Other urls found in this thread:
How is a bad review classified as either a troll review vs an actual bad review?
>Obviously, there's a grey area here, because there's a wide range of things that players care about. So how will we identify these off-topic review bombs? The first step is a tool we've built that identifies any anomalous review activity on all games on Steam in as close to real-time as possible. It doesn't know why a given game is receiving anomalous review activity, and it doesn't even try to figure that out. Instead, it notifies a team of people at Valve, who'll then go and investigate. We've already run our tool across the entire history of reviews on Steam, identifying many reasons why games have seen periods of anomalous review activity, and off-topic review bombs appear to only be a small number of them.
At least there's a manual aspect to it, but it sounds like just one more of those things that will either ignore completely in a few months or apply very erratically.
>Finally, we've also enabled you to opt out of this entirely, if that's your preference - there's now a checkbox in your Steam Store options where you can choose to have off-topic review bombs still included in all the Review Scores you see.
Now that's good, reviews are great for keeping publishers honest and pro-consumer, it gives people voice even if sometimes it's misused for dumb stuff.
If I buy the game I am entitled to say whatever the fuck I want about it.
(((treated fairly)))
Nothing wrong with that.
The older Metro games didn't deserve to be reviewbombed due to Exodus' move to the Epic Store.
Depends on how much the company pays, the more money the wider the definition of troll becomes. Captain Marvel had a 33% which jumped to a 55% for customer review, Rotten Tomato cited it was "just a bug".
Sudden spike in negative reviews i guess.
The Q&A makes it sound bad again, fuck.
>complaining about DRM and EULA changes is considered off-topic
>ALL reviews are ignored at the time range of the review bombing
All in all it just sounds like something to please whiny anti-consumer publishers.
>say games is bad
>get your review deleted for being toxic and your account permabanned
thank you based corporation buttlickers
Why is there no shitstorm over this literal censorship?
And how do you identify a review bomb? If I leave a negative review, am i going to have my review removed because some others also posted negative reviews? This is literally censorship.
ever heard of china review bombing something because of pooh reference or weird shit they don't like
>game sux
>devs support israel
I don't see the problem with this. Bombing the past Metro games because the new one is coming out on another launcher is a clear example of shitty reviewing that goes against the point of the review system and basically just turns into a system for le ebin rise up.
it depends on much they pay steam to have the review removed.
wtf bros... that's it, I'm taking my money to Epic Store.
thats the point , what is there an an actual bad review of a person disgruntled by the title while this spike is happening?
I will assume they wont have people doing it but its gonna be automated
>kill reviews of Bugmen who chink out over the stupidest shit
>can still see those reviews if you want
sounds win/win to me
Review bombing a game to give the finger to a developer or publisher is cancer.
Retarded assholes will review bomb games they never played. They will review bomb legitimately good games out of pure spite.
steam has always been trash
yes epic chinkstore is worse
you are stupid if you have an account on either
ITT: retards that can't read a few paragraphs of text before posting
Guess we'll have to find another way to be epic legion
>And how do you identify a review bomb?
They just need to identify certain words inside the review. Like, I don't know, Epic or Tencent.
Companies aren't your friends.
Of the person writing it is Chinese or not
Why not just remove all reviews with less than 3 hrs gameplay time aka the refund cutoff?
>DRM is not considered part of the game
I bet "no Chinese localization" still is, the fucking idiots.
True. I don't see how that's relevant to my post. I praise them when they make good decisions and criticize them when they make bad ones. This is a good decision.
How is coddling asshole publishers in any way positive to you, the consumer?
Great now publishers with deep pockets will release blazing positive %. Fuck valve and anyone who unironically supports this. I legit wana see vg market to crash so many ppl have to #learntofarm.
Good, review bombers are a bunch of faggots. "FUCK EPIC" is not a game review.
Because if you get a game and it just crashes/doesn't work but you get it refunded before then you should be able to leave a review saying "this game doesn't even work"
The page already says it has an algorithm that catches a wild swing in reviews and then they manually review them for what may be considered off-topic review bombs, jesus fuck read the fucking link before posting.
cool new subversion tactic chinkoid
how about I just not ever install the epic gay store instead
haha final nail in the steam's coffin
Does this mean all the "FUCKONAM" and "MUH KOJIMA" reviews of MG survive are going to be removed? i wonder how it will affect the score.
>turns into a system for le ebin rise up.
How is that a bad thing? Angering your customers should absolutely have consequences.
Will they employ janitors to filter out tens of thousands of garbage reviews that are of lower quality than posts on Yea Forums?
Not good but it's better than you retards spamming reviews as a meme. Then again that would imply you actually own and play games.
>enabled you to opt out of this entirely, if that's your preference
Neat, now nothing really changes
You could put more effort into your shitposting you know?
Epic store don't have anything you idiot.
Some you can identify by pattern, like same content for example:
>I'll thump down every game in my library until bannerlord gets released
Or sudden spikes of newly created ones, which will be viewed either with another algorithm or by an actual per- intern.
I just hope they include all reviews, bad and good.
Do you think that will be applied retroactively? Would be interesting to see
>doesn't even have reviews
Tienanmen Square 1989
One of Tencent's shills main arguments against having reviews on your store is the reviewbombings.
Now Valve is doing something against it.
Im fucking glad
>Got X while doing Y
>10/10 would X again xD
The consequence is not buying the game, retard. Not dishing out le gangweed justice.
>Using AI to determine censorship
It should and the internet has served to greatly amplify people's voices, but the problem is loud minorities can seize the bullhorn and drown everyone else out.
I posted a review about how bad Yumme Nikki was and how it was just a Undertale clone, a couple years before that I posted a review on KF2 talking about how the game was unfinished and had glaring flaws but the developers still chose to implement and in-game cosmetic store before addressing said flaws. Can you find out which one is which?
>people shouldnt be allowed to protest
The fact that this is now a mainstream opinion is fucking scary.
How is creating a blanket statement of negativity towards individual games positive to other consumers who want to play video games? I'm not even sure how the metrics work for steam's algorithms, but I'm sure what people are trying to do by bringing attention to the developers through decreasing their aggregate scores is to hurt the sale of the game, despite that fact that their beef might not have anything to do with it. Publishers/Developers need their own scoring system if that's the case.
review bombs never have anything to do with the actual quality of the game itself and it's always annoying as fuck to sift through so i'm totally fine with it
It's bullshit. Sometimes an update fucks up a game, e.g. Stellaris 2.0, and the negative review bomb is entirely legitimate.
valve had done something about it before with at least two patches specific to that
they are just using pr speak
you can still reviewbomb to your heart's desire
>steam still trying to clean itself up after this mess
Cant believe it took them until 2019 to let others use the infrastructure they have for CS:Go and Dota 2
Maybe in a year steam will be good again
Protesting by shitting on other games with lame memes is gay as fuck. Back to KotakuInAction with you.
That's not protesting. Protesting would be not buying the game if you are so upset it's on another launcher. Vote with your wallet
>then they manually review them
is reading really that hard?
Why do people hate steam again? It's just a video game platform with thousands of games avaliable, usually for a decent price.
I know valve is retarded sometimes but i genuinely don't understand the extreme anal devastation people have regarding it. What could a literal online storefront have possibly done to personally offend you brainless consumers?
review bombing is mostly done by chinks chimping out over no chink subtitles
they probably will only remove the copy paste spam reviews.
So people who have/can be literally bribed by these scum fuck developers to review all negative reviews.
>using AI to determine whats displayed to consumers
that's not what it says at all. If you want reviews to include stupid shit, you have that option.
I want reviews without bug people spamming the fuck out of shit because "WAA NO BUGMAN LANGUAGE"
Is Devotion back on Steam yet? It’s the most recent unfair review bomb I can recall.
some are really bored
others are really stupid and bored
most are shills that have a horse in the race and shill against steam
The vast majority of "bombs" are positive things, the only case where it was unfair that I can think of is that game getting bombed by chink government drones, but Valve said they will consider things like DRM and EULAs to be off-topic too which makes no fucking sense since they are directly tied to the game, it would be like Amazon removing reviews from people complaining about their coffee machine only working with specific brand packs which is retarded.
unlike pretty much every other site with review scores, i actually trust valve with this. who wouldve known that when you build your reputation over the years to be unbiased it pays off and people trust you.
>All the retards ITT who don't know what censorship is
You know, you people are fucking dumb sometimes.
>steals your cc details
pssh, nofing personar keed
>gets eaten by escalator
This is only a good thing if they explicitly remove Chink reviews or reviews in languages other than English. Otherwise this is a net negative
>He thinks this is as bad as CENSORSHIP BY ROBOT
Will this include removing the review bombs from past games or just the current ones releasing now and later?
Have sex you Resetera virgin.
I am mad.
>Q: I care about some things that I worry other players don't, like DRM or EULA changes. Review bombs have been about them in the past. Do you consider them unrelated or off-topic?
>A: We had long debates about these two, and others like them. They're technically not a part of the game, but they are an issue for some players. In the end, we've decided to define them as off-topic review bombs. Our reasoning is that the "general" Steam player doesn't care as much about them, so the Review Score is more accurate if it doesn't contain them.
Good, fuck chink and russkie cunts
>get rid of one of the few tools consumers have to voice their opinion and actually get heard
>this is good news
I don't expect businesses to care about users if it doesn't have a financial benefit to them but you'd think people would have enough brain cells to want to defend the consumer and not the company in these instances. People are so desperate to join the hurt feelings brigade they're prioritizing corporations over themselves anymore.
They're completely right. The average consumer doesn't give a shit about Denuvo, nor should they.
Sudden spike in reviews centered around a few keywords not related to the game.
Because mainstream media is being paid hitpieces against it while praising the chink store.
>the point
>his head
Steam has always and will continue to do as little work as possible while letting half assed algorithms do everything else from advertising to censorship and user refunds
Oh look Steam is unraveling itself
>moderates reviews more
>moderates porn content more
Soon they'll be buying exclusives too and PC gaming is back to the bronze age. Epic might not win but it's not gonna matter when all platforms become equally shit.
Not on Valve's platform.
They have to sit down and actually investigate what’s happening. They get notified if there’s an unusual amount of negative reviews at an unusual speed (like tons and tons of one sentence long reviews with low playtime ) and then they have to check what’s going on
My guess is it’s because of that Taiwanese game that a shitton of Chinese players bombing it because it made a Winnie the Pooh reference to Jinping, a bunch of them bought the game solely to leave a negative review then refunded it while either barely playing it or not playing it at all
I share nothing with the consumer that goes "Fuck Epic xD" on a Metro 2033 review in 2018 for the memes because another game is coming out on another launcher. Nothing. They're faggots and Steam is doing good by giving them the boot.
>and PC gaming is back to the bronze age
t. zoomer
How convenient that this happened just after Artifact bombed and is now sitting at Overwhelming Negative recent and Mixed overall.
It's manually decided and the only thing that flags it is the review spike.
Why can't anyone fucking read in this board?
>EULAs don't matter
>but we're still going to ban your account if you violate the EULA
"Finally, we've also enabled you to opt out of this entirely, if that's your preference - there's now a checkbox in your Steam Store options where you can choose to have off-topic review bombs still included in all the Review Scores you see.
While we're working on some other features around User Reviews, we thought this one was worth shipping by itself. As always, if you have thoughts or concerns, feel free to voice them in the comments below."
>The point
What point? That you're justifying censorship nonchalantly?
>My guess
No, your guess is incredibly wrong. Valve is reacting to the piss baby indie developers that have been crying about their games receiving negative reviews for being shit.
>Why is there no shitstorm over this literal censorship?
Because it's optional.
>And how do you identify a review bomb?
It should probably have something to do with the quality of the game being reviewed. Not used as a reactionary way to voice your outrage at a business decision made by the publisher.
>This is literally censorship.
Again in the case of Exodus it had fuck all to do with the game and the entire system can be turned off so you can continue to spam downvotes at things you don't like.
> The average consumer doesn't give a shit about Denuvo
Yeah, fair enough.
> nor should they
Drink bleach, retard.
Recent updates are off topic review bombing goy.
artifacts review score is hardly going to change if at all
not everything is a conspiracy theory poltard
Fuck off Epic shill
What is the review timeline and overall vs recent reviews? If there's a major spike of negative reviews someone can check if it's some controversy or the actual game is causing the issue since they are hopefully not retarded.
Any new ones, it detects an influx of reviews in real time and then reports it to some guy sitting at valve who checks it out.
>What point?
This is literally business as usual for steam.
Should have said something before you let it get this bad.
Greenlight was a mistake and ruined valves ethos
Because actual reviews and chinks throwing a political shitfit or Yea Forums shitposting are easily detectable. It's not like review bombers disguise their shitposts properly.
Letting people opt into seeing review bombs doesn't fix the issue of them silencing what's probably the best platform for consumer protests.
they fucking say they are using tools you retard, tools in a fucking online environment means automation
you are fucking dumb if you actually think they are using people to check the reviews
everybody go home
retards stop yappin
What are you bitches complaining about, it's opt in and out. You can choose if you want to see it or not.
Shut the fuck up.
>Should have said something
Nigger, do you think us clairvoyants? Time travelers? Should I hop into my time machine and kick Gaben and his SJW buddies in the balls and cunts and tell them to knock this shit off before they do it?
The uninformed consumer shouldn't need to go do deeper research to get a quick impression of how good the game is. The score is supposed to represent how good the game is, not if other consumers have had their feelings hurt by extraneous bullshit and feel like doing a epic gamer strike in revenge.
All this is going to do is make people write a bullshit "real" negative review instead of a review that just says "FUCK (Steam/Tencent/devs/denuvo/etc.)".
>It should probably have something to do with the quality of the game being reviewed
DRM and retarded EULAs do in fact decrease the quality of a game, or do you think that only being able to play games in specific situations and having your data mined is fine?
The Winnie the Pooh thing actually happened though
The point of reviews are to suggest the quality of the actual game to other people, not to protest against the dev because they made you butthurt over something entirely unrelated
Great solution desu.
They're not silencing anyone. They're giving the average user an option to ignore your retarded shit. Everybody wins.
Did you even read the article? Why are you so moronic?
You can turn this on and off. The comments are deleted, they're just hidden for people who turn the anti-review bomb on.
>actually happened
Yes, and? Having negative reviews does not force a game off steam. The chinks were going mad on weibo too which is no doubt why that company removed their game from steam.
Good. Give some extra effort and try to be convincing instead of spamming shitty low effort memes.
DRM and EULA are related to the game, shit like Denuvo is a literal killswitch that will stop your game from working and is known for drastically slowing down load times so yes considering them off-topic is extremely wrong.
Blame the dumbass Chinese fucking this all up.
ofcourse a real person will check the review you fucking retard
this isnt blizzard
you want zombies sifting through the hundreds of reviews posted every minute? there needs to be an ai or algorithm
stop posting any time
Discussion always need to happen you retard.
Not everyone is just as pathetic and complacent as you.
except you can still see it if you want to.
Well there is no score? It's just is the game received positively or negatively and there's a distinction between recent and overall reception?
I hope this only stops reviews like the Metro Exodus incident. I completely understand the hate it got but people started review bombing the previous two games on Steam. Those games have nothing to do with the new release. Just because the new game is getting pulled from the store for bullshit reasons doesn't make the previous two games bad. They better allow people to bombard bad reviews for when a game update shits the bed though. Or if a dev dull releases with broken promises.
Hiding something from everyone except like-minded folks to put them in a box is still censorship.
>Instead of researching the issue honestly to get to the bottom of what may be an issue of private censorship, I will illogically and petulantly explode into a fit of anger, clumsily tripping over ridiculous strawmen in attempt to dishonestly elevate a non-issue to the farthest extreme imaginable: a malicious attack on my rights, because I want to only be capable of thinking in radicalism, and approach every topic as opposing me in the same way since this is the only way I can exist, so the repugnant state of my being will further corrupt and degrade when all along I could have simply been rational.
Saved you a thread read
No, I don't. Fuck you.
>Old metro games have nothing to do with the new one
>Therefore you're not allowed to leave a negative review on them
Thought policing, cute.
the discussion is based around retards not reading the link and saying it's censorship. it's a glorified ignore button.
Are they also going to remove reviews like 'i like it because lol' too?
that pic: the dutch being as ultra jew as they can be.
just another reason i stopped supporting the gaming industry. Thank god for piracy
Why have a “review” up if it’s not even an actual review of the game? The Poohshit says nothing about the gameplay and is just a bunch of people being offended over a joke. It’s not even a review, it’s just butthurt spam
>remove reviews
Why did you post before even reading it?
Don't they kinda already do that by omitting old reviews from the score percentage?
I mean it's a very time-delayed solution, but it's a pretty impartial method.
Gamers are immature. I can't blame them.
get a job
That's not what he meant at all and you know it.
They weren't honest reviews, they were negative ones in bad faith out off butthurt, why are defending it?
How is a review about DRM not about the game? You do know you will lose access to all your Denuvo'd games like it happened with SecuROM (same company btw) and GFWL, right?
>Q: I care about some things that I worry other players don't, like DRM or EULA changes. Review bombs have been about them in the past. Do you consider them unrelated or off-topic?
A: We had long debates about these two, and others like them. They're technically not a part of the game, but they are an issue for some players. In the end, we've decided to define them as off-topic review bombs. Our reasoning is that the "general" Steam player doesn't care as much about them, so the Review Score is more accurate if it doesn't contain them. In addition, we believe that players who do care about topics like DRM are often willing to dig a little deeper into games before purchasing - which is why we still keep all the reviews within the review bombs. It only takes a minute to dig into those reviews to see if the issue is something you care about.
or, "most normalfags don't care about shitty business practices so we're making it so that your complaints about them hold no weight."
>piracy is a service problem
>lets remove all thae shit that helped us get people to use our store
You're making it really easy for me gaben.
Not every review needs to be an essay. I think a product is bad, I say it's bad and leave a negative reaction.
All negative reviews are made out of butthurt, you're upset at a bad product.
That mostly what i figured. If anyone is invested in any of these platforms to the point of aggressive love or hate its probably likely that they're either simply a shill of some sort or brain-damaged in some way.
I just hope that most of these posts are shills/trolls and there aren't ACTUALLY this many retards here.
it literally says it in the post. the same way they determine if a game is a "troll" or not.
they have some valve (((employee))) who is totally compromised decide. we all know how well that worked out for games published on steam.
Whatever you want to call it, the percentage is meant to represent how good the game is, not if other consumers have had their feelings hurt by extraneous bullshit and feel like doing a epic gamer strike in revenge.
this is 100% a response to chinks review bombing that taiwanese VN
It's not thought policing. They're reviewing the entirely wrong product. That's the kind of review bombs that need to go. Everything else is fine. Just because the newest entry in a series is shit doesn't make the old games bad. When Ninja Gaiden Yaiba Z shit came out I didn't see a bunch of people suddenly start bashing Ninja Gaiden 2 as a terrible game.
>Yea Forums says that they're smarter than reddit
>150 post thread about people arguing over some stupid shit the OP made up instead of what's actually in what he linked
>All negative reviews are made out of butthurt, you're upset at a bad product.
But in that case they aren't complaining about that particular product being bad, they're leaving a negative review on that product due to something the dev did with another unrelated product.
Valve is usually fair with their decisions so I don't think they will abuse this, but considering DRM off-topic is just plain idiotic.
This is retarded.
How do you even know a game is bad when all the reviews left standing are 4 stars and up?
Or the chinks review bombing Dota 2 a few months back because that pro player said "ching chong" in a pub
There is no discussion when hundreds of users leave low-effort memes and general phrases expressing discomfort. Nothing is ever being discussed that way, especially not in a level-headed manner. Regardless, your voice is out there.
You have the privilege of saying what you want as much as I have the privilege of not listening to you.
But they weren't even reviewing the product. They were reviewing a different product that hadn't even released yet.
>Doesn't make the old games bad
Yep, thought policing. You've literally just told me that if a new game is out, an old one cannot be reviewed negatively.
Epic shills will post about this wall to wall on Yea Forums now to divert attention, even though it's a fucking nothing since you can opt out of it.
Metro 1 and Last Light aren't bad products and crying about a completely different game in the reviews of another is not that either. How much backpedaling are you going to do on this?
>considering DRM off-topic is just plain idiotic
DRM has nothing to do with gameplay mechanics.
That's... Fair, I suppose. Encourages people to actually leave constructive criticism about whether or not WHY a game is bad and should not be bought rather than posting some copypasta that just says the dev and their practices are shit.
why did you leave out the part where you can turn this off and see all the reviews anyway
honestly itd be easier if they just didnt let the chinks write reviews
>People will reply to this faggot obviously being willfully and disingenuously obtuse
Absolutely no big name devs are going to opt out of this.
>Metro 1 and Last Light aren't bad products
They're absolute dog shit. They have horrible stealth, the stories are contrived, they're linear nothings. And yet if I were to go write that on a review right now, there's a high potential they would get marked for review bombing. Nice job advocating censorship nigger.
You aren't allowed to review graphics or performance then?
DRM affects performance and is a killswitch, this is a simple fact, why can't you review that?
I'm saying a new game releasing doesn't change the old game. You can still review an old product poorly. You review it poorly based off the game itself, not a completely different game. If your favorite game is Planescape Torment you don't suddenly change your views on it and start hating it because Nintendo announced a new Mario game. Can't tell if bait, retarded, or both.
Fucking retard, it's the users who opt in to have the review bombs hidden.
The users can opt out, it has nothing to do with the devs.
>Just because the newest entry in a series is shit doesn't make the old games bad
>A new game is out, if you leave a negative review on a bad game, that is review bombing and grounds for removal
Is it Bong hour suddenly? You fags love censorship.
>the percentage is meant to represent how good the game is
It literally isn't though. You can like a thing with negative reception if the negative is something that doesn't bother you. Like if the reviews were oh it's too hard or the graphics aren't shiny or game has no chinese language support or no ultrawide support where exactly does it say if game is good or bad? So in the end you'd have to read for a properly written review either way.
If you go make a bad review of Metro 2033 that properly explains all that you said and it gets wiped, you can complain about the bad execution of the system. Until then, you have nothing.
you'll just have to be more subtle when review bombing. instead of caps lock rants about x publisher or y dev being bad.
If they actually bought the game.
>You aren't allowed to review graphics or performance then?
Straw man.
>DRM affects performance
Not to a degree it matters, and only in the absolute worst case.
Hurr durr Steam can taek ur gaems
>If your favorite game is Planescape Torment you don't suddenly change your views on it and start hating it because
Who the actual fuck are you to tell a person why or why not they like or dislike something?
>If you don't write a college thesis on why it's bad, it's review bombing
You're right, and you know why it would get marked for review bombing? Because people have been massively abusing the review bomb system by reviewing games for reasons completely seperate from the game itself. That's the whole problem. People write reviews for a product when it's not even about the product.
>It literally isn't though
Valve clearly disagrees. Your interpretation was wrong.
>Expecting normals to go into the options, and change a few settings.
LMAO. my dude.
I knew your taste in games would be shit, considering how you have to constantly flail at something. Redux games were bad remasters, but the core games were very good, and I'm convinced you never actually played them.
>there's a high potential they would get marked for review bombing
No there isn't. You completely avoided the fact the actual review bombs were about another product, again.
>Not to a degree it matters, and only in the absolute worst case.
Wrong, Denuvo severely affects load times.
>Hurr durr Steam can taek ur gaems
Shit like Gamespy, SecuROM and GFWL already took your games and Denuvo will be the same once it inevitably goes defunct, why do you ignore that? It does have online activation by the way.
>epic shills have to resort to outright lying about steam
I hope you guys are getting paid at least.
>>If you don't write a college thesis on why it's bad, it's review bombing
If a side-effect of this system is that shitty meme reviews that say nothing get bombed out of the planet, then that's two birds with one stone. Based Valve.
Valve's interpretation is wrong but they are allowed to do wrong things with their stuff I'll admit.
Except the whole point of review bombing is to make the game look less appealing to people who are uninformed or don't care about what's going on. Making review bombs invisible by default renders them totally pointless except as a means of venting your frustration.
It's kinda funny to see this comparison, even in jest. I would say it's the dutch being the dutch.
Growing up my young parents didn't give a shit about ww2 or the jews or anything but my mom used to always comment on how we're naturally stingy and we cant help it because we're both dutch and scottish so we'll always find ways to save money our and be cheap.
I didn't really know or care about jews being these big evil money horders until I started watching South Park as a lad. I'd also bet a lot of people are in the same boat but can't admit it because they're too deep in the meme.
Of course it's a good thing. If we take the Metro Exodus example, then every single person writing a negative review of the game because of that is an utter fucking moron. And if you even think you maybe kind of support that, you are a literal millennial retard beyond any redemption.
>Hurr durr Steam can taek ur gaems
Yes Steam will "take your games" if ever goes down, that's no reason why you should accept TWO failure points.
I'm someone with a functioning brain. Reviews for a product need to be about the product. It's as simple as that.
Steam already has listed what sort of drm or external eula or launchers a game uses like denuvo or uplay right on the top on the page of the game in a bit orange tab
>Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper
Valve is absolutely not wrong with this.
Secondly reviews won't be deleted, they'll stay right there under the 'possibly off-topic' checkmark. Steam and chrome page will remember your selections for future use.
You can post whatever you like in the steam game's forums on the user page and make a thread or multiple threads addressing your complaints and thoughts about anything.
And nothing is stopping you from mentioning denuvo in the review itself and complaining about it. Just don't have the entire "review" of the game be 'DENUVO SUX, DONT BUY DIS GAME. THUMBS DOWN'
>a shitty one line shitpost is a review
Nope. You can be harsh as you want, but if you have no substance outside of "LOL shit's GAY", you're not fooling anybody you had serious intentions to give genuine criticism, so don't pretend now.
if it has an anime avatar
>You're right that your legitimate negative review would be censored
Okay, thanks for agreeing that this is censorship. Valve needs to get their ass kicked again.
>And I'm convinced you never actually played them
Well I don't remember a whole lot about 2033 because I played it GODDAMN NEAR A FUCKING DECADE AGO. I remember how disgustingly disappointed I was that you finally get to the Nazi station and it was literally nothing.
>You completely avoided the fact
Valve literally states that if they detect a high volume of negative reviews, they will mark them as review bombing. CENSORSHIP NIGGER CENSORSHIP. And here I was defending your fat boss Gaben from the Epic menace.
>piss customer in the face
>suprised he leaves
Get a brain.
>Shit like Gamespy, SecuROM and GFWL already took your games
I can play all of those games just fine.
>The power might go out, better just kill myself on the spot.
The mother of all non-arguments.
And that's a good thing
So you're upset that a bunch of drones you have contempt for may get duped by nothing? Why do you care?
>I can play all of those games just fine.
By pirating them, they don't work anymore without bypassing the DRM.
Let me add that the type of butthurt that leads to review bombing is just a bunch of crybabies acting like they're in the communist revolution or whatever. It's not a review at all.
However... while Steam reviews failed at being reviews, I like the fact that they were representative of a game's state in some fashion, like Devotion's problem with Chinese customers, or GTA V's banning of mods, or whatever. For any often-updated game, the feedback, no matter how toxic, is somewhat strangely useful. Besides, Steam has given a graph that allowed you to identify review bombing, so you can look at why there is bombing, and the actual quality of the game before the bombing.
Yeah, they did.
>You have to have substance
>If you don't write a college thesis on why it's bad it's a review bomb
>I'm someone with a functioning brain
You could have fooled most normal humans.
Simple solution.
You can only review the game if you've bought it and played at least 2 hours instead of shitposting on Yea Forums.
There, I just solved review bombing without needing to remove people's reviews.
I literally played through the Riddick game three weeks ago.
Except publishers are pure scum and usually only put up the Denuvo banner once the game is out even after months of pre-orders, and preemptively saying your game is garbage doesn't excuse it from being garbage.
>They have to sit down and actually investigate what’s happening
>it'll end up with one poor sod just approving everything
You know, I know it, everyone knows it. That's just how they work.
Why do you think reviews for a product shouldn't be about the product?
Yep, you're a SJW piece of trash. I'm no longer going to offer you the benefit of a civil discussion because you're not a civil human being.
>You can only leave a review if you can't return it
Boycotts do not work
This seems legit
And just proved the point. Fucking retards.
>A bunch of people get mad that a company decided to shit out their game on a different online storefront than they were going to previously
>They review bomb their older games that are on the online storefront they do like
>Online storefront that got snubbed removes review bombs that were in many ways examples of saying fuck you to a competitor online storefront
Riddick had that absurd Tages DRM where you could only install the game on 3 machines, they removed it later though you mong.
anyone getting an error on steam? 502 gateway
Upset? Naw I laffin'.
People so willingly give up info that would be in their best interests to retain & curate.
How can survival be so low on the totem pole for these losers? It's fuckin' hilarious.
Doesn't make what Valve is doing any less retarded.
I mean, look at Artifact. It's proof positive they jewin' it up.
contact steam support and make a complaint instead of sperging out here
You haven't answered the question, Chang.
>"Hey at least Valve still has user reviews over Epic"
That's bullshit, my man. Wanna know why? I had to download the latest version of Tages to make the game start.
>Valve literally states that if they detect a high volume of negative reviews, they will mark them as review bombing.
And see if the reviews are actual criticism and not asshurt discord trannies raiding about another product. How do you function with cognitive dissonance to justify having to fly off the handle over everything you read on the internet?
Funny enough, I posted a negative DRM review on these on a deals forum and almost got banned for off topic.
2 weeks later when everyone got theirs, there were a lot of DRM complaints
Steam unironically is giving me hope in PC gaming
and just like that, everyone forgot about epic datamining
What is steam support going to do about a publisher deciding to fill their game with performance-destroying, killswitch DRM?
Just means Valve is being fair even to their competitors. Good for them.
Yes? Nothing about that changed. Unless you only used user reviews for memes and shitposting, this shouldn't concern you.
They aren't being removed. It's just a button to hide the review bomb. Holy fuck Yea Forums really is the worst board on Yea Forums.
The Xiaohai Uruk Autonomous Region!
>anything more than "shit game lmao" is a college thesis
It would explain your terrible literacy. If you're giving a sincere reviews why would you want it to be at least a good paragraph?
if you don't take any channels available to you to make a change you aren't going to cause any desireable outcome and will have to wait for steam and valve to come round to fixing the issue
>off topic review bombs
i'm all for this.
what i'm not for is them allowing devs to decide what is and isn't off topic, and just removing all negative reviews.
>t. joomer
smells like valve defense force in here
Nigga are you fucking retarded?
Why did you post without even reading the announcement that was linked?
They're not, it's based on user approval.
Look at the nosey little nose picker informing me of what should or shouldn't concern me.
That's not Epic, that's Valve doing it at a stupid time and changing the conversation.
>viewed by actual intern
You can't be writing that with a straight face user.
What is steam going to change about a developer's decision? What are you even trying to say?
If you are talking about the publisher hiding that a game has Denuvo until after release then how you going to figure that out and ask steam support anything? The only course of action in this situation is leaving a negative review and refunding the game but apparently that would be "off-topic".
Imagine trusting Valve (or Epic)
Smells like cry baby who only reads headlines.
Thanks China. Fucking chinks upset that Winnie the Pooh was insulted.
So instead of writing some off topic shit the dumb retards will have to write why the game is shit instead, even better. Thank you Steam.
Yeah it is. And if you would for stop sucking the corps dick for the fraction of a second you would understand why.
>Angering your customers should absolutely have consequences.
You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
valve also announced they weren't going to police games that are placed on steam. here we are a year later and they've totally reneged on it. You're a fucking idiot if you believe they're telling the full truth in this two paragraph statement.
>wtf why are people calling me out when I lie
winnie the pooh
Direct numerical comparisons of reviews that contain only ASCII art.
One text pic of a guy taking a shit is a bad review. 500 is a bomb, and probably asshurt chinks again.
Download Dissenter
Valve doesn't pay their interns.
>I'm someone with a functioning brain
Nah, you're clearly not.
>slowly reverting to 1995 level of product and media reccomendations only by first party and pros
Publishers care very much about review scores and will weight their decisions around avoiding backlash, yes.
No because Gab are fucking hypocrite scumbag just like Twitter.
they did though, as did every game published by deep silver
Who is going to decide what counts as "off topic review bomb" and what is a valid negative review? I'm not denying those reviews don't exist, but a change like this could potentially cause more harm than good.
Sounds awfully fishy.
>Straw man
Maybe, or it's really a gaping hole in your logic. You said "DRM isn't gameplay," when graphics and performance aren't also that as well.
That said, I know you were meaning "DRM isn't a part of a game" but technically it is. I mean, It's part of the same package. What's next, I can't say I would like a GNU/Linux version as well?
Besides, I see usefulness in even the most inane of "reviews" on the service. In its absolute worst case scenario, I can find out from Devotion's review bombing that they pissed off the Chinese government, boo hoo. Now I might want to get the game for that. Besides in most cases the reviews show their usefulness like as a protest measure for banning/paid mods (Skyrim and GTA V), for a problem with the community (like the tiny community in a indie like The Mean Greens), or whatever.
U mad, nigger? Of course you are, you have no argument to justify your retarded opinion.
Why is it okay for a review for a product to not be related to the product?
>n-no they're just lying
tim please go
>Not to a degree it matters, and only in the absolute worst case.
kek, I just assume that you'r egetting paid for it, noone with half a workling brain still believes that.
It's a dumb echo chamber since only like-minded people can read it and it requires a fucking account with full name and email to work for some reason.
Wow what a fag
So without evidence you're going to assume the worst just so you can shitpost about it and jerk yourself off over manufactured outrage? Whatever, faggot.
Boycotting Epic's store has no impact whatsoever. Phoenix Point revealed that even if the game gets disastrous sales and doesn't meet its target, they'll still be fine because Epic/Tencent are willing to pay the difference.
Maybe try reading the link in the post to find that out.
people who blindly trust the OP without reading the link should be banned.
>they've totally reneged on it
Not really. They're pretty much the only store where you can buy AAA games as well as porn VNs.
stop fapping to loli
Erosion of fan trust has very long-term implications, everyone is shitting on the PP devs and they will forever be known as scum that betrayed their backers.
>>a shitty one line shitpost is a review
Yeah it is. It might be a bad review, but it still is one. And Vavle already has a tool to help you find good and bad reviews trough the "helpful" system, but for that you braindead zoomers would have to use the system for once and not just eat up whatever "score" is shown to you since everything else is too much to process for that fucking marble in your head you call brain.
Is this thread proof that Yea Forums is the lowest IQ board?
>DRM isn't relavent in a product review according to DRM apologist
what i'm not a chinese pm
I swear every single time somebody tries to besmirch Steams name, I always read a little deeper and find out that Valve is actually implementing actual solid solutions that benefit everybody.
To say that they're straight up silencing people is a lie, this opt in opt out solution sounds perfectly reasonable, nothing will change for me because I want to see all reviews unfiltered because as other people have pointed out review bombs USUALLY happen for a good reason, be it a patch fucking something up completely or some underhanded shit pulled by devs. We can still post screenshots of our unfiltered reviews showing games that have an overwhelming majority of negative reviews to get the word around that the devs have done something shit and should pay for it or promptly fix that shit.
Based fucking Valve.
how can you tell why one review is legit and other is not? it's just assumptions.
some reviews will be simply censored based on ideological views.
>I'm an SJW
Even though I'm defending Steam reviews, lol. A typical game-journalist "SJW" would be wanting review bombing out the window. ;)
Think of me more as a former anti-SJW that now likes to sit on fences. And yes, fences hurt my ass when I sit on them.
>perfectly fine argument
>it's a non-argument because I have nothing that could disprove it
kek, every single time.
>company is based in US
>goes to shit in current decade
Feck off new worlders, just feck off
Admitting you like peggin' isn't relevant to the discussion.
>you can only reviwe it after you're unable to return it if it's shit
Hey shillstein. I guess you're new on the job, better ask gaben for a couple instructions for the next time to not be too obvious.
How is it censorship if you can still read them?
You mean the fence sitting part? That was just my awful autistic humor.
I can hear the sucking from way over here in Freedomville.
cool 502 error page, guys
They're both chink companies. One is just more worth the nthe other, so it's was a good idea to let that one out now.
A banned book that can only be read by government officials and scholars is still a censored book.
DRM has nothing to do with what you do in a game, how the game elements play into one another and so on. It's fair that Valve insists you focus on those parts in your potential review. You're not wrong when you say DRM is part of the entire package, but unless the DRM renders the game completely unplayable it doesn't need to be mentioned. Besides, usually you can't prove whether or not it's DRM that causes issues and not good old lack of optimization.
Was that boomer humor?
Is that even a thing?
I'm surprised you're not crying that glorified upvotes and downvotes aren't infringing your rights, by altering what you see. The thing is, just like with that system, the reviews still exist and aren't deleted. You just didn't actually read what Valve said so you made some shit up to sperg over.
valve literally gives zero shits about artifact.
Ok but we're talking about something that everyone will have the option to read.
>lie in the past
>just trust us goys
>it'll be different this time
Yeah, they'll get away with it yand you'll be praising them to think for you.
Review-bombing is an idiotic term that has no meaning anyways. What does it specifically refer to and how could you ever prevent it while preserving consumer rights?
Is it cases like CHUCHEL's where alt-right trolls left some dumb reviews because Amanita changed their character so it looked like it didn't have blackface? I appreciated that they changed the design, but I admittedly don't particularly like the new one either. So if I was to leave a negative review, how would you distinguish between my legitimate review and some alt-right shitknob?
Is it Ace Combat 7's recent PC port that didn't have proper mouse support in menus, didn't have proper HOTAS support and didn't seem to have higher resolutions implemented properly? Is that somehow not a legitimate complaint just because we might post it en masse, or even might post it via an organized campaign?
Is it Rainbow 6 Siege's issue last year where people went and gave negative reviews because of proposed worldwide changes to the game's visual content to make the version more in-line with what was acceptable in China? Even if there were an organized campaign, how is it not legitimate to have a gripe with a game that has post-launch censorship to force everyone to have the same visuals as an authoritarian nation?
Not an argument.
Except everyone can read them if they want to, brain dead fuck.
I kind of like yhis idea. Toggle it on to read about gameplay mechanics, functionality, graphics and in game content. Then toggle it off to read about what kind of scumbag shit the devs/publisher did. Assuming that Valve doesn't fuck this up, it should be a fairly good time saver.
Valve is basically inviting reinvigorated abuse of the review system.
You very much don't.
since valve is now censoring reviews im going to make a change to my mindset
that change can be described easily: im not gonna trust valve reviews anymore
what do trust? we'll see. maybe metascore user reviews
>DRM has nothing to do with what you do in a game
Yes it does, it directly affects performance, load times and limits your freedom to choose what to do with the game like how many PCs you can install it on or play it offline.
>no evidence
>p-please believe my conspiracy theories
Of course, whatever allows you're autism to flourish
valve is doing a lot of cool shit. they're just not releasing any video games. just take a look at what they are doing to improve multiplayer games.
If I can read the book when I desire, it's not banned.
Holy shit, this board sometimes. You can tell it's populated by autistic children of single moms without siblings who simply CAN'T STAND the thought of someone not hearing what they're saying.
>what do trust?
Considering you blindly trust whatever you read on Yea Forums, your standards are already low.
>being a spoiled entitled brat and review bombing things you dont play is fine
Yeah, it is one brainlet. Only because you're unable to comprehned it doesn't mean it's not valid.
Metascore is dominated by retarded console war kiddies voting 10 on their most favorite corporation's games and 0 on their "rivals", Steam is the best because people have to actually own and play the game to review it which filters out a lot of bullshit.
Except DRM has everything to do with what you do in a game and how you can access it. If DRM makes a game unplayable for people who bought it or causes performance issues then it's completely relevant to the product. And steam reviews are product reviews, you can't say they have to be purely gameplay reviews and arbitrarily decide anything that isn't gameplay isn't relavent for review.
Stellaris died and became a soulless husk when they focused on trying to improve the gameplay when that's not the reason anyone gives a fuck about it.
just deleted this for data mining my steam friends and games ("it's ONLY saved locally" - doesn't matter)
Not to a degree it matters, and only in the absolute worst cases. Next.
>maybe metascore user reviews
Update that changes the game is fine for reviews but the angry horde of Chink's bombing because it doesn't have Chinese localization isn't tardo
>now it's a conspiracy
>the last couple weeks didn't happen at all
>no sir, not even in my dreams
Thanks for the laugh I guess.
You can't tell for sure if a fictional character is loli or not anyway you fucking dumbass.
Fuck you. There's nothing wrong with loli anyway.
I wasn't responding to one.
It does and even if it was a small degree it would still be pertinent to the game and player's experience.
LMAO imagine being such a scumbag company
>he doesn't know how the review system works in the first place
Yeah, tough so. Seeth harder Chang.
Still not an argument.
>but unless the DRM renders the game completely unplayable it doesn't need to be mentioned.
Well, it can...
Yes I agree that it wouldn't relate to the game itself, but I feel it's valid because we're a bunch of PC gamers that can have various types of DRM with each having their own problems, instead of it being consistent and a non-topic when talking about a console game. When each game can have their own DRM, that DRM can have its own quirks that may piss off a reviewer and they may mention it as a negative point. Mind ya, the review shouldn't be full on "DENUVO SUX" but having it as a point in a larger review is not that harmful, especially if it's egregious cases of DRM that force always-online authentication for a single-player game or installs a rootkit or whatever.
The market only works with rational actors. People who will both vocally boycott and complain about products and businesses that make shitty decisions.
Bending over and taking it is just about the worst thing you can do under a purely capitalist system.
This is the epitome of censorship. Fuck Valve, they're trying to silence our right to talk out, protest and riot.
>>no sir, not even in my dreams
That's the only place it actually happened. You still haven't sourced jackshit. Your asshurt over metro and steam single you out further and further as a seething chink shill.
I wasn't arguing, I was stating facts.
Keep repeating it, maybe someone else will fall for it.
>didn't have proper HOTAS support
They never said they were gonna give universal support for HOTAS in the first place, only nvidia implied this which their article was copied to their website. Scummy way to sell the supported sticks though.
The second post you quoted is demonstrably an argument.
what's stopping you from just turning this off?
I don't know.
I don't think this is entirely bad, but i feel like it could be abused.
There are people that review bomb games due things that happened in OTHER games that don't have the same dev, just the same publisher and if when you want a good appraisal of the actual Game quality on its own the OPTION to remove those from the equation is good, and when you see good well articulated arguments for the "Game is good" section and nothing relevant to why the game sucks in the "Game is Bad" when using "most helpful" it is kinda annoying since "bombs" upvote eachother and tend to pass plenty of actual effort reviews due that, this change lowers the motivation to bomb and therefore should be a positive effect to having informed negative reviews as the top options.
But i think it should be Opt-In and not Opt-Out for the users to have them removed (IE: the default is that they are in the calculation).
So many non-arguments today.
Yes they did say the game supported HOTAS, not specifying that they blocked it to only a certain brand of HOTAS is lying by omission.
>metro is all he thinks this is about
The last couple weeks are more then enough proof joomer. Next time ask your employer to give you a small overview what you're talking about to not make it too obvious.
You're ignoring that there's countless millions who won't be warned about the bullshit that the devs is doing or did. Review bombs don't work if they can't actively deter people from buying or supporting the game.
>but unless the DRM renders the game completely unplayable it doesn't need to be mentioned.
So you're saying if DRM causes the game to sutter or breaks in-game functions like saving your progress then it shouldn't be mentioned in a review.
Like yours? Yeah, that's true.
>Steam removing review “bombs”
>Twitter removng Like and Retweet counts
Yeah from you.
Why did they leave the filter on if they wanted it off?
>Valve gives more options to users how to read and write reviews
>this is somehow bad
Wouldn't surprise me if Hiro had been receiving checks from Epic all this time. Nobody does anything against the rampant Epic, anti-Steam shilling.
They aren't removing them, chang.
Great way to check and see which game is worth it or not. If they block all reviews stay the fuck away
You talk as if they even know that they can opt in. They don't even know that Valve is actively trying to remove review bombs right now.
Why not add a tagging system to reviews so you can filter them by topic and opt-out of stuff you don't care? Why does filtering have to be on by default and censor review bombing about DRM and EULAs?
Are you fucking illiterate?
The mere mention of Metro sent you on a tirade before, and nothing has happened the last couple weeks except your organized chink raids every single day. Next time ask your employer for better English literacy lessons and a better strawman to be more subtle. For now, your pay is getting docked for such low performance, untill you can turn it around.
>they did though
Why are Steam drones such losers?
Try again retard.
Nope. Here to shitpost.
>doesnt have effect on performance
yeah ok
This is how valve earns their 30% cut unlike Epic.
You definitely are.
Tags need to be created and enabled. Nobody of those LEL FUCK DENUVO retards will ever do this. Also, you should look up what the word censorship means.
>b-but it's not my fault I ignore all announcements and options!
it kinda is
>Not to a degree it matters
Using this logic you can say any review is a review bomb.
By adding bloat that nobody cares about?
Good, the only ones who did it were bugmen
>Woooooooooow you posted it before ding dong diddly btfo!!!1
Why are Steam drones so pathetic?
>framerate stuttering and broken features shouldn't be mentioned in a review if it's caused by DRM
>bloat that nobody cares about
>368 replies, 122 posters
>epic shilling spamming shitposter calling anyone a drone
I don't think you understand how insane and obvious you are.
yeah that is what i sniff out of this situation too. All these new ideas only sound good in paper and rely too much on people's goodwill. As always this new policy will only breed a new kind of scammer on steam
>too retarded to understand the purpose of opt in
How do you know it's DRM that's causing the issues and not the toaster you're playing games on?
>and nothing has happened the last couple weeks
No point to further proof that your employer hasn't given you critical information about your target.
>cries about strawmen
>when he's been using one this whole time to defelct
Thanks for the laugh I guess.
>we added stuff to our SDK that you can use
>hurr bloat
It's features for devs you retard. Unlike Epic, Steam actually provides a formidable backend that lays a ton of groundwork for multiplayer games.
All this really acomplishes is making people look for reviews elsewhere.
why would I trust steam reviews now if reviews can be removed because the developer feels threatened by it and calls it a "troll"
just you wait, I GUARENTEE that this will be used to remove reviews that mention microtransactions as "off topic and not related to the core game"
How are they steam drones when they're shitting on steam, retard?
I don't like that steam is doing this, but yeah, this isn't censorship.
You either got devs and "SJWs" going "phew," and the alt-right and GGers going "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
I'm just a bit concerned about this and feeling this isn't a good thing as review bombing often ends up being useful, mainly in the context of Steam's polarized review style and the tools Steam provides like the graph. But it isn't the end of everything, it's not censorship, that's ridiculous.
>depending how the mods feel that day "meh this sound skinda trollish and I don't agree with this game anyway"
Rotten tomatoes tier slippery slope
Removing any review will just make the system a joke because you can never express yourself normally because you don't want to step on any trigger word mines that will get it removed, basically censored reviews even if it's negative.
It always boils down to who gets to judge what's a real review or fake, and the truth is you can't, and if we're playing this game, negative reviews are not the only ones that get "troll" reviews.
>what do you mean the game was bad? The reception was great for the game
What about the outcry over x?
>oh those where just trolls
Can you imagine if games like me Andromeda and anthem, or even battlefront 2, Battlefield 5 got a free pass with a curated review system like this or like rotten tomatoes? Where youre considered a troll automatically because there's too many of you too soon.
The whole point of a review is to say what you think of the game, it's not this romanticied journalist version of reviews.
I don't think you understand how afraid of evidence the average Steam drone is.
>The mere mention of Metro sent you on a tirade before
>only metro metro metor
>not one word about the taiwan game that send chinks into overdrive
Yeah Chang, sperg out some more, fucking retard.
They effectively are since practically nobody is going to opt in for reviews branded as "troll" or "fake"
>Valve is attempting to silence protest in the most insidious way possible
>Yea Forums somehow thinks they're doing a good thing
Because the cracked game runs better. Seriously how are you having trouble understanding this?
Just turn off the filter you fucking mong, I'm still against this because it silences people warning others about scummy practices but it doesn't hurt the reviews themselves for people that care enough about it.
>How are they steam drones when they're shitting on steam, retard?
The Metro reviews? They're not, they're shitting on the Metro games, not Steam.
Then where? Cause every time this starts to happen, people are shut downed.
If you crack the game and it runs better. Look at the staggering DMC5 leaked DRM-free exe compared to the one with Denuvo. It was like an average 20fps
Then you need to prove it, every single time.
I wouldnt be suprsied if it's epics insects trying to make it look good so nobody can shit on epics opt-in review system, becasue steam does it now too.
>any excuse so he doesn't have to back up his claims
>no u
You already tried this, Ping.
>user reviews must be held up to a journalistic standard and be extremely pc and shill for social justice or they are bad evil nazis who deserve to have their free speech removed and their tongues cut out
Why are you so moronic?
Yea Forumsalve drones gonna Yea Forumsalve drone - they pretend anything bad Valve does is good, while pretending anyone critical of Valve is pure evil (see pic)
>Fucking retard, it's the users who opt in to have the review bombs hidden.
Fucking liar cunt bitch.
I don't think you know how afraid devs are of consumers who voice their opinion if a dev tries to shit on them.
>no u chang, me not chang
chink cope
>implying its impossible to test DRM-free .exes on the same system
At this point you're not even arguing why issues caused by DRM shouldn't be brought up in a review, you're just defending DRM as something that should never be questioned and criticism should not be allowed.
Epic wants publishers to opt-in per game which is straight up retardation and censorship, even with this dumb change Steam still has a vastly superior system.
You know this is going to be biased right?
There's no way they could ever have the man power to go through all of these reviews, and review it fairly, investigating each and every person, they'll resort in deleting bulks, even if legitimate or not.
> Instead, it notifies a team of people at Valve, who'll then go and investigate.
Have they also developed a tool to make pigs fly?
if you dont complain how are companys supposed to know why you didnt buy the product and react to the market?
its as if you guys dont actually get the free market, typical of leftists
Maybe they could allow your specs to be posted if you bitch about a performance issue. That'd be nice, especially since they do the hardware survey anyway.
>provide examples before
>doesn't count becase I don't want them to
Yeah Chang. Cry some more for me.
Why not just turn the filter off then?
I agree, but Valve drones did it in the wrong venue and now they're paying for it.
You're moving the goalposts.
Yea Forums has already having threads about it for days since the day 1 crack. Are you this bad at lurking or just new?
Did you even read the link? They only judge big spikes in negative reviews.
If Yea Forums hates Jim Sterling for speaking his mind out on something, it just shows that he knows what he's talking about and is correct about it.
Not sure where you got that part from. Maybe you're a tad bit too emotional to have this discussion right now. Cool off for a moment and come back once you stop hearing things.
Seeing how Vavle agrees with me it's easy to see how I'm right and you're just a simple retard.
OP is a faggot as usual. A simple reading of the actual link shows there's nothing earth shattering happening here.
At least you gave a link OP even if your picture is misleading bullshit.
They aren't deleting the reviews.
>using buzzwords like "toxic" and constantly shilling for epic while spamming your stupid shit for years on end
gee I wonder if you have some agenda here
>provide examples
You didn't, you just pulled out of your ass the claim they lied before, without any source.
I think it wasn't becasue of metro but of the one chinease game that got shitbombed for a joke about Xi in it to the point where the dev removed it from the store.
Most of them created by butthurt pirates who want to instigate actions against DRM. Would hardly call them a reliable source.
>steam users protests in the only way they're capable of because the media constantly tries to silence the voices of the common man
>this is a bad thing
>Supporting a literal cuck
>consumer protests
This might be the funniest thing I’ve read today, thanks for the laugh user
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, why are you doing this?
I normally hate Jim Sterling, but he's 100% right about Steam. The removal of Rape Day is proof of them being curators - just go the extra step
My agenda is that I have consistent opinions, unlike you who flips on a dime (except for your cringe love of Valve.)
Yeah, I did. Not my fault you're an illiterate retard whos mental level is below that of a six year old.
The thing is that actual consumer protests are an absolute minority and almost all review bombs on Steam are from the Chinese getting mad about something.
so is this good or bad? I feel like valve wants reviews to be about the game and not the politics behind the game.
You're not entitled to shit. You can say whatever you want about a game even if you don't buy it, but you are not guaranteed anything just because you think you are.
Nice appeal to authority dipshit. Try having an actual argument.
Yes, publishers really hate when people give them negative reviews.
Completely untrue, why are you making bullshit up?
>make yourself heard in the only way possible
>that is bad in CY+4
And I guess the screenshots of the specs comparison isn't reliable because it contradicts you either. Learn how to use the archive and face the facts or keep backpedaling.
where is your Tianmen square now, pcbros?
Given Yumme Nikkis age and the brevity of the negativity its pretty obvious, yes.
-Tony Montana
I did. You're the one sperging out about something that isn't true simply becasue it fits the little bubble you build in your tiny head.
it's you who has no argument, valve wants to censor shit and will make up some reasonable explanation, already seen it. in video game terms you're just watching the tutorial over and over again.
Wow what a samefag. fucking pathetic drip
Bad. They're silencing our voices.
Anybody can scroll up and see you're lying, so why continue?
Holy shit, this reading comprehension
The very fact that somebody as repulsive as Jim Sterling can have a career makes me doubt humanity has a future. Even worse, there are people out there who consider him an authority and hang on his lips. If the world was just in the slightest, butt cancer would have spared Totalbiscuit and come for this faggot instead.
Review-bombing isn't protest.
However, this poster is a complete fucking retard.
will someone explain to me what is the problem of these pics?
Same reason people that don't like x want x banned or censored, for everyone else same reason people don't use mute, then cry about it, same reason people blame video games for x and still buy m rated games to children
Why not just argue on the forums?
What is your consistent opinion about The Witcher 3 and Skyrim?
>three fucking years spamming the same pasta
If steam reviews can't be used as a platform for protests, then they're useless period. Might as well just get rid of them.
If you hate a company and want to review bomb with other people who hate a company that doesn't really benefit people who are interested in the game now does it?
Suck my dick, I don't have time to click on every shitty link that is posted here.
Either post the full picture or fuck off.
Maybe from the fact that you still haven't explained why issues like performance and broken features are irrelavent in a review if they're caused by DRM. So far all you've done is defend DRM as something that can never be criticized in a review along with weak deflections with baseless accusations about my emotional state. Mabye you're a tad bit too inept to even be part of this discussion. Take a break and come back when you're not intellectually stunted.
>Completely untrue, why are you making bullshit up?
Just off the top of my head.
The fact you consider autistic screeching “consumer protest” says a lot about your intelligence
*abuse privilege*
*it gets taken away*
Try it yourself if you're not too afraid to find out that you're full of shit.
He's a communist
>Yes, publishers really hate when people give them negative reviews.
No, just the thought of a Consumer Protest. What the fuck are a bunch of consumer whores going to do? Not buy the product but instead by a product from a different branch of the same family of companies?
Stop projecting. You haven't had an actual argument, all you've done is sperg out about my post being untrue despite the fact you've yet to refute them
>consumer protests
Just review the fucking game based on its merit as a game. You morons care way too much about shit that doesn't effect the actual game and gameplay at all, like politics.
If it drives people away from the game, then it benefits those who hate the company. Nothing wrong with that.
He can be a commie and be right about Steam
Literally only a tiny minority of review bombs are from chinks, they do like to abuse it though and should be filtered depending on what they are complaining about but it's still the minority and a small "price" to pay for actually giving consumers any voice and a mean to pressure scummy publishers.
You mean where a dev can ban and delete your posts? Yeah, that worked great in the past.
You know, I was only joking before but now you actually come across like someone who is so angry he can't think straight anymore. Do yourself a favor and step away from the keyboard. I'm worried about your mental health, user.
Because review bombing is cancer. Reviews are not comments sections, they're designed to be actual reviews of the product that people look to to judge if it's for them or not. Funnily enough spamming negative reviews because the dev made a joke you didn't like or has an opinion you didn't like that's completely tertiary to the actual game itself ends up pressuring the devs to always walk on eggshells when it comes to saying or doing anything and ends up being a form of censorship itself.
>not only retarded but illiterate at that
I shouldn't be as suprised as I am.
Fuck Valve and fuck Steam.
>What the fuck are a bunch of consumer whores going to do?
Give a game negative reviews for the dev being a piece of shit which makes other people less likely to buy their games and makes devs also think twice before acting like scum, this is not hard to understand at all and I think you are just being disingenuous to push an agenda.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
>communist right about capitalism
Do you have any evidence to back up your claims that the Chinese bombs are a minority?
>most steam users don't care about DRM or EULA changes so we'll make sure it stays that way and keep them stupid while also having "legitimate" reviews be caught in the cross-fire during a review bomb
There's nothing positive about this. All to protect some thin-skinned devs from hurt feelings and allowing them to pull shitty tricks without having to fear a backlash as much.
I usually don't care about the "muh steam" screeching, but this, combined with other places trying to censor reviews and legitimate criticisms is just another nail in the coffin of a lot of mainstream media.
>get BTFO the argument
>u mad
Top kek
Says the man who doesn't understand that product X should not be given product Y's reviews.
Boy I fucking hate my table. I stub my toe on it all the time. I'm gonna leave a negative review on this apple tree because they're both made out of wood! You can consider the apple tree to be part of a food analogy if it'll help you understand better, unless you're a fat cunt who doesn't see fruit as food.
>pressuring the devs to always walk on eggshells when it comes to saying or doing anything
And that's a bad thing because...? Why are you ok with censoring people in favor of coddling developers?
>get BTFO the argument
>when there wasn't any argument in the first place
topest of keks
>tries to turn it around
>when he already showed just how unstable and low IQ he is in the first place
What is it with you retards that you can't stop kicking yourself in the nuts?
Not that I mind, at least something funny happens, seeing how desperately you try to scramble to call out " someone who is so angry he can't think straight anymore", which immediately fall apart once you look closer at it.
So keep going kiddo, give me more reasons to laugh at your stupidity.
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
>you now realize how much actual manual work it is to run an enormous platform as large and popular as Steam complete with all the features it has including user reviews and that nothing will ever top it and only it and GOG and Itch are real games stores.
>Give a game negative reviews for the dev being a piece of shit which makes other people less likely to buy their games and makes devs also think twice before acting like scum
Uh huh, and then you're gonna drink your Fanta because you won't buy coke ever again.
You're still projecting
Why are you assuming your false conclusion to devs you've never interacted with? Tell me why I'm supposed to believe all devs and publishers will instantly censor my criticism if they do something retarded and are called out on it, when such action has only been done by a handful shitty indie groups on steam community hubs who made scam games and Bioware on their forums.
>I need a analogy that makes absolutely no sense to prove my point that made absolutely no sense
>Review-bombing is an idiotic term that has no meaning anyways. What does it specifically refer to and how could you ever prevent it while preserving consumer rights?
It's called simply having people brigade a review section to make it look good or bad. It's good ol' raiding, review-style. That said, as I'll say later, I'll agree that you can handle review bombing in a nice fashion to have it fairly represent customers rather than having to kick out posts.
>Is it cases like CHUCHEL's where alt-right trolls left some dumb reviews because Amanita changed their character so it looked like it didn't have blackface? I appreciated that they changed the design, but I admittedly don't particularly like the new one either. So if I was to leave a negative review, how would you distinguish between my legitimate review and some alt-right shitknob?
Well, it's not like Valve is focusing on politics here, but if you were clarifying on avoiding politics, then you would be fine, I'd bet.
(to be continued in another reply)
I literally don't see the issue with devs being kept in line. They shouldn't be non-anonymously socializing or posting opinions anywhere, when they're being devs, they should just be developing video games because they're fucking game developers.
Why should Steam allows reviews that aren't reviews to be treated like reviews? Whining about Winnie the Pooh has no relevance to the game or the gameplay. If it's more important to bitch about the devs than talk about the game then just get rid of reviews altogether and make several comments sections instead
>get BTFO the argument
>b-but there wasn't any argument an the first place! im not owned! im not owned!!
lmao what a fucking retard
wtf how does that make this series bad Yea Forumsros? xD
"Vavle agrees with me it's easy to see how I'm right" isn't a valid argument.
>Whining about Winnie the Pooh has no relevance to the game or the gameplay
That is fine and I wouldn't mind it getting filtered, the issue is how they said DRM and EULAs (which also implying scummy developer decisions not directly related to the game too) are also off-topic which is straight up bullshit and gives developers another layer of protection against consumer backlash so they feel more free to shit on people with anti-consumer practices which is absolutely not ok.
Nigga, wake up for once. If you give them the tools for it, ayou give them always the fucking potential to use them . There were more then enough times wheret he "good guys" pulled hsit like this by beiung scummy shitheads. Only becasue others didn't do it in the past you can't conclude that they won't do it in the future. How fucking naive are you really?
its optional now, probably not so optional in 5 years time
(my previous comment)
>Is it Ace Combat 7's recent PC port that didn't have proper mouse support in menus, didn't have proper HOTAS support and didn't seem to have higher resolutions implemented properly? Is that somehow not a legitimate complaint just because we might post it en masse, or even might post it via an organized campaign?
>Is it Rainbow 6 Siege's issue last year where people went and gave negative reviews because of proposed worldwide changes to the game's visual content to make the version more in-line with what was acceptable in China? Even if there were an organized campaign, how is it not legitimate to have a gripe with a game that has post-launch censorship to force everyone to have the same visuals as an authoritarian nation?
Well, you're mentioning good examples on what review-bombing points out, when it isn't a bunch of right-wing bots swarming Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic. These issues would be fixed up by having us be able to bomb the games to point out these problems. The problem was that review bombing sucked in most of these review things; they're meant for more serious reviews, they don't verify if one didn't own the movie/game in some fashion, they're not that easily visible, they don't identify when review bombing happens in a span of time, and more.
Steam's implementation still leads to raiding and brigading, but avoids most bot bullshit and helps those looking in the reviews when bombing happened, and they can see why bombing happened, and review before the bombing.
And yeah, making the viewing of bombing not counting towards the score by default is a bit bullshitty as a result.
>it's an "user acts high and mighty to make up for the absence of an argument"
Ooh, I love this episode. Even has a reaction image and everything.
New thread
>censor reviews and legitimate criticisms
Except meme spouting retards and drama outside the game's own merits are not reviews or legitimate criticisms nigger
>has no argument
>still thinks it somehow BTFO me
k retadf, if you repeat it often enough you might start to really believe it.
noooooo steam was supposed to be one of us, cool, free and underground, like linux or something.
Except Steam reviews suck at reviews by design. It's basically yes or no, with "funny" scores and so on.
It works well for looking at the current state of a game and its view by the community though.
And besides, there was a graph that would show you when boming happened.
Nobody go to that thread, it’s the autistic spammer.
The only answer to it was, "it doesn't". I threw in another question to explain why it's not exclusively about hurting a corp's feefee's.
>off-topic review bombs
>if you were clarifying on avoiding politics, then you would be fine, I'd bet.
But what if a game is censored post-release because of political reasons? Would bringing up the censorship itself in a review be considered politics?
How about when people left negative reviews on Battlefront II's Metacritic pages (still 1.1 on PS4), and ganged up on EA's community rep to create the most downvoted post in Reddit history? An account that got so negatively karma-bombed, the account was abandoned by EA for community interactions?
What about when dozens of negative reviews were left on Town of Salem because they had a data-breach that exposed usernames/passwords/IP Addresses, and didn't inform anyone until they came back from their holiday vacations? The game might deserve some sympathy because they were previously review-bombed because they were accused of being "SJWs" with their chat filtering/bans, but isn't one of the largest gaming data breaches (7.6M unique users) worthy of a concerted campaign against them?
I could post a dozen more examples, but we all know what those situations were that ended up effecting positive change.. Taking away consumer outlets (or trying to hide them with an opt-in process) to voice their opinion is almost never an actual solution, and no one has yet come up with a way to separate the "proper" negative reviews and the "improper" ones, not even Valve.
New thread
We're not talking about a censorship happy government. We're talking about private enterprises who have full rights to regulate their platforms any way they wish, and it doesn't affect your rights. They've always had the power to go full private censorship, and very few of them have. Guilty until proven innocent isn't justified and at the end of the day they can still do what they want, just like you could if you made your own.
You still can. They're not actually *removing* negative reviews of any kinda, just making fake reviews not count in the review score
Yeah, they are. They might be bad reviews, but they are still reviews. Now trying to change what a review is just shows that even steamdrones know how wrong this is.
>no u
>there was never any argument!
>you have no argument!
Hold this.
>They might be bad reviews, but they are still reviews
That's fucking retarded. Reviews deliberately made in bad faith against the objective merits of the game is off topic shitposting, not a review.
>How is creating a blanket statement of negativity towards individual games positive to other consumers who want to play video games?
You haven't addressed whether the negativity is warranted, your post just assumes it never is.
Also you don't see how publisher/dev scoring system wouldn't be easily manipulated?
Who decides what is "bad faith"? What is the quality standard here and what are the mechanisms that stop the person doing the filtering from being biased and corrupt? These are age-old questions about censorship that have been discussed for millennia but history shows that free speech always holds the highest value even if not all speech is worth listening to.
>steam has tool to see helpful from unhelpful reviews
>retards are too stupid to use it
>want now to change what a review is becasue STEAM GOOD
Yeah I agree, the part about "then you would be fine" was more to be just in case Steam started kicking political reviews, in theory.
(BTW, I'll repost in the new thread just in case)
Reviews made against the developers qualify as legitimate reviews too, and everyone should treat them as such.
I take it you're just some 12yo retard who's lost. There is no other explenation for this naivete short of you being a compelte fucking retard that gets scammed every second day of his life.
>to make up for the absence of an argument"
I love this episode where you're too retarded to address an argument you couldn't refute with anything other than "u mad" retorts so you have to pretend it doesn't exist because you're an mentally defective "retardf" lmao
New thread
Does this mean I can't post a poop ascii and downboat on a game I played for 2000 hours because they hired a blue haired woman :(
>acting like there is a gray line between "FUCK DEEP SILVER FUCK EPIC" AND "I don't like this shit game because x, y, and z"
>that tool good
>this tool bad
You sure upvotes and downvotes aren't censoring you?
>Reviews made against the developers qualify as legitimate reviews too
No they don't you fucking idiot. It has nothing to do with the game itself, it is external.
>Metro Exodus isn't on the Steam store
>How to show your displeasure if the fucking game to bomb isn't on it?
>Not deserved
Yeah, no, those titles deserved it for the 11th hour move.
>get btfo by facts
>can only respond with insults
That's what I thought. Go and make your own hugbox then, retard and censor any dissent. You can do that.
>acting like there is a gray line between
Yes, where is the line drawn and who draws that line? What keeps the person in charge from actually following that line? How do you deal with edge cases?
You sure you're not a braindamaged retard who's unable to comprehend a handful of simple words?
If you're to ostupid to use the tools available to you ten you're at fucking fault, especially if it's as easy as in Steams case.
>one autist in the family is a school shooter
>therefore, all of his siblings are guilty and should be shunned
I assume this reasoning is acceptable to you?
Sure. Why not, because you're retarded at understanding WHY those games were being review bombed.
>>get btfo by facts
>has only strawmen and fallacies
Every fucking time.