Don't forget Lammy is going to be 20 this year
>March 18
>August 17
>September 10
Lammy thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Lammy 2 when?
if this game was made today would we be complaining about how unrealistic an all girl rock band would be?
baiting aside, ive never played this game, it's a rhythm game right? is it good? because I don't remember any good rhythm games during and before the ps1 era, unless there was a DDR for the ps1.
if you liked parappa you'll like this because it's basically the same thing
Some say it's the best Parappa game
I didn't, sadly. Too slow for me compared to DDR or guitar hero-like games.
Personally, I liked it, and I don't even like Parappa.
What's your favorite song?
Rammy > Lammy
Futa Lammy > All
Cute midriffs
futa rammy on fem lammy > all
>Futa Lammy > All
Is there such art of it?
>Not futa Rammy on me
Yes, by Obscurabuns, dunno if you'll be able to find it because his tumblr blog is dead though.
Post more cute art
Of course, that's what I really meant.
Who wouldn't want to be under her, user? Shame there isn't a story about it.
Are there any good Lammy fanfics?
Not that I know of, but I'm hoping someone takes the hint and writes either a futa Lammy on user fapfic, or a futa Rammy on user fapfic.
>tfw no Lammy gf
I'm literally in love with her. It pains me that she's just too pure for this world.
working on this piece, just need to redo the guitar
>tfw no futa lammy gf
I'm learning to play the guitar because of her.
Nice art
Thanks, I'm just experimenting more with thin lines and being more off-model than how I usually draw Lammy or just drawing in general.
I like the thinner lines so much more than what I usually draw, it's so much easier on the eyes.
>Ape Escape will also soon be 20 years old
>tfw you'll never be raped by these two
When will I ever jam it into lammy
After me.
Is this about that one /trash/ drawthread?
You mean after Tenacious D.
There's a futa Lammy drawthread in /trash/? Link.
I meant a request there in a drawthread.
Do you have that, user? I just remember requesting it on a thread in here, but if there's anything more recent I'd love to see it.
>climax of Parappa 1 is trying not to shit your pants
>climax of Lammy is rocking your way out of Hell
>climax of Parappa 2 is a rap battle to decide the fate of the world
Nah, that's not me. I'd request futa Lammy / Rammy fucking user in the ass instead.
Why user?
so that i can self insert
>you'll never be Lammy
What would it be like?
Same as normal, but I work on cartoon logic and can actually play a guitar
Cute pair
Why is she sad?
She's not sad: she's just bashful.
Thats lewd
go on
Leggy was a pretty good flavor of the month
Skeevy stoner lamb
>chill rocker girl
My absolute fetish
lammy belly
What do Lammy's pubes smell like?
Wool, duh.
who's going to break it to them?
Nah, I heard it was pretty shitty
Might as well let him dream
In all fairness, she probably would mellow out after a good hard dicking.
Weed and BO
It's finished guys
Lammy uses a left-handed guitar (so did Dixie in DKC2).
Release a fucking sequel already.
>Just bought Parappa 1 and 2 HD on a whim
>Hard fucking stop at Stage 4 with the chicken
I can't fucking beat it. I tried so fucking hard for almost two hours and you can't fucking do it. The timing is beyond fucked.
those the PSN versions? Those ones, at least Umjammer, have input lag and it ruins the entire game
Not bad. Now go lewder.
I'm sure Kat's a lesbo, but not Lammy.
Milk in a can
I could go for some lamb milk myself
>Kat's VA died years ago
>Parappa's VA is a total fucking dick
This world is not fair