How come there is no good modern warhammer 40k pvp first person shooter?

How come there is no good modern warhammer 40k pvp first person shooter?

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>pvp first person shooter
>not melee
Spotted the cowardy Tau.

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i think a Counterstrike / Call of Duty kind of game might suit this new Killteam System quite well. Taking the Battlefield / Star Wars Battlefront Route would be ideal of course.

FPS can have melee too you know

why not both?

>there is no imperial assassins game

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Because that would require time, money, and effort to make and maintain and none of the shitty indie devs that do want to make 40k games can pull it off.

40k is pozzed to shit and swarming with purple hairs.

Fire Warrior isn't nearly as bad as people say it is. Especially the PS2 version.

>tfw there will be a game about guardsmen
I'm sick of space marines always being the main focus

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deatwing aint good?
or ethernal crusade
space marine?

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40K hasn't made good games since Dawn of War 1.

what AAA studio could unironically create the perfect 40k fps?

If Fatshark weren't lazy faggots I'd think they could pull off a class based 40k shooter/melee game

>Half-Lifeish action adventure FPS featuring single player campaigns for each of the factions and a competitive multiplayer mode for normalfag appeal
There you are. A game that literally everyone into 40k would buy.

DaW 2 is alright
and Space Marine is fun

>How come there is no good warhammer 40k pvp first person shooter?


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Neither of those are PVP First person shooters like OP said.

>Deathwing good
user, I...

Arkane, Ghost Ship Games, Creative Assembly.

Deathwing gets dull fast, it's EYE with heavy armour and none of the dumb shit you can do in that game that keeps it entertaining
It's saving grave is how detailed the ships in the hulk are. If you ever wanted to look inside a Black ship, Black templar ship, IG ship or HH era dark angel's ship the game's for you

a multiplayer game with massive lobbies would be pretty interesting

arma3's got mods

it's weird how they made the spess mehrens slow as shit despite the fact they're supposed to be highly mobile in power armor

>tfw no Planetside-like shooter in WK40k universe.

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It's true to the board game because they were stuck in tight corridors with no real way to move.

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>tfw no Warhammer 40k battlefield
>Tfw no Warhammer 40k band of Brothers
>Tfw no Warhammer 40k Imperial Commando

I gave up any hope for a Planetside 40k after watching Eternal Crusade's development when it was announced. If there was one I would be afraid to see a BR starring Space Marine, Spiky Space Marine, Orks and Eldar.

>Only 800 people playing Battlefleet gothic 2 right now

They're in Terminator armor. That shit is slow as fuck on the tabletop

Terminator armor is canonically slow as fuck

Strange, did they fuck up?

>TiOW mod
>Orks sound like a fifteen year old trying not to wake up his parents
>literally nobody is plays unless they can show off in front of their friendship simulator
No thanks.

The screaming Chaos bolter was so cool in this game.

Chaos? More like Gayos

Damn straight!

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>When you're so fucking degenerate all the other traitor legions look at you and ask themselves what the fuck is wrong with you