Name a more cancerous video game company than this.
Name a more cancerous video game company than this
>imb4 WOT fanboy
fuck off
also blizzard, activision its worst than those russian shits
> blizzard, activision its worst than those russian shits
Hell no. Those slav niggers are corrupt as fuck.
WG and Gaijin are equally cancerous and corrupt.
>jews arent corrupt
do we live in the same world?
What did they do?
I hate gaijin for the grind but the amount of content and detail they dish out is pretty incredible compared to most companies
that's what 50 years of communism does to people
>released a new game launcher which spies on you and writes down all of your running programs in the background
>new game launcher is browsing through your files on your computer
>new game launcher used to take a screenshot of your desktop every hour or so but the company removed it when someone warned users about it and the company is now denying all of it
>new game launcher used to seed a torrent and it was quickly removed after someone pointed it out, no one knows what the torrent was for
>the company refuses to fix bugs unless it affects more than 30% of the player base because they don't want to spend extra money (their words)
>the company claims to be compliant with GDPR but you have to give them your phone number if you want to export your data, they claim it is "increased security and verification)))" (their words) (illegal and goes against GDPR)
>some of their employees are "edgy tryhard players" from their games and they sell and give out personal information about certain players (doxxing and illegal) to ruin their livelihood and careers
>some of their employees ban players if they've lost against those players in a battle, the employees will look to see if anyone's reported them beforehand and bans them
>aim assist (cheat) was not against the rules until one of their employees got caught with it
>the company releases new premiun vehicles for $100 while nerfing older premium vehicles (fraud and illegal)
>the company spent 3 years or something to rework a whole class in one of their games and almost more than half of their players base uninstalled the game
>the company got delisted by Cyprus Stock Exchange in 2015 for failure to file any year ending financial reports for 2013
>the company hired Andrew Tinney as their CFO, he is a disgraced, banned executive from England and other countries
Aaaaand much more.
There are websites dedicated to writing down all of the fucked up shit from this company, such as and much more.
Here's a small tldr of Andrew Tinney
Andrew Tinney is a crook, just like Wargaming. When Andrew Tinney worked for Deutsche Bank, there was a large scheme of Russian Money getting laundered. Coincidence? Deutsche Bank got fined for 10 billion dollars after the scheme. Andrew Tinney miraculously disappeared and found a new job at Barclays. What did he do at Barclays? Well, it's a long story, but the tL,dr is that he manipulated interest rates and pocketed the money (FRAUD). The US investigated and Barclays put Andrew Tinney in charge of procuring a report from an independent source and he TORCHED THE FUCKING REPORT and quit the job. Barclays got fined for half a billion dollars and their higher ups resigned before the US investigated it. There's much more to Wargaming's CFO's past so you'll have to look up for it yourself.
>tfw the mafia has enrooted itself into my country's government so deep, that even vidya is not safe from their bullshittery anymore
could the rest of the world hurry the fuck up and nuke the shit out of us already?
these two are equally bad
t. plays both
EPIC games
Electronic Arts
Activision Blizzard
Is that enough?
I'm convinced Gaijin is putting crypto miner in their games so I would say they are worse.
World of Warships, a Wargaming game, consumes all of your CPU cores and GPU cores when you're in the main hub of the game.
I think Wargaming is mining buttcoins too, but they have awful optimizations programmers, so who knows.
eh not really
Hi-Rez honorable mention
What did they do
They killed excellent Total War Arena. Fuckem
Isn't that the pedophile boy lover symbol?
yes it is
Lol it barely lasted a year.
Is this the first time a Total War game is killed off?