There is no other reason to play any other games besides league of legends and runescape

there is no other reason to play any other games besides league of legends and runescape

they offer everything you need in a videogame and if you play other videogames youre just proving how much of a moron you are

wasting your time and money on games that aren't league of legends or runescape

go on. prove to me there is any reason to play other games because you can't

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>runescape (OSRS or RS3)
>Dead dog shit (full of tons of bots) where you use real world money and buy a ton of gp, then use it to level unreal or buy the best items and say you're the best.

All video games are cheated. You can play them, but there is no reason to waste your life on them.

doesn't matter if there are a lot of cheaters it still brings more to the table gameplay wise than any other game out there

Are you more likely to be paired with other smurfs if you make a smurf. I hopped on one of my smurfs the other day that's at level 5 and legit was paired with the same people who were diamond+ players one-tricking and stomping people

Hardly anyone young even knows what RuneScape even is, but a ton know what Fortnite or League of Legends is, which shows that RuneScape is dying and not as great as people portray it as. All it is deep down is a skinner box simulation. When you really look at it MMO's are out of favor nowadays.

I have to admit though Jagex is really trying to keep people addicted to OSRS.

i play smite

>go on. prove to me there is any reason to play other games because you can't

dota 2 because its a better game
get fucked kiddie

shhhh.... just let it die....

>go on. prove to me there is any reason to play other games because you can't


I don't know one person who doesn't know what that game is or who doesn't play it a ton.

I'm sure you meant "there is no reasdon to play league of legends if you can play any other games"

Playing lol is depressing, matchmaking is worse than ever.

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>play LoL since the open beta
>always play normals since my friends skill goes from "complete trash" to "acceptable" to avoid butthurt blame games
>sneak into ranked to grab gold rq for the skin
>have to deal with LOL UR ONLY GOLD LMFAO any game I do bad in

Streamer worship killed LoL, everyone thinks they can laugh at everyone's misplays as if they were watching their favorite streamer

Alternatively, they could add some way to set an account to private

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>plays a role known for scaling late game
>plays a role known for weaker early game
>absolutely chimps out early game every time, if his team isn't popping off early he immediately gives up and will intentionally feed

Small wonder he never gets challenger, his baboon mentality is better suited for assassins, he's on the wrong role

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>baboon mentality
well you can't blame him for that since he has a deformed meathead.

You're a boring person with little imagination, keep playing your dogshit repetition games until you die a equally pointless death.

Agree with this post.

what's so boring about RuneScape and league of legends


It actually takes imagination to keep playing the same thing again and again without getting bored
It doesn't take imagination to switch the game you're playing every hours or so

You can actually pinpoint when LoL became bad by when the game went from a straggly game to an action game.

Obviously you still use strategy, what I mean it used to be all about your positioning and game knowledge above all else, now it's all about twitchy reaction times playing all the hyper-mobility champions.

KATANA MAN BAD is a pretty reddit meme, but Yasuo's release years ago really did mark the game's tone-shift for the worse.

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This. Fuck post-rework Irelia.

Just like Overwatch, if you jack it to the porn and never play it, you've gotten the best of what LoL has to offer

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do you even know draven, he's literally the WORST champion in his role late game.His scaling is shit compared to all other champs in his role.
he does to that to get the insane early dmg. no wonder that if he gets cucked early game he is super fucked for the rest of the game.

I quit playing league because I realised that its cigarettes in video game form. I could feel the negative impact it had on my life so I quit.

>It actually takes imagination to keep playing the same thing again and again without getting bored
No, that takes having actual autism to grind a video game like that or an addiction.

Think I'll stick with DF, thanks.

I exclusively play late game AP power carries but they aren't good in the league of asassins anymore so it killed my interest in the game.

>I could feel the negative impact it had on my life so I quit.
I know that feeling with certain types of video games and I don't know how others can ignore it, plus grind games so hard where other aspects of their life goes to shit. I have asked them and they tell me they just don't care about their lives.

>forced mirrored lane meta
>cookie cutter champions
If you said dota you'd have a point but no

Jagex your game is dying go to bed.

Holy shit this, I wish I knew about the exclusive skins for ranked so far I've only gotten mao / graves / Ori, luckily ufo corki & king rammy didn't need it

Riot just removed physical challenger rewards. The game is dying. And I say this as someone who used to love the game.

If you ever loved this game after 2012 you have shit taste

Do any other user's feel like video games are becoming stagnate and nobody is truly trying to make a ground breaking game anymore? Instead, they are just going for quick cash grabs more than ever it seems.

>AP power
>ability power power

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>be shit
>expect not to get called out on it

>DC Comics
>Detective Comics Comics

Learn to read you fucking tripfag

>playing LoL after they got a fucking diversity officer

never again kys

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League became a pile of shit the moment they started forcing a lane meta and decided it was okay for Flash to be core
Prove me wrong

>low tier false flagging by a dotafag

Are all LoL player this insecure?

Does anyone else miss actual jungle farmers, the ones that don't really gank but flash farm both jungles so hard that they become a carry in their own rights?

i play runescape (RS3) every day as i have for years, but i haven't played league in weeks. though for a time, these were pretty much the only games i was playing. dark times.

I miss when having a jungler at all was an optional strategy and having a 2v1 lane was a viable choice that was situationally an advantage

dotafag detected

>automatic deflection
Yet, insecure LoLbabby confirmed

Liking videogames and wanting more of them in the future is the reason NOT to play League.

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U mad mad?

Game feels very pointless. It's been so autistically minmaxed dry with all ways to play the game figured out and streamlined to the extreme (can't have lane Kayn, can't have AS Neeko,...) that it's just not fun anymore.

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Yes, but they also either willfully ignorant or actual brainlets that don't realize what's going on.

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Welcome to my filter!

>Yugioh invented ancient Egyptian mythology
This is some top tier bait, keep em coming

>i play runescape (RS3) every day as i have for years
How do you even enjoy playing that?

It's a game that forces a 50% win rate. You too will do bad 50% of your games user as much as you dont want to admit it. The best is you are ALWAYS implied to be constantly as good at your worst.

So people screeching at you like an ape half your matches is just a game feature?


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Look up "Ra" on google you fucking genius. Is that bait? That must be.

The next pic claims Riot stole designs from Ed Edd & Eddy, of course it's bait

Honestly League and most assfaggots should slowly unlock chat features as you rank up.

Fucking nothing focus on your own play

Limited pings

Full pings, 1 message

5 messages, similar to chat restrictions currently

Normal chat privs

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>that last paragraph

Post the Courage one next.

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>forced 50% win rate
Guess no one can expect for brainlet lolbabs not to believe this shit.

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All this lolnigger talk.

LolL is such a shitfest compared to dota and even then dota is a massive shitfest too.
>adobe air client made by mouth-breathing retards
>updates are fuckhuge because the retards at the devteam dont know how to make the buildfiles properly modular
>no sandbox console-enabled mode to train because unironically "think of the casuals" until they got such a massive shitfest on leddit that they hacked in some amateurish shit.
>no proper way to use more than 1 unit.
>cant destroy trees.
>keep rebooting and dismissing lore because the writers are a bunch of retards
>bios read like some introduction for a edgy fursona on deviantart
>Encouraging players to be massive pieces of shit through the surrender mechanic " vote surrender or we report you"
>you can be permabanned and be completely deprived of all of your efforts in this shitfest.
>no pause
>no voicechat , it in a turbo-cucked scenario
>populated by such braindead subhumans that they had to add a lower league , bastards will reach something akin to mud or dirt eventually.
>have to baby-proof every single fucking champion , just compare teemo to techies and lolniggers call him annoying.
>have to grind for champions and runes , or be a good goy and pay up.
>cant trade skins , only gift them and all of them look like dogshit anyway.
>getting POZED by the cancerous Kpop shit , everything is kpop this kpop that. Nothing but silicon gooks on air.
>have to bribe the "pros" to stay with meaty salaries instead of attracting talent with fuckhuge tournaments and even bigger prize pools , 11 fucking million dollars for first team is a good example.

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Why do people enjoy watching others play league? The meta never changes and every match is basically the same with only champs getting nerfs or reworks every week, just find Dota 2 way more entertaining in that you can pull crazy shit and get away with it

>playing assfaggots
>playing the worst one on top of that
shit genre that randomly punishes you with bad teammates and made so there's zero mechanical skill ceiling involved
the cool part of mobas is the amount of different hero matchups and the knowledge you can aggregate around that but dota 2 exists and is the least worst of these games anyway

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i never stopped enjoying it, there have always been things to do

>It's a game that forces a 50% win rate.
It's beyond me how there are still people fucking stupid enough to think matchmaking algorithms doing exactly what they're designed to do is some kind of conspiracy

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>dota but for gooks and women
kys chink

I wouldn't hate league so much if reworks weren't such a cointoss between either being good or god awful and killing a champion, and if Riot could actually balance their fucking game.

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haha league of lames

Bruh, it should match you against guys that have similar rank, not higher if you are winning and not lower if you are losing.

>Bruh, it should match you against guys that have similar rank, not higher if you are winning and not lower if you are losing.
It doesn't.

Is it dead compared to OSRS or still worth playing for someone new?

so much this

I want to FUCK Ahri

I want to FUCK Teemo

Can this game just die already please

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>Only incentive to play LoL are the skins
>Have to wait a whole week to get the chance to unlock a chest
>Have to get an S to get the chest. Ok, I can do that.
>Literally spend all the morning trying to get an S and failing because my teammates are idiots.
>Finally got an S but realize I have to get key fragments to open the chest
>Spend the rest of the day being a good team mate so the others give me honor so I can get keys
>Get key, open the chest
>It's a fucking ward skin that I can't even use because you need a bunch of orange essence to do it.
>Quit playing because no real incentive.


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>They nerfed Singed in favour of keyboard rolling retard champions
No. I'm glad I quit that garbage game.
>osrs listens to the community minus that LGBT incident
Runescape is fun thing to do in the background

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>having this much delusion
If you've ever smurfed through low ranks you know it doesn't force you to lose

Bump and a you

After reading this holy shit games like LoL are pure dog shit. Riot literally makes you a total bitch slave all day long for a shit garbage skin. I am amazed people actually fall for this stupid shit. Holy fuck that is sad.

>osrs listens to the community
no they do not you must be new

I prefer Dota, easier to solo carry games. Turn rate and items like bkb let melee carries be more viable late game. Abilities are much more impactful and the game is much more fun to watch, at least during TI. Runescape is good fun to play when you wanna turn your brain off and do other things but nothing more than that.


If you're going to pull up shit like the wilderness update, kys
But I'm all ears if you have more recent examples

So should I not get back into lol then?
I quit after the zombie brand skin came out

Is draven still good? He's the only champ I played

And I swear I'm not exaggerating. The idiots at Riot don't realize that when you put more unlockables you have to make it easier for people to obtain shit because the more things there are to unlock, the less chance you have to get what you actually need/want. But no, they stayed with the same reward mechanics that they had years ago.

Also the last event sucked. You had to complete missions to get chests which contained 10 coins minimum and the chance to get some shit (never). The thing is that there were only 10 missions, so you'll get a maximum of 100 coins. But you couldn't buy anything valuable with that amount of coins! I spent mines in keys

>So should I not get back into lol then?
Absolutely fucking not

Pretty good if you ask me. It gets picked regularly in tournaments.

The game is pretty much the same. There hasn't been any big changes. I quit just when Taliya was announced and came back just a weeks ago and everything feels the same. So you decide if it's worth it.

>offers everything
Yeah, I love playing the same 20 mins every single game.
I used to have fun with it when I could make custom skins for the map and characters but now I can't so all enjoyment I had from it is dead.

>adc fag
Dont play lol and consider suicide.
t. Singed fag


I preferred mid (velkoz) and adc (draven) for fuckhuge dmg

Maybe that's why I was a silver shitter

why do you insult me, user? Did I say a bad thing about your favourite game?

>vel and draven
Consider suicide immediately.

No, you said a good thing actually. If league was the same as it was when you said you left, it wouldn't be absolute face rolling garbage.

I totally agree 100% with you, seconding every word. I'm still playing though.

What's wrong with my boy draven? He's fun to play

I actually dont hate draven. I respect him the most out of all ADCs, but I just REALLY fucking hates ADCs so you see what the problem is

Fair enough. I hate everyone I play with so I just muted chat as soon as the game started. I fucking hate playing with zoomers

>muting everyone at the start
I wish I had this willpower. You're a greater man than I, user

enable voice chat before the game actually dies please

Why the everloving fuck would you want or need voice chat in LoL
If you want to play an actual strategy game where that shit matters just play Dota

OSRS is bigly popular with zoomers

>there is no other reason to play any other games besides league of legends
There are no reasons to play this shit over superior Dota for manly men.

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What's the matter bugmen, your commielords wont Allow you to play anything else?

Yes please. So I can call people retarded drooling apes in real time as they go 0/15/4 and not get banned.

Pic related, the average Dota player

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>No, you said a good thing actually. If league was the same as it was when you said you left, it wouldn't be absolute face rolling garbage.

Honestly the game was already shitty when I left. Balance problems and bad metas have always been a thing. And on top of that, there's no real incentive to keep playing apart from seeing a number go up

>OSRS is bigly popular with zoomers
It is because most of them have autism.

Are most people who play video games depressed and miserable? From this thread alone and most of Yea Forums that seems to be the case or is it just all one big troll attempt?