Castle Crashers for PS4
Behemoth is teasing a PS4 port for it along with Switch

Your thoughts?

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I stopped caring about Castle Crashers years ago

Think they'll add a new character?

>newgrounds meme trash
Its not 2006 anymore grandpa. Nobody likes this garbage

Go back and circlejerk your 2008 stick figure kung Fu videos faggot

it better be free or else he shouldn't bother. Its fucked that developers keep reselling the SAME FUCKING GAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN

This the game is dead. They jeed to stop riding off its sucess the wrong way. Either may a sequel, make a new series to where they can milk it the right way, or stop trying to reforce Castle Crashers back into the limelight. The games popularity has long since been dead.

Sounds cool I guess. Never did get to play it with friends.

I was really surprised to learn that Castle Crashers wasn't already on Switch. But it's been too long now and anyone who wants it on Switch has already played/beaten it 20 times over on every other console/PC.

Behemoth tried too. Pit People and Battleblock blew major dicks though.

would be cool if they were making a new game or something for ps5.

its kind of too late for a port anyway when new consoles are right around the corner.

Battleblock was insanely popular actually and people begged for a sequel. Pit people however was trash and they knew ot with the over amount of shilling they paid people to do for them. Those games dont sell to the massess and they damn well knew it would fail.

Solid beat em up, but I'm a fan of the genre and will swallow shit for a side scrolling beat em up. Shame it's fucking old as hell and I ain't gonna play it again.

I honestly thought Castle Crashers was already on PS4.

Honestly as an Xbro I'm kinda excited to see TheBehemoth get off their ass and re-expose themselves, I still have 360 CC so if it becomes relevant again I can talk my friends into just playing my copy
I actually just finished Hominid a couple weeks ago so I've been itching for some CC co-op

Who gives a fuck.



wait it wasn't already on PS4?


I feel like everyone has played this game to death already.

Please be castle crashers 2.

I’d prefer battleblock on switch

Neat, but just like the switch tease yesterday, what's the point? This isn't some massive game that everybody loved, it's still getting updates which is fascinating considering basically nobody plays it, but why bother porting it up? Especially so close to the end of a console generation. Why not just wait?

Also why no battleblock port with it? Literally just bundle them for $15, they'd get shitloads of sales as a "couch co-op bundle"

A sequel would sell so much Idk why devs are sleeping on the beatemup genre

>Castle Crashers
I remember literally playing that over a decade ago. Do people still care?
Honestly, this. It's kinda weird.

because they don't actually sell. Netcode's pretty hard to get down pat with beatemups unless they're super forgiving like castle crashers.

Seriously just make a goddamn sequel.
Between high school and college my and my friends unlocked and saw every last thing there was to do and had a blast, but goddamn, how fucking hard is it to make some new content?

>my favorite co op game is coming to every modern platform
Best news i’ve heard all week, i can’t wait to play it with friends and cousins again

lol all these first posts way more negative than the switch thread was I wonder who could be behind this?

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rent free

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Should be a sequel instead of a port.

>castle crashers can no longer be talked about
Every day i find a new reason to hate this place and the idiots that poison it

nah there was a lot of shitposting in the switch threads too. Somebody just doesn't like castle crashers

There are too many characters as it is. It honestly would've been a better game with just the original 4 knights and no level-up progression.

Dude, the Switch thread was filled with
Just because you agreed with the shitposting doesn't mean the thread was good.

castle crashers was never good, imbecile. the only reason anybody ever cared about it is is because there was nothing else like it on xbox live arcade in 2008. your middle school nostalgia doesn't mean shit to anyone.

Xbox was literally the best system for multiplats that gen. There was plenty to talk about.

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>one of the indie pioneers that made one of the best couch co-op games was never good because i said so
Kill yourself zoomer

>Assuming i even know what switch thread youre talking about
>not assuming i have all 3 consoles plus a gaming PC , so i have no reason to give a fuck about the console wars go eat sand elsewhere poor fag LOL

I mean

i like castle crashers but how has everyone not played this already

Well why did they take so long in the first place?
Also why the hell they never made a sequel? I like the game a lot but it could get very repetitive even for beat 'em up standards and could have been improved upon greatly in a sequel.