I didn't really enjoy Fortnite so I tried this because I only ever heard it was better. It's so much worse...

I didn't really enjoy Fortnite so I tried this because I only ever heard it was better. It's so much worse. I don't get the appeal of these games, the objective is just to avoid fighting other players until the match is over. Couldn't you just not play the game at all?

Attached: apex-featured-image-16x9.jpg.adapt.crop191x100.1200w.jpg (1024x536, 128K)

>avoiding other players

Attached: 12b.png (1199x630, 1.19M)

No, the objective is to survive.
But the idea is that just staying in a persistent fire fight isn't really helpful, so you're better off strafing and trying to surround and surprise enemies with your squad while one person is keeping enemy attention.
So for instance, I was in a sort of stand off with my squad against an enemy squad. I had the kraber and a bangalore on my team, so I asked them to smoke our area and threw my zipline and picked off two of the enemy squad from the other side of a crevasse

install and play quake champions if you don't like battle royale crap


Old and busted shit excuse, if you do that crap 9/10 times the last team will just steamroll you since they are better geared and already in the flow.

lmao imagine being shit in a video game and then complaining on the internet

is this just a case of "OP is a fag" or does Yea Forums really like Apex Legends?

>the objective is just to avoid fighting other players
At least you admit you're terrible at the game.

>apex predators good
>apex legends bad

>the objective is just to avoid fighting other players
This is why you hate the game, OP. Literally git gud.

Killing other players is how you get better gear to potentially win. You'll be that squad with white shields with zero shield cylinders/full meds, with white mod weapons.

you didn't play it, the ring contracts and does damage just like fortnite's storm
you literally can't hide from other players

Literally the only BR game where hot drops are bearable and fun.

it sounds like you SUCK

Attached: chaikawao.png (256x256, 85K)

>the objective is just to avoid fighting other players
How many times have you won?
You could play like a pussy but the ring encourages people to come closer and you'll have garbage weapons/armor. This game gives you lots of mobility and awards aggression.

White items are the worst
Colored items are the best
Are Respawn actually based?

The best strategy for people who can't aim is to avoid fights but it's not even enjoyable at that point. You would have more fun engaging often and dying than finishing in 3rd with one kill.

I watched some of the top streamers to pick up on some good strats, and they just go from fight to fight as kill leaders and win most of their games.

Fun is not a big factor when trying to come in 1st. With the right circumstances, you can have a ton of fun coming in dead last.

The strats in BR come down to

>Where you land
>How you rotate around the map
>Your positioning in relation to other people's rotations
>When and where you enter the circle

After that its all about the firefight, so if you actually care to get good, watch for patterns.

This is a BR with ONE game mode. What fun could you possibly have getting 0 kills and 0 damage. Even if you formed a fight club squad, you still need to kill people for it to actually be fun.

Attached: apl15.jpg (756x1125, 60K)