>It's a lose all your items episode
>Have to stealthly obtain them back
It's a lose all your items episode
Doesn't this happen in basically every Nintendo IP at some point?
>game spends 5 minutes telling you that you got each and every item back
>Finally obtain best weapon in the game
>Only get 2 or 3 mooks to use it on, then the final boss
>No New Game+
oblivion when you opt to go to jail
>Extremely fun/likeable teammate
>Mid/late game unlock
Fuck sake Mass Effect Two, lemme love Legion
this happens in stalker CS
well not the stealth part
>lose your powers
>weak as fuck
>have to avoid conflict or you get instakilled
>Cool looking weapon
>Great animations and sound effects
>Absolutely garbage damage
>party member leaves/dies/betrays you
>cant get the items you equiped on them back
>Need 999 of a certain item for rare weapon
>0.005 drop rate
>it's a "lose all your items and money" episode
>you can't get them back
>enemies can open items
>lose all items
>escape without recovering them
>game replaces them all anyway
>Main character faces his darkest hour
>Be it because of despair or some other event, they lose their teammates/equipment and are on their own
>They keep going out of sheer determination
I love when games take this oppressive atmosphere.
The Godamn Chronicle 2.
>Final battle
>Your character powers up and transforms into a human
>lose all your weapons and items
>friend gives you the only item you need before expiring
>objective - survive
>half life 2 physgun
>lose all your items sequence in game
>there's an exploit that skips the sequence letting you keep all your OP shit and absolutely steamroll the game
I hated this in skyward sword. Thanks for reminding me.
>lose all of your weapons twice despite being a literal force of nature in-game because the plot requires a side character to incapacitate you
Name one (1).
Please do, I'm genuinely curious.
Only in 2d metroid
Zelda has a normal reason actually
name 3 (three) games
Lords of Shadows did that shit like 3 times, so annoying
Symphony of the Night was the one I had in mind. The very beginning of the game, Death shows up and snatches all your gear, but if you dip in and out of the room fast enough, something fucks up and Death doesn't appear.
>you can only get the best weapon after you kill the final/secret boss
then what the FUCK am I supposed to use it on?
>that whole blasted trading sequence in Oracle of Ages
probably the best mission in max payne
These kinds of missions are incredibly good when done correctly.
See MGS3.
>human revolution directors cut
>saving ammo
>finally ready to go in guns blazing
>then get all my shit taken away
>finally get through that shitty side part
>get basically half a level where I can shoot mercs
>then it's zombie time where I have enough energy bars to non lethal takedown all of them
Name one
>game give you nice satisfying weapons to use
>it randomly forbids you to kill some enemies that attack you nonetheless
>if you do, you'll never see the good ending
Thank you Metro Exodus. What a shit game. I don't want to stealth a whole encampment using only knockout prompt. It's so frustrating.
>lose all your items except the hyper situational meme weapon
>meme weapon gets powered up to insane levels to make up for it, turning you into a killing machine
Lasercraftwerks is kino weapon indeed
>boring errand running simulator start
>finally get sword
>lose sword
>forced stealth section because MGS is popular
>import a saved character into this module
>plot involves losing all inventory permanently mid-game
>loose all your weapons
>get them back
>don't get your special ammo back
i was thinking the gravity gun
Red Dead 2
Arthur gets kidnapped and taken all his shit and if you don't collect your shit before you leave the crew just replaces all of your shit exactly as it was.
>tfw got the indestructible winter edition armor in Fallout 3 right in the beginning of the game
>Loose all items as prisoner in GTAO Heist
>Drop my LMG and grenade launcher for prisoner when i go heli/airplane pilot
Solatorobo was underrated
I actually like how Max Payne did this.
>lose nearly entire inventory
>complete level without finding stuff, realize that I missed them
>have to replay long-ass level
>Lose all your items
>You still know all your magic