Wew nice micky mouse trousers. What a nerd lmao

wew nice micky mouse trousers. What a nerd lmao.

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dont bully

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Funny thread

So take them off...

Adorable and humorous.
Lovely and hilarious.
Humble and sarcastic.

but......... is it cute?

Why does she wear her shorts so high?


Easy access for my [spoiler) g-virus[/spoiler] I'd assume

good job asshat.

I made a mistake and now I will pay the price. I deserve this.

oh I get it now

Ehh...I'll have to get back to you on that

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So she can run away from zombies faster

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How old is she? In the original she was a little girl, right?

Like 10 of 11, in the original she had bigger boobs

12, now and in the original. She's not as young as a lot of the fanboys made her out to be.

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wot? No she's 12. And literally always had honkers. Biology happens.

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I love the vans

Sherry is meant for breeding. Whether or not I'm talking about this one, or RE6 one, is up to you to decide

Remove oppai lolis

>females are for procreating

wew user im learning a lot

What's wrong with the laces?

Remove incorrect terms. Read a biology book.

I guess it's ok if I fap to her then.

Nothing but Sherry always wore slip ons/loafers anyhow. In the original she had ugly ass blue leather loafers.

Kind of old for you isn't she, Mohammed?

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Oppai lolis are patrician


I just wanna fuck sherry

She is.

We know, ClaireJake

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claire can't keep getting away with it
first sherry, then steve, then the pajeet, and now moira AND natalia

she keeps bad touching underage girls

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She's like 2-3 years in to puberty. She isn't retard.

She is.

What's a loli?

A sexy prepubescent girl.


>looks 6
Lmao. 12 year old girls look 16 nowadays.

1998 is not nowadays


She looks so much younger than she is because of her outfit. Put her in jeans and a tshirt and I think she'd look more like a teenager

I know, that's a shame.

why did capcom have to make sherry so sexy?

They know what we like. Makes sense considering she's a seman demon in 6 that makes cum drip from my cock

They just made her a realistic young teen girl.

not really teen
literally preteen

She's 12 and has tiny boobs, she's pubescent.

most 12 year olds do, user
do you think girls are eternally flat and then eject tits out of their body the day they turn 15?

Prime breeding age

>american wearing a sailor uniform
Was sherry a weeb?

sherry was neglected by her parents something fierce, so she probably turned to watching anime and playing video games

I bet she accidentally found some shit like ninja scroll one day and was all about that

>Ninja Scroll

Or you know, highly popular girls anime called Sailor Moon had been broadcast in the west by 1998

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she was all caught up and wanted more, user
she kept finding more and more bootleg translated anime and couldn't get enough