I know it’s early but fuck it. I think us regiCHADs deserve new Regis in gen 8

I know it’s early but fuck it. I think us regiCHADs deserve new Regis in gen 8

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Regis suck.

What about a Primal Regigigas in the inevitable Sinnoh remakes?

Ah yes, the Bug Age and the Water Age, my favorite moment of history
new regis would ruin the concept

If ORAS didnt expand on regis, no way Sinnoh will

>that Regibug and Regifairy
Sign me the fuck up

Fan pokemon designs usually suck but these are all fucking great

We fucking get it, you like regis, you're based, you're redpilled

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The only one I’d accept would be a Dark type Regi to represent the Dark Ages, as well as Reggie Fils-Aimé departing from Nintendo.

I have thought for fucking years that they need more Regis, so I'm down for this

No. Because they have a mineral theme that would be completely fucked up by adding psychics or fighting or whatever. This is'nt like Eevee where you can make whatever shit up.

Literally the only thing RegiGigas needs is for his ability to not being fucking Slow Start

Seriously what was the fucking point of giving a Legendary and hard to obtain pokemon such a crippling ability?

>original regis are very simplistic
>fan art regis are ovedesigned clusterfucks

I really like that electric-variety Regi. Bug, fairy and ground also look great.
Fuck the only one I'm not 100% sold on is the fighting one

Some of these are kinda overdesigned but Regis are dope so seeing more of them would be cool

yeah, (pic related) looks more consistant with the other Regis

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It's especially confusing because there's really no reason for it. Even if he had a good ability, Regigigas wouldn't be top tier simply due to his typing if nothing else

They represent "Ages" of early human development
Ice Age
Stone Age
Bronze/Iron Age

If there is gonna be a new one of any kind it should be an Electric type to represent the current Digital Age. Maybe a weird Psychic Alien one from space to represent their hyper advanced state. Like a sentient version of the Voyager Golden Record.

I like the bug one

>a sentient version of the Voyager Golden Record.
That'd be fucking cool to be fucking honest with you my senpai

Bug one would legit be a good design for a regular spider themed pokemon



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>A new generation of Legendaries unlocked via "that kid" methods and knowledge of another language

I could dig it.

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