What is the likelihood that we get a Smash direct this month?

What is the likelihood that we get a Smash direct this month?

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April, when Joker comes out or slightly before/after

Medium likely. It’s probably coming in april before or on the release of Joker. They’ll likely announce the next fighter as well

We'll get one in early April with Joker released the same day.

This month? Not very. I'd put my money on an early April one, and I imagine they'll tease/show off the next DLC character

More like next month, when all they’ll show is a trailer for Joker, the new stage, and one or two of the new tracks playing in the background.

Shrek 2


Attached: coat tailers.png (767x431, 124K)

Couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately, "that" character probably won't be done till August.

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>Fighter Pack 2: April 3.0.0 infodump
>Fighter Pack 3: E3
>Fighter Pack 4: EVO or TGS
>Fighter Pack 5: end of year Direct
Here's the most reasonable rough timeline for reveals.

Why do you want another one? It would only be like 5 minutes long if they made one now

What would be kino is Fighter Pack 5 was announced at the Game Awards Along with the announcement of Fighter Pass 2

I don't know if a full on second pass will happen, regardless of how well this one does. Sakurai wants to take a good break after Ultimate and he's too stubborn and controlling to let someone else take over Smash stuff. This is why he should've spent time since Brawl or so to groom a successor.

I could see bonus Echoes as a possibility down the line, however.


One of the smash directs for ultimate was announced on the melee stream at EVO

this makes more sense than the geno version

So where would that fourth reveal happen, jackass?

They literally did it last year with the Smash direct

March 20th, screencap this

Where are the fucking Mii Costumes?

You just know the third parties went turbo jew and asked to have their Mii Costumes as DLC, even those that were already DLC in 4. A shame, I would've loved to see what Konami costumes we could've gotten in the base game otherwise.