>unbox my freshly arrived DualShock 4
>Immediately beat Hive Knight
Turns out I wasn't completely shit, I was mostly using a terrible cotroller
Hollow knight
I dont want to be a dick or anything but
literally what is the point of this thread?
Blog post, famalam.
>I dont want to be a dick or anything but
>literally what is the point of this thread?
Starting a hollow knight thread
So where is the lore about Vespa being dead and the hive being headless?
Threadly reminder that Silksong will be casualised baby shit
You still are by comparison.
I felt so bad after killing her...
They were infected by The Radiance, albeit with some resistance as the bees become passive when you have the Hiveblood charm equipped.
Compared to the DualShock 4, the 360 controller ain't that good.
I own both. I disagree unless we're talking d-pads.
>want to git gud and unlock true ending
>4 binding pantheons take so fucking long
It's not even that they are challenging, the first three quarters of every pantheon just takes forever
Why on earth would ANYONE use a 360 controller when the xbone controller exists and is better in every way?
>go through most of the path of pain
>reach the part with the jumping spikes
>"this is bullshit"
>look it up on youtube
>see the saw blade you need to dash under then jump on
is this shit even possible for a mortal man like me?
Hollow Knight uses the dpad for movement, and that controller has a completely nonfunctional dpad.
Hollow Knight can use the stick or the dpad for movement, user. And frankly using a stick is way more comfy.
Silksong will probably end up easier than base Hollow Knight, simply because of the movement options.
But I think any future content for Silksong will probably end up being Godmaster difficulty.
That will probably subject us to ridiculous shit like fighting The Shade Lord as a multi-stage boss-fight where the last stage is Little Ghost but with all of their shade abilities.
Because I have small hands and the 360 controller fits them better.
I always use stick when I'm able, which you can in HK.
>I own both. I disagree unless we're talking d-pads.
Hollow knight is only playable with d-pad or keyboard
Good luck with a stick
It's really not as bad as it seems. Try out Super Meat Boy if you liked it.
user I beat absolute radiance using a 360 pad and stick, what the fuck are you talking about?
I beat the entire game+DLC using a stick. You are either shit at the game or lying for no reason.
>Hollow Knight is unplayable with a stick
Yikes, I'm glad I don't completely lack any semblance of fine motor skills like you.
360 controller is absolute trash
xbone controller is slightly better, but still vastly inferior to the ps4 controller
Not that guy, but pogoing with a stick is infinitely superior to pogoing with a d-pad.
Keyboard is good though.
This is impossible on a stick
The worst controller in all of existence. Why the fuck do people defend this piece of crap?
PS4 controller is better for games that make heavy use of dpad. The stick layout is fucking garbage for anything that does dualstick though.
>impossible on a stick
Take Hornet's advice and git gud.
Yeah no, you just like fine motor skills. Git gud.
How is that impossible on stick?
Some madman in twitter made this. I need one so bad.
I beat everything in the game with it, using the dpad. Except for that last secret platforming section, fuck that. And fuck relearning the game for keyboard after 40 hours too.
PS4 controller sucks dick compared to xbone for 95% of games get over it.
>the bees become passive when you have the Hiveblood charm equipped
this fucking game, man
Imagine having this wrong of an opinion.
>hornet 1
Is that supposed to be hard?
I saw some super meat boy speedrunner in one of those events move with the stick. I don't get it for shit, but some people apparently prefer it.
Never been a fan of jointed figures. Joints look so bad.
Keep trying. On some random attempt you will just surf through it instead of dying horribly, like me. All you need is that one go.
Of course you actually need to beat Hive Knight to get the charm and you can't equip it straight away, so that passive is neat but not altogether that useful unless you've missed the grub inside The Hive.
> Implying that the Dualshock 4 isn't a terrible controller
Whenever I hear someone say that the DS4 has a good d-pad it immediately makes me think they're a zoomer that grew up on the xbox 360. Because the 360 is pretty much the only controller with a worse dpad than a dualshock.
I play mostly on analog stick. I'm no speedrunner but it just feels more natural than a dpad these days. You lose some responsiveness but the movement in the game is so fluid that you can still maneuver well.
I'll still switch to pad for really precise shit like the palace of anal pain or small hit-box bosses.
The main drawback of the stick is fucking Dashmaster launching you down if you're just a tiny bit too far down.
>asymmetrical sticks
Proof that Yea Forums doesn't actually play games
Y'all are just a bunch of horny fucks
Post good art
Why is Hornet wearing undergarments so sexy?
Could you possibly have worse taste? Especially here, where the joints will be practically invisible because they match up with the gaps in HKs chitin.
>Why is Hornet wearing undergarments so sexy?
you can be too :3
I'm planning to buy HK on my PS4 so i can play on TV
should I use stick or d-pad? God controllers really suck
I just hate the look of joints. I'd rather a completely static figure that looks nice than something posable that has shitty joints.
Whichever you feel more comfortable using. They both work perfectly fine.
I dreamnailed Joni, how bad did I fuck up?
>release date is 20nobodyfuckingknow
stop reminding me of this shit user
Gibbe giant queen bee wife.
They both work fine but I find that it's very difficult to up/down hit with a stick, and that's a very important move that you're going to have to master. I would suggest using the dpad for more precision.
This. Hilariously, the PS had the best rendition of Sony's Dpad.
>I find that it's very difficult to up/down hit with a stick
How are people this fucking bad at moving something in a certain general direction? You don't even have to be that precise.
>dualshock 4
You're still using a terrible controller
Best Dpads are Xbox one and anything Nintendo
Xbone dpad is a bit too stiff for my tastes, still better than almost anything else, but it's like they overcompensated for how bad the 360 dpad was. Some of the Japanese dpads for older Nintendo consoles are just fucking atrocious. Constant mis-registers.
The Switch controller's sticks constantly misread my inputs, I assume the PS4 one is better
What were you using before?
The d-pad on the Wii U tablet controller was actually pretty great. One of the best I've used. In fact, that controller was actually surprisingly decent. Much more ergonomic than the Switch
Nintendo dpads are generally good, I wasn't trying to dispute that at all. I've used plenty of SFC controllers with just awful dpads though.
>What were you using before?
Nvidia shield monstrosity
The switch controller fucking sucks. The sticks are imprecise, feel cheap, the other buttons have so much noise when you press them as if they'd break at any minute.
So unconfortable to hold too. Only good point is playing with my hands separated from one another.
Your only way was up.
For games that have only 4 cardinal inputs the D-Pad is obviously better.
However when combined inputs are also a thing (diagonal directions for example), I've always felt most d-pads are uncomfortable for the thumb to switch quickly between simple button presses and 2-button presses, which is strange because that's not usually a problem with the "action" buttons on the right. I guess it's just how they're designed.
So for those cases, like pogoing while moving in a direction, I find the simplicity of input the stick gives you better, even if you exchange some precision for it.
Arguably, the keyboard is the superior option because you get access to easy/comfortable combined inputs while keeping all of the precision.
It literally changes nothing
Why would anyone use a basic xbone controller when the elite controller exists
Soon, brother.
>paying like $200 for a controller full of useless gimmicks
No thank you.
I'm excited for that too, but this guy's hollow Knight looks so premium and clean compared to my expectations of Mcfarlane
Same but I somehow managed to do it first try after watching a video
I'm sad. Someone post funny Hollow Knight memes please.
>lose 100% steel soul attempt to Traitor Lord
>die a little inside
>go to the hall of gods in my main save
>same charm setup
>beat TL first time
Team Cherry why must you torment me like this
>the virgin honest steelsouler vs the chad save-and-quit
No cost too great.
No mind to think.
No will to break.
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.
Soul of Wyrm. Soul of Root. Heart of Void.
Why even bother playing steel soul if you're just going to save and quit? Literally what is the point?
Why did the Hollow Knight grow so huge but you stayed smol?
Because he was trained and raised to prime form, whereas the Knight stayed locked up in the Abyss and then aimlessly wandered around outside of Hallownest, devoid of memory and mind. The Lost Kin is also noticeably larger than you, so he's probably a Vessel "teenager".
oh no no no no no
>all those vessels in Nosks lair
There must be dozens of them still at large, not a small portion of them outside of Hallownest.
Calm down, user. I agree with your argument, but it just sounds like it didn’t occur to the person you were responding to.
This almost looks like a reference to the “Now Choose” scene in Spider-Man.
Ackchyually the Hollow Knight isn't made of chitin.
What? Stick is way easier than d-pad.
Missing a weabboo reaction image.
I hope so, fuck you tryhard faggots.
Hope it's comfy and fun to explore.
So I just got my first ending
How come Hollow Knight grew bigger but Mini Knight didn't?
Help me out lads. Which one am I missing.
fuck radiant markoth
imagine being so autistic you think 3 milliseconds of input lag makes a noticeable difference
Radiant Steroids
to be fair TL's arena in godhome is way bigger than his standard fight. you have more vertical space to use.
Why does wired have more lag than bluetooth?
Fury of the Fallen
Awesome, thanks user, I'll go hunt it down.
Does Rainworld-Hollow Knight work?
Also Are Rainworldfags and Hollowfags good frens?
you're welcome
But they're not allowed in the next one.
meant for
His carapace is, even if it's full of void. It's not just the mask that's hollow, it's all of him.
There's a few that could definitely appear.
>God Tamer
Everyone else is a probable no though.
Quirrel is dead, don't (you) me
I'm gonna (you) you because they left an implication rather than a body and he's also a popular character.
The Knight may or may not make a reappearance if the void appears in Silksong, seeing as how it unified the void and is essentially its master.
>simply because of the movement options.
What makes you think level exploration and bosses will not REQUIRE taking full advantage of your moveset?
I kee reading this type of comment, but in your mind you are just putting Hornet againt bosses and levels of the original Hollow Knight, yet Hornet levels and bosses could be literally impossible without Hornet moveset.
Been there, done that.
Radiant Absolute Radiance on the other hand...
So I just beat my third boss (that chick in the red dress). The dash should have been the first upgrade you get but whatever. Is there a way to get a lantern with out paying 1800 bug fun bucks? Any tips on charms?
What is better, faster nail, longer nail, or stronger nail?
The other thing is, will Hornet have a shade dash? Could be argued she shouldn't because she's not a sibling/ghost/shade. If not it could make some bosses harder, not being able to just dodge straight through their attacks is a big change. But of course, the silksong bosses wouldn't be designed to have that in the way that the traitor lord is designed for you to have the shade cloak.
>Is there a way to get a lantern with out paying 1800 bug fun bucks?
you don't need it until the price becomes pocket money
>tips on charm
buy shaman stone, never take it off
I go for a longer nail, personally. I feel like the default swing speed is fast enough and you get plenty of nail upgrades anyway.
Depends on what you're trying to do.
Trial of the Fool.
Length and speed are both useful for fool.
Attack speed, attack range, atack damage.
That's all you need for any situation.
i want to fug hornet bros
pls help
I assumed he was limited on his charm slots and that's why he was asking.
I was just memeing the git gudness.
Good suggestions tho user.
Is anyone else going to get the physical edition?
Well she does get a counter move which works as a replacement to Descending Dark for i-frames, but it starts up much faster. Plenty of people forget or didn't realize that you could dodge though any attack with the dive spell. Hornet does have a normal air dash in the trailer, but we'll have to see if there is any i-frames or an upgrade to it.
What is this response supposed to mean? Did you miss the announcement of a collector's edition that happened like 2 days ago?
Descending Dark has iframes? I 100% the game and never knew.
It has a ton of iframes. They start when you start falling and last for quite a while after landing, letting you walk through attacks even.
Base hollow knight is easy too bro
That’s easy. Go get a phone book and look up “Psychiatrists”
Fuck. You just made me spend 140 dollaridoos.