>the heel pokemon
>designed to evoke rage at m-muh fire/fighting starter
>blew this website out of the water not once but TWICE by confirming leaks were real or fake, first with Mallow being on his concept art and then revealed, second with his Smash reveal destroying the Grinch
This is easily one of the best designed video game characters in history
The heel pokemon
Go away barafag
>This is easily one of the best designed video game characters in history
Why because it makes people mad? That's such a childish thing to think.
It's a very bad design.
I like him as a character but not as a Pokémon
And he's cute to boot
It's a good design because it does what it's intended to do--it makes people hate it. A design is good insofar as it meets its goals.
Goodnight POKEMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
- I
The joke is ultimately on him because he's ugly and won't have any legs past his generation.
He's Zoarork but with backing from degenerate saltfags.
>it's ugly and people hate it so it's good
>Best designed.
>Took two years and an autistic Japanese Peter Pan with workaholic syndrome and an obscene addiction to a pink blob of genocide and a shota angel to actually give him any character.
Game Freak a shit
>things are only ever designed to be good-looking and beloved
Primarina is better.
incineroar's smash portrayal is based directly on incineroar's concept art. except sakurai removed some of his personality by not adding the chair or asian mist abilities, removing a bit of the fact that he's a heel/cheater
Dumb barafag. Your taste is shit and you should really just kill yourself.
Sun and Moon did a shit job of displaying this, then. Guess it can't really be their fault completely considering the game has, what, 800+ monsters to trying and "flesh out". Anime probably does better at showcasing him.
imagine choosing to like all the good masculine qualities in men only to like some shit character
Does the Venom symbiote also amplifies lust? Haven't read capeshit in a long time.
I want to like him, hell he was my Alolan starter, but he becomes more and more of a joke with every year that passes. Him becoming an icon of barafags and spitefags only adds to it.
kek, you faggots are so delusional. I bet you were the same people trying to claim Buzzwole was shit during the hype cycle of ultimate by saying the same damn things.
>a joke
that's why i like him. not out of spite--he's funny and i enjoy funny characters
You can't fuck it
i like buzzswole for the same reasons i like incineroar
Having red and black in the color scheme?
being comically masculine i guess?
with those arms?
That wasn't the question.
Thanks to this abomination,many franchises are dead.
Absolutely fucking this. I legit came here to make this exact post.
why would it
I have a bunch of issues with Incineroar's design, but the fucking belt has to be the the biggest. Just look at it, it's something a toddler would doodle. I can't believe an actual character artist drew that and thought it was fine, it's embarrassing.
Incineroar is fucking cool
Better than trannyseal and edgyrobinhoodwithglasses
I thought wanton Lust was viewed as a negative, so I figured Venom would have an effect on it.
I always thought he was kind of ugly and he sucks in the tcg to boot
The Grinch was never destroyed, user. The Grinch was planning to piss off people right down from the start
You forgot that GameFreak are the laziest fuckers on the planet
>except sakurai removed some of his personality by not adding the chair or asian mist abilities
you mean things it doesn't even use in the fucking games either
what are those pokemon walk cycles even from
From inside the game itself. Dataminers found them,
In my opinion, Incineroar is cool.
I have nothing more to add or debate to this thread.
>posts bara Venom
You go, big guy!
Well he called him a DUMB barafag, so...
Venom wasn't designed specifically and exclusively to pander to barafags.
its not good if every new design they make is hated. Adding the mermaid clown would have the same reaction as this
He didn't say otherwise, hence the specification.
Turns out Game Freak already has walk cycles for all Pokémon (up to gen 7, including Megas) already coded inside SM but they won't let Pokémon follow you because ?????
Neither was Incineroar. That doesn't change the fact that barafags love both of them.
I don't care about pokemon at all, but he's a great character and certainly fills a niche in the Brawl roster. The attitude that's coming from his expressions always makes me smile.
if he's so well designed why are 90% of the pictures posted of him off-model fanart?
>in the Brawl roster
>Neither was Incineroar
Except that Incineroar was specifically designed for the barafags.
Because no one ever draws on-model fanart of anything
prove it
How can you prove what’s already there?
>no proof
yes they do. you are mainly thinking about porn or people who are stylized
hating a chad roar will get you nowhere.
why would anyone draw this faggot if not to make porn?
that's the point. He's fucking ugly and porn/off model is the only way he can be appealing
>design shillmon so that everyone hates it and no one buys merch of it
but why?
Because 3DS hardware sucks ass, probably. Here's hoping walking mons return in SS.
>furry thinks "it makes me horny" = good design
big surprise
>bara fags are why we can't have cute kemono boys anymore
You know it won't, or they'd have shown it in the teaser by having Pikachu follow the MC around for free KANTOOOO points
Samurott is the superior bara starter.
so the general consensus in here is the incineroar haters would rather fuck a owl.
Is he even bipedal? Also Emboar is better
>a furry and a fatfag
You really are going for the bingo card of pitiable existence huh?
Emboar is literally too fat. In his concept art Samurott is bipedal but his swords on his arms weight him down, but in-game he's always on all four.
To be fair, their isn’t proof saying he wasn’t made for bara furry porn
You wouldn't?
Downloaded this random image just to spite you, you strawmanning faggot.
>Emboar is literally too fat
for what? Also didn't know about the bipedal thing so thanks.
calls it random when user probably has shit loads more of crap like this saved.
>another strawman
That's not even the right owl, you moron
>mallow being on his concept art
>mallow is also an OC character in smrpg
>geno is also an OC character in smrpg
>That's not even the right owl, you moron
No it was designed to be a heel in order to excuse it's dark typing and still get away with making another fire fighting type. It just so happens no one buy into it because he's such a poorly designed Pokemon.
Noctowl is not Decidueye.
yeah but you could say that about any vaguely muscular character. given that pokemon is a game for kids i highly doubt that was the intent.
Stop projecting, just because you want to fuck pokemon doesn't mean eveyone else does.
Yeah your right but cmon he has a crotch ring that shoots fire
Reminder that Incineroar is uncircumcised. He has a red skinned cock and pink cockhead coated in smegma.
>I like this character because it makes people mad
I’m gay if that matters. Forgot to add that
It's totally the intent. There's furrybait, there's barabait, there's all kinds of bait.
>"b-but that's just a generic hawaiian girl that HAPPENS to look like mallow!!"
man, that was hilarious
Where was it ever stated that he was designed to evoke rage? Just wanna know
Incineroar is into foreskin play but only with human women
Then why are there Pokemon and Smash characters are better heels unintentionally? And why don't the crowd boo when Incineroar is winning?
>Projecting this hard
You'd literally never be able to tell Incineroar is a heel based purely off its mannerisms.
Fuck saltfags
You fuckers fucking ruined smash
It was fun back in brawl until THE MOTHERFUCKING BALLOT CAME ALONG
being intentionally shit is not an excuse
Absolutely none of these things make him enjoyable.
I like a good villian, both of my favorite vidya characters are villains. but I despise gross muscly fucks.
>no one responding to actual criticism
Makes you think
they don't actually have a response to it besides the typical "seething cringe cope" damage control
seething, cringe and cope
>designed to make people mad
I seriously doubt that. Be realistic, they wouldn't make an allegedly hateable starter pokemon on purpose and then shove it into the game's marketing.
>in the Brawl roster
you've read incineroarfags like a book
And spewing owlcuck
t. vore/fat fag
oh yeah, forgot that they will also strawman you to hell and back when that doesn't work because, again, no noteworthy response
>you dont like my fetish you like a fetish i dont like
very clever
Incineroar looks like he was designed by Chris Chan.
thought so
i await your next response
but incinechad and chadwole are both based.
You've hit gold here
why haven't I thought of that before
thank u
next one pls
screeching "BARAFAG," "FURFAG," and other cope buzzwords is not actual criticism.
>if you don't like Incineroar then that means that you must have wanted one of these OTHER mons that didn't make it
All of the Gen 7 starters are awful and it would have been a blessing not to get any of them
He's not a heel, he's a CUTE.
Their anger fuels me.
>This is easily one of the best designed video game characters in history
If all the furries in this world died
Nothing of value would be lost
It's a belt, Luigi.
Hey, I like Cinny but I want Klonoa in Smash bros too
Creativity and variety would be lost.
If you died nobody would notice.
The Buzzwole looks pissed in that image
Absolutely disgusting. Your family and the world would be better off if you killed yourself.
Yeah, what variety?
The variety of not having everything be a human in a game?
He does everything a human can do and has a humanoid body
Can Machoke be considered furry?
Why are Incineroarfags so insecure? Not even Ridleyfags gloated THIS long, and they were bullied for years.
artfag and former incinihater here,
used to hate the idea of another pokemon, let along another fire pokemon in smash ult, especially with the grinch leaks looking very promising (longtime genocuck right here).
I was fuming when he was announced, but patiently waited for the game's release and gave him a go. now he's my favorite heavy. don't knock it til you try it folks
This video explains everything about inshitroar fags
You're right, he should be even furrier.
No, he shouldn’t be as humanoid and actually be a tiger
Eh, I'm not a furry but I can see the appeal.
I think it's fine for them to gloat, it must be sad to know your most wanted is quickly losing relevance and likely to be one of the first in line to be cut next game
That's what I said.
how so? roarchads already won, and we know it. it's the seething grinchfags and owlfags who can't get over it.
Buzzwole is based, Incineroar is cringe
Sorry, thought you meant something different. furry appeal
all the gen 7 starters are ugly
No one besides cringe furfags actually likes Incineroar. He isn't popular with kids who actually like Pokemon
>he thinks sakurai's going to cut the character he personally selected for being a wrestler and put extra effort into his animations for
worked. and. seething.
If grinchfags and owlcucks can’t get over the fact they lost, then why don’t you and incineroar’s fanbase stop announcing how you “won”?
Honestly, is there anything more revolting than (((bara))) furfaggots? How could the human id possibly distort to such degeneracy? What malformed pretender to a brain might one see in the autopsy following their inevitable suicide?
I'm okay with that too.
>incineroar isn't popula-
It's called having taste.
Imagine a fucking Baracat obliterating purple meme man, irrelevant rpg characters and the boomer bear
Venom is so fucking hot it's not even funny
Venom isn't too far off from bara furfaggotry.
This looks miles better.
he's not even in the top 10, what is that poll supposed to prove?
if he wasn't before, he definitely is now
Stop using Venom for your shitpost. Venom is pure !!!
is that why you faggots get quarantined to /trash/?
>is that why you faggots get quarantined to Yea Forums?
You can keep having shit taste bud, no one's stopping you from being a borderline xenofag
>Not IR or at the very least II
>Favorite in pokemon refresh
Literal barafags stroking his cock
bara furry threads get deleted constantly from Yea Forums. They aren't allowed outside of /trash/ or Yea Forums.
he's ranked, his merchandise sells like crazy, he's the star of pokemon refresh, and this was *before* smash.
face it: based roar is popular and beloved. the haters lost.
Genuinely confused. Who are you talking about
he's only popular among fetishists.
you must be confused. that's machoke, not incineroar.
>heavyweight character
>bottom tier
Every single time. Why does this always happen in Smash?
speed/movement is very important in smash
>bottom tier
Did you confuse Incineroar with K Rool?
Quick remknder that this furry tiger and the stupid frog will be cut along with pichu next game just to make space for the newest starter pokemon
This fucking excuse never flew.
enjoy waiting 10 years for the next Smash game
>it makes people hate it.
most people hate all the nu-Pokemon designs though.
reminder that based roar is permanently in smash and you'll never seethe him out.
I don't understand, you're not supposed to hate a heel, if you got reduced to blind rage and insults every time you saw one you'd just stop watching their arc
Good bad guys are the ones people love, even if it's love to 'hate' them
not genuine hatred like Incineroar gets
>most people hate all the nu-Pokemon designs though
What did he mean by this?
Most of designs are shit? Can't really speak for him but they are kind of ugly excluding 1 or 2
It didn't work, I like it.
>genuine hatred
it's more like autists sperging out, it's great
just look at who hates incineroar: autistic smash rosterfags (who hate every character that isn't GENOOOOO, ISAAAAAC, BANJOOOOO), owlfags, and furfags who are jealous that he gets more porn than their favorites. these groups don't represent the majority opinion. based roar is popular with the general public.
it's a pretty straightforward statement
Except sakurai literally said that there would be cuts in the next smash unless they port ultimate
I like Incineroar, but Blaziken is the obviously superior Fire/Fighting type and should be in Smash.
>popular with the general public.
you wish
>it's good because it makes people angry
Happy 13th birthday
Chubby Incineroar a cute.
You wish he wasn't.
don't have to wish. it's the truth, as shown in
>12th in the popularity poll
fucking lol
>I'm too autistic to ignore what I don't like, so it's bad
incineroar isn't fire/fighting.
What kinds of justifications do the barafag pseudohumans make for their continued existence? What is the most appropriate way for them to kill themselves?
A lot higher now thanks to Smash.
>ranked in the popularity poll
yes, he is popular. and that was before smash, mind you.
Why do you keep posting Venom?
[citation needed]
Not kinda, is. Regular is fine too.
Just look at who likes incineroar. Autistic furfags and saltfags who get angry when anyone criticizes their bases roar. Whenever their point is challenged they scream OWLFAG or GRINCHFAG without really responding to criticism. Just face it, your furbait isn’t really popular with the public.
>posting bara
Are you a self-loathing barafag?
Yes, I wonder who could be avatarfagging here
>Autistic furfags
that's redundant user
>Just look at who likes incineroar.
alphas, chads, patricians.
Just look up any Smash video with Incineroar and read the comments. People like him.
>Like the concept of a pokemon being a wrestler
>Immediately lumped in with degenerate gay furries
I just like suplexing people..
Wow, you're right. I always assumed he was a fighting type. I don't play pokemon anymore, so I just made the assumption because he's a wrestler.
This venomfag is just mad because he knows venom would get humiliated in the ring against based Incineroar.
i can't say i blame you, since his autistic haters still insist that he's fire/fighting against all facts and reason.
The point is that he's a heel wrestler. So, a bad guy.
>alphas, chads, patricians
>nugen digimon
>It's good because having it being hated is on purpose!
As a pre-pre-wrestler fan, I am slightly upset.
Mii brawler
You people are faggots for liking incineroar, but pic related on the hand...
100% guarantee it will be replaced with a Gen 8 starter, especially since Sakurai is pretty certain that every character returning is probably a one-time thing. Enjoy your 15 seconds of smugness though.
>youtube comments are a source now
Yes, he's Dark, which means Blaziken is LITERALLY superior lol.
autistic furfags are none of those things, and those are the only people who like Incineroar
It's a better indicator of whether people like something or not than listening to what Yea Forums says.
I doubt you fall under any of the criteria you listed
>You don't get it dude... it's shit... ON PURPOSE!
if he's so popular among normal people, then why are the only pictures of him that get posted here always gross fetish shit?
What design? It’s just buff tiger man
I would pray for the souls of the barafag, if only they had any. But no, I would say the only answer is extermination.
it's funny how other characters' fanbases like Sonic and Fox embrace their furfaggotry with more pride
>I do all kinds ot stupid and gay shit
What did he mean by this?
Not as bad as avatarfags
>he's ranked, his merchandise sells like crazy, he's the star of pokemon refresh, and this was *before* smash
was this also before icy and his anime portrayal, who also had him and only him being portrayed more than the other starters?
quench me because I am slightly curious
Incineroar is still pretty fucking hindered by the fact that he has to use Revenge as a crutch to accomplish anything. MUH DAMAGE doesn't mean shit if he has literally no offstage options, a piss-poor recovery, and is the second-slowest character in the game. He's low-tier by the very notion of being slow and unable to approach for himself.
>tfw I kind of want a moderate re-roll of Smash's pokemon cast
way too many potentially fun designs barred since we constantly have to drag antiquated veterans back over and over again
gengar, scizor, gardevoir, garchomp, melmetal, rowlet, heracross, whatever
Low tier, maybe. But not bottom tier.
>second-slowest character
isn't he the single slowest
I think Ganon's still slower.
He was until Piranha Plant came out.
Ganon is still after jiggs
I think Piranha Plant is faster. Not that fast, but not slow.
I'm pretty sure that no, Piranha Plant is the slowest character in the game.
Every other heavy at least has something they can do to aid with approaching. Ridley is pretty fast and has a good projectile, K. Rool has tons of armored moves and very good projectiles, Ganon has that ridiculous nair and two pretty good mobility options in Flame Choke and Wizard's Foot, Bowser has armor up the ass and a really high dash speed, DK has a significantly longer reach and excellent options to get people off him. Incineroar is forced to hide behind a counter and only then does gain any kind of leverage. If he can't get any decent reads, then he's just straight up fucked. If any one heavy is bottom tier, it would absolutely be him.
Well, Symbiotes are literally weak to fire, so of course Incineroar would destroy Venom.
No, you're wrong.
You forgot Dedede. Which is understandable because he has nothing.
Apparently, you're right. Strange.
If any one heavy is bottom tier, it's definitely K Rool. Opinion is mixed regarding Incineroar but hardly any of the bros have called him bottom tier. It's usually K Rool that's called out as being the worst heavy.
I think the datamined character parameters changed between Piranha Plant's release, because Piranha Plant used to be listed as being slower according to the datamine. Either that or the dataminer mistyped Piranha Plant's speed.
Yeah, that's what tripped me up. He used to be listed as slower.
God I wish he would come down by chimney if you know what I mean
How do we make Incineroar better aside from speed changes?
Double his speed, give super armor to all of his moves.
We shouldn’t
I'd rather he be unchanged. K Rool and Bowser Jr need the help more than Incineroar. But if they had to add anything, I wish you could cancel the second part of his recovery.
Why would you even approach when you can just gordo?
The succ needs a buff, even if I prehold B to do it as soon as possible I often still get hit on the reflect anyway.