Astral Chain

So what does Yea Forums think of Platinum new and switch exclusive game? It came out of the nowhere, without any hint or leak.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Looks great, I'm more hyped about this than Bayo 3.
I hope they port The Wonderful 101 to Switch too, I love that game.

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Could be good.

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How long this has been in production? They literally just revealed it and said it would come out in just some months after that.

Hey aceman, do you have any astral chain fanart?

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>Platinum Games
It will be impossible to discuss this game in Yea Forums.

More hyped for this than Bayo 3. Bayo 3 would be more important if they would let me know whose working on it so I could put my fears aside or keep them if its all the people who made bad decisions on bayo 2.
>but bayo 2 is better. Muh color and muh no insta death qtes
Fuck a game who would rather rate you on how much damage you pumped out rather than how much you mixed up your combos.

Police Stands where you can handle mundane infractions and crimes (like littering and bag snatchers) along with beating up demon terrorists?
Sign me the fuck up

Wonderful 101 was too experimental for it's own good, it just didn't have a target audience plus being in the fucking WiiU didn't help. I don't think a switch port would help it.

I am super excited for this game, I love most of Platinum's games and this game looks cool as hell, and considering it's got Kamiya and one of the main producers of Nier Automata on board, I've got faith in this being good

It could be good. I'm keeping my eye on it, but I'm concerned about its performance.

It’s exactly my style of game, so yeah I’m hyped. I hope the music is good.

it's my most anticipated switch game this year, I really hope it's decently successful

the gameplay concept looks great, music is top notch, looks pretty good for a switch game, I'm hype

Just saying, Kamiya is just supervising.

Most exciting game of the year for me
Can't wait
Artstyle and music are fantastic, character designs are amazing and it looks like a whole lotta fun
The psycho-pass game no one asked for

>Platinum games in General
>Super sentai/kamen rider
>Ice climbers
All put into a blender, that is what Astral Chain is.

yeah I know, but to what extent that actually means for his involvement makes me interested

and that's a good thing

Looks neat but if there is no fusion function, cant say I'll buy.

Can't wait. I love that kind of hair on the MC.

I hope there is silly shit like going full judge dredd on a couple for being "lovey doley in a public space", with the chained girl/guy screaming in rage that the playable Twin is just jealous.

What? Explain what you want.

Why all the characters looks so 90s anime?

Astral Chain - 647k trailer views
Fire Emblem Three Houses - 807k views

Get dabbed on Platinumfags. Nobody's gonna play this game.

I never said it wasn't.

Cause its cool.
Try not to think so hard.

>The three houses trailer still hasn't reached one million while mario maker 2 and link awakening remake did in two days.
That is quite bad for Fire Emblem.

Not him but there is an actual reason: they are using famous mangaka from the 90s as Character designer. His most famous works are video girl AI and DNA'2.

greatly looking forrward to it.


Now this is a new low level of shitposting. The games are NOTHING alike and come put in different dates.
It would be more appropriate to compare the views with w101 trailer as both are "platinum games new IP exclusive for nintendo".

Lowkey, my most hyped game of the year and I will likely buy it after I get FE3H

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>those faces
this is literally the nier automata engine, something tells me they were porting the game and then decided to make a new one instead

That makes no sense, the engine is not nier only.

>equates art style to engine

lmaoing at your life

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How this game can avoid W101's fate?

If this runs 60fps docked I just might buy a Switch

it's on switch

no nintendo first party switch exclusive has bombed on switch, I don't see why this would

It's on a console people actually own so that's a good start.

Is not chibi.

Sushi strikers?

not a switch exclusive

and come on there's no way the games are comparable in any way

Even more reason to not fail, it was also on 3ds. Yet it failed.

user wants graphic incest on screen.

Like hell they would do that. They only need to make clear how close are the twins and the artists will do the rest...



Has a Platinum game ever gotten significant amounts of porn?

Nier Automata.

I'm so happy we only had six months to wait from reveal to release. I would hate to have to wait a long time for this.

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Still, more info before release would be nice. Maybe it's own direct would help.

>a lame puzzle title with mobile game production values launched at $50 alongside splatoon 2, ARMs, etc..

I would have been shocked if it sold more than 10k copies.

Id rather bayonetta 3

This makes me realize nothing big for switch comes out the same week Astral chain does. Does something big from other consoles comes out that week?

I would rather have a game that is already close to finish.

>This faggot again
Post your address so I can kick your ass.

W101 wasn't that far off from a standard action game. The most experimental thing it did was have an isometric perspective.

New or niche action game titles never do well but the biggest thing that hurt W101 was the fact that WiiU era nintendo had fucking no idea how to market anything that didn't already sell itself.

>Even more reason to not fail, it was also on 3ds.
are you retarded? 3ds is dead, every new release it gets bombs horribly

who cares about PG when DMC5 showed that Capcom are still the gods of action games?

>Straight to damnation?!

>W101 wasn't that far off from a standard action game.
no way, it looked significantly different than other japanese beat em ups

pikmin meets okami with a super deforrmed power rangers theme is as out there as you can be, astral chain is far more in line with what weebs tend to like

The only confirmed announcement is Shenmue 3. Everything else is still up in the air it seems

user, campy dialogue makes a good toku product and this game is fucking toku.

Same here. I loved W101 more than Bayo 2 and I have a feeling I will love Astral Chain more than Bayo 3 unless Kamiya assumes direct control and manage to bring back the truly good shit. Not that Bayo 2 was bad, it just didn't feel as focused and charming as the first one. As for W101 on the Switch, damn I would love that. The 99% of Platinum fans that didn't own the catastrophic failure that was the Wii U would probably love it too.

>647k views for a new IP that came out of the blue VS 807k views for a new installment in a classic Nintendo franchise that's old as fuck

Jesus, Three Houses is fucked isn't it?

Is the new art, is scaring everyone away.

what new art
Its the same generic weebshit as always

>T. I haven't played echoes
Also Fates and Awakening had much better art that three houses horrible shit.

What are the chances that the other twin BETRAYS THE LAW and you kill them...only to later find out that they did to protect you?

I dont want that.
In playing the big bro to protect my imouto

Deeply hyped

Bayo 3 could go either way
Could be gotyay, could be bayo 2 tier
But astral chain looks unique for an action game so I'm more excited

>T. I dont play generic uninspired weebshit

What's wrong with bayo2?
I felt the gameplay was way smoother and more fun Than the first. Also the combos was less boring looking.

Turns out the imouto will protect you.

Bayo 2 is worse at its core due to design choices that don't culminate in the equivalent of NSIC--Witch time is always on, and you always need to use it to win.
It's not significantly worse, it's still really fun and has a lot of nice QoL changes from 1, but 1 wins out if you dig all the way to the core of the game.

good, that effortless garbage deserves to crash and burn

I'm playing it for animations.
Bayo 1s attack animations were exceptionally boring


As far as I know every major game ported from wiiu has sold more on the switch than the wiiu. Less than 14 million people bought that shit heap console. All its better games deserve another shot. I guarantee in its first week W101 will be in the number 1 spot in the eshop chart.

I'm still holding out hope.

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Gonna be another mediocre platinum title. They probably made it Switch exclusives because Switch owners buy literally anything.

First Post Best Post. Astral Chain looks really nice and W101 needs another chance at life on a system people actually own.

>Wears spats to accentuate and draw attention to what little legs/ass she has
>Meanwhile brown qt cop has REAL Thick and doesn't even draw attention to it to be more practical in the field

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>will run and looks like shit
Can't wait to play it on a Switch emulator

It's weird how the Wii U is suddenly the worst thing ever with the Switch being literally the exact same thing, without the tethering. In fact, the Switch generally performs worse than the Wii U in portable mode more often then not.

>the creasening

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I'm expecting it to have okay gameplay like Nier Automata, but unlike Nier, I'm not expecting the story and music to be anywhere nier as good.

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Give up.

Over 30 million people (and climbing) disagree with you. Who are you trying to convince?
With the dozen or so major games coming out this year, the switch is basically confirmed to be Nintendo's go to console and go to handheld for at least another 5 years.
That means it will get another 3D Zelda, another 3D Mario, another core Pokemon rpg after Sword/Shield, possibly another Splatoon etc.
No amount of nay saying can change th e fact that this is the actual successor to the Wii and the ds/3ds. This is clearly lightning in a bottle and will fill a very important space for core gamers who want portability of actual games with actual gameplay, with aesthetics taking precedence and muh grafix and muh movie narrative coming in as a distant concern.
I'm calling it now, this thing will outsell the Xbox 360 amd come remarkably close to catching the ps4 lifetime sales once it's run ends.


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I don't have a problem with the Wii U as a console per say especially since it has backwards compatibility with the Wii which is filled with really good hidden gems but the poor as fuck sales meant no third party support and by the time it was over even Nintendo didn't seem to give a fuck. It was not a bad console, it just happened to sell nothing so nobody wanted to invest anything in it. Even the Vita still gets otome VNs and shit. Oh and also it happened during the Treehouse Dark Ages, so Xenoblade Chronicles X and SMT#FE, the most niche of games that attracts the most niche of crowds, got hit pretty bad by censorship which ruined the software sales even worse than they were already fucked, not that I think they could save the system or anything, but they sure didn't help.

>no porn yet
I'm surprised. Game looks ace, though.

Anything by Platinum that is not Bayo generally doesn't get the porn it deserves.


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>What is Nier Automata.

At least there's 2B, I can't jack off to Bayo at all

Do you not count Automata? Or Korra?

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Keep waiting, loser

I completely forgot about that, in my mind it's more of a Squeenix/Yoko Taro joint than a Platinum one, but yeah, that one counts. And 2B is fine and all but fuck I wish there was more of the commander. There is some but I've already nutted way too many times to them.

PG is fucking trash and this game is gonna be the same old trite shit


Just three years? Is that a decent dev time?

If your company isn't a complete clusterfuck you should be able to pump a decent AAA title in 2 years. Platinum has less staff than the thousands involved in each Ubisoft title though, but I imagine you could make a good hack n slash with 30 japs and 3 years of baking.

Don't forget Nintendo money for the exclusivity.

The original pitch was made before Kellan left PG but development in earnest had to have started around Niers release

I can't wait to see more at E3

>Go full robocop 2 on a guy that is smoking near a school area
Thanks for not smoking, citizen.

>the shorts crease

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Can we speak a w101 cameo in astral chain? I am interested is looking at them without their chibi forms.

Nier Automata’s gameplay was pretty bad, I’m expecting way more.

why wasn't she the heroine instead of the atrocious sakura ripoff

You mean wonder red on astral chain? Or the Astral chain people on a future w102 game?
Alice is best girl and best waifu

I've been exclusively a PC gamer for the past 10 years. I'm buying a switch for this game.

>shorts crease while walking

Attached: Special move.png (327x508, 341K)

W101 in astral chain.

Will there be his & her costumes?

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looks great cant wait

Could have Nintendo costumes like Bayo, but the His & Hers costumes they could give (Mario & Peach, Link & Zelda) would give off incest vibes since they're siblings.

I hope so.

Jaggies everywhere

Why is there so little Astral Chain art?

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How about giving them ice climbers attires? They are actual twins too and won't come as incestuous....IN THEORY.

>being this fucking mad they are using an established engine
lmao cucks

There's only a single trailer so far. As more information and characters are revealed it will steadly increase and will reach a peak shortly after release. Don't get your hopes up since the amount of fan art will still be very small, this is a Switch-only niche game after all.

Not enough info, remember that Xbc2 barely had anything after it's first reveal. Now it has stuff like this.

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>haha you're the retards here and not me hahaha

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>Don't get your hopes up since the amount of fan art will still be very small, this is a Switch-only niche game after all.
Xenoblade 2 is a switch only title too and keeps getting new fanart until this day.

Marth and Lucina, mario/peach luigi/daisy .
Everyone says ice climbers for some reason, but I don't feel it.
Male and female mach rider.

Attached: Astral Chain.jpg (1920x1080, 388K)

>they're all handcuffed
whoa... deep...
Which one of them dies first? My money's on the old dude in the back

>Nobody's gonna play this game.
That didn't stop TW101 from being one of the best games of the generation.

Anyone but Thighfu, please


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Did you even see the trailer? That chain is how their control their warframes stands.

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I know, but it's clearly a handcuff.

Xenoblade 2 is pure concentrated sex featuring a gacha system filled with characters from various artists some of which are best known by their erotic artwork, this so far looks more subdued. Think of it in this way: Xenoblade 1 was a niche Wii game but it didn't get nearly as much porn as 2 did it?

user, this is sad.

I remember one of my friends thought it would be Xenoblade X2 because of the faces, but what it actually is looks even more fun

I want
Link and Zelda.
Inkling boy and Inkling girl.
Popo and Nana.
9s and 2b.
Mario and Luigi.
Casual wear.

An annoyingly big amount of people thought this was XBX2. I remember the first Astral Chain threads in Yea Forums had someone asking "who thought this was XBX2?" And getting 30+ replies.

Who is going to be the anal slut? Every game has a canon anal slut one, maybe a character we have not seen yet

male MC, obviously

The guy is too big and fit to make a 9s cosplay.

The chains between the human characters and their legions

Is what made it look like Xenoblade x2, but I'm a retard who can't finish a sentence before sending it

But xbX has nothing like that

My first thought was XBX2, but then I thought it was one of the Monolith's new ips

Neither ended up true, but still

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the OST already sounds fucking amazing, honestly cant wait

You are still a retard, the "chain to a character" spunds like something from xenobalde 2, not from xenoblade X.

In fairness, there are a lot of good character designs in AS, and I it has a shot to have decent stuff come from it

I mean, most of Nier's stuff comes from 2b lewds

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I thought it was Sin & Punishment at first.

It was a pleasant surprise, I just hope the Mc can be customized because he/she looks generic as fuck

It should've been a new Custom Robo instead though.

It still made the mental connection, and x2 would probably follow x as closely as 2 follows the first game

Sorry, but because both twins appear in the story and the words from the blonde woman, the twins seems to be heavely involved in the plot so they can't be customable other than with costumes.


1) this isn't a first party title, it's by Platinum but Nintendo funded.
2) all the other major exclusives were in a very Nintendo-style, which this doesn't seem to have.

Literally too good to be true user

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And I sure hope you're right, I am just not getting my hopes up so early.



>all the other major exclusives were in a very Nintendo-style, which this doesn't seem to have.
What the fuck does that mean?

>Xenoblade 2
>"Very Nintendo like"

>It came out of the nowhere, without any hint or leak.
Platinum did say they were working on a new IP though. I'm excited to play it and hope Police twins get into Smash

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>unless Kamiya assumes direct control and manage to bring back the truly good shit
Yeah, like more surprise instant death QTEs and dogshit shmup segments. Kamiya is a fucking hack at best. He knows how to lay down the foundation for someone else to make a great game. Bayonetta 2 and DMC3> are better than their respective origin games.

space patrol
Space Patrol

the guy directing this worked on MadWorld, right?
if so i'm down

>He didn't think the QTEs were hype as fuck especially when you mashed the buttons and the game measured your strength by the fucking megatons
>He didn't think the shmup section and the motorcycle one was pure kino

Bayo is on the top 1% best games ever made, get better taste fag.

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How well do you this game will sell, realistically?

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He's done game/level design work for several Platinum games as far back as Madworld. Automata was his first game as Game Design Lead, and Astral Chain is his first directorial role.

That's probably my favorite part in the whole thing, fucking no-one predicted it or even hinted it.

There were leaks from the "insiders", Kamiya didn't follow anyone suspicious and the lone tweet he did make before the direct was vague and could've easily been attributed with Bayo 3.

There was nothing that pointed to AS even existing and that's pretty beautiful in its own way

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Desperately hoping it's not another one of Platinum's C- tier games that totally isn't just Bayonetta under the hood.

Literally 2Bs model character model.

*do you think

t. actual retard

If it’s advertised well? It might be the average nintendie’s first foray into stylish action, because let’s face it, most of em are filthy casuals. If it’s not advertised well? You saw what happened with the Wonderful 101. Or maybe you didn’t, considering how you probably didn’t buy it.

It's a Switch exclusive and Platinum has its core fanbase. I think getting the primetime Direct reveal will serve it well, as will the artstyle (it's not amazing but it will definitely sway more people than W101's which most people probably saw as too cartoony). Having the director be able to say he had a high position on Automata is a selling point to many as well.

I'm going to be optimistic and say 750k lifetime.

Depends. It gained some decent hype during its reveal trailer, just keep in in the public and a steady stream of trailers until its release and it should do at least fine

You look at the fucking legs and tell me I'm wrong.

Attached: 2b walking.gif (500x296, 2.46M)

Holy shit, women have legs

Quality argument.

It always shocks me how much the average Nintendo fan is stuck in a bubble of only buying Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Smash. switch is changing the discourse a bit though, they're getting more interested in other types of games (mostly shitty indie games but it's progress). It'll probably break close to a million down the line.

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Right back at you bud, you sure convinced me female models that have little in common besides they are in fact female are the same model.

You fucking dipshit

I’m looking at the legs and I’m telling you I’m wrong. That’s not going to be enough for you, I assume, so could you tell me what I’m missing here?

New art is more of a fujoshi-fan's game style actually.

Rather I meant to say an otome game.

A walk cycle is not an entire model you idiot

Looks like a cheap God Eater knockoff.

Praying for plenty of goofy side missions.

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It's getting better, I mean shit like Octopath Traveler and Xenoblade 2 have been doing shockingly well all things considered

And if I recall right the Bayo2 port sold pretty well too, so who knows?

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>It always shocks me how much the average Nintendo fan is stuck in a bubble of only buying Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Smash.

This hasn't been the case for about 10 years

Which was a cheap Monster Hunter knockoff

To give up is to admit defeat!

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>This hasn't been the case for about 10 years
Horse shit.
Ever Oasis
Codename STEAM
Sin and Punishment Star Successor

Just to name a few

Hell, even shit like Arms and W101 weren't exactly "successful"
Only Splatoon has broken free of that curse

And again only now are Nitnendofags finally venturing out of their comfort zone more often, not completely though since Sushi Strikers was a flop but it's still been getting better

Attached: 3DS_EverOasis_E32017_illustration_03.0.jpg (1200x675, 144K)

What? ARMS was a success, i don't get why Yea Forums shitpost so hard that it wasn't. W101 was a complete failure thought.

>Ever oasis
That game was fun, but man I have some issues with how they distribute the loot in the mazes with the slates.
And STEAM, I actually got bored from it after getting sawyer, maybe I should pick it up again

Think they kept those 300k+ polygons of ass for female twin's model

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>ARMS was a success,
It didn't do anywhere near the numbers Nintendo wanted, albeit which were unreasonable to begin with

They wanted another Splatoon, something akin to serious fighting games but still had the Nintendo "quirky-ness" to it.

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I am sick of this meme.

Show me source where they said how much they expected it to sell.

People don't buy games that arent popular. That's true for any platform.

It's a Jap game announced 6 months before release. You'll get a lot more info through Famitsu and the like as the weeks pass by. Just give it time

ARMS sold like hotcakes man

>Obnoxious trademark Platinum slow-mo

It was user.

The writing's on the walls, they wanted it to be bigger than it was, they had so much shit prepared that ultimately didn't pan out. They wanted this to be a real competitive game that shit like EVO would scoop up, but that didn't happen

Sure it sold alright on its own, but they wanted and expected it to be so much more.

That's not an excuse

No, it didn't.

It sold "alright" but it wasn't selling like hotcakes, and is nowhere near to something Splatoon

>Thinks I care about studio rivalries
I loved DMC5, it's at least so far my GOTY the only thing that could maybe beat it is one I haven't seen enough to determine how good it'll be yet(March 30 can't come soon enough). That said there is something in this game that I can't get in DMC5. JUSTICE, good ol' Tokusatsu and Sentai JUSTICE, HENSHIN, etc.
DMC is fucking great but its also not toku enough. This is full fucking toku. That's why I care about it.

Pay Toei or whoever you need to and get Shoutarou and Phillip costumes.
You know you want it

Attached: HENSHIN.png (704x396, 317K)

Yeah, what is that shitposting about? I saw it a day or two ago, some falseflagger claiming that if you are expecting bayo 3 it means you hate DMCV. I don't quite get it

2.1 million is not just alright, and Splatoon sold amazingly.
Don't be a fag, thinking like that is what is ruining video games right now.

Good old console wars, nothing more to it

1.5 million should be doable

Bayo 2 is at what, 700K?

This and slice of life please. Just make it a legit toku game all the way through and have slice of life stuff leading into the monster of the week or whatever it is as the protags solve their SoL problems in the heat of the moment.
Nothing gets me harder when it comes to toku.

Splatoon has been selling well, almost four times that of what ARMS did and keep it mind it still sells well and is only growing in those sales.

Listen man. I'm just the messenger and this industry takes no prisoners, I'm not happy about it any more than you are.

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Didn’t the first Splatoon sell like 1.5 in its first year? ARMS did 2.1 in its first year

Dunno, it could be any number of things, possibly "that" shit poster who's trying to start wars between multiple fanbases could also be standard console war faggotry since its switch exclusive. Fuck I don't even own a switch yet, this game is the one that made me say fuck it, let's save up my money and buy one. I just really love toku, that's why I'm getting this game.

>Listen man. I'm just the messenger
you're full of shit that's what you are

miyamoto said they needed to sell 2 million copies of botw to break even, it's obvious arms budget was a fraction of botw's so arms selling more than 2 million copies can't realistically be called a failure

I want this

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Who’s going to be the Lupinranger to our Patoranger?

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Why are you so angry about this user?
It didn't meet expectations, you can't change that with arbitrary standards placed by other games

BOTW was a goddamn Zelda game, 2 million is fucking nothing to them and made back that in the first month. Plus it's a single player game that is already its own complete package.

ARMs is a competitive fighting game that was meant to stay relevant years after its release by sheer replay value and gaining a fanbase that would pay fucking tournaments for it, y'know kinda like Smash.

ARMS had goals beyond just selling the base game you dipshit. It wanted to be greater than that, which it couldn't do and is kinda unfair to expect it to.

2 million copies on its own is not a success for something like ARMS. Why won't you accept that?

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I really don't understand cosolewar faggotry.

Not that user, but I don't think Nintendo is delusional enough to think every new IP is going to sell Splatoon numbers. ARMS is a success, they're just going to wait until the Switch 2 to iterate on it with ARMS 2 and reach the sweet spot the same way they did it with Splatoon 1 to 2. Screencap this post, you know I'm right.

People are poor and can't afford all consoles, instead of being happy with what they have and discussing the games on their platform of choice, they sperg out on the internet because games on other platforms are sour grapes to them and they need to validate their customer choices to themselves.

There is the issue that Arms was developed by the Mario Kart team though. Next time a Mario Kart obviously will be the priority. If we get another Arms game, it likely will be outsourced and not really pushed in the same way.

Looks incredibly generic.

What would have been a success to you, user?

>It didn't meet expectations
citation needed

please don't treat your asshole like a reliable source

You talk as if they can't just push out Mario Kart 9 on the launch of the next console and then begin working on ARMS2 while pumping out a few DLC riders on the side.

What part of that trailer looked generic? It looked like some half-realistic/half-anime cel-shaded but not really cyberpunk kaiju police aberration.

Player character models don't look so good. Gameplay looks like standard Platinum. Overall not very interested.

>ARMS had goals beyond just selling the base game you dipshit
But it didn't. Very few Nintendo games do.

Japanese police handcuff criminals to themselves for escorting instead of just using them to bind hands together

Read the goddamn thread you mookIf I were Nintendo, Splatoon level numbers and nothing less.

>but I don't think Nintendo is delusional enough to think every new IP is going to sell Splatoon numbers.
You underestimate how short sighted the games' industry thinks, even Nintendo isn't immune to this. And given how they set up tournaments for it meant they clearly had high hopes that would be the case.

>hey're just going to wait until the Switch 2 to iterate on it with ARMS 2 and reach the sweet spot the same way they did it with Splatoon 1 to 2
>The Switch 2
>Not just making an ARMS 2 on the Switch
Oh user...

Look. I expect ARMS 2 is going to be made sooner or later, but that doesn't excuse what they they had hoped ARMS would be.

Is the Arms franchise dead in the water, not necessarily, but I think they're going to aim lower next time.


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>One of the twins sees something weird going on with the cops and becomes a vigilante
>You now have rival fights between the twins as they try to argue their points and make the other see their way
>They face the new evolution of the enemies that can't be defeated like normal and the new powerup requires the both of them in perfect sync
>it doesn't work as intended but they save the day barely
>Each new encounter has them trying to reason with each other
>They eventually learn that they may not see eye to eye on everything since despite being twins they are different people.
>This acceptance allows them to use the new power up in a dire crisis and save the city
Scene would play out like this
>We may be born on the same day of the same month of the same year. We may have the same mother and father. We may look the same and have so much in common.
>BUT WE ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. We may not always see eye to eye on everything and we may not always get along.
>*Turn to face enemy*
>*Weapon is charged up*
>That, is the city and the people that live in it. And so no matter what, we can put aside these feelings, these differences all so we can save this city
>*They take aim at the enemy*
>*Weapon is fired*

Not to be that guy, but I wouldn't mind having those two in Smash.

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ARMS did. Why is that so hard you to understand?

Look, I'm not saying its fair, or that it didn't sell alright by box copies alone, but ARMS wanted to be for fighting games what Splatoon was for shooters.

There's still Splatoon tournaments and shit all over and still gets regular updates, and it still sells great. But ARMS had one notable tournament and then vanished with no real large updates that garner any the same fanfare other games get.

>game comes out on my birthday
Neat. It'll make a nice gift to myself.

Everything. The level design, the combat, the characters. Looks incredibly by the numbers.

are you actually autistic or is it just some tedious bait?

here's the actual quotes from the producer:
>Satisfaction is sort of an ultimate, unattainable goal,” he said.
>“In a sense you can never be satisfied with a game you’re making. You want your game to be played by lots of people, and even if somehow everyone in the world played my game, then I’d want aliens to have played it, too.
>“You can never really be satisfied.”
he flat out says as an individual creator he could never be satisfied no matter the reception his work gets, which is obviously not the same as nintendo as a company being disappointed by the game sales

You're a moron who has no idea how Nintendo operates.
Nobody excepted splatoon numbers, and even though Mario Kart is always a best seller there is always one per console.
There won't be an arms 2 on switch

You're like the guy that when people ask about what he didn't like about the game he just says

>The gameplay, the music, the graphics

Explain it better nigger, clarify it so I can understand what the fuck you are talking about. We barely saw anything about those things you claim you dislike, but I don't think a combat hack n slash where you are constantly chained to another character and can throw him and combo enemies with him looks generic.

Looks good desu, I'm already sold on it so it'll be a day one for me.

>Level design
Is it an open world city? Or is it linear sections, something like Bayonetta? Please tell me, since you seem to know more than the rest of us, how the game we've seen a 2 minute trailer for is designed.

Again, can you explain to us how the combat is this game works in a way that won't make you look like a fuck wit once we find out more?

I'll give you that one. Once you've seen one anime you've seen them all to an extent. But as far as such things go these designs aren't ugly at least. Just by the numbers as you put it.

No, I'm pretty fucking done talking to you autists who can't seem to understand how the real world operates

Ironically proving this user right by how Nintendofags can't seem to grasp anything outside of their own bubble

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Holy fuck those thighs

>Emily rogers and some other fag try to bank on the game

>Platinum has a game
>Im not saying what it exists

>Astra chain shows up

>YEP, THATS THE ONE, even though i said nothying about it

What a bunch of bitches

Only Sqenix consideres that kind of stuff a failure, and look where it got them.
Either prove it sold below expectations or fuck off.

Your letting autistic shitposters cloud your assumptions

Third parties have been doing very well on the switch, it's already bad enough people on this board are ignoring that Indies especially are doing REALLY well in the switch

People still haven't caught in to the old vagueness trick, it will work forever.
It's like saying Nintendo is releasing more big games this or next year.
No shit they will.

The only Wii U game I have that isnt ported is Devils Third. Thinking that might end up a collector's item.

>gets exposed as a mongoloid talking out of his ass
>I-I'm done talking with you!! I win!!
what did he mean by this

Codename STEAM was poorly marketed

Ever Oasis was a late 3DS release

Star Successor was the sequel to a Japan only N64 game

ARMS did fine

>Bayo2 already outsold Wii U

>Tropical Freeze already outsold Wii U

>Arms is still a success for being a niche fighting game, outselling most others that are big names

>Xenoweeb 2 had great sales

>Literally every single Indie game had one of the best sales of their entire careers

Im pretty fucking sure Astral Chain is going to do fine

>Star Successor

Yeah because the rail shooter genre is thriving on other consoles right.

Never change Yea Forums

The levels to me seem similar to automata in stucture. I didn’t say the combat looks bad, only that it looks generic ie a very flashy hack and slash from Platinum. I’m sure it’ll feel fine but I didn’t see anything too interesting. Anyway, OP asked and I answered. No need to get so defensive over an unreleased game.

Yeah, the trailer already has more views that the lifetime views of the W101 reveal trailer.

Looks like fucking dogshit, like all of Platinum games.

When will you niggers LEARN that there is only one action game series worth playing?

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>the Switch generally performs worse than the Wii U in portable mode more often then not.
When? The switch in portable mode is objectively stronger than the Wii u

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You generally want to not be so obvious when you falseflag, bro.

Ever oasis was the one with poor marketing. Steam just scared everyone away, between the LONG enemy turns (they had to put an update for it) and the artstyle which didn't appeal anybody, hell, the box art looked like your average shovelware.

What the fuck is Saito working on dammit
Dude's been free since TFD I believe

Please don't shitpost using my husband's images.

Police Chaos Legion looks great

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Fuck off with the company warring. This game has an appeal DMC doesn't, it's theme. DMC is chuuni as fuck, Astral Chain is Toku as fuck. Two very different themes. Now fuck off trying to start some fucking war between fanbases and post toku because starting right now, we're friends whether you like it or not and I won't have a friend of mine whining about stupid shit when he could instead be posting toku.

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This but unironically. Itsuno alone > all the PG directors so far and the only person that could best him left ages ago.

You know what it better than one amazing action game, two amazing action games.

And you went and bite it like you were fucking Decade.

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>Astal Chain
>Dragalia Lost
>Demon x Machina
>Dragon Quest but this time we didn't cut any content out edition

shit brehs it's getting to the point where I kind of want a Switch

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You know Dragalia is a mobile game right?

If you can name 5 exclusives you plan on getting day-one it's time to consider getting that console.

What's the name of that game where you're weird people with dragon heads for limbs
Dragon something or other

Dragon marked for death?

>No need to get so defensive over an unreleased game
>But if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna be incredibly presumptuous and assert shit about an unreleased game without and first hand knowledge to back it up
Wew. Based half arsed back peddler. You said the level design, combat and characters were all generic.
Now you say the level design *seems* like this or that.
And now you're saying the combat with provably feel fine, it just *looks* a certain way.

yeah that's it
Looks fun

No pc no buy

I hope the game is full of toku poses, although I can see certain faggots spamning webms of the poses saying "japanese humour".

Do it faggot. You won't regret it. My switch and my PC were a last ditch effort to save my gaming hobby. Worked like a charm. PC is for deep, autistic sims that need lots of power and good graphics otherwise there's no point (Squad, flight/driving sims etc) and Switch is for comfy, gameplay focused gems that I also have the option of playing in portable mode.
Nintendo lost me since the gamecube. Feels good getting you go back amd play all the stuff I missed. Currently enjoying Bayonetta but stuck of the airplane wing fight against that blonde cunt.

Looks, seems, same difference. Don’t argue semantics.

When you have played a lot of games like I have, you can guess how games like this will go down with relative certainty. Maybe it’ll blow my mind, but more than likely not.

My point is you have no fucking clue what this game is yet. But you'll call it generic. You can call it defensive, its more like annoyance with retardation.
>Maybe it'll blow my mind
Keep making my argument for me.

>ARMS had goals beyond just selling the base game you dipshit.
The fuck does this even mean

Quick reminder that ARMS is already in like the top 20 best selling Nintendo franchises despite only having one game.

New Nintendo IPS almost always flop HARD. Hence why they rarely make them.

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It was supposed to be an EVO contender. It was supposed to appeal to men who spend dozens of hours every day training in hopes of winning it big. Industry icons like Justin Wong and Mew2King would battle it out in front of huge crowds.

That didn't happen. ARMS was a failure.

So far the only non-shovelware game that bombed in the switch was sushi strikers. Astral Chain will be fine, the xenoblade 2's fanbase will jumpt into it.

It still won't play better

I wouldn't mind an excuse to use my switch. It's been gathering dust for a couple months since I beat refrain


Nintendo is known as a company that gives exactly zero fucks about their competitive communities, ask smashfags.
So why should we believe you that was their criteria for success?

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
Boomer blobber dungeon crawler

Why do you think I care? I've already been playing DMC5, it's my GOTY and unlikely to be beaten by anything else. I fucking love toku though and DMC doesn't give me toku. That's what I care about and what I want and this game delivers on that.

Because why not? Have the astral chain trailer with the live twitch commentaries.
Was any of those you?

Other than I guess the stand shit I don't get what's toku about this

>Nintendo is known as a company that gives exactly zero fucks about their competitive communities
ARMS and Splatoon you retard.

Splatoon is defined by its more casual approach to online shooters, it doesn't even have voice chat.
If anything, avoiding these people is what made splatoon successful.
You fucking retard.

Any small tournament Nintendo runs doesn't even have a cash price, and is mostly for advertising..

ARMS really needs an Octo Expansion-type expansion pack. Considering there's no story mode, it could potentially be even better than Octo Expansion by helping to flush out the world more.

>Competitive community

You're crazy if you think Nintendo gives a fuck about that especially since the reason Splatoon is selling so well is because children in Japan fucking love the shit out of it. The most recognized of Nintendo's games competitively is Smash Melee and Sakurai keeps trying to get people to forget that shit, For Honor doesn't even exist in Ultimate and we got that weird ass lobby system due to Sakurai's hate boner for the competitive scene.

A beat-em-up with slight platformer elements (By using the hands to grab onto ledges to reach higher places) could have the potential to be unironically kino and I would totally buy it.

Do you understand the meaning behind this scene?
If you do, you understand why that trailer was toku as fuck. When your in a time of need and the situation is dire and they go full JUSTICE it's always hype and full of emotion. It's the same as how there's so many different ways to say Henshin and so many different meanings behind the word and what it stands for.

Just saying that splatoon now has voice chat...over a complicate method and only with friends.

>Video has several panels of the scene.
Why?! Why is this allowed?!

Splatoon has had regular tournaments since before it even release you dumbasses

And irregardless of Sakurai's feelings, Smash's competitive is one of its biggest selling factors, and Sakurai doesn't so much "hate it" as much as he wants to appeal to everyone

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What the fuck is Splatoon Koshien then?

Splatoon tournaments are no budget affairs almost exclusively limited to Japan.

And nobody gives a shit about smash competitive, you spend too much time in an online echo chamber.
Otherwise Brawl wouldn't be the best selling game in the series and still beloved.

Because it'd be taken down. It's the only one with the full scene on jewtube and I don't have the hard drive with all the Build Episodes on it on me to make webms with.
There's one that has Kazumi's line cut out which kills the point of posting the scene in the first place.

Maybe the twins ultimate power will be fuse with a giant Legion and control it pacific rim style for the final battle.

Mixed but overall positive. The world and setting is great but the models clash a bit with the style. Looking forward to the platinum touch but I'm expecting the game to be held back with frame drops on switch.

I'm buying this game and I will shill it as well so we get a Xenoblade Chronicles X game developed by platinum and monolith[/spoilers]

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here. I'll take it even if it runs at a -consistent- 30fps. Forget 60, I just want something that isn't a frame rate roller coaster.

500k - 1M because it's on switch.

Plat should just handle the combat to the specifications of Monolith Soft.

>Splatoon tournaments are no budget affairs almost exclusively limited to Japan.
This is a straight up lie

>And nobody gives a shit about smash competitive,
This is also a straight up lie, or did you forget EVO this year has Ultimate in its lineup?

>Otherwise Brawl wouldn't be the best selling game
Again, a lie since Smash 4 outsold it, and even if you want to say "it doesn't count because two consoles" Ultimate has already caught up to its lifetime sales.

Either way Brawls' success doesn't mean anything since it had a competitive fanbase too

Attached: splatoon_2.jpg (1200x800, 124K)

I think it'll open a bit stronger than that. 2m in the first year if word of mouth is good (word of mouth of other gamers, not soi swilling journos).

Less than 100k units lifetime, I'm buying it day 1, but I know I'm one of few.

I really want the music playing in the background. That shit was rad

>not soi swilling journos
Oh god, you just had to bring that thought into my mind
>Toku is JUSTICE as fuck
>Cops will be at least somewhat the good guys
>No gay tranny bullshit to be found because toku doesn't need that shit
>No forced politics
They're going to shit on it endlessly aren't they. It's everything they hate.

Yeah, just like splatoon sold less than 100k, or how xenoblade 2 sold less than 100k.

It features straight Japanese twincest so basedboy journos are going to kill themselves over it. Screencap this post.

i'm betting it's going to be Automata again but without the bad rpg lvling mechanics that unbalanced the game
the writing is probably gonna be just mediocre
i'm only worried about the switch being able to handle a good framerate

You fags never learn, didn't you?

And Evo will contribute no sales to Smash, unlike your original argument EVO means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

There better be subtle incest understones.

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To the contrary, I think it would've sold even more poorly on the PS4. Wii U was the best fit at the time.

Looks mediocre like their last 6? or so games. PLatinum has only made 2 pretty good games, Bayonetta 1 and Metal Gear Rising. Maybe Vanquish but its not all the way there.

This will probably be on par with their endless shovelware/middleware like Korra.

Daemon X is fucking trash fyi.

Switchlets buy anything, true, but most third party shit does just okay.

I love how they're integrating the cop/detective aspect into this. The dog version can sniff out clues, and chain stuff can be used to apprehend basic criminals easily.
You've also apparently got a variety of play styles, from ones where you rush the enemy down and your Stand plays support, to ones where you attack in tandem, to ones that are more crowd control oriented where you use the chain for AoE stuff to ones where the human actually supports the Stand with items and stuff

>Another game with dial-in combos, hardware limitations, and can barely keep 60 FPS
Ehhhh, dont really care because lately so many Platinum titles have sucked. DMC5 is my new standard, and I don't think a single platinum game comes close outside of maybe god hand. (Clover)

You're fucking delusional, you know that?

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Splatoon has far wider appeal than Astral Chains, and was built around it's online play, it has a far lower barrier to entry too. You're not comparing like to like, Bayonetta 2 is a better comparison, and Astral Chain isn't a sequel to a game that sold more than 1.5 million units, Astral Chain's lifetime sales will be minimal, the Switch's honeymoon period is over, just last week multiple third party titles from japanese publishers undersold by more than half the min expectations.

Metrics disagree with wide success.

The game isn't 60fps
>dial in combos
You cunts are retarded.

>short black haired tomboy

>The game isn't 60fps

And yeah, much like Bayonetta Dial-in combos and simplicity with dumb dodge systems are Platinum staples now.

>Supporting P2W DMC.

Literally impossible for you to be a bigger faggot than you are right now.

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Captain Falcon, including for the girl

I see you haven't played it. Maybe you should play a real action game sometime that actually has fun inputs and variety.

It might be good but it's still too early to say.

Keep that shit out

>He buys microtransaction-filled garbage.
>He defends it for free on a Zimbabwean Bobsledding forum.

Attached: 1431533841355.jpg (552x600, 171K)


>He doesn't like incestual overtones

Attached: 1529251258574.jpg (399x399, 24K)

>needing to defend a greatly received game that sold more than most Platinum titles

I mean, maybe the microtransactions would be good for you considering you need dial-in combos and witch time dodging to play an action game. Of course, if you actually PLAYED the game you would know red orbs are never an issue, and you can easily get 150k in a single mission.

I can't, my grandparents are cousins! Incest is literally in my blood!

>He's still defending a P2W $60 action game.

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I wonder how Platinum feels seeing DMC5 be such a success while they crumble away into nothing. Kinda makes me feel bad for them.

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>that faggot is still trying to get DMC fans to fight with everyone.
It goes against everything Dante represents: chill guy that loves to PARTY.

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>Trying this hard to bait with shitty reaction images.
I only feel bad for you for missing out on the only good action game in years. Keep up the delusion Switchlet.

>He's still going.

I bet you shilled DmC too, I mean what else was there to do while the series was dead for a decade, plus it can't help that V is reviewing worse than Bayo 2.

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Snoyboys still mad their version is censored.

>Thread didn't went up after this post.
You piece of shit, you are just replying yourself.

kinda sad that a game with microtransactions not being gutted to better accomodate those microtransactions is now worthy of praise

>i don't understand the combat system so it's bad

>thank you capcom for jewing me but but being really really reasonable about it!

How's that Bloody Palace mode oh wait they sold you a $60 early access game with a P2W shop and maybe the content will come later because we all know how successful that method was for SFV.

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Looks like it could be a lot of fun. I already love the premise of future cop simulator with cyber stands.

>Search astral chain on google
>See Astral Chain PS4
Is this octopath version 2.0?

Pretty much, except this time Sönyggers can't even beg since the game is too Japanese for their console.

... BP is coming free
And you can farm red orbs easy with Faust

I just realize we don't have the names and the twins.

We don't have name for anyone yet.

I hope they'll henshin all the way

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Well, we know the stands are called "legion".

>Faggots crying for Smash Brothers
Despite me being a fan of Smash Brothers the fanbase is so fucking insufferable. If it isn't Smash they cry.

You and me both friend.

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Whatever happened to viewtiful joe?

440p 28fps
No. no no no no. Put it on the PS4 where good games belong. Actually, don't put it on the PS4. Because this won't be a good game. Has the Nintardo stink all over it. Sony needs to maintain quality control. All I know is that Platinum (AKA who's games never even go gold) Games is getting a nice boycott from me from now on.


Looks like another trashy damage sponge combothemup game.

Crap game, just Platinum damage sponge button masher crap. If it were on the PS4 it might be worth looking at but yeah no.

Yup, you are wrong.

Definitely something to watch for lack of anything else on Switch that has my attention currently.

>trying bait this hard for (you)s

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>taking the bait

The demo was great.

>inb4 we're told that we're bigots for playing as fascistic ICE agents arresting poor, disenfranchised aliens just trying to leave their war torn dimension for a better life in neo Tokyo

I loved it. Can't wait to mod my cute mecha friendo.

Sony might get it. They'll just have to let the San Fran set put burqas on all the cute girls.

>These people would actually side with the big bads that plan to destroy the world if we lived in a toku world
Let that one sink in

based japs

Considering Sushi Strikers was originally meant to be a 3DS game I'm sure they didn't expect huge numbers to begin with.

That being said, I don't think people understand that Nintendo considers games with modest budgets that sell even around the 200-300k amount successes.

Otherwise they wouldn't fund projects like OP, Bayonetta, Travis Strikes Again, Devil's Third, etc.

Let's take the analogy even further to it's ridiculous limits. Despite so many people wanting to flee Latin America you still have those ultra orthodox jews that got chased out of the Amazon by locals who got feed up with their shit.
Imagine the same thing, a bunch of extremist Jews going to the alien dimension in search of religious freedom. They shun the locals, try to impose their beliefs and just generally be shit cunts. Until finally there is a small cluster of non corporeal gas based entities that function as a hive mind on a moon world orbiting a planet at the edge of a remote galaxy from another dimension saying "Fucking jews". Let that sink in.

That sounds like a hilarious set up to a unlikely team up episode.
>The heroes and the villains work together as a greater threat is planning to destroy both the worlds and they have to put aside their differences to fight it because the villains only want to take it over, not destroy it. The status quo is retained but there's some one off mentions to it after the arc is over.