Is Dust 2 the most iconic FPS map of all time?

Is Dust 2 the most iconic FPS map of all time?

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solely due to the fact it's replicated in many other games
other than that, campgrounds

Nuketown, Blood Gulch, and 2fort might be up there as well.

Dust 2 is shit there's so many better maps! Iceworld, assault, aztec, poolday and many more.

The most iconic map to me is literally everything from Battlefield Bad Company. Fantastic maps.


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You can recognize it with only a bunch of lines.
Similar to Mickey Mouse being represented with three circles.

Attached: e1m1.gif (1055x661, 11K)

>Bunch of lines
>Three circles

lol no. only for autists.

Dust2 is iconic and good
But personally I like Train and Nuke a little more, at least in their current GO interation

read you dumb faggot

For PC, probably. I wonder what it would be for console?

Blood Gulch or Golden Eye's Facility

both more iconic than dust 2

I think it would vary widely based on age and gaming system.

Some candidates:
Facility (Golden Eye)
Facing Worlds (Unreal Tournament)
Blood Gulch (Halo)
Nuke Town (COD)

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nah,good try.

for me it is Q3DM17

love me some dm6


I hate to break it you faggot, but Counter Strike isn't as iconic to most gamers as you would think, I know it triggers the shit out of some of you guys though, that's reality.

>zoom zoom zoom

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Yet Dust 2 is still more iconic. Quality has no relevance to that.

CS:S died when Black Ops came out, literally a majority of CS:S players jumped to COD immediately after. Despite COD4, CS:S had a large growing community still at that time. Never forget zm_lila_panic , only reason why i used to CS:S still in 2009 was for zombie mod/horde and reverse gungame.

The map came out 9 years ago.

Facility - GoldenEye 64
Blood Gulch - Halo
Facing Worlds - Unreal 1999
2Fort - Team Fortress/TF2
Nuketown - CoD
