Is Dust 2 the most iconic FPS map of all time?
Is Dust 2 the most iconic FPS map of all time?
solely due to the fact it's replicated in many other games
other than that, campgrounds
Nuketown, Blood Gulch, and 2fort might be up there as well.
Dust 2 is shit there's so many better maps! Iceworld, assault, aztec, poolday and many more.
The most iconic map to me is literally everything from Battlefield Bad Company. Fantastic maps.
You can recognize it with only a bunch of lines.
Similar to Mickey Mouse being represented with three circles.
>Bunch of lines
>Three circles
lol no. only for autists.
Dust2 is iconic and good
But personally I like Train and Nuke a little more, at least in their current GO interation
read you dumb faggot
For PC, probably. I wonder what it would be for console?
Blood Gulch or Golden Eye's Facility
both more iconic than dust 2
I think it would vary widely based on age and gaming system.
Some candidates:
Facility (Golden Eye)
Facing Worlds (Unreal Tournament)
Blood Gulch (Halo)
Nuke Town (COD)
nah,good try.
for me it is Q3DM17
love me some dm6
I hate to break it you faggot, but Counter Strike isn't as iconic to most gamers as you would think, I know it triggers the shit out of some of you guys though, that's reality.
>zoom zoom zoom
Yet Dust 2 is still more iconic. Quality has no relevance to that.
CS:S died when Black Ops came out, literally a majority of CS:S players jumped to COD immediately after. Despite COD4, CS:S had a large growing community still at that time. Never forget zm_lila_panic , only reason why i used to CS:S still in 2009 was for zombie mod/horde and reverse gungame.
The map came out 9 years ago.
Facility - GoldenEye 64
Blood Gulch - Halo
Facing Worlds - Unreal 1999
2Fort - Team Fortress/TF2
Nuketown - CoD