>Stress test is out
>no threads

is that bad?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Game is okay, but not very interesting. Pretty slow and neutral focused. Games like that can be exciting but it just isn't here. Probably not helped by the NRS tier soundtrack, but I think it might be that while the visuals are pretty they don't make stuff exciting. Dash is still fucking awful, fuck whoever said it was fixed in older threads.

Netcode shits on the comeptition hard, Japs need to get there shit together.

I’m gonna take one for the team here and say try the sub Reddit. It’s constantly active and rarely has waifu shit, and that shit dies quick. Hell honestly I barely come here anymore because all it is is meme posting and shit posting, you can actually have a discussion on Reddit. I know “Reddit bad” but for fucks sake man, this place is a fucking ghost town/ cesspool now. It’s nothing.

I love it, its better than the garbage of MKX so far

>something about a girl happens
>Yea Forums goes crazy

>demo/test comes out
>none say shit

Resetera was right

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Just go to the general mk thead

>Stress test

Maybe everyone's busy playing the actual game?

IT takes forever to get a match, but it feels smooth.

>This is the MK audience

Yeah, 90's babies learned to use the internet. It's a fucking terrible time we live in.

Yea Forums give me a Code please. NR are being total fags because my PS4 user is not politically correct. Fags.

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>Still giving a shit about Mortal Kombat

I'm not sure if I understand. Must be the casuals who don't actually like fighting games but wanna mash buttons.

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nyone has a code?

Goddamn, Should I get this on PS4 or PC? I didn't play MK10 and missed out on it because I was in jail. but I want to get back into it with MK11 and the game will look great on PC if it's optimized. but PS4 is obviously where it's at for the community so I'm conflicted. At the moment i'm leaning towards PC, am i making the wrong choice?

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t. autist

thread is on /vg/ fool

>actually decent face
>better hair
>no more Ashley Burch
>better outfit
They actually managed to save Cassie. That's impressive

If you want to discuss about mk go to /vg/ as said

It's testing to see how well the online connection is and how much it can handle.

>playing mortal kombat
some of us grew up lmao

So how balanced are NRS games? What does the tier list look like? Is the meta dominated by a few characters or does everyone stand a good chance at winning?
>Netcode shits on the comeptition hard, Japs need to get there shit together.
Mortal Kombat isn't a Japanese game.

Nah that's okay. We'll talk about it here and there's nothing you can do about it.

? What

You posted this like 15 years too late.

Genuinely have no idea what you were going for posting this in 2019 when zoomers are ruining everything.

>Mortal Kombat isn't a Japanese game.
I never said they were ESL-kun. I said their netcode is good while Japs need to get better at it.

If that's true, you wouldn't be playing video games.

I thought Kung Lao is an undead zombie now.

Was it autism?

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I see you get called that a lot. Maybe improve your English skills.

Nope. I'm not even the person you were replying to.
Go outside.

Literally nobody but you uses that as an insult.

It's not funny or clever. You've been sitting angry on Yea Forums for over a year now. Yikes.

This could all have been avoided if you just read my post more carefully. Instead you cry about a common insult, sad.

>We'll talk about it here
Do that then? No one's stopping you yet no one is talking about shit, go figure

nobody with a brain cares about NRS and their low effort kusoge anymore

After MKX and Warner Bros. consistent stance of "The PC player base is too demanding" I wouldn't expect a quality port

>small window of time to play the shit out of the game
>Fans would be crazy to miss the chance
>"Hey where is everyone?"

out of all the shit threads right now you try to troll this one. lmfao


It is just a load of rosterfagging

they are talking about the game fool

I've seen more recent post complaining about Max being the massive scrub he is.

Don't by this racist game.

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We get it, you think the word "nigger" is funny.

make me go there fool

Forgot all about it, downloading now

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See Don Lemon's comments on Kanye West to understand the meme.

ok go now

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that was me my bad

You can stay in denial all you want, but the only people that inhabit this board now are oldfags in denial, thinking this board can ever be worth a shit one day, or shit posting newfags that flood this hole full of
>buy her game
>____a cute! CUTE!
>what did they mean by this?
>what are some games where I can (derail bait)?
Or other trash bullshit. Get over it. It’s gone, this place is a fucking smoldering crater now and anyone who regularly posts here and hasn’t found another place to go has my pity.

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>coming here for anything other than shitposts

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have sex

At least try to be funny user

>sign up for stress test
>with 4 different accounts
>not a single one selected
goddammit now what am i supposed to do

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1982-2000 is gen Y, a generation is 18 years.

Is that an OVA?

thats generally why i never bother signing up for stuff like that because it just usually means every streamer gets multiple keys for free while everyone else has to fight over them

One of the perks of being an Xfag, I always gets picked.

>only mode is online fighting
>can't even practice

>first match
>pick Scorpion with the classic costume variant because it looks coolest
>guy picks Baraka and takes forever to pick his variant
>finally get into the fight
>have no idea what I'm doing
>neither does he
>we both hang back and mess around to figure shit out
>accidentally fire the spear at him
>he gets caught in it
>Scorpion brings the guy back and slices him once he reaches me
>fuck it, let's party
>button mash my way to victory

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authentic arcade experience

its a stress test, you're supposed to play the game