Keep it going, kiddos. Games are finally good again and Yea Forums is relearning how to talk about them
Other urls found in this thread:
Sell me on this game. What's so great about it and why should I play it?
i can't believe baba is fucking dead
why sell you when you can just play the free version and see if you like it
Why even link the retard version when someone is going to drop the pirated link within 5 minutes
It's the perfect mechanic to make a puzzle game out of, it filters out brainlets, and it has a lot of content
Someone uploaded the exe a while ago if you want to try it for free
scrabble meets those push block games meets playing god and being able to modify literally anything
it's a neat puzzle game and you can turn water into text that says water and spawn endless sheep(?) out of empty tiles
tfw to stupid for bapu
Cuz it's the developer shilling again, of course he doesn't want you to pirate it.
Oh, sweet, thanks
didn't realize this Yea Forumscore is actually pirated, thanks
It's like Minit; it takes a fun, old-school genre and distills it to one key aspect. It's just levels and video games and puzzles, no storyline, no microtransactions, no political message, just levels.
Puzzle game, mechanics of the level are represented by text blocks that you can push around.
Like, the person playing in OP's picture just used Baba to push the "PUSH" block into "BABA IS YOU," breaking the sentence, meaning the player can no longer control Baba.
nobody would say anything positive about games unless they had a resume read by a company's HR department, were interviewed, hired, and told explicitly by their supervisor to type in 4channel dot org slash v and create multiple threads and posts about it, and afterwards compensated with documented proof of each thread and post tied to them.
I don't give a shit if you pirate it or not, I just want to talk about it
When a game like Hollow Knight is $15 it kinda makes everything else at that price point seem overpriced
hollow knight is underpriced
I'm stumped. My brain is too small.
thanks doc
I gave up on Prison. This is the limit of my brain. Video games and alcohol have ruined me.
The whole (game length) / (game price) = (game quality) thing is fucking retarded. Some games can give you hundreds of hours of gameplay for a few bucks but still aren't worth buying, and some will only give you a few hours but are still worth their price
without water is sink the only one hurt bu it is the cog
they both should be free on newgrounds
Alright, you've shilled me on this.
I'll take a look later.
Good enough to pay for? If the game is good I'd like to show support. I know I can pirate but I'd like an honest answer from you troglodytes.
100% yes
This one is bullshit because the Sink operator seems to affect objects differently. It can either mean the object CAN sink or it means things sink IN the object.
The only bad design I've encountered so far.
don't worry, prison is shitty and doesn't tell you anything relevant
push into a you who walks into a wall
Yes, I think so at least.
push takes priority over sink
Why do people actually believe developers shill their stuff here? Unless you're some /agdg/ fag making HOT LOLI FUCK×MURDER SIMULATOR 2049 there is literally nothing to gain by posting on Yea Forums.
>there is literally nothing to gain by posting on Yea Forums.
You are naive
Shill thread
>completely stuck on tiny pond
>apparently there's a harder version later on
i'm not gonna be completing this game any time soon
Any time something with 'Sink' touches another object both objects are destroyed.
I don't feel bad looking up the answer to Prison, that was some total bullshit
Unless the other object is FLAOT
seems fun
SINK is basically mutual destruction, if an object that has the SINK property tied to it is on the same tile as another object both of them get destroyed, so I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Tiny Island is the bonus level immediately after Tiny Pond but is also optional.
There actually are shills but they are AAA games who can afford to pay off people for "social media advertising." An indie game wouldn't promote here.
Something can be SINK and FLOAT at the same time, in which case it very well can destroy another object with FLOAT.
you might gain criticism, something the rest of the internet does not seem to want to give to any aspiring dev. sure, here it's too much criticism, but on shit like reddit it'd be too much praise. a good dev needs a healthy mix of both praise and criticism, and Yea Forums is the closest to that that we have (aside from actual dev circles) because, while most of the time it's unbiased shitposting in both directions, sometimes it's got actual autistical analysis of the good the bad and the ugly of a game.
If the other object is 'float', the two objects don't touch.
Thanks for the replies. I'll pick it up, I love puzzle games.
So then you'd post the game before you release it. Critisism isn't too useful when the mechanics are mostly set in stone
Figured, but I wanna try going for 100% if I can.
Saying that, I still have no idea how to beat tiny pond. The only way I can conceive of doing it is if I can get two objects to be both YOU and OPEN, but I think I'd need another IS or AND for that.
Any tips?
tiny pond is ez, just dupe a flag/key into the other, then you control two unlockers at once so you don't risk suicide
however the extra version, while similar, will likely need an entirely different, assbackwards approach
Fuck off with your sokoban clone, tranny. It's shit, and only mouthbreathing tards and kids can be amused.
I'm stuck on the second extra level of the first section. Can't repeat baba-no-jutsu with the rock because the jelly makes you push crab into is defeat before you can interact with the rock commands
for puzzle games, even when mechanics are set in stone you can still improve on the game by improving on the tutorials. like Prison, right now, is complete bullshit, but if there was another level where Prison's solution has a good chance of accidentally happening, it might've been better
started playing this afternoon
i'm wondering what the Xs that sometimes appear when you form a phrase are
is it different per level to prevent a certain solution or is it a universal mechanic?
I wasn't gonna do it, I assumed someone else would.
It's universal. That only happens when you form a statement that contradicts another one in the level
>Too pricey for a short game
>Read reviews
>People are adding spoilers/easter eggs to their reviews
Whats the fucking point in ruining a game before I get to play it
it's universal, when a new rule contradicts an old rule the new is crossed out, like "baba is baba" and then you add "baba is key" the "is you" will be crossed out
>short game
boy you're in for a long night
got it, thanks anons
pirating indie games. how much of a piece of shit can you be
this shit should be less than 5$ by the way
incredibly overpriced for what it is
Try beating it in less than 20 hours.
I don't think it necessarily works as a "new/old" rule hierarchy. For instance, rock is rock will always override rock is flag, regardless of when they were established. I'm not sure if this is true anywhere else, but X is X seems to invalidate everything else, if they conflict anyway
i think it's worth all 15, desu. unless you're in canada, where 15USD would be like 37 canadadollars or something
Spoil that shit. But yeah, it's pretty easy especially if you had to do a similar trick in another level.
try pushing downward
this game is pretty cool, I'll pirate it.
thanks for bringing this to my attention op
This was in the last thread
There's literally only one option and it should be obvious
I know, it's the next part where I'm stuck at. I just feel like I'll be getting frustrated at the timing of some of these puzzles. Loving the game so far.
>For instance, rock is rock will always override rock is flag
this just made me realise the solution to lake-12 (which i was stuck on)
your stupid indie game is a lot of fun and I am happy that you made these threads
Did anyone have baba dreams last night
thankyou kind stranger
Not all heros wear capes
Post the google drive!
Yea Forums is so starved of games they will latch onto a glorified chips challenge clone
not our fault nobody makes good games anymore
how in the fuck do i do this, only thing i have accomplished is sudoku'ing on the key
Explain why this is a Chips Challenge clone in particular. Seems to me there's about a thousand puzzle games about pushing blocks.
Literally just figured it out after posting fuck my life
Are you me? I've posted 5 puzzles in these threads and solved each of them within seconds and before anyone could respond
door is you?
Key is Shut
Trying to explain a problem often leads to a solution.
>door is you
>keke is door
You brainlets getting stuck on such easy puzzles aren't going to last
Every game with tiles is Chip's Challenge just like every game with cubes is Minecraft
Do you guys think these mechanics are turing complete?
Bug is Defeat and Weak.
>stuck on tiny island even with the hints provided in another thread
Literally here Door is you is basic bitch and isn't even worth mentioning because anyone who isn't a drooling retard would think of that at first
help my baba is broken
Baba is Cute
Baba is P1
Rock is P2
>key is push and open
>door goes poof along with flag
>literally impossible to push crab word up to win because you become crab and fail
>literally impossible to push baba is win because you become death before
>crab is baba doesn't seem to be of any use because it just doubles the death
X IS X has more power than anything else.
okay seriously how do i do tiny island
i thought of that and i was still to fucking brainlet to realise where it went until i read these posts
cheers guys
What do I do?
There are absolutely shills because it's a pretty risk free venture to get your game out there, but the paranoia people have over it so ridiculous it's making it impossible to talk about anything worth talking about because the thread just devolves into people arguing about shills.
I know I'm being a hypocrite, but it's gotten so old seeing the word "shill" all the god damn time.
okay thanks
And Win
I'm pretty sure Yea Forums logic is "I'm not a shill so no one is a shill" which is obviously retarded. But equally retarded is "everyone is a shill"
Shills are around but they probably just make sure threads don't die
But how do I get the Win out?
Nobody in their right mind would download a game that isn't from GOG.
Is there some trick to MOVE? It seems that you should be able to influence the movement direction of moving objects that are not YOU but they seem to have no collision even when they're PUSH. Am I retarded or missing something?
You don't.
I think this one and prison are the most unfair levels I've played. Sink is not used as assumed by the design of the level.
You're pushing them on the wrong turn.
you can
that solution requires a number of things
You can PUSH them.
As far as I'm aware you need to make them stop moving then PUSH them in the direction you want them to go then make them MOVE again.
I can't possibly fathom how. I just shoved what I needed in there.
I just quit after playing 2 hours and that was the last thing I did. I can't fathom how you must have done it desu
Obviously you are mistaken
>bapu bash you
Any hints for this one? Been stuck for a while.
I get you can make BELT IS PULL, which feels like it's important, but I have no idea how to use that.
I saw someone accidentally solve that one by going empty is door then door is you and walking a door onto the flag
I don't know how to do this.
I've tried pushing rock in then changing it to me but i can't see how that's actually possible.
I changed rock to wall which didn't help at all
I changed rock to baba and again that didn't help
changing baba to anything else doesn't help
tfw too dumb to play videogames
I can't help but feel that I'm missing a whole game mechanic here. I haven't had any problems with anything up to now and this thing here makes me feel stupid. Everything hints towards there being a way to make the ghosts change their movement pattern without my help but the most they can do is bump into each other once. What am I missing here?
can't you just remove wall from stop and ignore walls
if you make belt is pull, you can position the belt somewhere more useful to you. it will always spit items out ahead of the arrows (if it's shift)
No idea here. I haven't even been there yet.
This one was pretty hard.
Put BABA on top of the crab.
Push him towards the flag using words.
And them become BABA again.
Personally I often pirate indie games and then buy them if they end up being worth it. I guess I could alternately buy them on Steam and refund them, but then I'm on a limited timeframe.
No, they're on the edge of the map, you can't move them
Welp, I am retarded after all. Figured it out a minute after I posted my question.
if the game is good people will play it, if the game is bad people will mock it and this will happen regardless of who posted it I really don't get the paranoia, it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion
why people are so concerned with the identity of the poster on an anonymous imageboard?
wasn't anonymity supposed to help people judge the ideas instead of the poster?
when did this site turned into the equivalent of phpbb forums from 2003?
Genuinely how though? They stop being push and you need to push them through using "x is push" which locks your "is" as its against walls.
Unless i'm just being an uber brainlet.
I probably have brain damage but I can't figure out how
Pic related is what I meant
>Get stuck on something
>Feel very stupid
>Later the solution randomly pops into my head when I'm doing something else or falling asleep
BABA IS PUSH vertically
Man, I already knew all that, but as soon as you got me to think about where I wanted the belt to be the puzzle was easy. Thanks.
>Make 2 Keys/Flags and set them to Open
>Open Water left of Win
>Shove And in there
>Move Open in there
>Move the Is of Baba (or Flag/Key) is You in front of it by shoving the whole stack down
>Put Baba/Key/Flag in front of Is
I can't finish lake 7. Am I too brainlet for this game? I finished every other level up to this point
Later thinking required.
This game isn't about being smart or intuitive. It's literally about thinking outside the Box.
It's called diffuse thought, as opposed to focused thought
It's the best way to solve most open-ended problems that demand creativity
>This game isn't about being smart or intuitive. It's literally about thinking outside the Box.
...which is harder or easier depending on how smart you are
Lateral. Lol
Yeah and X is Not Y will always take priority over X is Y
>absolutely breezing through this game
>beat Tiny Pond / Tiny Isle without much trouble
Is this what being a non-brainlet feels like
you fucked up
time to go to bed i've been beat
How does Tiny Isle work?
I've been stuck on this for hours now and am about to just say Baba IS Defeat...
That was the hardest one for me so far
shit is hard
How do you do double moat? I feel like an idiot.
Weirdly poetic.
Look about a dozen posts up.
I think it's cool the game doesn't explain what new words do and you have to experiment to find out but fuck me if I couldn't figure out what shift did for the longest time
Am I on the right track or have I bungled it?
Yes, we figured out in the previous thread that there are two solutions.
That's for tiny pond, not isle...
So can a nigga get a google drive or
Fuck me. I can't find the solution to Overgrowth. Been stuck on it for a while now.
Do you have eyeballs?
Dupe BABA, OPEN the water tile to the left of WIN with an excess BABA. Make a long ass sentence that ends in OPEN AND WIN. WIN has to stay where it is.
I hate how once you know the piece you were missing it's so obvious you have to wonder if you're retarded
Same, user. Same.
That's why we play together.
Through puzzle, unity.
This is your tutorial
All of it
Baba is Us
>it's a MOVE episode
I think that's the mark of a good puzzle
Where are the Baba lewds?
>no storyline
Really? This looks like the sort of game to have some sort of pretentious horror story.
rock is you and rock is win
It's not that hard.
I'm on on third world right now and I can assure you the only amount of story I've gotten thus far is BABA IS YOU.
Anyone remember the solution for Halls of Gold?
This looks so simple and there is nothing you can really mess around with, but I just can't figure it out
You do not know true pain yet.
baba is done
There aren't any
But am I actually on track to one of them? I feel really stumped. I can get "text has baba is win" to appear on top but when I do there are no babas left.
I'm fucking stuck.
your logic is the correct path. you don't need another is or and. You have a flag AND a key. There's a way to make them both you.
Well shit, now what?
Baba is Move
Yes, you are on track. You want to exhaust the entire pool.
The fuck.
figured it out as soon as I posted.
Completed this 5 minutes ago and it was fine, as soon as I saw the level I had an idea what to do with the cog, getting it to the other side was clever, nothing unfair.
Stumped on Prison now.
I've never seen this level, but I already solved it. I think.
>Fruit Is You
>Baba Is Key
>Key Is You
Grass is Shut, which kills the key as soon as you do that.
There isn't any trick for returning after leaving the grass -- do what you need to do there, and leave for good.
Though the exit path is too narrow to push anything, you'll still be leaving with more than one object in tow.
There's just enough space to leave while controlling two objects.
The way you'll sneak the key out is with clever usage from controlling two objects, combined with something else you set up on the left.
You'll use ON for that.
took me a moment
Shit, you're right.
oh hey, a good game. It's been a while.
is for the same level, on the off-chance you're not the same guy.
See, I thought I tried that and didn't get it to work. I guess I'll try again.
Dude I'm stuck there too. Wtf do you do
But is Baba you?
Release ESA2 pls thx
I hope you all played Return of the Obra Dinn, the best game of 2018
you rang? not quite five minutes, sorry for that!
After getting the six words to the left, you only need to use five of them to spell both sentences
The second IS can be pushed into the rock to get it past the crab
>anime girls
>everyone lewding BABA-chan
>no one lewding KEKE-kun
I'm so fucking poor right now, thank you for this
The hell am I supposed to do with this.
I'm not really a fan of puzzle games but these levels are really enjoyable, I've been playing for hours.
I'm on Switch so lemme edit your stage into another stage.
Someone help me this is fucking insane.
put it where your steam shit is so steam can tell you to go purchase it anyway
>tfw no baba is bf
>beat level
>feel extremely clever and smart
>go to next level
>get a sudden immense feeling of dread mixed with panic
>immediately close the game
Anyone else?
$20 for a game like this is ridiculous. There are big budget published games that are cheaper.
I have literally no clue
>Chan is used for a child or girls
Logic dictates this user is a child or a girl.
>beat level after hours
>wow this game is getting hard
>next 5 levels are complete fucking jokes
difficulty is all over the place in this game
You can't bring the word WIN out so make it so that you can make a rule using WIN.
>not wanting to be the little BABA
Use the robot to move AND between FLAG and ROCK
flag and rock is win
Alright, that worked. Don't really know what I did wrong last time.
Who /7flowers/ here? Has anyone else gotten the orb?
I have no idea why this solution doesn't work. The rules the game has laid out for me thus far suggest it absolutely should. I have no idea what the solution is otherwise.
i don't think i would have come up with that even after hours of reflection
Oh, nevermind, it's obvious now, the key can't be moved onto the door until it's also Open. Still no clue on the solution though.
What is level finale? It seems a lot harder than the other levels so far. It's not a final boss of sorts is it?
fucking how? the key isn't open so it won't open the fucking door to allow you to push it in the first place. That's some messed up logic you have there.
DOOR is STOP so you can't push KEY into it.
>We Puke
Okay. I think I'm getting there. I'v been trying to push the whole Is You chain up towards the top so I can chain it onto win, but figuring out how to clear the water and still be able to push the chain down onto win has been tricky. Hopefully this is the right direction and I'm not just a megabrainlet though.
Now do the hard version.
Sacrifices must be made.
How the hell do you do Further Fields?
>figured this one out in two minutes
>felt like a genius
>see there's an advanced version
>too scared to attempt it right now
This game is out to get me. It wants to build me up and bring me down and I'm not having any of that.
This level was like a test of how well you've been paying attention. Just because a door is shut doesn't mean it's stop.
The advanced version requires a totally different mindset unless you did its predecessor in a really specific way you more than likely didn't think of.
I don't even need to see it to know exactly which one you're talking about.
>pirating indie games
Tip: you can make two of one prop with IS
>actually find a new great game because of Yea Forums
Unironically the greatest feeling.
Well I got the winning condition but it seems there's more to this map? What does "end" do?
What do you think it does?
Maybe an ending? Are there multiple endings? I know I'm nowhere near 200 puzzles
>Saw a few people mention it before it came out
>Took a real quick look at google images
>Somehow though it was just a platformer or something and didn't bother looking any further for now
>Next day brother shows me it
>Slap myself for being a stupid cunt
Almost missed out on a good game because I was being retarded.
Thanks for reminding me of that because I just kept trying to do it from one angle. Hopefully this is the last time I need outside assistance.
Hi, how does Submerged Ruins work?
I can't get past the double crabs and getting irritated... I spent 20$ on this game and can't even beat the first world.
Has anyone possibly compiled some of the stage solutions over on pastebin or something?
Well shit I ended the game. I hope it lets me return to where I was
It ends
This game is just an elaborate scheme to make "[noun] is win" socially acceptable again.
This post is win?
Oh shit.
Well then.
Elaborate scheme is WIN
I tried so hard
good enough
>buying shit because it has a label
as much of a consumer as you are. try before buying, something you've doubtless seen before but are still, somehow, too much of a nutsucking dumbass to practice. but i'm not paying for this game now because of the charity donation shit.
How the flying fuck do you make move entities go arround a corner? Nearly every single puzzle with that shit needs them to be perfectly remote controlled but all they do is go back and forth.
>i'm not paying for this game now because of the charity donation shit
I was with you until this. Why the charity hate?
I like how no matter how old this place gets or how detached it becomes from its earlier identities, you'll always have an user or two around to drop an OG dis on anyone breaking any golden rules.
How the flying fuck do you make MOVE entities go arround a corner? Nearly every single puzzle with that shit needs them to be perfectly remote controlled bringing back text or stuff from afar but all they do is go back and forth.
Sry for the double post zipper moot told me my captcha was wrong.
>level lake-13: burglary
>a possible solution that involves using "star is open" doesn't work (can't push the star on to the door and open it)
>level lake-12: crab storage
>solution requires you to use "flag: open" and open the door with a flag
but why
gf is mine
did i do it right?
Yes. GF is now a landmine.
>Bapu you bash
What does this mean?
It's "bapu bash you" l2read
Nah nah, it's Bapu Bash You, like he's gonna do to you for making this shitty post LMAO
This game has a really good concept but I feel like I'm spending a lot more time pushing blocks and solving very basic block puzzles that are frustrating because the limited space means it takes forever to get things set up than I am actually using the x is y system to do anything cool
I for the life of mine cannot figure out this level. Tried pushing rock on the flag with the text, but then I realized I can't switch back from Baba to rock anymore. I've been stuck on this for hours yet I feel I'm just overthinking it and it isn't really as difficult as it feels like
And this is the easy one.
push the BABA towards the flag
You're like 99% of the way there. If you want to know the solution the trick is to set up Baba/rock so that you can slowly push the (You) block down lower. Once you've done that, you do pretty much everything the same, except once you've got it set up like you do there you'll be able to actually switch to the rock
Anybody have any tips for Love Is Out There?
I can only open one of the doors in it
Is their a level editor? I saw a stream of this and was sold immediately but I'd love to make my own puzzles too
one is going to be added
Nevermind, just figured it out by basically making infinite boxes spawn
it's $17.49 in canada
did you do the other one where you used the cog and robot to move words across the river? this one is similar with a few more moves
on your second to final move you need to move some junk words across to fill up the gap so you can get one of them across multiple times
Neat. Is it going to be for all versions?
>tfw solitary island
I thought I was doing great, I'd completed every level up to this point fairly easily
Not this guy, but I'm stuck on this one too.
I understand that sink means things get destroyed. I can do things like drown in the flag, or use the descriptors rather than the cogs to break one part of water, but if I destroy a word or the cog, I only have three elements with which to push through skulls, and feel like I need four. But how to make the cog survive stumps me completely.
Key is push
You don't need to push the cog through. With "COG IS SINK", you can destroy the skulls
what was this level even supposed to be?
A tutorial, there's a harder version of it unlocked when you complete it.
>the levels where they introduce Fall
Aaah, I see. Got too focused on pushing through to consider agressive sinking. Thanks user. Love is You
An example of multiple different approaches working? I did what you did but put the two rocks in front to act as a buffer, but I guess that was unnecessary. It's an early level anyway so it's probably not meant to be as well-designed as the game's actual puzzles later.
Is Open only opens things that Is Shut, user. Look again.
Has anyone beaten Forest 12 - Skull House?
I've been on it since yesterday and just can't figure it out. I even tried cheating and googled it, but it doesn't seem like anyone has beaten and shared a solution yet
what in the fuck?
you need to clone yourself with keke, if you haven't done that already
what am i doing
I dunno if it's the right solution, but I use the 3 baba to rotate Keke Is You from vertical to horizontal and then made Keke Is Win.
Iam so goddamn stupid. I keep forgetting you can push items on top of other things that don't have stop. Anyways, thank you.
>rotate Keke Is You
interesting idea, I guess the trick is figuring out how
Nani the fuck?
remember, you can push keke when keke isnt you, and you can transport him to the other side with babas help
That's what I was trying to figure out, but how do you reassemble "keke is you", if you take it apart..
you have three babas, you can stagger them and use the right wall
i actually just did this puzzle, it took a lot of setting up and precision though, good luck user
So I cheated on prison by looking up the answer and feel no remorse. Not even because of the solution being such an obscure idea, but I assumed that making KeKe into BaBa was a morbid solution for a game like this and tried every other possible idea outside of doing that.
I liked this puzzle
lava is defeat so I made the hand auto-move through the lava and used walls as nodes to change direction (hand on wall is you)
"on" is one of the neater mechanics and puzzles that use it tend to have fun solutions
>Play the first levels
>Feel smart
>Suddenly hard puzzle
>Feel dumb
chip's challenge is just a sokoban clone.
I gave up and looked up a video of solution, turns out my mistake was activating the crab is defeat and flag is win combo right at the start, I didn't realize I don't need to push the rock all the way in and could just push the rock is push texts through the rock itself and move the text next to baba is you without activating crab and flag. Infuriating.
How? If I make Water Empty I have no means to destroy the box to get the key.
this was actually an amazingly intricate solution requiring a lot of planning
Forest, Rocket or Garden after Temple?
I couldn't figure out how to do Hand on Wall is You.
So I just abused Hand Is Move + Hand is You to hop the lava.
nvm figured it out
3ds port when?
>Some of the earlier levels are harder than the later levels
Probably just my brain going full potato overthinking.
The starter levels in an area are easier than the final levels, so there's quite a mix depending on how you play
>Couldn't even do Volcano 1
God rest my soul.
Post progress.
international western, white-guilt charities propping up shitholes like africa is the number three reason why shitholes like africa are shitholes, and i'm not talking about syphoning donation money off for board directors or crap like that.
>international western, white-guilt charities propping up shitholes like africa is the number three reason why shitholes like africa are shitholes
And what are numbers one and two?
Number one, that's terror.
one is the natives and two is colonialists, paleo- and neo-, carving them up instead of cordoning them off.
>Baba is you
>Flag is win
>Wall is stop (behind wall)
I feel retarded already
[/spoiler]Baba is you / Baba is win
Wait, the guy who made ESA made this as well? I'm interested already.
This game is good af. I needed to give DMC5 some time to breathe before S ranking all the missions on all difficulties and started flexing my brain with this good shit.
>that spoiler
I need to sleep
> Figuring out Dim Signal on my own after struggling with the one before.
so wait, the game doesn't accept if I put Win is you is Baba, but works if
Baba is you
Funniest thing I've seen all week
the subject always has to be on the left or on top, yes, and multiple "is" clauses in a row don't work (baba is you is win), you need "and" for that
Is only affects the previous Object in normal situations.
Phrases can only go from top to bottom and from left to right.
Drawing a total blank
I can get the flag out but how the fuck
Oooooh! Makes sense! Thanks for the heads up
bmuping because I'm also stuck on this one.
>use of the word "kiddo"
>tfw too brainlet to finish this one
I just downloaded this and I guess this means i'm fucking retarded
no walls
It gets much, much harder. Leave now.
user, do you see WALL IS STOP anywhere?
>push flag / win out one at a time w/o getting them stuck
>set it up like this with the one "is" to look like a plus sign
Baba is you
Guys i know the walls aren't stopping me, I just don't know how the fuck i'm supposed to get both baba is you and flag is win to exist at the same time, and any other combination i've tried has failed. It feels like i'm missing an IS
am I retarded? I feel like I'm on the right track but I can't get the rock past the crabs without losing control
>wonder when I'll get to this "prison" level everyone's getting stuck on
>you need to know a glitch to solve it, huh seems pretty unfair
>wtf, where is this level?
>suddenly realize I already solved it with no trouble
What the fuck? The way the level is set up basically begs you to try straddling the WALL IS STOP statement with two Babas
It isn't even a glitch, it makes sense if you've been paying attention
vertical sentences are valid too
what if you could use the same word twice at the same time
Fuckin neat. Glad to see Hempuli still at it and now making the big bucks.
Makes me tempted to try and make puzzle games again
jesus fucking christ how did i not think of making a plus sign, i'm definitely too brainlet for this game and i just wasted 15 dollars
>tfw calc and physics major
time to kms
>It isn't even a glitch,
It definitely isn't, you're pushing into a square that has no stop or push attribute, you're just not used to it being a baba
>I feel like I'm on the right track
You're not, but keep what you're trying in mind for the variant of this level once you complete it
You can mess with the rock's words before making crabs death IIRC
ironically, though, you basically found the solution to the harder version of that puzzle
>tfw to inteligent
hint: flag is stop, but baba isn't stop
keep at it man, solving the puzzles usually involves just waiting for inspiration to strike
tip: when you start the level do not push the rock all the way to the right, activating the crab is defeat and flag is win texts, it's a trap
oh shit, I didn't think about that.
It's come up a few times but I keep forgetting about it. It's so counterintuitive since the collision between 2 blocks should be the same from both sides
>been fucking around on this one for thirty minutes
>follow off advice of
>fuck around with clones
>"shit lets sandwich the wall chain"
>mfw up then down
holy shit I didn't get the idea to walk over the rock after breaking up rock is push
god damn I fucking hate myself
I'm zooming through them now, just the idea of using the is twice fucked me up for some reason. Thanks for the assist m8
baba is you
Fuck me I've never felt smarter than when I solved fall-1
yw user, i discovered the game in this thread and ive had fun with it so far
This brain uses up too much of my game power. Had to get some rest in, woke up, and head is still hurting from game.
Oh, and now that I'm doing the extra one the solution I found is the same, so I must've found the harder way first. What was the intended way?
user is user
baba is user
user is
baba is you
When i don't have how to buy for the games, the best i can do is shill for em... and buy em when i can, which i kinda did for 30 or so already.
> do wireless connection
> feel smart
> start dim signal
> oh it's just the same thing with 3 - wait shit
I'm a brainlet guys, I thought I was smart for a second there but then the game reminded me. I got tiny island easy at least.
Hint if you want it:
It's going to involve precise timing on Baba's side as well
Sacrifices must be made.
>finally got to it
>took five minutes
I think I got lucky and things clicked real early on, because every step except the first felt like 4d chess shit.
I hope I'm already in the real bullshit, or am I still just getting started?
Not much dude, what's up with you?
>every step except the first
I meant last, since you just line everything up to push over the bog.
Not Down
okay now what
Not much, what's up with you?
You forgot to move SKULL is SINK
So anyone figure out the hidden message yet?
give up, that one isn't worth the grey hairs
There has to be something my retard brain isn't noticing here
I hate how I can see what the solution must be and know what the eventual goal-state is for almost all of them but can't for the life of me figure out how to reach it.
But he already did the hard part.
>Have all 3 Baba move the Keke line down to line up with the actual flag
>Have a Baba push it over
>Have another Baba push over Baba is Move and you win automatically
N-not the baba?! Pls
My first thought was I need to push something over then have the thing that did the pushing come back but they push too far then. I tried padding it out putting other words in front of the and so it can't go too far but I think I need all the words
here. Here's what I did:
Make it so you either have two Cogs or Robots, then position it so you can make them both move their respective And blocks between Flag and Rock and Rock and Ice, respectively, then create a chain out of all your available blocks to push one of your Is blocks into the last remaining vacancy, that being Ice is Win.
>i can't believe BA is DEF
>___________ BA__EAT
fixed it for you
>I think I need all the words
You don't. But order of operations is important.
Much more overt hint:
You will only be able to win for exactly one "frame"
Okay, I get it. I know that you have to make it so that you can push the rock on the other side, which means you have to somehow get to the other side (which requires disabling rock is push) then re-enable rock is push without crossing back over. The question is, how the fuck do I do that? I feel like I'm missing something retardedly obvious here.
Wow I'm dumb. Thanks big brain anons
The level got changed with the first patch to get rid of a red herring MOVE.
Probably most of the people complaining about it got there before the patch.
I know I needed a walkthrough for that
you'll need to use that "wait" button.
Two things can teleport simultaneously.
I beat it the second day it was out and have never downloaded an update for it on the switch
There's a way to get the rocks movable and teleportable, switching their property every other turn
I thought there was a samefag where that kept talking about prison, but seeing it myself I have to say...
fuck, I kept trying to do shit like teleport leaves out of the way so I could make enough space to push things over to the other side, I can't believe it was that simple.
This game is making me feel like a fucking lunatic, sat here in front of my computer grunting about how I need FLAG is ROCK because ROCK is FLOAT and FLAG is WIN and FLAG behind WATER is SINK and if ROCK is YOU and FLAG is ROCK YOU can make ROCK FLAG FLOAT across WATER
or you could just use the rock text to build a bridge
The game is exposing your inner unga bunga, that's how you know it's truly a big brain game
Believe it or not devs do shill their games here, or rather "ask" for our input. They want our feedback, because we'll say the shit nobody else would. Where you'd get blind fanboyism on somewhere like reddit, you'd get actual constructive criticism (and copious amounts of shitposting) from here.
So what the actual hell do you do in Walls of Gold? The only thing I've managed to do thus far is make the rocks/walls fluctuate between each other by making ROCK IS WALL IS ROCK, but I'm at least 75% sure that's not at all what I need to do..
How do you get this to work? I tried running the application inside the file I downloaded and all that happens after I get past the instruction screen is a blank screen with music screen and some sounds that happen when I use the arrows.
*screams internally*
i was doing so good but now i have literally not a single idea
if it's the one i'm thinking of, do WALL IS ROCK and then push the rocks to escape
Oh, Christ
I've got a bad feeling about this
water is float
I don't think it's the one you're thinking of.
it's been a while since I did this one but I think you have to cross the river then make yourself not float on the other side
rock is you
rock is win
user is You
how did I not think of that
how do I beat wireless connection
how do I make them go vertically once they're on the other side
What if I told you you could turn one object into two things at the same time
>how do I make them go vertically once they're on the other side
you don't.
you don't, as far as i know
nvm I'm a retard, I was stuck in the mindset that I had to bring the words over to me somehow
Is my Prison broken?
This is the best puzzle game I've played in ages and I probably wouldn't have given it a shot if not for these threads. Thanks, you big faggots.
Enjoy your stay
Man I know this puzzle requires you to rotate Keke Is You and I know I managed to do it one time but I have no fucking clue how I did it
it doesn't actually require you to rotate it, i used a different solution.
Fug man. I caved and looked it up. I had to ask because the solution has a word I don't have.
That word was removed because it was unnecessary and confusing.
That doesn’t work on this one that’s the one before this
I’ll try that I guess lol
Apparently it's unnecessary but I don't know about confusing. Can't you hop right over the wall with Move? I used Robot is Move/Robot is You to skip over death skulls in another stage.
>Can't you hop right over the wall with Move?
Wall is Stop.
If an Object is Stop, Push, Swap, or Pull, you cannot move over it under any conditions.
Fair enough. Now that I think of it, I wasn't able to double move over walls on that robot stage.
Here's (roughly) how I did it, although it seems to be a bit finicky and doesn't work in this specific configuration. You might want to try using the babas to move KEKE IS YOU a few spaces left, I know that's what I did when I beat it.
bruh everyone from triple a devs to indie pos retards post here
Oh, and to actually do it you have to move MOVE and KEKE to the left.
Is it worth playing through the free version, or if I'm already liking it should I just move onto the full game?
>start hop
>ah seems like they wanna introduce me to teleportation, so it'll be straightforward
>an hour
>beat hop
>don't even know what i fucking did
god help me
After trying this I gave up.
Just pirate the full game and buy it if you're liking it
is this supermarket or another?
Supermarket, don't have enough things to make the boulder stop just before pushing the text.
here's a hint: objects without modifiers might as well be empty spaces, you can walk and push shit into and over them
I think I messed up guys
The high overworld levels are scary
the prison level was hell and i dont know how people are supposed to find that out without doing it on accident like I did.
>Level is you
This game is really fun. I just hope I finish it before Yea Forums has moved on from it.
You brought this on yourself, user.
Hint: If only there were some way to run to the flag while it was moving to the right...
Hint2: If only you could move your "belt is up" switch closer...
Cool beans. This better not be more dolphin porn though.
Oh fuck me, I tried that whilst trying to do something else, but then it slipped my mind afterwards because I thought I didn't have enough props.
What the hell is wrong with dim signal? Im an uber brainlet. I want to say flag is rock and ice and win but i dont think i can make them chamge direction without pushing the words all the way in.
Sacrifices must be made.
Jesus Christ this looks like hell
>shill game on Yea Forums
>people play but not much happens
>shill on reddit
>become multimillionaire
Once again reddit beat us at our own hobby bros...
the LEVEL tile is a trip, the first thing I did before even beating the level was attempting LEVEL is KEY
And then LEVEL is BABA
There's multiple hints in this thread if you scroll up. One user outlined his entire process.
Baffled by you cunts that look up solutions to puzzles. I stopped doing that when I was 14
It's not really that bad, it's basically hiding 2 puzzles since there's 2 ways you can end it
Pewdiepie and Notch started off here. While there's not necessarily room for growth on Yea Forums, it can be the right amount of foundation building that makes the subsequent path to success all that easier to maintain, because you started off appealing to the hardcore.
Well i am an idiot. That showed me how pidgeon holed i get though. Hopefully il get better
The whole "money has the same value to everyone" thing is idiotic too. I'm not spending $15 on something I won't play for 15 hours.
Yeah, we're on the same train there buddy.
Currently stuck on ???-2
how the fuck do i beat deep forest-3
i've beaten every other level i can here but my brain literally cannot grasp what i'm supposed to do for this
What if Baba isn't you?
If nothing is you then you're basically stuck
How good are you at anagrams?
story of my life
never mind, i feel like such a fucking imbecile for not getting this sooner
i thought i had to get the IS out from the bugs somehow
Try pulling something other than the tree.
I'm already trying LOVE IS FLAG, both spelling it in a row and in a 2x2 like the tile looks.
I just don't know what I have left to try.
I'm going to miss these comfy threads when I finish the game
I am stuck on this level
the word has to be spelled in the same direction as the rest of the rule.
What if flag was baba..
how tf are you supposed to figure out that this makes the key vanish!?
Wouldn't work, it'd contradict Flag Is Flag
Which area/level is it
I used a different solution
I got as far as Baba is Jelly and then I got stuck trying to get the flag out of the way
But Jelly could be Baba..
>jelly is baba
>flag is win
The same way that a thing that is both you and win makes you win the level, a thing that is both open and shut activates both conditions.
Sounds like you need to keep flag is push at the same time