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WoW is shit and always has been. And Classic will not bring the same feeling you felt while playing it because it's not new, datamined to fuck and you're not an impressionable teenager.
No I don't play on retail anymore
I hear ya, I used to do retail until BFA.
I miss Legion. I miss Highmountain. I miss my Hunter hall
Ahem, ahem:
Last but not least:
>tfw so autistic you create a spreadsheet to see which zones you need to do to reach exalted with darnassus for saber mount
I also miss Legion, it was the most fun as a sub rogue I've ever had. I will never forgive Blizzard for axing DfA for pve. It seems almost bizarre, seemingly not much has changed, it's still the same game, and yet I have no drive to play the game at all
I've been curious about this, saved
>he thinks it's coming out first day of summer
Feels good, lads. I'll be playing Halo and WoW again, just like when life was good and before everything went to shit. Fuck, the nostalgia. Now I just need a VR rig where I'm playing in my childhood room.
60 second Sap, will they bring it back? No diminishing returns, will it come back?
Classic will be a somewhat fun way to spend ~50 or so hours. Then I'll move on to the next game. Pretty sure 8.2 will have more content than the entire Classic. Stay mad nostalgiafags.
no because they base it of 1.12 patch which had DR. that being said, most CC can be longer than 10 seconds afaik
>there are already fucktards who put tier lists for classes good for naxx or other raids
Take me home! Flight Masters!
>being able to save retail wow
They even plan to add fucking heroic afkfronts.
Home posters are massive cucks.
And how is it a wrong statement?
HUNTER OR WARLOCK?? FeelsBad to be literal retard who can't decide
I agree with you that will never bring the same feeling but wow hasn't always been shit, stop being a retard. Even legion, the previous expansion to bfa, had great moments
I don't think saving the image really helps you?
I mean if you actually want the spreadsheet it's here
You can set rep reductions to specific zones, filter out specific zones and quests. Seems to work out fine despite importing it from excel.
first poster: people have been playing on private servers for years and never got bored of it. it doesn't have to be new. even in my 15 years experience with the game I still discover things in the game I didn't know about.
second poster: you won't even hit max level in 50 hours. classic wow has unironically more content than bfa. like gameplay content that actually matters, not afking in a warfront or sit in the capital city and spam pve/pvp queues. if you enjoy that more, fine. but you will be the minority once classic hits. the only nu expansion that could compete with classic wow would be MoP.
why even play?
Funny that you mention that, I'm dead set on Warlock but the few % of doubt remaining tell me to play Dwarf Hunter.
I'll be honest, Warlock sounds like it can be much more useful with lower margin of error. Shitting on clothies as a Hunter and general pet management sounds fun but you have to fight hard against the stereotype.
Kill yourself, Pandafucker
Warlock always get raid spot Hunters dont.
Any advice for a class for my future Tauren?
I've heard that the Horde got paladins only because their analog of pals were shamans and they were terrible compared to them, so this class is out of the question.
>/join world
>/5 rexxar spotted walking from feralis to desolace
Gnome Female Warrior is the gigachad combo
I don't even like or play MoP, but I know many zoomers who talk nostalgic about it. they are entirely different games, and as for a nu-wow that is more of a moba than actual mmorpg, it's decent.
>classic chads even have gf
Will be the rogue for me! I am already playing on a private server to pass the time while I wait for classic to launch. It's still a really great game and holds up 100% in 2019. My /played is like 12+ days and I'm only level 46
dead in 3 months
Why are normies excited for Classic? Those who actually enjoyed Vanilla have been playing on private servers for ages
>123 days
So what are you guys doing during the wait?
I was thinking about playing diablo, since i've never played any of them. Should i start with the first one?
Undead warlock. I'm a ghoulman who is going to make you sick and then eat you after you die and grief the fuck out of my own faction.
>Tauren Warrior
Cool and 2nd place to Orc in PvP and you are guaranteed to be the tank in most raids despite Trolls and UD being better. Don't be a dps cow
>Tauren Hunter
The Human Warlock of Tauren choices. Shit in PvE and PvP.
>Tauren Shaman
Best 2nd place for healing pve
Best 2nd place for pvp
Good lowlevel dungeon tank
>Tauren Druid
Stun only works on humanoid form, forced to play a cow for Druid
Been playing on a private server trying to figure out what class I'll play on classic. Keep bouncing between mage/warlock/hunter. Really want to play warlock but I want to be alliance and I'm not sure I'm willing to put up with wotf.
tfw i want p server fresh for 100 days
the shilling for this trash is unreal. the OP is literally always the same and it’s for a game that came out before the average zoomer learned to shit in the toilet.
>not Male gnome
Fucking casual lmao
so its either war or sham
>datamined to fuck
Factually and entirely false. Vanilla WoW has never been datamined at all. Every single private server in existence is based on approximations gathered by comparing shitloads of different examples. This includes critical shit like enemy HP values, which means that yes, raids may well be easier or harder in Classic than they are on private servers. Likewise drop and proc rates were obfuscated - Ironfoe, which is one of the most circlejerked weapons on every private server out there, is often thought to actually have a higher proc rate than it did in Vanilla which makes it significantly stronger now than it was back then. You don't know shit, faggot.
I pity you. But I'm also a little bit jealous that you can get excited for an exact rerelease of a deeply flawed game. I just hope that, for you, it will live up to your expectations, whatever they may be. You guys have been very vocal about it so it would be nice if you finally get what you want (again). Even if I cannot understand why you would want it at all.
Playing XIV, debating whether to try Classic or not.
You morons are the ones shilling though.
i never played wow just tried the free demo to level 20
i tought the game was shit but now that classic is coming i found out that all the things that i didn't like in the game are not in classic so i was wondering if i could enjoy it.
>start the game
>get a quest
>read the quest
>i notice that the minimap tells me where to go and the UI tells me what to kill
>i stop reading the quests because there is no point
>i just get the quests and follow the marker and kill the mobs.
>i destroy everything without an effort
>RPG elements are super minimal
>every level i just get skills and that's it
>mana and health are a non issue
>at some point get told to choose between 3 paths for my class and that's the most of RPG i've seen in the game
>the game feels boring as fuck because i'm just going around like an idiot following google maps in a nontreathening world
>there is almost no players around because they are all in the endgame last expansion areas
i heard that classic fixes most of this shit but can it be fun or it's just for guys with nostalgia?
this game isnt for you fuck off
Will classic have an ERP scene?
I just cannot goddamn decide between mage and warlock. I've played nothing but warlock for all of my vanilla/private server experience, but I've been growing more and more towards the destruction playstyle and part of me feels mage just plain does it better. Mage also has ez QoL with the best gold farming access and no need for shards. IDK what to do. Both classes are the same tier pvp wise. Mage might be better suited to the amount of time I can invest and the bursty destruction playstyle I want, but I'd regret it if blizz started adding new things and I wasn't on my OG class.
Well i guess you can play both because they both level up really fast.
Also Warlocks get Dreadsteed at Phase 2 with Dire Maul.
user, I've read some dumb questions in my time but this somehow tops it all
Just play Human Warlock bro
in classic you have to read the quests or the wiki. an extra mob aggroing can kill you if you aren't the right class to deal with it. Worlds are big and you aren't directly told where to go next. Zones are populated because of travel and leveling needs.
Which you like better spamming shadowbolt or frostbolt/fireball? Choose wisely.
It's not like they will always have it up. I haven't played Warlock at all but my plan is either to bait it out then hit them with Death Coil or don't bother with fear whatsoever and just use Curse of Exhaustion and run away (Rogues can only break movement impairing effects with improved Sprint talent) - I'll be a Gnome so I can use Escape Artist versus their poison.
As someone who has played both, I say warlock. Mages are much more boring to level, and usually slower. If you spec for AoE grinding you can push to 60 faster, but servers will be so crowded there's no way you'll be able to pull that off in Classic. I find warlocks are more fun, and just better, in PVP as well. Also, if you're an asshole like I am, warlocks have a ton more ways to fuck with your own faction. Warlocks can be bursty like mages later on and in my opinion are just a lot more fun to play.
>Trolls and UD are better tanks than Tauren
You wanna back those lies up, familia?
Sure, it's nice, if you genuinely enjoy leveling and non-raid "content" being tedious, drawn out repetitions.
WoW is mostly just lengthy fights against mobs that pose no danger, followed by downtime that only wastes your life even more, and outdated/unneeded limitations and hindrances.
MMO players are tied with gacha "players" when it comes to wasting their life. MMO's are designed badly in order to stretch out the time spent "playing", yet so many morons fall for it.
It's sad that so many value their life so little.
>you will never have a cute womlette dressing up as NE priestess for some private fun
I've played across 3 private servers and I have played with two hunters who knew what the hell they're doing. Just two. I swear, every single other hunter would go through dungeons with growl on autocast, dps sapped/sheeped targets, never dump threat with FD, and the list goes on. Have any private server players had a similar experience to mine? It was pretty Blizzlike desu
Classic has less handholding (even though I admit I will be using an addon telling me which quests to take and where to go, assuming it works and is updated for 1.2) but it's much more rewarding when you accomplish things (finish dungeon, get a nice item, ding etc.).
Trolls can generate more threat which is the single most important job of a tank in Vanilla.
Undead have an extra safety net ability that saves baddies from fears.
>in classic you have to read the quests or the wiki.
well isn't that video games in general? I always think that to myself as well but still come back to video games once I realize I'm not able to pull through in real life due past events. and classic wow really isn't stretching anything. everything feels like an actual accomplishment and the open world farming is a design to make the world alive.
Oh yeah, I forgot Horde has to deal with threat problems. Lul
I guess that's why I always roll Alliance.
Same. I had so much fun in Legion after years of shitty expacs. BFA is terrible
>This nigger never had to find Malkork's wife
man that's pve shit that don't matter. I'm pvp focused. I like that mages get to break all the cc ez with blink/ice block. I got so sick of rogues being impossible for my lock on nostalrius. Only solution to rogues is to spec into the most boring talents.
Wait really? blink and frost nova were more boring than dot + wand for 60 levels?
I don't think I'll have time for both realistically. I can never get into secondary characters because there's pretty much always something I could do to power up my main instead of working on a secondary. I was thinking of possibly raising mage as just a gold farmer character.
What do you guys do for money as warlock? I always end up poor when I play on private and all the mages just farm dungeon trash for free.
Eh, I leveled an Orc to 29 once. Horde is not for me.
Should i make a priest, druid or paladin?
Use gathering profession to get gold on leveling...
What even is pepe anymore
It will, if you spread your butt wide open
Death Coil is the big counter but having to blow it early just to beat wotf instead of being able to take advantage of the heal sucks.
Dwarf Priest and you always get the raid spot.
That's not Kargoz
not him but he's not terrible for new people.
What's interesting (or possibly just obvious) is that he hasn't played most of the classes he's talking about, but he DID invest a lot of time into research. Tho i think he relied too heavily on the input of "pserver veterans" in discord.
In general i agree with you, youtube guides are largely wrong, but he's one of the more benign "creators".
Don't take it the wrong way, if i had my way they'd all be launched into the sun. Just saying your disdain could be aimed somewhere else if you want to be efficient with your digust.
>Death Coil is the big counter but having to blow it early just to beat wotf instead of being able to take advantage of the heal sucks
You'll most likely get opened on anyway so the heal won't be wasted. The worst thing is if they have reflector but it's a super rare recipe so here's hoping it won't be popular any time soon after launch. Who knows, maybe it was added in a later patch and won't be at start.
Depends on what you want to do.
Priest = the top-tier PvE healer until AQ40/Naxx. Every raid will need one shadow.
Druid = Best Flag carrier and with enough meme PvP items you can 1v3 a lot of classes. You're mostly just a innervate bot in PvE though.
Paladin = Prot and Ret is out the window in PvE, and as a healer you'll be a buff bot during early raid-tiers, but at AQ40/Naxx gear you are the top healing class in the game. PvP-wise reckoning is god-tier with the right gear and often the top pick for healing warriors.
people will bitch if it comes with normalized damages
people will bitch if it doesn't
repeat that for everything
>Prot and Ret is out the window in PvE
Who the hell even levels a prot paladin? Dual spec didn't exist back then. It's like building a character to solely focus on doing 5 man instances. It's nonsense.
Or just jew with portals
Holy strike was too op, but CS is a must for classic.
Mages are more fragile in PvP and rely on mobility and buffs to survive. You pretty much need PvP gear if you want to live.
Hopefully this will be an option. On nost gathering was ok while leveling, but at 60 everything was camped for the most part. I could only find good herbs in AV or 4am plaguelands.
>dot + wand
u wot m8? I never wanded as a warlock, ever. Warlocks are way more sustainable than mages. Between life tap+bandage and imp drain soul you should have functionally zero downtime (even better if played UD and have cannibalize to use). You can fully dot multiple mobs and then drop them with shadowbolt and shadowburn and never have to worry about mana. Handling 3 mobs at a time is pretty easy when you manage your dots well. SS and healthstones save you long corpse runs and are sick combat tricks in pvp as well.
I'm obviously referring to end game, ya doofus.
>Every raid will need one shadow
But why? Just to buff warlock dps? Thought it was shit either way.
Where my priest bros at
Who are you talking about? MDS or Kargoz?
At last, A WoW thread that didn't have a wojack pic I didn't have to hide.
Same thing. Who the hell owns an endgame prot paladin? They serve no purpose.
>he plays troll mage/priest
roll before it's deleted
Shadow priests and warlocks buff each other's damage (shadow weaving+curse of shadows/imp shadowbolt), and vampiric embrace can be nice to top up raid dps that takes some collateral damage.
God you gotta shit up this thread too? Roll I guess
Well I find the same is true for warlock. Warlock relies on being able to do the damage when you do get an opening. without correct damage other classes will escape your cc and eventually get to wail on you uncontested. Lock doesn't get to blink and iceblock out of trouble. You get caught, you die.
ok but if you just wanded instead of shadowbolt you'd save all your bandages and be at consistent full health instead of 1/3 health where some dude can gank you ez. I've leveled a lock a couple times too. You pull agro off your voidwalker if you shadowbolt and end up wasting the dps your dots would have given for some extra speed. Better to wand. Shadowburn to prevent full bags.
enjoy your sharting
For lowlevel 5mans, Twin Emps and pvp trolling
I didn't ask what they do. Just saying that i don't think 15% shadow dmg is going to make warlocks any better. They are still going to be mediocre dps.
Do raids take at least one enhancement shaman?
>can't decide between hunter and warrior
Rollaroni and cheese
sometimes, but you'd need to have a nightfall before it's even considered
what race
>I play Hunter in vanilla
Enjoy not getting raid spot.
If you're willing to be on Nightfall bitch duty, but even then you're liable to pull aggro if a windfury procs.
either orc or tauren, also undecided
>muh 1% of content
Whatever you do. Don't roll a Tauren Hunter.
orc hunter it is
>Doing anything without raiding gear.
>15% shadow dmg is going to make warlocks any better. They are still going to be mediocre dps.
You asked why a raid would bring a shadow priest, and I told you why. Warlocks are eh dps, but they buff every other class' dps with curse of elements/shadow/recklessness. Every 40 man is going to take 3 warlocks for that reason alone, so a 15% buff to their dps is a considerable help to the raid.
> Sublety Undead Rogue
Not sure if want.
Are Arms Warriors good for raiding or should I go two-hander Fury?
Or just take another rogue and have it more than make up for that damage.
Nobody raids as Arms or with 2h. Fury has top-tier damage with two 1handers.
I'm able to stay consistenly at about 70% hp while leveling, but I play UD so I have an extra heal to play with. Warlocks dab on most classes in pvp, so I'm never really that worried about getting ganked. Health stone + imp voidwalker shield with SS as backup is tons of wiggle room so I feel the speed from casting over wanding is well worth the mana expenditure.
But I want to use a two-hander in raids
Why not? It seems like a race/class combo with soul
Have they spoken at all about how many servers they will be launching with? I'm assuming at least one of each, but I'm curious how they are building things considering there is bound to be a lot of drop off after a month.
I think Arms is taken in really early raiding, Fury needs good gear to really take off.
Tfw gonna just farm ZG for that Swift Zulian Tiger.
Roll that motherfucking Tauren Hunter, my man
And then you lose out on an additional healer the raid can call on if things go shitty. There's also several raid fights where melee dps is gimped so ranged will do the heavy lifting.
at low gear levels 2h is viable for horde (WF totems)
So best tank is warrior.
Heal is priest/pala/shaman
Dps is furywar/combatrogue/firemage
This about right? then some locks/druids for buffs and utility.
You'll be fine doing that in early raids, but if you ever want to do things like AQ40/Naxx then you'll pretty much be forced in to either tanking or fury. Classic wasn't known for its spec diversity, especially not in raiding.
The short answer is "maybe". Min maxing is one thing but unless you're an ultra neet tryhard guild, often your choices in creating a perfect raid comp are limited by "who shows up on time and isn't a faggot".
Re: nightfall - it's been said before but it's practically a waste on a shaman. WF doesn't proc the nightfall debuff, the uptime on a shaman is horrible. A hunter spamming wingclip has the most uptime but the smart thing to do is to have an off-tank using nightfall.
(ret is garbage with it also, dont let memesters meme you).
HOWEVER, like the dude said, if you get a nightfall crafted and the guild dosn't have a dude with it already, there is no good reason to not take you. Having nightfall justifies the spot, even if it's less uptime on the debuff than doing it "optimally".
Historically, even tho enhance isn't a very fun pve spec, it's been common for guildmasters to main enhance so they can justify snagging hand of rag. So be aware that you're attempting a spec that a GM may not want you around for due to political reasons.
Also totem twisting is super boring and mana intensive - doable but you're going to need to get consumes to not oom, and without totem twisting you're even more of a waste (and totem twisting isnt that amazing anyhow).
I should stress im not actually a big min max faggot and generally care way more about loot competition and drama than memespecs since 40mans can handle some funsie or less than optimal specs, but i'm trying to relate how people will approach your decision. The gist is it's totally doable but you're being carried and memespecs are some of the first to be bitched at if raid dps is low or the guild encounters some roadblock and drama.
Plus, more re: hand of rag - restos will want a chance at it too and can easily argue they are doing more for the raid than the fat pud who offers jack shit. It isn't like restos stay resto on any day that isn't raid night.
Reroll I ain't bein' no female orc resto shaman
>picking your race/class based on endgame performance
coming in hot
and that is OK user
its not meant to last more than that, even for nostalgiafags
t. Human Warlock/Tauren Hunter
>firemage dps
>in vanilla
Definitely not in MC/Ony/BWL m8
Even if they make it as perfect as you could imagine it's not going to last without new content/fixes for broken/out of date classes etc.
A similar thing happened with oldschool runescape, booming at the start but once people hit endgame it got stale and more updates were required. To make it work the classic version needs to stick to it's core values while accepting that some things were just pointless and outright broken.
If you think about it realistically what happens ~2 years into classic? Everyone has completed literally everything and the player base will be dwindling, the best course of action is to basically reboot the game similar to osrs and re release up until wotlk while taking feedback. After that release new content that sticks to the core values of the older expansions.
Obviously not talking about that. You dont go fury warrior until later either.
>t. Human Warlock
Is this supposed to be bad?
Ok lets see
Never understood why it would be. Must be some privateserver meme.
>paying to play the re-released version of the exact same game
>123 days
>ret is garbage with nightfall
...I imagine the same would go for prot?
Your racials are worthless
The point would be to go back and fix the errors they made from wotlk onwards and start fresh. Osrs did it and it was a huge success, I don't see why it couldn't work with something like wow which is far more well known.
Trolls being better is a big meme, same with UD. If threat was the only concern, you'd only wear dps gear and you'd only use dps/threat talents. Do people do this? No, unless they're farming old content. As a result, what tauren's 5% hp racial lets you do is wear additional dps gear while retaining the same health pool as other races. With tanks hitting +9k hp buffed in naxx, you're getting extra 450 hp from your racial.
Oh, and I forgot one more thing. Taurens have a bigger melee range than other races, which makes tanking easier.
Do you guys think you could level up with SM/Ruin build?
t. shit healer wanting tauren cock in his mouth
No, the level cap is 60.
Not having improved voidwalker is going to make keeping aggro on your pet a bit of a bitch, and you won't have the stonger shield and health stones to fall back on if you get ganked.
You'll get ruin when you hit 60, so what's the point?
you can level with any spec, or without spending any talents at all. I'd avoid SM/Ruin until level 60.
To be fair thats true it just doesnt work
Gimme something good
the class designer removed it because paladins felt too much like warriors
they unironically hated paladins due to their experiences in EQ
normally something like that would sound like bullshit but int his situation it was accurate
How Yea Forums? How will you stop me in PvP?
Kill the the other 9/10 times when rng isn't on your side.
>yfw after Classic runs through it's entire progression Blizzard reveals World of Warcraft 2, an alternate series of expansions building on the original game rather than continuing from current retail
Let's roll boys, hoping for dorf priest
By ganking you without breaking a sweat until you're Naxx geared.
Guess im making a priest then.
Now i just have to decide between dwarf and femdwarf
>Nobody raids as 2h
BRE would like a word with you
Heres a fun troll Healers in PvP build.
That would be neat, however with the more recent history (last 5 years or so) of blizz double-downing on every shit decision they've made, i find it unlikely to be hopeful that that would either happen or not be stupid.
That said almost anything is better than current WoW so its worth a shot.
Diplomacy is goat
From my experience. I don't actually believe you. I leveled the way you describe 2 different times, and yes, it does work fairly well. Locks are also just op as fuck at pvp pre 60 as fear just doesn't break and you can get a full row of dots and soul fire off on the first fear.
But having gone back and tried wanding its clearly the better way to go. Instead of scrambling to constantly bandage and cannibalize you just go kill the next thing and don't worry about anything ever. Cannibalize and bandage also is a form of downtime that can be almost completely avoided with a good wand. Wands are actually really good dps pre 60.
r8 my leveling build for a NE warr who gets the prot talents 1st
i like you, you're nice.
How big a deal is fear ward really? Was it just terrible tanks that didn't know how to berserker rage, or does it actually do a lot.
As much as I want this, you need only compare views in the announcement video
against BfA trailer
I hope I'm wrong but I doubt Classic will be very popular at all.
theres 40 mans in a raid and many of them down have fear counter
>go Human Warlock
>literally every other level 60 warlock is a gnome
>be first to get enough Zandalari rep for all three pieces of bloodvine
>spend entire week crafting bloodvine for the filthy gnomes but make bank because I charge them a huge fee
There's no such thing as a drain mana build. You just took one talent and called it that. You have 0 reliable ways to drain a healers mana and drain mana will remain a niche spell you use when healers are already oom. This is a normal SL/affliction build. What makes this any more geared towards healer trolling than an SM/Ruin build?
Nah mate. Without that 5% more mana you will be completely useless. Wont even be able to cast your spells.
rate my aoe farming and also strat/scholo tanking build
It's supposed to be used in BG or somewhere a lot of more people.
>roll class with debuffs
>cast it on random players I see in places like AV
>horde = niggers
>shaman = niggers with magic
>mfw classic launches the same day as 8.2 retail
Warlock or Priest
Want to heal or be a summon bitch?
Yee why they remove the singleplayer
Literally kek
Shadow priest and make raiders take you by force
>the final version of the game has more content than the vanilla version
shadow priest
the only thing that might be even remotely fun about vanilla is pvp
rollin for pally
Do we know if stuff like raid frames are modern or old school? I cba to roll a healer if there isn't a range check in the frames.
That's not what it means, everything client-side has been mined. It's not like WoW streams content when you unlock it.
As soon as classic launches I'll be running straight to STV to pick up as many gurubashi trinkets as I can
I fucking miss vanilla and BC hunter pvp
mastering the deadzone, trapping, setting up aimed shots, useful stings
fuck that was great stuff
What for?
>oh boy, I can't wait to pay a monthly subscription fee for a single 14 year old video game when much better free alternatives within the same genre have existed for almost as long
I have felt nothing but contempt for wowfags ever since they spawned into existence.
>sees scene
funny how 80's and 90's porn looks better than modern kikeshit that is 99% incest garbage
what class should i play?
You fucks better take everything rogues want and claim it as hunter loot.
>shadow priest
I can't wait to see all the bitching and moaning from the idiots that fall for this meme.
Not in base game, but there are addons that are manditory for most raiding
shadow priest has to be good for something
Yeah, they didn't have range check either. It wasn't possible to make.
I guess you never pvp'd with an actual premade during vanilla.
Its legitimately good though. Not as valuable to premades as a disc/holy but its still a viable spec
the guy who designed paladins (and every other class btw) was not affiliated with the EQ shit, he also mained a ret paladin. just because paladins didn't meet your expectations doesn't mean he hated paladins
Tauren Hunter
Premades don't run spriests.
It's viable for about 10 seconds, then you're out of mana and shit out of luck.
And in the end they STILL hated paladins because it was the best healer ingame by miles, even surpassing holy priests.
Horde seething against alliance for raids back then was true, but then horde raids back then started to become more organized thanks to shaman rotation.
TBC its where shit DUN GOOFED because of chinks and Koreans wanting Horde elves to play with their curck material GF, and Alliance races got the short end of the stick.
Never Hire Players and fanboys to work on your projects, they cant code for shit and they act like manchildren when it comes to favoritism.
Horde warlocks struggle with fear ward and cleanse. At least alliance warlocks can dot to their heart's content.
Planning on playing an Undead Priest. Is shadow priest any good in vanilla?
oom? in pvp? I dont think that shit ever happened outside of spamming dots on people in av.
J K Rolling
>implying AV isn't heavily Alliance-favored
spriest runs oom faster than literally every single other class.
I really can't tell if you're trolling or not
Good luck finding a dungeon group.
Rollan in b4 lock
some shitty paladin pls
people will regret resurrecting a scummy failing company over nostalgia reasons
those days are over, ever since the horde peter pan fanboys at irvine pushed horde as the posterboy of warcraft.
I meant in PVP. I'm planning to heal for all PVE
I suppose you are only talking about premade bg groups here?
Is alch/herb a good money maker for an undead lock until I'm in a comfortable spot to switch to tailoring?
>battle.net social system
>live servers literally running worse than they did 15 years ago at launch, even with less characters on screen
>whatever else "quality of life" shit they'll pull out their asses
just let it die a remotely graceful death in peace and stop feeding Activision your autism bucks.
Shut up, retard.
I have heard it has application for clearing trash but never saw or heard of anyone claiming it outperforms two 1handers.
no one levels prot, but it has its uses such as aoe farming, aoe tanking a dungeon (granted you will probably need to outgear the dungeon in question), reckoning can be dangerous in pvp. people will just see that it's not main tank material and dismiss what it is good at entirely
I'm talking about vanilla, I don't give a squirt about retail.
rogue agi gear is literally best-in-slot until like tier 2 raid sets.
>Tauren Hunter steals your loot
Damn. I guess privateservers you play on must have accidentally increased mana cost by 500%.
The death of creativity
Try a private server for a couple hours and see if its more to your liking.
New to the game, willing to give it a try, still can't decide between
Orc Warrior and Tauren Warrior
yes, and knowing blizzard they will dun goofed
>Zoomers who don't know world chat is a private server thing
no way fag
what? You could always join custom chat channels.
Orc is better for dps, Tauren is better for tanking. Orc is a fair bit better in pvp as well, but imo Tauren look cooler.
orc or undead
Orc Warrior for pve and pvp
>Tfw i only wanted to play as Tank but i wont be taken in to raids.
Stun resist is super good but 5% extra HP is nice for tanking. The AoE stun isn't as good as it sounds but has some use, if only to stop people from fake casting spells trying to get you to use Pummel.
Fuck guys. I want to push warlock to the next level and Drakedogg everyone to death.
But this looks fun too.
I don't think warlock can control multiple people the same way this mage can.
Do you think the original epic mounts will be in?
You're mom is super good and her 5% extra HP is nice for tanking. Her AoE stun isn't as good as it sounds but has some use, if only to stop people from fake casting spells trying to get her to use Pummel, if you catch my drift.
Kite you
>kite a shaman in vanilla
yes and
no one used a global world channel in retail vanilla
they had a cap on how many dudes in channel even if they did
Why is AV favored towards Alliance?
You could say you won't be tanken in to raids
Because horde can lose it.
How about that.
You look for milf porn or even any variety its always some family play. Son forces mom. Sleeping with stepsister, dad cheats on wife with daughter. Some weird schizo degenerate shit. Why does it have that appeal.
how you gon catch me dog boy?
>that quad-crit CoC
not how i would do it but why would you pass up last stand and defiance?
ghostwolf with pvp set bonus was almost as fast as mounted speed. Combine that with frostshock and earthbind totem and you're gonna get sodomized, elf
Heres for elemental shammy
Whats the best race for each faction as Protection Warrior?
>*walks into trap*
oi oi
Human and Nelf
Tauren for overrated meme, Trolls and Undead
either nightelf for dodge, or human for +hit with swords (important for agro)
other side was taurens, or undead for bosses with fear like onyxia if your tank was retarded and couldnt stance dance
>implying set trap animation wasn't incredibly obvious
oh and
>grounding totem absorbs trap
Your only chance as a hunter was to kill me within 10 seconds, or you'd be dead just wingclipping me like a retard with gimp damage in your deadzone.
i could list off what's most desirable in a group or more efficient at farming or better in duels, but in reality you just need to pick the class that fits the theme you see yourself playing as and the class and role that you enjoy most. doesn't matter if you can get a raid spot if you don't enjoy what you're playing. wait til classic releases or roll on a private server and experiment
Alliance have a major choke point before their base and the Horde towers are too high up to actually shoot anybody, unlike Alliance bunkers.
Troll's Berserk will help you get more threat
im rolling male undead warlock and nothing you do can change that
>resists your trap
sup Yea Forums
What spec and class do you guys think is the best at dealing with multiple targets in pvp? Like a 3v1 scenario.
On the plus side, Horde can climb to AH via cliff right next to Ram stables. I also recall the final Stormpike GY to be nearly impossible to recapture.
What about killing it deader over and over again?
warlock is the only answer. charm one, fear one, kill one
> youtube.com
We almost there bros. Can you feel it?
Tauren Hunter
shadowpriest or soullink warlock
but I'm already decided on male human rogue my man
Can't go wrong with either choice for warrior in regards to both lore and gameplay, what's making it tough to decide?
male undead shadow priest
He is deciding if he wants to tank or not
Tauren hunters are the only based hunters
eanie meanie miney moe
I wonder where
my glove
will go
rolling time
the stun was nice for pvp, but a cow shooting a bow looks retarded
>rolling anything but an undead rogue
I agree with Tauren warrior being optimal, but your sentiment about sacrificing more tanking gear in favor of DPS gear while still retaining a good health pool is wrong. There is no piece of tank gear which you take purely for stamina. Sacrificing a defensive piece means sacrificing +defense and other, less important, stats like dodge and parry. Regardless of your race, you’re still giving up those stats for threat. Rolling a Tauren just means more overall survivability, not the potential to gear more towards threat.
retards, tigole and foror were not part of the class dev team stop spreading this bullshit misinformation foror was a fucking quest designer
kevin jordan is the guy who designed all the classes and the talent system
never mentioned he wants to focus on tanking? granted he shouldn't play warrior if he doesn't want to tank at all
Oh I don't really know much about the game, both races look cool, Tauren looks better than Orc, but I do not understand how a simple 5% hp increase is better than a stun resistance increase, or how does an optional 25% increase in base power (more damage = more threat, if needed ofc) is better than a sad AoE stun.
But hey, I might be fucking retarded, wish I could take the orc skills and Tauren appeareance.
Honestly class design was just too limited for me to go back. I wish Blizzard gave many bland specs their iconic abilities that made them come into their own. Just going over the healers quickly: lifebloom for druids, penance for priests, earthshield for shamans, beacon for paladins.
>not jump-canceling the animation 1 frame in
>not jumping like a spaz anyways so they never know if you shit out a trap or not
>using freezing trap instead of frost trap when he has grounding up/available
The only Shamans I had issues with used PvP boots for ghost wolf speed along with impeccable grenade usage and/or caught me without CDs. Sure, once in a while a 2h Shaman would add in a fight and get a roulette proc fiesta but that happens to pretty much everyone (getting added on).
Only bad Hunters relied on freezing trap. I always preferred scatter into grenade/aimed, saving the fd trap.
back to grinding azerite retailcuck
rawlins pick me a class.
Tauren is a lesser used race if that's your thing. Has an AOE stun (useful in PVP and some PVE situations) and a higher health pool.
Orcs miss less attacks with Axes and deal increased damage on a cooldown, they also have a resistance to stuns.
Could say Tauren for Tanking and Orcs for Damage but its up to you.
>Classic TBC in phase 7.
Retail sucks, retard.
Kevin was also a EQ and Ultima Online Player, i can smell the SEETHE by miles
Aoe stun that has a cast time affected by spell pushback and can be interrupted
It's a shame the good stuff is all bows and xbows. Both Tauren and Dwarves look dumb without guns. Dwarf with xbow is slightly tolerable I guess, still feels wrong.
Kill yourself, belftard
>all those tbcucks
noone wants to play your shitty expansion cucks. Theyd rather roll on a new Vanilla server from scratch
Oh no, I do want to tank.
Orcs can't into tank? I do prefer Tanking over DPS, but I thought both races could do it properly, and that's where my indecision triggers.
oh jeez here goes nothing
>be me
>purchase world of warcraft
>play it alot
>get even more fat
>quit retail for private servers
>get even more fat
>get tired of being fat
>go on keto diet
>lose 60 lbs already
>have no appetite
>eat once a day out of necessity
>will only have to eat once a day when retail classic comes out
feels good man
Then Tauren it is
Tauren are such a meme you will get the guaranteed MT role
just keep in mind that racials are very minor in terms of competitiveness so don't feel like you NEED to min/max. also no tank is going to use the orc bloodfury racial when tanking because it puts a huge healing debuff on you for a long time, it is purely for dps/pvp without a healer. seems like you prefer the way tauren look to me
Why did Blizzard change Undead players to humanoids?
Fuck no.
Keep classic as vanilla - completely unchanged. The slippery slope is otherwise a 100% guarantee. Next thing you know they'll implement dungeon finder
orcs can tank just fine
imagine how cool it would be if you could be undead gnomes, dwarves, elves, trolls, tauren, orcs instead of just "dead human"
thanks mr skeltal
add those spells in vanilla and you break the game. also nothing iconic about penance
They’re doing 1.12 it sounds like so doubt it.
Shackle undead, exorcism, Holy wrath, that spell that fears undead, etc
obvious balance reasons, undead players would be permanently immune to fear and sap and all sorts of cc while being fucked to hell and back by priests and paladins
Tauren it is, thanks.
Anything I should know as a newbie Tauren Warrior? Talents, what weapons are okey and shit? I don't want to go in without at least proper basic knowledge.
They're starting with 1.2
Gnome Warlock here
>mfw seeing all the redditors who think they’re getting world first + thunderfury + grand marshal + scarab lord
They’ll all quit before 40
Its going to be free to play right?
>welcome to vanilla wow !
i somewhat miss playing wow in 2005ish. i never got to raid to much. i quit around wrath of the lich king. a friend from high school use to play, talk about it. i would just kind of pvp stuff orc rogue. my friend was a tauren shaman.
>run in indirect line toward hunter
>he keeps circling around one specific spot
also you couldn't avoid completely hiding the trap animation
and ghostwolf+pvp speed+frosttrap > you + frostshock
That is the worst build I’ve ever seen. Please play a different class.
took my guild like 8 months of MC clearings before we even saw the first binding. Also farming rep for scarab lord was no small task and lots of pvp competition for those mobs vs alliance
Isnt that sort of the trade off. Vanilla was all about being good but only in certain areas while being terrible in others. Like hunters having the easiest level time but low damage while warriors having the slowest leveling time and beat dps and tank.
generally most warriors start in the fury tree and swap to arms after 30 when they get whirlwind axe from their class quest (i leveled two warriors just going arms to save myself a talent respec later and did just fine). dual wielding requires a lot more +hit % than two hand weapons. warriors are very gear dependent and you will need to pull mobs carefully earlier on. try to keep a tank set in your bags along with your dps/pvp gear in case you need to tank. there might be more but if this is your first time playing i would just enjoy the game and figure it out as you go. i wish i could go in as a new player myself
Don't care.
Blizzard is going to fuck it up somehow. If it was Blizzard from 1991-2008, MAYBE.
But it isn't, and you will never recapture the magic that you found in vanilla WoW, never again. Private servers we're one thing, because they we're not in Blizzard's control, they we're handled by the players.
Simply put, Blizzard is going to shoot themselves in the foot, again. (and again, and again, and again...)
remember comfy leveling while blasting this classic.. absolute kino
the difference is that a race being that extremely different from the others is not the same as class strengths and weaknesses, it would be insanely unfair
I went from being hype to wanting it to fail so blizzard will finally die and so that its desperation attack wouldn't work and save WoW forever, let it die bros, let WoW go home, let it rest
here (you) go
Who else rolling a paladin?
>Can play RuneScape and wow at the same time since neither require spam
>low damage
Hey man, thanks for the tips.
So arms is pretty much the best thing for tanking as well? That's interesting. I am just curious if there's any talent skill/passive that's a must have for any Warrior that's looking to tank.
lmao pvp noob
Why would a hunter circle around a trap? They would just run straight ahead.
>shittier dps
>shittier tank
>average healer, but also on janitor bless duty
right here
I'll be reading a few books as I level, turning the pages between mobs
>Average healer
*opens winamp*
*puts on sum 41*
*grinds tyr's hand*
>hunter runs straight ahead
>literally only traps people running in his footsteps
epic strat there buddy
What's the best gold grind for 1.2?
Also, Just a fun little fact.
Original epic mounts (White Stallion, Black Nightsaber, Etc) we're removed in patch 1.4. Game is releasing at patch 1.12.
I can't farm myself an original epic mount in Classic. This alone is a deal breaker.
arms has some useful talents for tanking, but the key talents are going to be last stand and defiance in protection. the tank meta for private servers seems to be mainly the fury tree with those talents in prot i mentioned, but i wouldn't worry about that too much right now as you don't need any points in protection to tank while leveling
decent priests, druids and shamans (who knew how to downrank spells) shit all over paladins. They were only brought along for buffs.
>playing literally any other race but human as a prot warrior
Why? No seriously, why? +2.6% hit is absolutely insane, and beats +1% dodge by a mile.
How are you going to catch the hunter if you're not running towards him? The hunter is shooting you the whole time by the way
>will be fishing theramore this summer
really hyper boys
Show me a source. Everything I'm looking at says 1.12
Alright, give me Rogue Male Subtlety
some people play to have fun and like the other races more, it's not a job. not that i don't agree with you or anything
It's a bit harder being a Warlock on Alliance if you're on a PvP server because of Will of the Forsaken.
That being said, it's also harder being a Rogue or Warrior on Alliance in PvP thanks to Orcs.
No one runs around the trap like a mongoloid, just run str8 lmao.
Even then that shows a reliance on traps which is a sign of a shitty Hunter. You can definitely hide the trap animation, it's the fd anim that usually gives it away. Being in range to frost shock means you got the jump on the Hunter, which I did address in my post.
Most of the time I wouldn't get within 35y of the Shaman, I just fucked with them until they were oom like any other mana user in a BG/group fight.
>We’ll launch Classic with content from original WoW through patch 1.2.x, then the second update will include content that was in original WoW 1.3 and 1.4, the third Classic update will have 1.5 and 1.6 content, and so on.
holy pallies have the best single target healing in the game and are god tier in pvp what are you on about
What is subtlety good for?
you can run towards someone, without running in a straight line. You see a hunter, you run in an indirect line towards him and watch as he tries to maneuver you into his trap.
now google captcha is giving me the shit where you have to click images, and it takes literally 10 seconds to refresh between each image to click, so fuck you and good night
Fair play to you, Sir.
... this still won't save World of Warcraft. Classic. I admire you for holding on so tightly.
they're using 1.12 class balance, but the latest official update shows they're doing progressive itemization and raid/content releases. that being said, we don't know if the older mount models will be in or not
they are only godtier if the other healers suck dick at managing mana, because paladins have the best mana retention and regen. Also high tier raids are more than single target healing. Palas can be nice on patchwerk type fights, but only average on everything else
>now google captcha is giving me the shit where you have to click images, and it takes literally 10 seconds to refresh between each image to click, so fuck you and good night
> he doesn't know
Oh that's good to know.
This is what I had in mind for my first build, it might be fucking horrible but I'm gonna roll with it until I get to the point where I need to actually specialize a bit more to tank the actual hard content.
>much better free alternatives within the same genre
Such as?
No, really. What's a f2p MMO that's actually worth your time in 2019?
There aren't any.
Why do people run from darnassus to elwynn when places like darkshore contain 50k more experience than Westfall
PvP. Having a 10% chance to be destealthed after sapping as opposed to a 100% chance is nice too, I guess. The armour reduction has some use in PvE but for that people go Combat.
Isn't the "fury tank" a bit of a meme-build that private server people came up with due to the fact that they were trying to push bosses early/undergeared and therefore the tanks weren't able to produce enough threat? I'd say any normal guild that just progresses at a standard rate and isn't some super min-max meta obsessed classic guild you could just stick to a more typical protection-focused spec and be fine (while also making the healers lives a little easier).
Prep, Hemo, other PvP stuff. Just don't get Premed.
Being insanely tanky AND being able to bubble to negate any cc/damage is pretty damn powerful my dude
>You see a hunter, you run in an indirect line towards him and watch as he tries to maneuver you into his trap.
The hunter doesn't need to manoeuvre you, he just runs in a straight line away from you. If you want to catch him you have to run in a straight line into the trap. Otherwise, you won't catch him.
priest is equivalent to pala on single target, if he downranks his heals
my man, this was my leveling anthem
yea+they missing out on kino ashenvale leveling
Westfall has some sweet gear quest rewards that last you a long time, and also Deadmines loot. I do both usually.
>Your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.
Can't wait to play classic and shit on people who build talents like this guy. Can't wait.
well i specified private server for a reason. if you look up some of what the private server devs have said, you'll know they have to guess at how much armor and resistances mobs have so it wasn't uncommon for a boss to have zero armor with increased hp to compensate which means warriors are insane on these servers, generating a ton of rage and threat and doing amazing dps. i honestly expect warrior dps early on to be not nearly as good as some may think when the real servers come out
Fuck no. Hpala flash spam is stronger single target than anything priest can do. And costs much less mana.
my nibba
Because your friends are in Westfall. At least that was my reason.
>Lv 39
>In Desolace farming Basilisks for mount money
>No one else in the zone
>Pure serenity
>If you want to catch him you have to run in a straight line into the trap.
imagine a line
now imagine another line running parralel to the first line
ok then
Well that's part of being new to the game bud, that's how you learn.
But to shit on me wouldn't I have to play on a PvP server?
because darkshore sucks donkey dick and is ugly as shit
That sometimes happens to me too, although rarely. I just reopen the browser or refresh teh page and it works again
preference, to play with friends in elwynn, and to experience the kino death journey of course
stronger? not stronger than downranked heal
more mana efficient? Not more than downranked heal
there's a reason why they removed downranking.
>But to shit on me wouldn't I have to play on a PvP server?
if you're playing on a pve server, you will never participate in pvp if you don't want to so mostly yes. you can always google a leveling build if you're interested, also
>snipes u
>doesn't understand Euclidean geometry
Are all Shamans like this?
"Everyone else levels in Westfall, so I should too."
Doesn't help that Darkshore is a fucking slog. One of my favorite Vanilla zones, but a slog nonetheless.
Horde and shaman > alliance and paladin
Why would it be deleted? Also tentative roll even though I probably sorta kinda know what I want to play.
Its so mana efficient you end bosses at 90% mana, dont need more. And while it heals for a little less than heal 4, it is a faster cast.
Good to know, thanks
Also what talents would you recommend instead?
tell me about paladin leveling - I know it's slow
do I go for consecration first?
or persuit of justice?
or the +weapon hit?
>stuck on patch 1.2 for 2 months
>6 month long wait for AQ
this is going to suck waiting even longer for the actual good content. 1.2 is fucking boring as fuck just to tell yall and when people play it theyre going to think that this barebones patch is what classic WoW is and laugh and quit.
Paladin healing is overrated and paladins are absolute garbage in pvp.
Probably a preference for the Human zones. Plus the first Alliance dungeon is there.
are you working under the assumption that traps just exist perpetually right behind the hunter? That he doesn't need to drop it and move before enemy gets in melee range?
did you even play vanilla or are you one of the private server kids?
consecration is too mana consuming to be effective
get poj as fast as possible
1.2 is literally the perfect time to level an alt though
Give me druid
Im gonna play priest. I just really hope I can convince one of my 2 friends to go for the ride with me. If I can get both of those motherfuckers its gonna be an extreame blast.
faster cast doesn't matter if you time your heal to finish casting just as the tank takes damage.
I made spammers look like retards with their 90% overhealing, and I had like 5%
>Still doesn't understand
If you have to divert your course to avoid the trap you will not get into melee range of the hunter. Shamans are the worst possible class matchup vs a hunter. They have no gap closing skills at all.
i was reading the skill list for warrs and cleave struck me as odd
does it really hit your target and only 1 nearest to him? I thought it hit everything around your target (+your target)
someones clearly never played vanilla wow
you are aware that traps have cooldown right? And that even if a shaman stepped into a frosttrap, he would still be faster with ghostwolf+pvp speed than a frostshocked hunter.
>Shamans are the worst possible class matchup vs a hunter. They have no gap closing skills at all.
oh you're just trolling.
No, you’re thinking of whirlwind
yes, hits your target and the nearest enemy. whiriwind will hit 4 targets, sweeping strikes will cause your next 5 attacks to also hit one other target. aoe dps was very limited in earlier versions of the game
Nost/ely 2 char's to 60 reporting in. I can confirm that there are massive amounts of shitters on populated private servers. A lot probably has to do with the fact that it's free but I hope to god classic has this level of enthusiastic but inexperienced players in it, even though it can be annoying it's good to have fresh blood in mmorpgs
>And that even if a shaman stepped into a frosttrap
Freezing trap, user
rolling yet again
Retail classic will have MUCH more shitters. Probably close to no chinks though, so there's always that.
it will still be 1000 times better than any current mmo
Aren't shocks like 25 yard range? How the absolute heck are you getting that close in the first place.
it will still be 1000 times better than any current mmo.
Someone clearly hasn't since you think paladins are somehow "god tier" in pvp.
Trash player confirmed.
Classic is going to have at least 3 times as many shitters as on private servers. Most max level people on private servers have been around the block a few times, and the amount of effort it takes to get the client set up is way more than most retailfags can handle. The shitters on private servers don’t really last long anyway, and the absence of Chinese players makes it easier to farm nodes and control the economy.
enhance is pretty rough against a good hunter desu, thats why you go chad ele of course
no, because the grounding would absorb the freezing trap. A hunters only chance to kite would be the frost trap
ghostwolf runs at 55% speed with pvp bonus, that's how. Or just run up to him with epic mount. Pretty sure there was also an item that increased shock range, but can't recall what it was.
Only against hunters that knew to keep 40 yard range at all times. Ele got fucked by hunters afaik, same as any other caster
Do you think they'll let DM break the economy once it's out or will they do what private servers do and nerf the lashers?
>no, because the grounding would absorb the freezing trap.
private servers nerf the lashers and shit so they can get players to buy their gold instead, so no i don't expect them to nerf it
Mage can slow and kite an entire party at once.
If I would like to play a Druid, how bad is it if I want to Tank? Is it fine for Dungeons if it's not the best for endgame Raids at least?
Is it really trash or just a bit outclassed by Warrior?
Also, would Tauren or Night Elf be better? I'm leaning more towards Night Elf.
I said holy pallies, and yes they are the best healer in pvp having a 8 second damage immunity a stun which most classes can't trinket out of, LoH and high armor makes them god tier. now fuck off back to ur slums of org
i know ive been weighing leveling up a priest first just the dm farming
people are really going to bankroll this garbage company even more so they can feed on scraps of nostalgia. fucking pathetic
epic arguments, thanks for playing
You dont play druids in vanilla
Warriors are the only vanilla tank
You can meme tank as druid and pally in some five man's, but that is it. You will never raid as one
Wow just wait it out then kill/cc the paladin.
Too short range, can't afford to run in and use hoj.
Too long cooldown to be useful.
>high armor
doesnt matter
You're absolute garbage tier, learn to play.
Retail classic will begin with patch 1.13. It will fix some known bugs in 1.12.1, and it will modify the lashers in dire maul as well as fix the king's AI. Dire maul farming will be a thing of the past.
lets achieve peak performance of playing a protection female gnome warrior
Druids heal
Shaman heal
Paladins heal
Priests heal (unless you're the token shadow debuff nigger)
Warriors tank
That's just how it is on this bitch of an Azeroth
this was unexpected
Bear tanks can be taken to raids and placed in one of the melee groups.
They're not viable main tanks, but they aren't bad off tanks for some fights.
Dire Maul won't even be out for Classics launch, it's in their planned second wave.
>timegating vanilla
oh boy
Perfectly fine for all dungeons. Raids, might be tougher but doable. Check this channel:
>Wants dire maul gear to completely negate the need for molten core
Druids were quite versatile in Vanilla and Feral was a very decent spec because it could be both a mediocre tank and a mediocre DPS as needed. A warrior or rogue will always be better but having that versatility in one raid slot was valuable - and you could innervate, too.
They're not like Paladins who are only good for healing and buffing. Balance was the only completely worthless druid spec.
You won't maintank raids, but you can do dungeons and off-tank a few raid fights.
Tauren vs Night Elf is mostly faction preference. That being said, from what I've heard Shamans kind of infringe on the Druid's mana-regenerating support with their Mana Tide totems.
>If I would like to play a Druid, how bad is it if I want to Tank? Is it fine for Dungeons if it's not the best for endgame Raids at least?
fine for dungeons, you can tank some raid bosses
>Is it really trash or just a bit outclassed by Warrior?
it's not trash, but it's more than a bit outclassed i'd say. not as bad as prot pally though, prot pally is definitely more niche. but a druid's primary pve role is tertiary healer so i would at the very least keep a healing set on you
since when was dire maul gear better than molten core gear?
>wanting people to skip MC/Ony/BWL for zul'gurub and dm farming
Did you really expect them to launch with everything at once? What would be the point of ever running half the content?
Why would you ever take a cat druid they just eat up debuff slots with their shit weak bleeds
>Warriors are the only vanilla tank
But are Druids like actively bad, where you cannot succeed with one as a Tank, or are okay but outclassed by Warriors?
There's difference between "okay but not the best" to "utter trash", I'd like to know which is it I guess.
>would Tauren or Night Elf be better? I'm leaning more towards Night Elf.
Even with pvp boots you're only 25% faster than a cheetah hunter. Add conc shot and you're already falling behind. Viper sting to force the dropped wolf, free auto-multi while he totems and wolfs again (you don't remove the viper? hope you have r1 frost shock bound). You've clearly only played against keyturning morons that rely far too much on fd/trap.
If you really want to fuck a hunter as enhance you need some extra edge, like rocket helmet or similar.
If you want to tank as a druid you need enchant for that armor trinket. Also takes more effort in general.
For raids? Completely outclassed. Apologists will tell you that you can tank 90% of bosses, but you’re going to have to put in three times as much effort than a prot warrior, both before and during the raid. Even then, you’d also have to find a guild willing to let you tank and potentially put the entire raid group in jeopardy.
For dungeons, however, feral druids can be as effective - if not more effective - than a prot warrior. The issue is that tanking dungeons can only be entertaining for so long until you get bored and want to progress your character and raid.
Honestly just go with prot warrior. I know you wanna stick with the Druid fantasy but it’s honestly not worth feeling like a subpar piece of shit all the time and constantly trying to prove to others than you’re not worthless.
some fights like ony and nef need to be done by a warrior because of the fear (and nef's druid call turns them all in to cats anyway)
you will likely not get to main tank until you outgear the content so that should speak for itself. also for purely tanking, tauren's 5% hp is better than 1% dodge but they're different factions so just pick whichever you like aesthetically more
>tauren's 5% hp is better than 1% dodge
what the fucking fuck am I reading
If you were doing content at an appropriate gear level, no class other than warrior could tank.
>Only 123 days left
Is there actually a source on this?
I'm not expecting it, but no one's denying it either.
>Last but not least:
If the fight starts at 40 yard range and you can't line of sight, no one can beat a hunter except another hunter. I won't deny that.
But all the epic pro hunters here seem to think that they could get away from a shaman with 0.5 sec cast ghostwolf running at 55% increased speed, if he ever got close enough to shock even once. And that's where I disagree.
[Osconty recorded a patchwerk kill July 16th, 2006](youtube.com
July 16th, 2019 is a Tuesday
There's a level 16 gnome named osconty in the armory
Blizzards promo pics for classic at BlizzCon had a gnome named osconty and July
since dire maul's release
There's no release date as far as I know, just a vague "coming this summer" which could mean anytime from June to September.
>tfw I'm making a comfy guild with friends
>we're all gonna hit 60 together
it's gonna be so good
If this is actually the case then boy they're really doing a lot of silly shit to hint at the date instead of just outright saying it
there were a few items that were better than their equivalent in Molten Core, but you still needed to do MC for all the other shit. Don't exaggerate.
probably thinking about warriors but honestly comparing their racials is a bit dumb because they're on different factions