 0.17

>the only good thing that has come out of satisfactory

Why? I got a key but I missed the alpha, did they fuck it up?

The game improved by more than 50% in that time. And they gave a long warning.

there's a demo you fucking mong

>Name me one reason why I shouldn't pirate.

There is never a reason not to pirate, it's fucking free. But if you spend 100 hours on it, consider buying it as a donation to the devs, it's what I did. Or not. Who gives a shit?

it's subnautica that tries to be factorio just a bit

besides the autism about people vs. the epic store, its very meh, and I went through the content really quickly. all it did was make me want to play factorio

factorio got no 3d

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That's disappointing, but from the alpha email I got they apparently locked more than half of the game during it, so hopefully it will be better at release. If not, eh, at least I already got a game to keep my autism busy for the next few months.

It's fucking weird. Factorio has manual crafting be extremely slow but you can do anything in the meantime, like improve your factory so that whatever you're crafting doesn't need to be done manually in the future.
Satisfactory has it the other way around, in that manual crafting is incredibly fucking fast but can only be done by sitting there with your mouse held on a UI element back at your base. A lot of shortages were easily solved by just filling your inventory with mats and sitting around with your thumb up your ass as you rapidly built everything by hand.

in the alpha test yes, there is a animation for overheating while manual crafting
probably got plans in place for that
but looking at the leaked unlockable tiers it feels severely lacking for more than 1 play through

Not to mention the world isn't procedurally generated. It's the same shit every time, albeit across a couple map types.

Well, once you have a few thousand of them in the air.

But, they can get better through-put than belts. With enough in the air.

t. retard
They've always made it clear that the price would increase as the game becomes more and more complete.

The question is if Satisfactory will be... satisfactory.

And yet, they really haven't added any depth.

>Not to mention the world isn't procedurally generated. It's the same shit every time, albeit across a couple map types.

This sounds like a recipe for 1-3 playthroughs at best before you find the most optimized way to get the resources you already the position of to the place you want to get them to and then there's no reason to play anymore. Hopefully they get in mod support before too long.


Oh for sure. I'd say you can *start* transitioning away from belts around 4-5k log. bots, and honestly once you're making bots it takes very little time to build up an enormous workforce.
First thing I make bots do is help make even more bots.