Subscribe to PewDiePie
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So... Where’s the video then?
Fuck off Todd, I'm not buying Fallout 76
/gif/ if you're lazy
Andrew looks like a pedophile.
why are you reposting shit from a mentally retarded person?
Innocent until proven guilty!
Yea Forumsideogames
why arent people this quick to call out Allah and Islam for the same things
>your boy
>literal who
The salt is unreal.
literally delete /pol/. There's no good reason to have it anymore.
>C-Containment board!
It's not a containment. It's an infection. It's a cancer.
That is what they say, until someone livestreams in front of your home
based andrew
I don't think it's salty because that implies jealousy. While Pewds shouldnt be blamed for this I can see why anons are upset.
>muslims commit hundreds of atrocities, murder thousands
>religion of peace
>one guy shoots up a mosque
delete Yea Forums while they're at it
modern Yea Forums is so fucking embarrassing
Why can't youtube let terrorist livestream? Fucking censorship.
>constantly call for the internet to be free and open
>except when people use it for things I dont like
maybe social media is the problem
Delete all red boards, /mlp/, /lgbt/, and /vp/
>all this reddit itt
>Everyone is okay with radical islamism and loved Al-Quaeda
Do you seriously believe this? People are mad that everyone on Yea Forums and on the youtube stream praised the dude.
So we should drop a MOAB on every white country in Europe just to be fair
>delete /pol/
>/pol/ no longer held back as board rules
Yeah do what this user wants. fuck video games I want to talk about my Yangbux on Yea Forums
This. Regardless of everyone's personal politics, we come here for hobbies and feels, not fucking politics like you have to hear everywhere else in the world.
Fuck pol posters.
What’s wrong with /vp/?
>waah internet bad!
>white people bad!
then stop using the internet
/lgbt/ is not a red board, unfortunately.
He is right though. Pewdiepies content is shit.
>69 people get killed.
>Crazy dude calls out some internet shit as he kills people.
Blue checkmarks aren't human anymore, and should be hunted for sport/ used for food.
He should have said *subscribe to ninja* instead
>How Subscribing To T-Series Is Shorthand For Fighting Fascism
That's what irks me about the reaction to this. SJWs barely even mention the victims and seem more concerned with banning people they don't like from sites they use while outlawing sites they avoid. When did a massacre become the perfect soapbox for this shit?
No, delete /pol/ and keep all other board rules the same. The /pol/fags will scatter to another website and Yea Forums will improve immensely.
Imagine being fucking Felix right now? 50 people dead by a guy who shouted your name before doing it? Fuck dude.
We don't even get to talk about vidya here it's more political posting than anything.
are you retarded
never ever
You seem to think that somehow /pol/ will be unleashed if we delete their board. You're wrong. /pol/ is a magnet that attracts them. Then they spread to other boards. Delete /pol/ and you neuter them. They'll scream in agony at first, but eventually quiet down.
I said red boards and those blue boards in particular
I was caricaturing the position of many lefties who act as white supremacists do to Muslims in the reverse situation
what was the shooters score?
this (((shooting))) is the most obvious t-series falseflag in history
>Blaming PewdiePie for some faggot's irl DOOM run.
>Giving said faggot a platform to continue to broadcast his message.
>Bitching and moaning on Twitter again for probably the umpteenth time today.
I'm not afraid to live in a society wherein I could be gunned down in my place of worship, I've unfortunately come to terms with that. What chills me is that we live in a society where before my family even knows what happened to me my death can and will be instantly politicized and used as inane talking points for morally desisensitized and egotistical cunts rampaging on the internet in a half baked form of activism.
If you deplatform nazis from common social media, what do you expect is going to happen that isn't them finding some underground communities where they can let their rhetoric grow stronger?
Isn't that like saying stop using planes because terrorists are bad? Also stop grouping all whites together like some cuck
I think the images of the stream with the chat supporting it are more shocking to most than the typical kill count. This seems to have hit in a way the Swedish attack did not.
this site needs a gross reorganization and heavier handed moderation. I've been here for so long, and I want to keep coming back for longer to come. I don't want this place to become either completely infested by the dumbest kind of faggot or subject to some kind of legislation that limits what it could be.
my mainstay boards like /m/ and /vr/ are mostly /pol/-free but I'd really like to keep it that way
Hello, /r/esetera
Massacres are ALWAYS a soapbox. If it’s committed by a Muslim, /pol/ is all over that shit.
Wake the fuck up. SJWs can't give less of a shit about the victims of a literal terrorist attack but they'll definitely use them as ammo for their own terroristic crusade.
>"nice" white teacher in low income neighborhoods teaching kids of color
Out of all the people you could list how is that person the fucking white supremacist.
shhhhhh, no thoughts now, only feelings
The same thing that happened to, Baked Alaska and Milo they become unrelevent.
What are people supposed to do? Ignore VIIIchan's cheering as it happened?
>muslim terrorist attack
>waaaah #NotAllMuslim, don't blame islam, islam is fine
>white dude do it
>Remove pewdiepie, Yea Forums and all of those disgusting nazi platform, they are obviously responsible for this
Why the double standard? Both of those statement are retarded and anyone with half a brain should understand it.
that guy on the left would been viewed as just as much of a faggot in his own time as the guy on the right in ours
They same things that are wrong with /mlp/
Shooter's manifesto: Dumbasses will call to action over this shooting and cause a civil war
Why are they doing it exactly like he spelled out? He's not some Machiavellian genius.
All these people were shitting before this on "evil" Russia before anyway? What's with this disgusting pretension?
You're right that it's a cancer but cutting a cancerous tumor off doesn't do shit when it's already set in. It's almost fucking impossible to get any kind of thread to stay on-topic and free from politics on here as it stands, I can only fucking imagine how bad it'll get without /pol/ to distract them. Face it, the good times are over.
>lets use this massacre to screech about DEPLATFORMING THINGS I DONT LIKE REEE
These "people" need to be sterilized
So they spill over in other board even more?
And many people see them as fucking retarded you dumb cuck we still fight those bastards and this shit only ameks them look better.
>2090 kid
Grandpa was hot and based
>White people don't do that shit because we're civilized.
>Meanwhile in New Zealand.
There's a torrent on Kiwi Farms.
If milo is irrelevant why don't people ever shut up about him?
most muslims are what you would consider "radical"
over 50% of them believe in stoning women for adultery, among other things
Does anybody honestly give a shit about T-series vs Pewdiepie? I swear /pol/ AND reddit have been dickriding this dude for completely different reasons but support him all the same.
For one, imagine being so cucked that you shill a celebrity for free. Second of all, Indians have a relatively small internet presence compared to everyone else but they're literally 1B+ people who are going to get subs just from being "that music channel where you get the wedding music from" as the population of that country slowly gets access to the internet. So when this retarded "war" ends people are going to say garbage like hurr durr did this shooting cause people to unsub from my based and redpilled dude pews? In actuality it was going to happen because India has a fucking billion people
Shout outs to Allah wen killing civilians and its just extremists.
Its the religion of piece guys.
Shutouts to a random meme guy on YouTube when killing Muslims civilians.
He is literally a white supremacist ring leader.
Why does this comment has such a pattern to it? It's quite curious. Its not like people don't propose actions against radical islam.
And anyway, I think you can at least blame the people on youtube cheering on the attacker without a doubt.
You want that fucking cancer spreading? If you think /pol/ contamination on other boards is bad now, just wait until they delete /pol/.
thanks doc
Well he is not wrong, social outcasts are very easy to manipulate into right wing rhetoric.
Yes, The fire rises!
Thanks for the potassium doc
>tfw im a muslim
i don't want this hate to spread any further, godammit but u didn't do shit about it, the flaws that islamic people do like rape, torture, kill, and the latter, its all resulting to this, this guy saw all of what those bad people did and generalised all muslims as bad people to then shoot them down, i can't speak for the people who got killed because as one who is part of islam, i see myself just as much to blame as the bad wrongdoers, i could've done something to make my actions count and change some of people's thoughts on our religion and those horrible muslims that do crimes against humanity , but i didn't, and it hurts, because look at what happened now, its our fault, Why Can't I Explain Myself properly? i dont know, but from the bottom of my heart i want you guys to accept my apology for these horrible people who give a bad image of my faith, im sorry.
Because as racially superior white we shouldn't be falling so low as to use violence while inferior races get a free pass for being less advanced than our own.
>the shooting was a Jewish trick
Will this be the defense every time a white person does anything? We dindu nuffin indeed
Yes, literally they should've ignore whatever those spergs are doing but being that retardation is inherent and natural in every single leftist, this shit was bound to happen.
because hes anthony burch tier
>social media teaches "white supremacy"
Then how come most social media streamed crimes are committed by minorities? Disregarding that, isn't it fairer to suggest the problem is social media ITSELF? It gives maniacs a platform they've never had, from spree killers to rapists, even down to the weakest little egotists. Social media is a cancer and needs to be curbed or killed entirely.
>So they spill over in other board even more?
The ones who spill over into other boards have already spilled over. The ones that only have interest in /pol/ will just leave. Killing /pol/ is literally the best option.
Even liberals know other liberals are secretly racists and only do what they do to redeem themselves? Just a guess.
What is your proposal? What is the way to act here?
Because it never really ever was about the victims. Look at every mass shooting or similar event, everyone not directly related to someone involved forgot in a month at most, because most people are truly apathetic to events which occur far from them to people they don’t know, but of course it doesn’t stop them from getting on their soapbox.
now that you mention it that's a good point, I've seen pretty much this exact template thousands of times by now
>Either let the nazis grow or let them grow!
>There are no other options
It already spreading. That's the nature of cancer. You're supposed to deal with it as fast as you can. If it won't fix anything then it's already terminal.
Just leave my couintry and I have no problem with you.
fucking based
i can't even believe how autistic /vp/ is, at least /mlp/ has become somewhat self-aware
/vp/'ers legitimately think they're anything approaching normal
Even ignore it when they make a thread saying they will shoot up a place?
You're right. /pol/ is
I hate the left so fucking much. They are absolutely fucking brainless robots.
this whole meme killer thing sure reminds me about metal gear rising
I could get behind that reasoning.
Shame that's not going to happen. God do I fucking hate these retards. You can't do irony anymore these days or retards will join thinking you're being serious. That's what happened with this board.
There's a difference between /pol/ saying shit and major news outlets saying shit.
is it possible to communicate reality to these people? it is obvious they don't even watch pewdiepie, they just follow clickbait articles. evidence doesn't matter to them, so i don't think they can be convinced otherwise.
I can't believe pewdiepie killed all of those people.
>Nazis are the white teachers in low income schools
Whew lad.
i was born in Europe because of my parents, i wouldn't know where to go man
do you really honestly think that we live in a world that has to be like this? do you honestly think the best we can do is live in a world where Nazis are constants and everything else is a variable?
Humanity was a mistake
The dude literally trolled the world. What he did has nothing to do with PewDiePie. He was probably one of you stupid faggots that think console warring is a good use of time. Read his manifesto, it's literally just full of sensationalism and memes.
This. The quaran explicitly advocates violence against infidels and I have yet to see anyone seriously call for it to be banned in the wake of any muslim mass killing. These calls for censorship are entirely one-sided.
Condemn the action and don't go for guns or banning shit that is completely unrelated to the shooting. That is just too much for the modern voter anyway and they will all proved him right one way or another.
literally delete Yea Forums. There's no good reason to have it anymore.
>C-Containment website!
It's not a containment. It's an infection. It's a cancer.
I'm glad people care about radicalization this much when a Jihadi attack happens.
Oh wait.
This is the one that bothered me the most. Just because a handful of people have a white savior complex means white people can't teach in the ghetto now?
/pol/ is literally like cancer. You're supposed to catch it early on and get rid of it. If you let it stay too long it will have spread to the point of being terminal. If deleting /pol/ just ruins Yea Forums forever then at least we'll have known that it was too late.
>ban all these sites I hate
>but not Facebook where the dude actually live streamed the act, I like that site
I saw this and thought it was really infuriating...but then i figured its probably a troll. There are people on social media today whos sole purpose is to rile up opposition.
Blaming this on either side us playing into their hands. Both sides need to return to civility and stop trying to silence the other. I feel mostly its the left that needs to do this, so i for one refuse to allow myself to be drug into their petty practices.
Or maybe there is a link between posting remove kebab memes and a dude shooting people with remove kebab written in his gun.
Maybe not prove the lunatic right, for starters?
>Its not like people don't propose actions against radical islam
Such as?
yeah, dude probably wanted to die and used it as an opportunity to spout memes and fuck with people
If that shooter causes the downfall of social media he would actually be a hero, but these people are fucking retarded beyond belief
unironically this at this point.
Based doc
4*2chan>Yea Forums
>38% of men and 44% of women surveyed have attempted suicide
Either that study is complete bullshit or they surveyed the most mentally ill place on the planet
>*defends Islam*
>dude frequents 8 chan
>but somehow its pewdiepies fault that hes a mentally ill racist
lol ok
thank you for your insight, /r/edditera tourist. don't forget to neck yourself on the way out.
I know this shit is top news, but I wanna remind everyone that the faggot pewdiepie is literally NOT VIDYA even as an e-celeb. Last I saw he literally reviews memes and talks about drama, not vidya AT ALL. So take this shit to /pol/, please.
>guns don't kill people, e-celebs and memes do
Fuck these assholes. Nothing but an echo chamber of total morons who never ventured or even spoke to anyone of another race or religion.