Aside from obvious classics like Solatorobo, what are some video games that scratch that メスケモ itch?

Aside from obvious classics like Solatorobo, what are some video games that scratch that メスケモ itch?

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Aw shit I'd fuck that anime cat

Furryshit is only allowed on Yea Forums or /trash/. Read the rules

Solatorobo is video games.

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>ywn marry opera

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You're asking for games that appeal to your furry fetish

Yours was the first post in the thread that mentioned furry, I simply asked for some メスケモ games. Completely different subject.

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Also interested

Why is she so perfect?

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Solatorobo is a videogame.
Solatorobo is also furry.
Therefore it has no place here.

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No, you don't understand, it doesn't count if I use the Japanese word for "furry"! Please don't report my thread!

The rules have literally never worked that way and there are plenty of IRC screencaps that will prove you wrong. Stop shitting up a thread asking a valid question.

Imagine not only being a furry but also an weaboo.

Moot has no say on this.
Videogames with furries are still furry regardless of what he says, and furry isn't allowed here. Sorry.

There's literally pokemon, animal crossing and sonic threads up right now apart from this

Yeah, just so you can see the double standards.
They're all technically against the rules.

>posting a furry image

Attached: Its that OPERA GUY AGAIN.jpg (767x572, 59K)

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>faggot only complaining about "rules" when it offends his christian sensibilities, not when people are posting actual footage of mass murder on the board
fuck you, fuck off. you're part of the problem.

If you really believe so, report the thread and move on. Backseat moderating won't do you any good.

>mass murder
umm that was pest extermination sweetie

But really though, ignore the shitposters and recommend some games.
I always wanted to give Cat Busters a try because of the cute character designs but they killed that off in 2018 and it's sadly no longer playable.

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gore shit is posted here all the time you bitch
grow a sac

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Xenoblade Chronicles X

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apparently Fuga is right around the corner
I have decided that everyone aside from Malt is going to die, and fat nigga is going first

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Nice, it always makes me happy when CC2 makes good progress on their passion projects.

No, I like furry threads. I don't care if they break the rules, but I won't pretend they don't.

If you're into old VNs check out yaminabe aries tail tale.

I wouldnt mind them taking a little more time on it, because they're also developing 2 other games along side it
I want this game to be a decent length and have some replay value

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Daily reminder that Waffle didnt need faggot ass test-tube baby super saiyan powers to own the fuck out of an ancient mecha and still got some fat cat titties AND a vacation

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Then refer to the latter half of my post.

At this point I feel like most kemono stuff in video games are all gacha related.

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I still have to back the kickstarter
can I use an alias for the backer names?

Care to name some games? I never got into gacha.

Remember to report pokemon threads since rules state they belong on /vp/.


I agree

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Because why not

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>can I use an alias for the backer names?
Yeah, you can.

About the only ones I ever see around Yea Forums (fittingly enough) are bara ones. I think it started with an H? I can't remember.

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What is wrong with the artist?

>This guy draws really sexy girls
>But they're all Kaa related with vore attached to it
People and their super specific fetishes.

Star Fox of course

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all his tits are saggy as fuck
even with the lolis

Okay so real talk. Why the fuck do all vore comics have a "oops they're dead haha" air about it? It's a level of fucked up that makes my dick shrivel up faster than feet and it's in all vore content. Are all vore fetishists actual psychos? I'm being fucking serious.

My game has furry content.

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That one naga pic he made of Opera was pretty good but I won't post it here because she's topless and it's vore.

What you want to look for is soft vore aka vore without death or gore.

Chocolat's earlier design was pretty good

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Elder Scrolls is furry. Should we ban that too?

Not this faggot again

yeah but your game is western piggu and not grorious japanese kemono folded 3000 times

>thinking he EVER got with Alicia
Waffle has better taste than that

>there will never be a runefactory/harvest moon game where you can get together with a kemono
you think there would atleast be one game out there that has this but no
closest we will ever get is that animal crossing game rip off for the DS

Isn't there that one Animal Crossing-like game with just that?

>bad ends and suffering everywhere

yes, its the rip off
magician's quest mysterious times
you can go on short dates in that game

Where do I get this game?


Let me show you suffering

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You simply google its name, user! It's free!

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Fuck off LARPer. Your English isn't nearly bad enough, and you didn't even use an exclamation point.

>opera's paws

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shit she's the same age as me
weights more tho

When, user? Tell me!

>tfw my game will probably never be done
>tfw co-creators almost as lazy as i am

Japanese Engrish is always adorable

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I mean, you don't *have* to believe me if you don't want to, user!

My game is already live, and has been for almost a year and a half now!

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cloning git repos is compsci101 tier stuff, how do you expect anyone to be fooled by this?

Human on anthro is the best

>tfw 3rd year into cs
>tfw don't use git
I'll probably have to learn some time.


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>If you're into old VNs

That sounds like my jam.


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literally nothing wrong with this

The repository is private, user.

merverille is really nice

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>thick musclegirl opera
Also nice to see her not drawn as a submissive for once.

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Dumb cat slut

Furry PORN isn't allowed
You can report them as soon as they start posting sexualized images, and knowing furfags, it won't take long or has already happened


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If the thread is nothing but furry fapbait, yeah it wouldn't be allowed.

Talking about the game in general, however, is fine. A shitton of legitimate games like Divinity, Guild Wars, Crash, Spyro, TES, Xenoblade, Sonic, Zelda, even Mario and more would be "furry" by your logic otherwise.

You mean the comfy world feel?
Gameplay wasn't that great after a while, but I kept playing because I enjoyed the fucking world and characters.
Also, I want to know who designed the fucking mechs for Solatorobo.

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This thread literally asked for "games which scratch that furry itch"

ahh yes, human x anthro. the masturbatory thought of human sex appeal trascending our own species is truly appealing to many losers.
sorry user, but anthros would never settle for a ugly human. they would look for other anthros.

Why do you have to make the poor Kobold suffer so much?

This, especially when it comes to people on Yea Forums of all places

Because he people to shill his game

Secretly his self insert

Because kobolds are shit

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Kobolds are vermin. Vicious murderers and bandits. Even Moe is a thief. Why should its crimes go unpunished?

Just mindbreak them like your average doujin


Kill yourself.

Make me

You'll do it eventually. All I have to do is wait.

At least it's not NTR

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Etrian Odyssey IV has a furry class, if that helps.

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>main villain just wanted to wipe away furries
Was he really that bad

>only 5'5"
Why not 6'5"?

Truthfully American cartoons are a much better source than video games. It's really no surprise there are so many furries nowadays given what kind of cartoons anyone born between 1983 and 1995 was raised on.

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Remember when Sorcerland was almost trending on Yea Forums?

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God-tier taste.

Did that game ever get finished? I remember the pony character causing people to reeee

or maybe you are just fucking autistic bro
accept responsibility for it

>Most of those girls are adventurous in some way, shape, or form
>Typically can handle themselves without needing a man around
If people just made their female characters anthropomorphic animals, I doubt there'd be as much controversy surrounding them.

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Anyone who claims to never blew a load to Callie Briggs is a fucking liar.

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oh wow, that's a very モフモフ girl

Yes. And the post I replied to was talking about Solatorobo in general.

Eh, if this decade taught us anything, it's that there is no pleasing people whose goal is to attention-whore.

I remember

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Especially here on Yea Forums

That (poorly worded) rule is referring to porn, check the report screen

Strong, confident women are one of the oldest turn-ons, next to curvy thighs and big hips. Making them animals only fueled the furry fires.

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No it isn't. I see non-porn furry crap get deleted all the time.

Because mods and janitors don't know how to follow their own rules and tend to have a ton of personal bias too
The rule is really unclear but the report screen confirms it's talking about explicit stuff, thinking we're not allowed to talk about Star Fox games on Yea Forums is beyond stupid

>posting topless children


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There's a huge difference between
>Let's talk about Star Fox
>what games will appeal to my furry fetish? OwO
This thread is the latter, and you know it. Stop playing dumb.

Thinking this thread was made to discuss vidya is beyond stupid

Star Fox threads are either gay furfags bashing Krystal or straightfurfags arguing with gay furfags
There is no in between

>Stop playing dumb.
Stop being so obsessed and stop trying to see things that aren't there. This is a thread about recommendations for games belonging to a very specific aesthetic niche, nothing more and nothing less.

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>trying to see things that aren't there.
You literally asked for games that scratch "the furry itch"
you knew exactly what you were doing

>Properties no longer get licensed games unless they're already established video game franchises
>If they do get video games, they're typically mobile shit
>No Aggretsuko rhythm game in the style of UmJammer Lammy

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Mesukemo and furry are two completely different things.

EO games are unfun. They're basically Wizardry 1-3 style games in the age where Wiz6-8 got made.

I'm sad it died

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Stop replying to it

>female furry and furry are two completely different things
What the fuck

>anime and cartoons is the same thing

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>japanese cartoons and cartoons are completely different things

Dumb furries

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Correct, you are learning quickly.

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screw me onto your big dick and use me as a cock sleeve

Yes there is you degenerate

Yeah, but do it on fucking /trash/ or something.

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That video is a metaphor for the furry fandom in a nutshell.
>hey, I'm new to this anthro series, I just want to-
>Have sex with every single furry girl, anthro or not? I tried every one, and I can tell you how each of their pussies take my co-
>-collect... animals

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Is beastars any good?

They're both cringe


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It's great except for the Haru chapters.

You're cringe

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Don't you dare shitting on Dakini you uncultured swine.

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tfw no hand holding threesome with opera and chocolat
i just wanna hold them, is that too much to ask??

Pedoweeb btfo!

I'd say give it a read, It explores the issues that would arise from actually having a diverse society of anthro creatures living together. I find that stuff pretty interesting the whole instincts versus personnel free will, and the harsher reality of pred creatures actually being predators.

The best way to put anthros in your video game is to either make them a metaphor for indigenous people (like Fire Emblem), so they can act bestial and culturally different, or to just sprinkle them randomly into the cast of a big game, and never explain how or why they're there.

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Why not ask Yea Forums?

Anyone know if this is/was anything worthwhile?

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Kill yourself Princess Terria you fucking whore

Where are the fucking jannies

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I always keep meaning to read this fucking comic, what's it called again? I got halfway into it years ago, something about the guy who starts investigating the culture and it's like a film noir detective story or some shit?

Keep crying pedoweeb

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dreaming of utopia

it's a game, this is Yea Forums

There's nothing wrong with impregnating furry women

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>dreaming of utopia
much obliged user.

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>this whole thread

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You’re under those fucking weaboo gook wannabe’s, you fucking cub-fur fucking, assflap-opening, fox-tail buttplug wearing, murr suit mucking, convention crashing KEKS

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artist name

Of course. Colonize that shit.

God I want to fuck this dog.