I enjoyed it

I enjoyed it

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how dare you

Very brave of you to publicly admit you’re retarded. So inspiring.

my nigga. on my second playthrough right now.

It's not what we hoped it would be, but the gameplay is the best in the franchise. I had fun with it as well.

Game play was impeccable, had really hoped for a freezing tundra map to make up for the dry desert and soggy wetlands. Story sucked balls, I enjoyed everything else about it though. Shame it wasn't finished and a lot of content was cut.

Unfinished story
Fantastic gameplay

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Me too

>crouchwalking into base and holding O to pick up something
Kojima gameplay is truly high IQ

If that's the way you played it, maybe it's the fault of the high IQ player.

>Think I finished game
>It was only part 1
>Finish part 2 expecting a part 3
>Game is over

>Max out Quiet so I can get good guns and outfits
>Get forced into immediate quest where she fucking dies

Fuck this game

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Chew enjoyed all the filling. THATS WHY.

why would you even want quiet as your buddy when DDog can do everything she does but faster and better?

Why not have a mech to fuck shit up if things go south? Doggo and Rapeo where overpowered and that kills the thrill of infiltrating in MGS.

Quiet has your back if shit hits the fan. D-dog just stands there licking his balls.

Complaining about this is like complaining about the tranq2win in MGS3. There are plenty of more interesting and situationally superior ways to approach problems, just exercise a little creativity.

So did everyone else, but it's still shit.

He licks my balls too.

oh I loved it
spent 200 hours on the singleplayer alone
it's not a good game though, it's a solidly mediocre game that is ultimately unsatisfying in terms of story and micro-level design, but in terms of an open world sandbox it's perfect

I'm playing through this right now. Its amazing but I wish it gave you some more freedom to use the map in missions. I just rescued Code Talker and its very obvious that they are funneling you into a boss fight in that valley with the skulls. The first thing I did was try to get the high ground but the map limits very clearly push you to walk through a very small valley with very little cover, something you'd probably never do if this was entirely open world.

Also I wish you got better suppressors sooner. I know why they did it but its hard to not compulsively call in supply drops.

they hype was the best thing about the game

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>in terms of an open world sandbox it's perfect
open world was dead as fuck

I can't fully explain why but I had ten times as much fun in GZ than V. Not that V wasn't great. But something about the GZ map was really something special.

I wish you could do a total restart or NG+. I know you can replay missions endlessly but it isn't the same.

I spent 35 hrs on GZs, a game that's meant to be played for 5 hrs. GZs is the best MG game right next to PW. TPP was just a dead game in general

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If you're playing on PC just move your save file, or on PS4 play it on a different profile.

Because open world stealth sucks as a concept
I'd rather have single levels really crafted then a half-assed location that's always easy to infiltrate

i remember exploding with happiness when i saw "chapter 2" intro
>oh shit oh fuck
>skull face was just a chapter miniboss
>all of the stuff i'm going to see
>i wonder how many chapters are in this game

>mfw i finished the game

the most surprising thing about this game is how it's terrible for replaying. you start your second playthrough, you get bored ten missions later. i could replay mgs1-4 over and over again, i can't even count how many times i went through GZ missions in many different ways, but it just doesn't work for mgs5. handful of missions was replayable, right now i can only think of this mission where you have to assassinate dude on the airport and the subsistence mission where you get no equipment

i enjoyed it too, but i hate it anyway

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I wish some talented people could mod the game to include all the cut content so the game can have a proper 3rd act.

>fighting burning man
>getting intense
>blood pumping
>it rains
>enemy defeated

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>MGS is dead forever
>Fox Engine is wasted

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