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Curvy like Aurica. Misha a shit.
both, but flat is justice
small misha
Shit taste.
I bet you picked Luca.
sauce, google and IQDB don't give anything
With a penis.
Ar Tonelico.
why is lyner such a fag?
I can't decide, I love both.
Dude, fix your aspect ratio. Don't use "widescreen mods", they are stretching everything.
Also, Shurelia > Misha > Aurica.
Small, curvy, and flat!
Krushe best AT1
Mir best AT2
Finnel best ATQ
Ion best Nosurge
No way fag, Luca is the worst by far.
Replace Krushe with Shurelia and then you've got it right.
>big thighs/ass
Elins are perfection.
Don't care. I want to eat Ion.
he's saying that Misha is just another cocksleeve he owns next to Aurica, Shurelia, Mir, Krusche, Claire, Lyra, Mei Mei, Tastiella, the little girl at the inn with the cat...
>Finnel best ATQ
So you're into freshly baked logs?
I don't remember BlazBlue's art being this bad.
>NTR queen better than best bro (girl)
Fuck the shit out of a flat-chested tiny girl, bury your head in between a busty chick's rack.
I care more about whether or not I can stand her personality and not how she looks. In the right scenario a flat-chested petite girl could get me just as riled up as the thicc big tittied mature/milf types.
Bring the Purger
>hold my hands
What are you doing?!! It's a christian 4channel, not lawless Yea Forums.
Now THIS is what I like to see.
fix your aspect ratio
I like them small and curvy.
What a shameless slut
They stopped giving a fuck about that after the first game
Fuck you, holding hands is legitimately my fetish and no one can stop me from posting it.
Give me your man and no one gets hurt.
>no rings
pre-marital handholding is a SIN
Back to you armor, Shurelia. Grown adults are talking.
based and cunnypilled
good thing Lyner likes them little
Curvy hips and flat chest
>EXA_PICO is dead
I hate GUST.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the apex of opinions.
AT1 Aurica > Shurelia > Misha
AT2 Jaqli > Luca > Cloche
Bamco own Ar tonelico and Gust got bought by KT, it can't be helped.
Post that dfc black haired girl. She was cute and I never got to finish her game.
I like them like Ion.
Luca's route is by far superior to Cloche's
Is AT1 the best example of SOUL in a JRPG? By all logic the game should be nothing but objectively trash in all regards, yet it remains memorable and easily replayable up to this day.
100% this
Aurica was best girl, and the fact that Lyner is apparently still leaving that love triangle open despite the fact that she's starting to near her 30s, and 3rd generations don't go much further than earlier 40s is a massive dick move
Cloche was better
Misha a shit, real gentlemen picked Shurelia.
I dunno, while the difficulty is way too low, level design is often insipid and it has some stretches of dull running back and forth, I think the gameplay is acceptable. Not stellar but acceptable. And the rest is fucking boss
He didn't leave it open, he's fucking all three at the same time and they're okay with it. Shurelia and Lyner probably find a way to make Aurica live for longer eventually, anyways.
2 was better (except for that slut Luca). 3 ruined it.
quick rundown on emulating these games please
jp archive search for gust thread or ar tornelico lazy pack
i like talented women
Just use the sprite hack in GSdx to fix issues, the games run effortlessly otherwise
Don't know how well PS3 emulation works for 3, though, and you still need a Vita for Ciel/Ar
Remember to get the retranslation for 2 if you don't know chink, even a patch made by ESL weeb failures is still better than NISA's hackjob
Re-releases ever?
I heard there was some licencing issues. Is that true?
The gameplay is mediocre but the plot, music, setting, and characters all make up for it.
I'll never understand you guys, 2 made the combat better but everything else about it was worse.
The retranslation also has bugfixes. To the surprise of nobody, NISA introduced a fatal crash during a boss battle in their translation.
Thank you.
You portfolios have been bumped.
It had a better story, better characters (not Luca), better battle system. The songs are on the same level as 1 in my opinion though. Replekia is fucking awesome.
oh shit my wife
Much appreciated friend
Banpresto holds the IP but exists now only as a brand for cheap figs. TK really isn't that interested in bringing the franchise back, at least not enough to buy the IP.
As for 2, it's far more heavy handed than 1, but it's far better written and hymmnos aside even the OST is superior in all regards.
I like all 3 and was glad that script wise 3 found a middle ground between the tone of both previous games, though. That reminds me I should probably replay 3 before my PS3 dies.
Not him but I really enjoyed 1 and 2. Haven't touched 3. It's the only animu shit my friend has got me to play and 2 had a great soundtrack. The english version of 2 on PS2 had some atrocious localization issues (or straight up untranslated things and cut audio) and they introduced some terrible bugs as well. I busted the game in one battle near the end and had to reset. Still a fun ride and guilty pleasure.
Wow, I actually started playing Ar Tonelico yesterday.
Just got Misha and trying to get off Tenba island.
Pretty good so far.
>amount of lolis increases with each installment in the series
sasuga tsuchiya
>activating Replekia for the first time
I was absolutely not ready for that. Awesome.
afaik some group re-localized the second game in case you want to play through it again.
Have you played 2 again with the retranslation and bug fix patch?
>Can't actually date the interdimensional millennia old loli in Ar
>Instead Tsuchiya's self insert gets his never aging genius loli gf
Still mad about that
nya nya~ nyamo nya~
Oh shit, I didn't know this. I was looking at the cases on my shelf and thinking about replaying them soon. Thanks for the heads up. I found some links via searching and I'm gonna bookmark 'em. Have a great weekend dudes
Kanon was my favourite Ar nosurge. It breaks my heart that she didn't have a route. Especially after she says she loves you
It's a shame there's no way to betray Ion, my internal sadist wants to see her broken down.
Just wait for Ciel's translation, she has a lot of protagonism in that game.
But Kanon is Ion's gf and you shouldn't get in between their pure love.
Literally both.
Luca is a better character than Misha at least. While Luca finally stops putting on a fake smile and learning to actually be a decent person during the course of the game, Misha doesn't develop at all and it's still fixated over Lyner, not to mention her lies about "having to sing forever" and "being the only living Beta in Sol Ciel".
>He actually believes Shurelia's "We took your incredibly old dog to a farm" story
Check out this fag.
Tsuchiya confirmed afterward there are few Betas living in Platina too, all of which are former Star Singers. So it's not a story made up by Shurelia.
Having really thought things over I've just realized that Lyner is the true prize of AT1, he's a way better catch than Aurica, Misha and Shurelia
He understood the greatness of the Funbun T-Shirt.
Of course he was.
It's not like being a better catch than a low self steem emo bitch, a crazy obsessive stalker that wants you just to solve all her issues and the netori queen is hard, but yeah. Lyner's the exemplary, alpha diver every reyvateil wants in their lives.
i was happy to find out you can turn her back to small version.
>Croix could only handle so much crazy
>One girl's to be exact
>Of course, they were the 3 craziest girls on the fucking planet
It was pretty obvious it would happen when Elfir's costume was revealed.
>rich handsome knight who's the son of Platina's executive leader, has personally helped save the world, is an excellent diver, and one of the greatest geniuses in modern times
Christ, only Cloche could hope to compete
Except he doesn't want to be involved in politics. And being an excellent Diver comes at the expense of being a dense blockhead that singlehandedly started all the issues in the Flash Cosmospheres and the AT1 LN
But in turn he's not just an excellent diver, and the localization only made his denseness worse. Regardless, no other man in modern Ar Ciel history has come even close to his legendary achievements. And he'll pick up the pen and lead the entirety of the first tower to prosperity once he gets old enough.
Nah, he won't. The AT3 LNs are set 8 years after AT1, and there he states plainly he has no intention of succeeding his father as leader of Platina
>Misha's cutest costume is her absolute worst, statistically
I mean, it doesn't really matter toward the end, when you can just put a mastery crystal on the ribbon accessory, but it still makes me mad.
see ya fags, till next time
Quick. Give me some tips.
Fucking mature or gtfo.
I want someone to pretend to be my mom in public and let me grab her ass in a grocery store.
Mature, but the curvy part can be optional.
This right here
Even if he never gets into politics himself it's still quite something to say you're dating what is basically the president's/foreign world leader's son
The denseness issue is troublesome but if you can get through you've basically won Ar Ciel's most eligible bachelor
best track coming through
implanta is better
Early game: Craft and sell yellow medicine for profit. Reset shop inventories by fighting a single battle.
A little later, after reaching Em Pheyna: Craft and sell gravard compasses to have more money than you can ever use. Gust games usually have some retarded item you can make and sell easily at a huge profit, but this is in a tier of its own.
Get all the S-Rank grathnode crystals you could ever need by making white rings at rank a. It costs like a thousand tonelicobux each. Don't obsess too much about crafting everything at S-Rank, though. Just the endgame equipment matters, really.
You can get almost any grathnode crystal from Spica. The only exceptions are one-of-a-kind drops from bosses/chests and stuff you can only get from recrystalizing endgame equipment at S-Rank. More importantly: Her inventory is determined by what you don't have, and it doesn't look at what's already equipped, so you can force her to sell certain things if you get one of everything. This is good for getting resonant 100s (this makes unlocking harmocrystal slots a snap), the best green magic boosters, and basically all sorts of stuff that turns all battles into easymodo.
If you're interested in 100%ing the conversations with your waifus: 1. Misha has one you can only get if you craft a certain important item (you'll know which one it is when it happens) when she's NOT available in your party. There's like... 2 times this can be done. 2. Both Aurica and Misha have conversations that can only be done if you 100% Shurelia's cosmosphere first. And Shurelia has one you can only get if you do the other two first. No, I didn't get that mixed up. It's stupid. 3. You can only 100% Shurelia's conversations if you take the Aurica route because reasons.
Also, early game offensive song magic is powerful, but late-game buffing magic with high tier crystals will make you strong in both defense and offense.
AT2 offensive magic rules all, the rest of the party is there to protect and support reyvateils for their magical nukes.
Why is her bellybutton bright red?
I prefer to spam low-level versions of the basic spell with those utterly broken debuffs attached to them, rather than use the buff spells, but maybe that's just me. Since it also helps to quickly unlock the harmocrystal slots, it's killing two birds with one stone.
best way to play ar tonelicos
I'm going to h*ck, aren't I?
>AT2 made it canon that Lyner threw one of those freakish Ar tonelico bombs at Mir during the final battle
>They literally cause a miniature version of the industrial accident which ended the world
>putting Misha back into her loli body in Phase 3
Yeah dude, best secret of all time
That's a lot of leg muscles for a loli.
Another early tip: Equip a Glass Heart on your song waifu asap. Harmonics is by far the most important stat It kills one stat, but that one causes you to use up twice as much MP at 0% than you do at 100%. And MP is by far the easiest stat to supplement.
Eventually, you'll get equipment/costumes which make it unnecessary to do this to max out harmonics, but until then don't worry about what you sacrifice to do it.
The funny part is that her legs are fucking worthless. She's spent centuries floating around in a suit that literally flies & she pratfalls and faceplants without the thing.